Echad and elohym part 2

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    Did you just say that Paul said “the Man, Jesus Christ, is the mediator”?
    But I though you keep saying that He is God (God, Man, God, Man,.. can't be both?

    What did Jesus die as on the Cross: God or Man?) sound ike you agree he was(IS) MAN.
    Well, TT, you are right, hooray. He Was/Is Man. He is now in Spirit nature in Heaven, with a Spiritual Body, Spiritual nature and is coming soon to judge the world.

    look around, TT, look at the world, did the Scriptures not prophecy about the downfall of Greece – and, lo, it is happening right in our time frame?

    Look at the fll of the abomination that created your trinity creed and the ones that uphold it, the Roman catholic Church. Look at how that has fallen.

    TT, do you want to fall also. “Come out of her…unless you want to shre in her iniquities” – I urge you.

    As aggressive as you put yourself over – I have said from the beginnig that you are only a trini for the purpose of gaining praise from man – you don't really believe it – hey, it show in your postings.

    You have already caled God a 'God of half-truths' – What a thing to say, TT? Step back and read that again: YOU CALLED GOD ALMIGHTY, JEHOVAH, your creator a God of half Truths.

    You also claim that the Love of jesus is SUPERIOR to that of God's Almighty God, the container of ALL LOVE. TT that is mad logic. How does the thing contained within that thing that contains ALL things be greater than that thing that contains it?? WOW – this is wierd do-do – and if you believe what you wrote then “Let God be your [eventual] judge” but in the meantime it is our duty to urge you to repent and come in line with God's WILL. Then, at the last, even your good works will count for nothing – not by my judgement, but by He who knows even yur most deepest secrets, your innermost thoughts, your real intentions concerning why you want to believe in the false doctrine.

    What are the signs of jesus' presence, bringing about the reconcilliation of his Father's kingdom?

    S'truth, I though you had studied all these things – What were you studing – how to be deceitful – well, youi got a grade-A++ pass for that, in any case.

    I have no Concordance, No Scholarly learning, I [mostly] use a mobilephone to post on, I speak from my heart, with the support of the Holy Spirit under the authority of God and Christ. I don't post twaddles of quotes in quotes in quotes and links to external “Proofs” and what 'the honorable X” said in 1666 while beating his slave and using his head as a footrest.

    Look at my posts, TT, look, check it if you will. Is ther ONE WORD that is not consistent through out.
    Find me one! Yet you have twisted and writhed and modified and ducked and dive around the trinity through out. How is the Holy Spirit a person of eqiaul merit in your doctrine yet you even only rarely mention it, You do not use it in support of your posts yet Jesus tell us that we should pray to him and he will send it to “Comfort us”, reminds us of Scriture, aid us in times of spiritual suffering, strengthen us against the desires of the flesh and many more things – yet you never mention it once.

    I have asked you and WJ, to proclaim the Holy Spirit as your guide in your posting and the question has gone unanswered.

    Ihave asked WJ to post a response ONLY if he does it in the Spirit of God – No response.

    Well, you what. I am happy for that – Better that you refuse to answer thn to blasheme th Spirit and sin the greatest SIN – so what does that say:

    That you KNOW that you are NOT holding to the HOLY SPIRIT

    Even you, TT, even YOU, would not dare (That is not a chellenge to do it because that would make me SIN, too. It is a STATEMENT of DEED)

    Ok, so, you have been given over ot be Scriptural Fodder, for the resistance that is the Scriptural muscle builder for the rest. Good, We need people like you, so I won't berate you too much, just a gentle reminder in case you think it is your right to be a resister – Even Judas Iscariot realised at the end that what he was led to do was wrong , even though it served Jesus' purpose that he should remain as a discple until the deed was fulfilled (As Gollum (Lord of the Rings bok trilogy – not trinity!!) was allowed to remain with Frodo until the end, it was necessary for him to do so – but neither were saved because of their 'good works', Judas did good, at times, Gollum did good works, at times)

    Tt, if not you then there will be another, don't think (?) you have to remain, no individual is personally invested with misdemeanor's against God.
    “Always TWO, There are!!”, except the ONE!:
    “For such things MUST BE – BUT WOE to HIM through whom that thing comes”
    So, TT, it doesn't have to be you. If you became a believer, as wer are urging you then another would appear and take your place – don't feel you own that place – feel good that you were plucked from it:
    “Don't feel sad that it will be over – feel happy that it happened in the first place – and you
    managed to come out of it – Many others will NOT!”


    I leave my spulling errors in deleiberatley.


    JustAskin said to WJ:

    In any case, this debate is over.

    Couldn't take the heat eh?



