Does the father have a penis?

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 08 2009,13:32)
    Read Rev 4 2-3 and you will see God was on the throne and not in front of it

    Hi brother Nick,
    Do you mean to say that the seven Spirits spoken in Rev 3 and 5 are different from God's one Spirit that rests on Jesus?


    Yes GM,
    The Spirit is one.
    Angels are spirits[heb1] and I suggest they are the angels of the Lord.


    Yes brother, you may be right but what about these verses?
    1. Rev 3:1
    “To the angel of the church in Sardis, write this: ” 'The one who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars says this: “I know your works, that you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.

    2. Rev 1:20
    This is the secret meaning of the seven stars you saw in my right hand, and of the seven gold lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

    As per the above two verses seven stars are called the angels of the churches. But what about the seven spirits mentioned in Rev 3:1?

    Please see this verse;
    Rev 5:6
    Then I saw standing in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures and the elders, a Lamb  that seemed to have been slain. He had seven horns and seven eyes; these are the (seven) spirits of God sent out into the whole world.

    It seems that the Lamb is possessing those seven spirits as its eyes. So what do you mean by them?


    Hi GM,
    He has ALL authority.


    Adam………You have it right brother, nick doesn't acknowledge scripture as meaning what it says. The seven Spirits of GOD represent (ONE UNITE) of POWERS and are controlled and given BY (ONE LORD) and these seven are those Spirits that go out into the whole world. Nick does not Know what spirit is and has refused to accept what Jesus said about them, or He wouldn't have trouble understanding this. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours brother………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene @ May 09 2009,03:17)
    Adam………You have it right brother, nick doesn't acknowledge scripture as meaning what it says. The seven Spirits of GOD represent (ONE UNITE) of POWERS and are controlled and given BY (ONE LORD) and these seven are those Spirits that go out into the whole world. Nick does not Know what spirit is and has refused to accept what Jesus said about them, or He wouldn't have trouble understanding this. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours brother………………………………….gene

    Gene Gene Gene,
    The seven spirits were the seven angels of the seven churches.



    Thinker ………But scripture says they are the seven spirits of GOD. That are the eyes that are on the Head of the Lamb. Jesus Christ.
    what do you do with that scripture brother.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene


    Quote (Gene @ May 23 2009,15:24)
    Thinker ………But scripture says they are the seven spirits of GOD. That are the eyes that are on the Head of the Lamb. Jesus Christ.
    what do you do with that scripture brother.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene

    The verse may also be translated the seven spirits “from God”. Messengers may act as the eyes of the Lamb.




    According to what you and The Thinker state I would conclude that the verses you speak of are vague and so open to interpretation.  That does not sound like a wise thing to base a teaching of God on just like building a house on sand is not wise.


    Kerwin ……….They are as sound as you can GET if you understand What (SPIRIT)IS, then you can understand what the Seven Spirits of GOD ARE. As has been posted here before. Nothing vague at all just pure scriptures, without trying to change them to meat our own theologies. Why do you people have to constantly change what is written, to meet your traditions, You people say John 1:1 doesn't mean what John simply wrote, so you change the words around, as if John wouldn't have know to put Jesus name there if that is what he met. When LORD said He (ALONE and BY HIMSELF) CREATED everything , you can't except that either, When Jesus called PETER SATAN, you can't except that also. When He said one of you is a Devil, you don't except that either, Where LORD Said you shall have (NO) other GOD besides ME, and Where Jesus said “for thou art the (ONLY) TRUE GOD, you just ignore it, and make THREE GOD'S. Do you even believe the Bible at all> IMO

    peace and love……………………………..gene


    Quote (Gene @ May 25 2009,12:41)
    Kerwin ……….They are as sound as you can GET if you understand What (SPIRIT)IS, then you can understand what the Seven Spirits of GOD ARE. As has been posted here before. Nothing vague at all just pure scriptures, without trying to change them to meat our own theologies.  Why do you people have to constantly change what is written, to meet your traditions, You people say John 1:1 doesn't mean what John simply wrote, so you change the words around, as if John wouldn't have know to put Jesus name there if that is what he met. When LORD said He (ALONE and BY HIMSELF) CREATED everything , you can't except that either, When Jesus called PETER SATAN, you can't except that also.  When He said one of you is a Devil, you don't except that either,  Where LORD Said you shall have (NO) other GOD besides ME,  and Where Jesus said “for thou art the (ONLY) TRUE GOD, you just ignore it, and make THREE GOD'S. Do you even believe the Bible at all> IMO

    peace and love……………………………..gene

    Kerwin is not a trinitarian. What is all this ranting lately? The seven “spirits” are the seven messengers to the seven churches in Asia. The word “spirit” has much more meaning to it than you will allow. Jesus said that the Father was the only true God when he still existed in the form of a servant. Jesus does not exist in the form of a servant any longer. He has been exalted. He has returned to the glory He had with the Father before the world began.

