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- May 26, 2009 at 5:21 pm#131764
ParticipantThinker ……When we accept the Truth we are becoming one with GOD, That is why Jesus said me and the FARTHER are ONE, He did not mean one being but one in agreement. We are in GOD and GOD in Us by His words because His words impart His SPIRIT (INTELLECT) into us. And The Spirit (or) Intellect of Truth which is added to our consciousness causes us to accept them. “WE are (CREATED) unto Good works”, FOR “we are saved by GRACE and That not of ourselves it (IS) a GIFT of GOD”, The FATHER. IMO
peace and love to you thinker…………………..gene
May 26, 2009 at 5:33 pm#131765KangarooJack
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ May 27 2009,05:21) Thinker ……When we accept the Truth we are becoming one with GOD, That is why Jesus said me and the FARTHER are ONE, He did not mean one being but one in agreement. We are in GOD and GOD in Us by His words because His words impart His SPIRIT (INTELLECT) into us. And The Spirit (or) Intellect of Truth which is added to our consciousness causes us to accept them. “WE are (CREATED) unto Good works”, FOR “we are saved by GRACE and That not of ourselves it (IS) a GIFT of GOD”, The FATHER. IMO peace and love to you thinker…………………..gene
Then accept the truth that Jesus is pre-existent so you may become one with God.Quote And now, O Father, glorify me together with yourself with the glory I had with you before the world was (John 17:5) thinker
May 27, 2009 at 1:30 am#131781GeneBalthrop
Participantthinker…..Jesus preexistence was (ONLY) in the plan and will of GOD and nothing more, and when he came into existences he fulfill that Plan for Him which he had before the world began. Just that simple, we don't need another GOD or have to add anything to it, God took a pure HUMAN BEING (exactly like one of us) and perfected Him in the Flesh as He can also Perfect us. We can come to the (FULL MEASURE) of Christ Jesus. as scripture says. Thinker if you don't see Jesus as one of US, you simply don't see Jesus, Brother. IMO
peace and love to you thinker……………………..gene
May 27, 2009 at 5:29 am#131791kerwin
You mention Isaiah 11:2 that mentions 6 characteristics of the Spirit of God and then throw in a seventh from somewhere else. That is making you evidence fit the conclusion which is a serious flaw in reasoning. For instance I can go to Isaiah 26:5 and get an eighth characteristic being “spirit of justice”. There are many characteristics of the Spirit of God and yet it is one spirit just like I have many characteristics and yet I am but one individual.
I am not necessary agreeing with The Thinker because the scriptures in question could be speaking of any seven spirits and not necessary the messengers to the seven churches. I regard Revelations as prophecy and with prophecy hindsight is often better than foresight though the gist serves as a warning and a promise of better times.
May 27, 2009 at 2:39 pm#131806GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin…….The word GOD comes from Elohim which in Hebrew mean is a un-plural word, that is a word the equates to many powers composing (ONE) unit of POWERS. God is a un-plural word . The are many attributes and spirits (INTELLECTS) of that unit we call GOD. Jesus quoted it correctly, Thou art the (ONLY) True GOD. Another words there are other gods (powers) but only (ONLY) ONE that we should consider true POWER or GOD. Revelations Shows that there are Seven Spirits of GOD that go into the world and these Seven are on Jesus. These are the eyes of GOD and they are with POWER (HORNS) symbolizes power. Thinker is totally wrong IMO thinking they are angles or messenger beings. The reason i included the (HOLY SPIRIT) or SPIRIT of TRUTH is because this INTELLECT is (IN) Jesus as well as all who HAVE recieved it. And it is ONE of the Spirits of GOD. IMO
peace and love…………………..gene
May 27, 2009 at 6:01 pm#131817KangarooJack
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ May 27 2009,13:30) thinker…..Jesus preexistence was (ONLY) in the plan and will of GOD and nothing more, and when he came into existences he fulfill that Plan for Him which he had before the world began. Just that simple, we don't need another GOD or have to add anything to it, God took a pure HUMAN BEING (exactly like one of us) and perfected Him in the Flesh as He can also Perfect us. We can come to the (FULL MEASURE) of Christ Jesus. as scripture says. Thinker if you don't see Jesus as one of US, you simply don't see Jesus, Brother. IMO peace and love to you thinker……………………..gene
Jesus said that He HAD glory together with the Father before the world began. He said,Quote I am the FIRST and the LAST He also said,
Quote I am the ROOT and offspring of David. As the “root” David came from Him. And as the offspring He came from David.