    JustAskin said

    Did you just say that Paul said “the Man, Jesus Christ, is the mediator”?
    But I though you keep saying that He is God (God, Man, God, Man,.. can't be both?

    13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ Titus 2:13

    28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:28



    Ur, wazzat all mean?


    I called WJ, Mighty God and he didn't sa anything. What are you trying to say.

    And as for “Couldn't take the heat” I don't think you even begin to have an idea – you just a kneejerker.

    I know you TT, You ar a wounded creature – I feel your hurt – I felt it when you keep saying that Jesus OWN the Kingdom – IT is HIS BY RIGHT … That's a stinging remark against his loving Father who gave it to him as a reward.

    You expose yourself, you inner thoughts in that moment. Did I not say that the Holy spirit would reveal you through me?


    TT, Your hurt is why you do your scholar study – you desire recompense for being teased and take succur in trying being 'Better' than the rest to make them say “Hey, that TT, didn't we tease him, now look at him, sawing like and eagle”. Well, TT, even eagles can get their wings clipped.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 29 2010,13:22)
    Hi Ed,

    WJ's not the boss of me! :D  :laugh:  :D

    Point taken.  It does read better quote by quote, too.  I'll stick with that in the future.

    peace and love,

    Hi Mike,

    Listing the points in question is a good idea, I do it often.
    When Posts are made exceeding long as WJ likes to make
    (thinking it adds credibility to what he says) I break it up into
    many smaller Posts so as to NOT miss refuting any of his points!

    God bless
    Ed J


    EDJ, and All,

    The long Posts.. I mean the drawn out ones are because you allow it to happen.

    If you stick you hand in a dark hole in widerness you are very likely to get bitten by something.

    this is what youa re doing – sticking your hand in WJ's dark places and he bites you – why do you wonder.

    I have had a debate with WJ and it is all over in TWO pages – WJ fell down claiming that God has no name and but the Holy Spirit does and that Jesus is God and God's name is Jesus.

    If that [genuinely] make sense to someone I will apologise to WJ but I think I won't have to.

    Yes, proclaim it every day – HOW THE MIGHTY HAS FALLEN – even the MIGHTY GOD that is WORSHIPPINGJESUS.


    Quote (Ed J @ April 28 2010,20:47)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 28 2010,14:31)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ April 28 2010,03:05)

    1.  Acts 4 is inconclusive as it has been shown to you.

    2.  Does Acts 4 invalidate all the scripture I have given you?

    3.  You keep claiming Jesus has no authority and power of his own when it all is his.

    4.  You also keep denying that he is “YET” to subject the Kingdom and himself to the Father, 1 Cor 15.

    5.  So how is he still the servant Messiah if he has not yet subjected himself or the Kingdom to the Father.

    6.  The real Jesus is equal to the Father in authority and power because he has it all!


    Hi WJ,

    I've numbered your points.

    1.  How is Acts 4 “inconclusive”?  It says, 29Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

    They're asking for miraculous signs through the name of the already raised and still servant, Jesus.  But maybe this one will lend some support.  Acts 3 says,

    26When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.”

    Sent whom?  Now Jack is way better at grammar than I, but I think the pronoun “him” refers back to the noun “servant”, doesn't it?  Face it Keith, Jesus is still God's servant.

    2.  It only invalidates what you interpret those Scriptures to mean.

    3.  Not true.  I've never claimed that Jesus has no power and authority of his own.  What I've said is that ALL power and authority ultimately come from God, and that Jesus is the most powerful being in existence – next to his God.

    4.  If Pharaoh gave Joseph the signet ring and said, “I'll be traveling for two years, you're in charge of everything while I'm gone.”, Joseph is STILL under Pharaoh even while he is away.  And it could easily be worded to say, “When Pharaoh returns, Joseph will subject himself to him, so Pharaoh can rule directly again.”  This type of wording does not mean that Joseph is exactly equal to the Pharaoh (or actually IS the Pharaoh) until he subjects himself.

    5.  See above.  Just because Jesus rules FOR his God for a while, doesn't mean he IS his God, or even equal to Him.

    6.  Yes, Jehovah has given Jesus “acting power and authority” for a time.  And from this fact, you think that Jesus is now not only equal to his God in every aspect, but that he actually IS his own God.

    I can't get on board with that, Keith.  Sorry.

    peace and love,

    Careful Mike,

    WJ doesn't like it when you number his points,
    because it gives you too much of an edge. (Click here) <–Second from last Post. (in the last paragraph)

    God bless
    Ed J


    How about you don't.

    My post does not have numbers by them!

    You should not add to my post!

    How about if we ask the moderator about this?



    And you see TT now? He knows his time is short and but he is a diferent kettle of fish because he has no concsience but Mikeboll64 is dealing with him very nicely.

