Dual Nature of Christ

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    The man Jesus was indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God.

    God used his cleansed and infilled vessel to speak and to do mighty works.

    If you have obeyed the command God can also be at work in you to will and to do. Phil2




    Nick….Yes just as it is with Jesus it can also be with us, just as it say Eph 4:13, “untill we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure and the stature of the “fullness” of Christ.”

    The work of the SPIRIT is to bring us unto the full measure and stature of CHRIST Jesus.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Hi Gene,

    Yes it has been about the Spirit of God from the beginning.

    Foolish men cannot see or hear beyond the human vessel.

    If they knew the Spirit they would know that small voice.



    Dual nature?


    God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

    And God revealed His nature in the man Jesus- loving , caring , forgiving, honest, faithful and fair.

    Jesus displayed all the fruit of the Holy Spirit , all the gifts and powers of God. We can follow this man into that anointing.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    I’m more interested in teaching,
    than in arguing against silly man made doctrines.

    Of coarse you have a “free will” to push any doctrines you choose.
    I will instead choose logic and reason to steer you toward agreement in the truth.

    You only need to participate with me to make this happen.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    So you alone have the truth and you wish to teach and steer others towards your view?

    I have a lot to learn but doubt your claims to be infallible.

    False teachers are thick on the ground.



    Natural man cannot comprehend it when the Spirit of God manifests in a fellow human.

    That is the plan of God.


    Nick….Yes it was God the Father, who was “in” JESUS as the Christo’s, reconciling the world unto “HIMSELF. Even as Jesus said “the Father who is “IN” ME , HE DOES THE WORK.”. All who have this truth in them are blessed.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene

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