May 27, 2009 at 10:47 pm#131827kerwin
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ May 27 2009,21:39) Kerwin…….The word GOD comes from Elohim which in Hebrew mean is a un-plural word, that is a word the equates to many powers composing (ONE) unit of POWERS. God is a un-plural word . The are many attributes and spirits (INTELLECTS) of that unit we call GOD. Jesus quoted it correctly, Thou art the (ONLY) True GOD. Another words there are other gods (powers) but only (ONLY) ONE that we should consider true POWER or GOD. Revelations Shows that there are Seven Spirits of GOD that go into the world and these Seven are on Jesus. These are the eyes of GOD and they are with POWER (HORNS) symbolizes power. Thinker is totally wrong IMO thinking they are angles or messenger beings. The reason i included the (HOLY SPIRIT) or SPIRIT of TRUTH is because this INTELLECT is (IN) Jesus as well as all who HAVE recieved it. And it is ONE of the Spirits of GOD. IMO peace and love…………………..gene
That is not what 'Elohim” means. It seems fairly clear to me the root word of “Elohim” is El which is God's name and I even think means “God”. I am not sure what “ohim” means but here is a document that pretty much tells you. You will also see that the root word “El” is used in many Hebrew words and it seems to always means God.May 28, 2009 at 3:35 am#131839GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin …..according to my Hebrew sorurces what i posted is exactly what ELOHIM means. Here is something simple for you to think about and explain to us, The LORD GOD. these two word used in many scriptures, are they the same word meaning the same things of or they two different word with seperate meanings. The word ELOHIM according to my spources is a descriptor of POWERS, and can be applied to many things not Just the (LORD) GOD, as Jesus said , Hear O Israel the LORD or GOD (POWER) is (ONE LORD)> Notice He did NOT say GOD our GOD is ONE GOD, ask yourself why is that. Because GOD is a descriptor and can apply to many things other then the LORD Himself. In fact you sources applied to all kind of things So obviously it is not Just one Person as you assume the word means. Scripture also says that there are seven Spirits or POWERS of GOD, That rest on JESUS Also. while also saying the LORD IS (ONE), you have not explained the WORD ELOHIM at all IMO> Use the scriptures we have will give you a more real explanation of the WORD, then you “source” does. Jeff Benner's explanation i find to be far superior over your source, and gives ELOHIM a very simple and clear understanding of the word we use for GOD. It simple means (POWERS) And the ONE LORD Controls all the POWER and therefore is the only (TRUE) GOD (Power) as Jesus said He was. IMO
peace and love……………………………gene
May 28, 2009 at 3:46 am#131840GeneBalthrop
ParticipantThinker……That glory was a preordained GLORY. Jesus said Him Self He did not seek to Glorify HIMSELF and Said if I glory myself my glory is nothing. God Glorified him after He was resurrected and NOT until, Jesus was only referencing the Glory that the Father had Planned for HIM, which He know while He was on earth. Thinker you have to come out of those false teachings brother, ask yourself what point would it make is GOD took a already perfect superbeing and Kill him and reberth him and Kill him again after He came and walked perfectely on the earth, what would that have to do with Us , we would be nothing Like him then. NO , The plan of GOd was to take a purely non preexistent Human being, Perfect Him and raise Him up from the dead, as a example of what He can do for us also. Your and others preexistence Christ would have no bearing on our personal lives if He was already a GOD or a Perfect Being before He came to earth. God the Father had Purpose for Jesus' berth as a (PURELY) HUMAN BEING. IMO
peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene
May 28, 2009 at 5:51 am#131847kerwin
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ May 28 2009,10:35) Kerwin …..according to my Hebrew sorurces what i posted is exactly what ELOHIM means. Here is something simple for you to think about and explain to us, The LORD GOD. these two word used in many scriptures, are they the same word meaning the same things of or they two different word with seperate meanings. The word ELOHIM according to my spources is a descriptor of POWERS, and can be applied to many things not Just the (LORD) GOD, as Jesus said , Hear O Israel the LORD or GOD (POWER) is (ONE LORD)> Notice He did NOT say GOD our GOD is ONE GOD, ask yourself why is that. Because GOD is a descriptor and can apply to many things other then the LORD Himself. In fact you sources applied to all kind of things So obviously it is not Just one Person as you assume the word means. Scripture also says that there are seven Spirits or POWERS of GOD, That rest on JESUS Also. while also saying the LORD IS (ONE), you have not explained the WORD ELOHIM at all IMO> Use the scriptures we have will give you a more real explanation of the WORD, then you “source” does. Jeff Benner's explanation i find to be far superior over your source, and gives ELOHIM a very simple and clear understanding of the word we use for GOD. It simple means (POWERS) And the ONE LORD Controls all the POWER and therefore is the only (TRUE) GOD (Power) as Jesus said He was. IMO peace and love……………………………gene
So what does your source state the Hebrew word “El” translates to? What does your source state El Shaddai (God Almighty) is defined as. In fact what does Daniel (Judge of God) or Bethel (House of God) mean? If your source disagrees with any of those then it is not very reputable and if it agrees then it is obvious the root word “El” means God in Hebrew.May 28, 2009 at 2:01 pm#131868GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin…….The word EL simple Means (HIGH) like mountain in fact the Almighty can just as easily be said as ALL POWERFUL, no difference. The word EL lifted up or Powerful can be applied to many things as you have posted it is. It is not a (PERSON) but a descriptor word and the simplest term for ELOHIM is (POWERS) a uni-Plural word. The LORD (HE EXISTS) GOD (WITH POWERS) is the proper way to perceive it. IMO.