    When TT surfaces again from where he is hiding I will be waiting for Him.


    Quote (JustAskin @ April 29 2010,13:57)
    I have had a debate with WJ and it is all over in TWO pages – WJ fell down claiming that God has no name and but the Holy Spirit does and that Jesus is God and God's name is Jesus.


    This is a lie and you know it. I only claimed that you do not know the exact pronunciation of his name.

    I expect a full oppology for this lie.

    You are speaking poisen with a forked tongue again.

    You claim to have the Holy Spirit and all you do is make false claims.



    Hi JA,
    Personal attacks bring no glory to God.


    WJ wrote in on page one of JustAskin vrs WorshippingJesus: (highlights mine)


    Quote (JustAskin @ April 10 2010,20:00)
    So, what to make of the verse… Well, consider another usage of the term 'In the name of'.

    It can also mean 'in the power of' or 'by the authority of'

    Consider these uses:
     'Stop, in the name of the law'
     'In the name of justice, it's a petty crime. Dont send him down'

    What is the 'name' of the law?
    What is the 'name' of justice?

    It is clear that 'in the name of' means 'by the authority of', 'by the power of'

    I agree except unlike your example we have a name which is higher than any other name, both in heaven and in earth and under the earth. That name is Jesus! (Phil 2:9-11)

    WJ, says that Jesus' name is the highest name in heaven. Is this true?
    If this is so, as WJ, says then Jesus must be God and his Father's name is subordinate.

    But wait… there's more:

    WJ said on page 2 of “JustAskin vrs WorshippingJesus”:(highlights mine)

    Thats exactly what I am saying to you. If we don't know the exact pronuciation of it [the Father's name] then then we really don't have his name.

    The fact that Jesus doesn't speak it is for good reason and that is because it is not important at least at this time.

    The name whereby men are to be saved is Jesus, in the meantime we refer to the Father with many titles including Father, God, YHWH or whatever.

    The God of Heaven and all creation and the God and Father of Jesus Christ has NO NAME (according to WJ) because we don't know how to pronounce it and YHVH (Jehovah, YAHVEH, “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE” (Thanks EDJ) is only a title. The title, oops!, Name, that God Himself said “This is MY NAME from everlasting to everlasting” AND “It isn't important”!!  This means that It is Jesus that we should be WORSHIPPING….

    Apparently, then, only Jesus' Name is important, (!!!deep intake of breathe!!!)
    I'm sure Sir, oops again, Lord Alan Sugar of Amstrad fame would be more than a little displeased if everyone were worshipping his submanager and noone spoke his name – the name of the company CEO.
    What would Bill Gates (Microsoft) say? What would Sir Richard Branson (Virgin [Industries]) say, What does God say?  No wonder the debate was over so soon!!!


    It is no understatement to say that your trademark rhetoric is wearing thin.

    Your posts have proved that you cannot hold a striaght line with the Trinity doctrine – because there is no truth in it that should be for edification.

    There is NO SHAME in coming to the TRUTH. The shame is KNOWING that the Truth is there and you refuse to accept it. I am, Just Askin, you to accept the Truth and be saved, by grace of God through Christ.

    Hi JA,
    Personal attacks bring no glory to God.

    Nick, How do you know that? please elaborate – I am willing to listen and learn on this.

    I have a need for lesson in humility (and I don't want to learn it from TT, He mistakes Humility for Humiliation! Humiliation runs off him like [the proverbial])


    Hi JA,
    Just TT?
    Better to take a lower place.
    Preaching to the unsaved must be done with grace.[1Peter3]


    Nick, please speak plain and clear.

    Do you say that there are others?
    PM them to me if you to modest to do it here. I promise not to use it against you.

    I target TT here because he thunks that posting nonsense when he is in a jam is sheer fun.

    Others do it out of embarassment, but TT does it for fun.

    There is no getting over, round, abovem below or through him:
    'The Farce is strong with this one!'



    Quote (JustAskin @ April 29 2010,16:00)
    WJ wrote in on page one of JustAskin vrs WorshippingJesus: (highlights mine)


    Quote (JustAskin @ April 10 2010,20:00)
    So, what to make of the verse… Well, consider another usage of the term 'In the name of'.

    It can also mean 'in the power of' or 'by the authority of'

    Consider these uses:
     'Stop, in the name of the law'
     'In the name of justice, it's a petty crime. Dont send him down'

    What is the 'name' of the law?
    What is the 'name' of justice?

    It is clear that 'in the name of' means 'by the authority of', 'by the power of'

    I agree except unlike your example we have a name which is higher than any other name, both in heaven and in earth and under the earth. That name is Jesus! (Phil 2:9-11)

    WJ, says that Jesus' name is the highest name in heaven. Is this true?
    If this is so, as WJ, says then Jesus must be God and his Father's name is subordinate.

