Editing function.

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  • #7561

    The editing function has been turned off due to abuse.

    A member who made posts recently found himself outdone by a reply and has decided to change the original post completely. Another member edited posts that were made earlier because their doctrine had changed.

    But what we are trying to foster in these forums is a genuine search for truth and such practices are against that spirit. Rather than advancing the search for truth, this practice protects the writers pride at the expense of everyone else who maybe trying to follow the discussion.

    It is preferred that writers who change their belief or stance on a post, remain honest and make new posts explaining why they no longer back their previous stance or position, rather than changing the past. This way we all benefit by seeing the reason for the change and let’s face it it is OK to change. The whole point of these forums is that people will change when truth is established. It is OK and also brave to admit when you are wrong.

    These forums are not about saying “I am right and you are wrong”. They are not about changing what you may have said to make yourself look better and protect your pride. That is contrary to what these forums are about.

    Apologies to all genuine people who are adversely affected by this change, but I hope you can see that it is necessary.

    I would suggest that when constructing a post, that you regularly save it, and then preview it before posting. Once it is posted it is set in concrete.

    ‘Admins’ and ‘Dedicated Members’ are not affected by this change.


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