There are many Gods but unto us and Jesus there is (ONLY ONE) (True) God or POWER. What part of what Jesus' words you don't understand , I said (you) are GODS. There are Gods of lesser and there are Gods of Greater and the Greatest is the (LORD) God.
peace and love……………………….gene
May 29, 2009 at 10:15 am#131928Tim Kraft
ParticipantGene: I have been searching for anyone that had what you might call a higher dimentional understanding of the word of God. Not to sound goofy but my soul is filled with joy when I read some of your Truth. We all come to our own Truth based on viewpoints that create perceptions that lead to beliefs which compose who we believe we are. I believe that every time a person accepts the fact that Jesus has made his abode in them, they made the word of God flesh in a man again. Actually Jesus comes again to each individual each time his words are recieved and believed. In the physical earth a man creates himself from birth, looking, seeing, feeling, touching, hearing etc. he becomes what he has chosen to believe. We exist on this earth as composed thoughts believed! You have created you by your choice of beliefs. Like the physical world so is the Spirit world.The physical entry into the Earth is by birth by water. Then one must be born again of Spirit.A similar process yet the unseen world. Spirit is mind and mind is Spirit. Words are Spirit! Understanding is the light going on. Gods words are Spirit with life, truth, good,love etc. As we partake of or consume Gods words of life we become one with him.We create ourselves Spiritually like we created ourselves physically. I believe this to be sowing to the Spirit. If we sow to the Spirit we can reap life or death whichever way we choose to understand God.We are a reflection of the way we percieve God to be. If we sow to thoughts or doctrines that do not uplift, build-up, and create goddness, kindness, meekness, gentleness etc. we have chosen pain, suffering, hate, evil of all kinds. So we have the Truth of God and decieving doctrines of man to learn from.The same Bible! One of the greatest Truth's I've ever recognized is when reading the Bible if I am Spiritually discerning the Truth of God correctly it will feel wonderful. Gods Truth is from Love and Love feels wonderful. Now everything written in the Bible has been translated under strict church orders with a strong bias. Test the Spirits to see if they are of Truth. The key is you will find Love. Blessings and peace to all, TK
May 29, 2009 at 12:59 pm#131931GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTim Kraft……….It is true how we present GOD is how we perceive Him . God told Moses to tell Aron the High Priest , This is the way you shall present Me , The LORD bless you and Keep you, The LORD make his face to shine on you and Be GRACIOUS to you , the LORD lift up HIS Countenance upon you and give you PEACE, I THEN SHALL BLESS THEM, It is very important How we perceive and present the FATHER . IMO
peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene
May 29, 2009 at 8:59 pm#131952kerwin
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ May 28 2009,21:01) Kerwin…….The word EL simple Means (HIGH) like mountain in fact the Almighty can just as easily be said as ALL POWERFUL, no difference. The word EL lifted up or Powerful can be applied to many things as you have posted it is. It is not a (PERSON) but a descriptor word and the simplest term for ELOHIM is (POWERS) a uni-Plural word. The LORD (HE EXISTS) GOD (WITH POWERS) is the proper way to perceive it. IMO. There are many Gods but unto us and Jesus there is (ONLY ONE) (True) God or POWER. What part of what Jesus' words you don't understand , I said (you) are GODS. There are Gods of lesser and there are Gods of Greater and the Greatest is the (LORD) God.
peace and love……………………….gene
Interesting as I have never heard that claim before.You can actually trace the relationship between the various religions in the Middle East by follow the name El with its various changes from culture to culture. It causes me to speculate that they are corrupt versions of the true religion much like we have corrupt versions of the true gospel today.
Here is what wikipedia states about “El”.
May 29, 2009 at 11:45 pm#131960GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin…..The children of Israel know the LORD as the GOD of the MOUNTAIN a HIGH and lifted up one, many are lifted up, but unto us there is only (ONE) True lifted up one , it is the LORD GOD, (He Exists with POWERS) He alone is ONLY TRUE GOD> Kerwin, Jeff Benner has done an excellent Job of rendering the correct meaning , Just type in His name and see His explanations, its quite enlightening, His book on the mechanical translation of Genesis is excellent worth adding to you library. No one have ever did a Mechanical translation on a bible book before as i gather, IMO
peace and love to you and yours…………………………..gene
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