Does the father have a penis?

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  • #128771

    Hi brothers Gene and Kerwin,
    You are right in saying that Jesus is not human son of God but a spiritual son. As per Paul's statement in Rom 1:
    3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;

    4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead

    If this is so Jesus can not be a flesh and blood son of God in whatsoever relation may he had with God. I believe God begets His children by His nature that is by Spirit but not by any DNA or Sperm.

    Also as per John 1:12 God's children are being born by faith in Him, again no flesh and blood relationship;

    12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

    13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

    All those who make Jesus as literal son of God I mean as flesh and blood son in some mystified way make Jesus other than real human and may be a demi-god which can only possible in some mythology.

    Peace and love to you


    Hi GM,
    Scripture disagrees with you.
    35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2009,14:27)
    Hi GM,
    Scripture disagrees with you.
    35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

    Once again you are saying Jesus is not fully human.  He is either fully human or not as he cannot be both.

    I would not call Jesus “thing” either.  I prefer “holy child” or “holy one” as a more probably correct translation.


    Hi KW,
    Why would you argue with scripture?
    Jesus is a man according to scripture so you need to accept all these truths.
    Selectivity to suit limited carnal minds means we will never grasp all we are being taught by God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2009,19:27)
    Hi GM,
    Scripture disagrees with you.
    35And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

    Hi brother Nick,
    No where in the scripture it is implied that Holy Spirit of God was contributing something personally by way of DNA or sperm. I can only believe that Jesus was conceived by Mary in a normal way as you and me were conceived by our moms but the difference here was the agency of the Holy Spirit on Mary by way of overshadowing(not by having some mythological relations with Mary) so that the child would be called holy from his birth and can be called son of God.

    I also acertain that Jesus was full blooded son of David but not a semi or demi-god as many think here.

    Peace to you


    Quote (Gene @ April 24 2009,14:42)
    WJ……….is right it means Uniquely born.  As Issac was also uniquely born. Jesus was a uniquely born man. IMO

    peace and love……………………….gene

    I don't think WJ meant to say that monogenes meant uniquely born. The Son always was. The name “only begotten” was a name He inherited. Jesus inherited the name AFTER He had purged our sins and sat down at God's right hand. So if it means “born” then Jesus wasn't born until AFTER He had been raised to God's right hand. Please see Hebrews 1:1-5.

    Why can't you accept that the name “only begotten Son” is just a title in reference to Jesus. It was a title for Isaac who was a type of Christ. Isaac was not literally Abraham's only begotten Son. After his brother Ishmael was cast out of the covenant Isaac INHERITED the name and all the rights and privileges that went with it. The “only begotten” or “firstborn” Son was the supreme son. Isaac existed BEFORE he inherited the title. Therefore, the name had nothing to do with Isaac's birth.

    So the name “only begotten” or “firstborn” in reference to Jesus has nothing to do with His birth according to the flesh. It has nothing to do with His having a beginning. He always was. He INHERITED the name and it simply means that He is supreme. And it certainly has nothing to do with God reproducing Himself. No reproduction took place when Isaac inherited the name.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2009,15:35)
    Hi KW,
    Why would you argue with scripture?
    Jesus is a man according to scripture so you need to accept all these truths.
    Selectivity to suit limited carnal minds means we will never grasp all we are being taught by God.

    I have to disagree with you as God is not a God of contradictions.  If you have two conflicting ideas then one or both are wrong.


    You are right brother Kerwin,
    Even when I quoted two scriptures above, brother Nick says Bible does not agree with me. Then he has to answer which scripture is correct.


    Quote (gollamudi @ April 24 2009,17:31)
    You are right brother Kerwin,
    Even when I quoted two scriptures above, brother Nick says Bible does not agree with me. Then he has to answer which scripture is correct.

    I was interpreting Nick's answer and it seemed to be he was saying I needed to accept contradictions.   If he isn't saying that he should clarify his position.

    You are correct.


    To All,
    I have noticed how brothers Nick, Kerwin and gollumandi have ignored Hebrews 1:1-5 which says that Jesus INHERITED the name “begotten” or “firstborn.” I reluctantly include brother Gene too for I love him more than all others.

    Isaac INHERITED the name “only begotten Son.” It had nothing at all to do with His beginning. It was God's sovereign choice to call Isaac by that name. So Jesus, the second person in the Trinity INHERITED the name “only begotten Son.” Jesus' name as “Son” is about the COUNSEL of God and NOT about God reproducing or creating a “Son” for Himself.

    Let a non-trinitarian come forth and disprove what I say.



    thinker………..Inherit, means you did not have it (before), or why would He have to inherited it.  It says Jesus inherited a better (Name) then they , so the question has to be, is (WHEN) did he inherited it and why brother, not if he did. Why does scripture say we are Heirs and Joint Heirs (With) Christ Brother?  These are all inheritances, ours and Jesus'. For God has given (US) all things Also. For it is your Fathers good pleasure to give the Kingdom,  “And the kingdom shall be given to the SAINTS of the MOST HIGH, and they shall posses it forever”, Daniel prophesied,  ,Jesus is our Brother, the First born of Man KIND from the dead, of (MANY) brethren.  What  the Father did for the Man Jesus He can and will do for US Also, we are (JOINT INHERITORS) with Jesus our Brother. IMO, Thank you for your kind words brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene


    To all! When you add to scripture you get mashed potatoes. We need to remember to stick to Scripture only. How God brought forth His only begotten Son, is not the Question. The question always was and is, did He exist before the world was? For that we have
    Col. 1:15-16-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1-14
    I find it even embarrassing to think that God begot His Son in a sexual way. Spirit will begot Spirit, flesh will flesh.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (Gene @ April 24 2009,12:45)
    thinker………..Inherit, means you did not have it (before), or why would have to inherited it.  It says Jesus inherited a name better (Name) , so the question has to be is (WHEN) he inherited it why brother ,not if he did. Why does scripture say we are Heirs and Joint Heirs (With) Christ Brother?  These are all inheritances, ours and Jesus'. For God has given (US) all things Also. For it is your Fathers good pleasure to give the Kingdom,  “And the kingdom shall be given to the SAINTS of the MOST HIGH, and they shall posses it forever, Daniel prophesied,  ,Jesus is our Brother, the First born of Man KIND from the dead, of (MANY) brethren.  What  the Father did for the Man Jesus He can and will do for US Also, we are (JOINT INHERITORS) with Jesus our Brother. IMO, Thank you for your kind words brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene

    Hi Gene,
    What did you do to be an heir to your father's fortune? The likely answer is: nothing except be born of him probably unless you were adopted. We inherit things just by being born into a family with things. We receive that inheritance when it is given to us if it is materialistic. Our position as daughter or son is inherited from simply being conceived. That is when we received the inheritance of the name son or daughter. We didn't live for a while before we became the son or daughter…we always were and we were by heredity. I believe so is the same for the Son of God. IMO

    God bless ya,


    Quote (Cindy @ April 24 2009,13:30)
    To all!  When you add to scripture you get mashed potatoes. We need to remember to stick to Scripture only. How God brought forth His only begotten Son, is not the Question. The question always was and is, did He exist before the world was? For that we have
    Col. 1:15-16-17
    Rev. 3:14
    John 1:1-14
    I find it even embarrassing to think that God begot His Son in a sexual way. Spirit will begot Spirit, flesh will flesh.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Good post, Irene…mashed potatoes…you are funny!


    Quote (Gene @ April 25 2009,04:45)
    thinker………..Inherit, means you did not have it (before), or why would have to inherited it.  It says Jesus inherited a name better (Name) , so the question has to be is (WHEN) he inherited it why brother ,not if he did. Why does scripture say we are Heirs and Joint Heirs (With) Christ Brother?  These are all inheritances, ours and Jesus'. For God has given (US) all things Also. For it is your Fathers good pleasure to give the Kingdom,  “And the kingdom shall be given to the SAINTS of the MOST HIGH, and they shall posses it forever, Daniel prophesied,  ,Jesus is our Brother, the First born of Man KIND from the dead, of (MANY) brethren.  What  the Father did for the Man Jesus He can and will do for US Also, we are (JOINT INHERITORS) with Jesus our Brother. IMO, Thank you for your kind words brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene

    You are not hearing the counsel of God. Isaac existed BFEORE he inherited the name. Isaac was a TYPE of Christ. Jesus existed BEFORE He inherited the name. It's just a name or title that was assigned to Him. Isaac did NOT begin to exist when God called him Abraham's “only begotten Son”

    Isaac existed BEFORE he inherited the name! It's not hard to understand! Therefore, the expression “only begotten Son” has nothing to do with Christ's supposed origin. Geez!



    The Thinker wrote:


    I have noticed how brothers Nick, Kerwin and gollumandi have ignored Hebrews 1:1-5 which says that Jesus INHERITED the name “begotten” or “firstborn.” I reluctantly include brother Gene too for I love him more than all others.

    You are mistaken I addressed Hebrews here and here to Nick Hassan but he was unwilling to discuss the issue after first asking a question about it in this post.

    Which definition of inherit do you think is appropriate? based on The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. reads:



    v. in·her·it·ed, in·her·it·ing, in·her·its
    1. a. To receive (property or a title, for example) from an ancestor by legal succession or will.
       b. To receive by bequest or as a legacy.
    2. To receive or take over from a predecessor: The new administration inherited the economic problems of the last four years.
    3. Biology To receive (a characteristic) from one's parents by genetic transmission.
    4. To gain (something) as one's right or portion.v.intr. To hold or take possession of an inheritance.

    I would go for the third one but think many would assume one of the others since that is how the word “inherit” is often used by our culture.


    Hi ,
    For us to become sons of God we must be reborn from above.
    We follow the Son of God who was reborn at the Jordan.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 25 2009,02:38)
    Hi ,
    For us to become sons of God we must be reborn from above.
    We follow the Son of God who was reborn at the Jordan.

    So you believe Jesus was reborn from above at the Jordon River?

    I disagree!

    James 1:17(NIV) reads:


    Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    I believe he was reborn from above at conception which is why even though he was tempted by evil just as we are he never sinned.


    Hi KW,
    Do you have anything in scripture to support this idea?

    He knew Who his Father was at the age of 12 but was not empowered till the Jordan though God was with him.

    Jesus did not manifest the true powers of God in him till after the Spirit was seen alighting on him at the Jordan which was when God declared him to be His Son.


    Hi thethinker:

    You say:

    Isaac existed BEFORE he inherited the name

    Please give me your scripture to support this statement. Thanks.

    Love in Christ,

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