    It’s obvious that you are misleading but I will let the scriptures speak…

    Therefore God exalted him “TO THE HIGHEST PLACE AND GAVE HIM THE NAME THAT IS ABOVE EVERY NAME“, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, “in heaven and on earth and under the earth“, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Eph 2:9-11  

    which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead “and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, FAR ABOVE ALL RULE AND AUTHORITY, POWER AND DOMINION, AND EVERY TITLE THAT CAN BE GIVEN“, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. Eph 1:20, 21

    Jesus has the name above every name and the writer is speaking of everyone in heaven and earth and under the earth will bow to him and confess him as Lord to the Glory of God the Father and its obvious that I was not including the Father. But if you have to lie against me to find an escape from the debate thats fine.

    The discussion has been about Matt 28:19 and I have clearly said that they are equal yet all the fullness is now in Jesus and he has all authority and power. I never once inferred that he was greater than the Father and you know this.

    Quote (JustAskin @ April 29 2010,16:00)
    But wait… there's more:

    WJ said on page 2 of “JustAskin vrs WorshippingJesus”:(highlights mine)

    Thats exactly what I am saying to you. If we don't know the exact pronuciation of it [the Father's name] then then we really don't have his name.

    The fact that Jesus doesn't speak it is for good reason and that is because it is not important at least at this time.

    The name whereby men are to be saved is Jesus, in the meantime we refer to the Father with many titles including Father, God, YHWH or whatever.

    The God of Heaven and all creation and the God and Father of Jesus Christ has NO NAME (according to WJ) because we don't know how to pronounce it and YHVH (Jehovah, YAHVEH, “I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE” (Thanks EDJ) is only a title. The title, oops!, Name, that God Himself said “This is MY NAME from everlasting to everlasting” AND “It isn't important”!!  This means that It is Jesus that we should be WORSHIPPING….

    You still evade the question and the point. Why didn’t Jesus speak his name or the Apostles for that matter? So you can like all others claim that his name is Yahveh, YHWH, Jehovah or whatever and it still doesn’t take away from the fact that we do not know the exact pronunciation of his name, does it?

    You admitted the exact pronuciation was lost but now in order to slander me you speak as if it is the exact pronuciation of his name!

    Quote (JustAskin @ April 29 2010,16:00)
    Apparently, then, only Jesus' Name is important, (!!!deep intake of breathe!!!)

    Is there anything in the above statement I made not true. You and others seem to know more than the Apostles.

    You should take a deep breath for your deception is evident.

    This is what I also said which you just ignore of course..

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ April 21 2010,12:20)
    This is one reason why Trinitarians believe in the co-equal nature of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit because Jesus made no distinction in Matt 28:19 in their equal authority did he? The three definite articles is proof of the three and the singular name is proof that they are equally “One”. Hebrew names depicted nature, so it also could be understood that they baptized in the authority and nature of the three.

    Where in my statement above have I infered that Jesus is greater than the Father? How does it feel to bear false witness?

    Read the Acts of the Apostles, and whose name was it in that the sick were healed and the dead were raised, and whos name was it in they baptized?

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know! Whos name is that you need to be saved by JA?

    They and we refer to the Father as God or Father, so did Paul and John and Peter and Jude and Luke and James in their writings. Where do you find them calling the Father YHWH or Jehovah? But go ahead and build your straw man because it is at the name of Jesus every knee will bow to the Glory of God the Father!

    Quote (JustAskin @ April 29 2010,16:00)
    I'm sure Sir, oops again, Lord Alan Sugar of Amstrad fame would be more than a little displeased if everyone were worshipping his submanager and noone spoke his name – the name of the company CEO.
    What would Bill Gates (Microsoft) say? What would Sir Richard Branson (Virgin [Industries]) say, What does God say?  No wonder the debate was over so soon!!!

    Are you having a nervous breakdown?  The debate is over because you are quiting!



    Quote (JustAskin @ April 30 2010,08:00)
    “This is MY NAME from everlasting to everlasting” AND “It isn't important”!! This means that It is Jesus that we should be WORSHIPPING….

    Hi JA,

    Now I understand! The words “it isn't important” are not in my Bible. Now that I know about those words, I'm converting to trinitarianism. :D :laugh:

    It is at least comforting to know that WJ doesn't think Jesus' name is also above…..I can't remember because I can't pronounce it right. Oh well, it isn't important. I'll call him “whats-his-name”. He is nothing now that Jesus is the Almighty God, right?

    peace and love,


    Hi MB,
    More apparent respect for God would seem appropriate if you fear Him.

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