    O Father, glorify me with the glory I had with you before the world began (John 17:5)

    You are selective in your use of the Scriptures. The Jesus who said that the Father is the only true God said also that He shared the same glory with the Father before the world began. Yet you deny Jesus' pre-existence. Why do you do this? Why do you single out one statement and say “this is truth” and then take another statement and say “this is not true”?

    Jesus called the Father the only true God and then claimed pre-existence for Himself IN THE SAME PRAYER. He prayed the Father to glorify Him with the glory He had with the Father before the world began. So when you keep ranting about the Father being the only true God but ignore that Jesus was pre-existent you show yourself to be without any credibility. And when you fail to distinguish between the servant Jesus and the exalted Jesus you show yourself to be ignorant, IMO.




    Debatable scripture is not as sound as you can get. Scripture has a context and that context is the whole bible. If a teaching is true then it will be supported and maybe even rephrased in other scriptures. The idea that there are seven spirits that compose God or that God has seven spirits is not supported in scripture. Scripture tells us that there is One God and One Spirit. I thought that perhaps the One Spirit had seven aspects like the seven virtues but I could find no support of that idea either in scripture or in Jewish teachings. I found nothing to support your teaching as regards certain scriptures in Revelation, a book of prophecy that is full of symbolism.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 26 2009,07:21)

    Debatable scripture is not as sound as you can get.  Scripture has a context and that context is the whole bible.   If a teaching is true then it will be supported and maybe even rephrased in other scriptures.  The idea that there are seven spirits that compose God or that God has seven spirits is not supported in scripture.  Scripture tells us that there is One God and One Spirit.  I thought that perhaps the One Spirit had seven aspects like the seven virtues but I could find no support of that idea either in scripture or in Jewish teachings.  I found nothing to support your teaching as regards certain scriptures in Revelation, a book of prophecy that is full of symbolism.

    I would agree with you on this one.



    Thinker……….This may help you and Kerwin……..> Isa 11:2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, (NOW count them) The spirit of wisdom (1) and undersatanding (2), the spirit of counsel (3) and might (4) the spirit of knowledge (5) and of the fear (6) of the LORD, and we also know He has the spirit of truth (7) (IN HIM). These are the seven Spirits of GOD.

    REV 7:17….> And i beheld, and lo, in the midst of the trhone and of the four beasts, and inthe midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven hors and seven eyes, which (ARE THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD) sent forth into all the earth.

    Does this help you out any? If you understood what SPIRIT is This would be easy to understand , SPIRITS (are) INTELLECTS..> If you recieve them from the world you have the intellect of the world , if you recieve them from GOD you have the intellect of GOD in you also as Jesus does. “Let this (mind) be in you that was also in Christ Jesus our Lord. Absolutely nothing difficult about this. IMO

    peace and love…………………gene


    We do not have a bible with intellects in it.


    Quote (thethinker @ May 23 2009,11:29)

    Quote (Gene @ May 09 2009,03:17)
    Adam………You have it right brother, nick doesn't acknowledge scripture as meaning what it says. The seven Spirits of GOD represent (ONE UNITE) of POWERS and are controlled and given BY (ONE LORD) and these seven are those Spirits that go out into the whole world. Nick does not Know what spirit is and has refused to accept what Jesus said about them, or He wouldn't have trouble understanding this. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours brother………………………………….gene

    Gene Gene Gene,
    The seven spirits were the seven angels of the seven churches.


    Hi brother Thinker,
    I don't think you are right here. Please see my earlier post. The scripture does not agree with you. Our brother Gene is right in saying that the seven spirits also seven eyes are none but God's spiritual powers that are united and filled Jesus the Lamb.

    Peace to you


    Adam said:

    Hi brother Thinker,
    I don't think you are right here. Please see my earlier post. The scripture does not agree with you. Our brother Gene is right in saying that the seven spirits also seven eyes are none but God's spiritual powers that are united and filled Jesus the Lamb.

    Peace to you

    The Greek may also read “the seven spirits FROM God. They were the seven angels (messengers) that were sent FROM God to the seven churches in Asia. The text does not support Gene's idea that God had seven spirits.


    Tim Kraft

    Quote (Gene @ May 05 2009,02:33)

    Quote (thethinker @ May 05 2009,02:09)

    Quote (Gene @ May 05 2009,01:47)
    thinker……..I don't deny the preexistence of the (word) it did preexist because it was GOD Himself but not Jesus as Trinitarians and preexistences think. In the (beginning was the Word). I just don't change its meaning to mean Jesus, but it is the FATHER'S WORD that is being spoken of there, not Jesus at all. Thnker brother just ask yourself this question, if John was talking about Jesus, wouldn't he have just said Jesus, why say Word then? Remember GOD SPOKE everything  into existence in the beginning The GOD that said He did it by himself and alone, meaning no one was there with him.  A word is INTELLEGENT UTTERANCE, thats what a word is, it is the expression of a person and in this case it is the expression of the (ONE) and ONLY TRUE GOD. John 1:1 has nothing to do with Jesus at all, that is one of the greatest deceptions of Christianity. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours brother……………………..gene

    I am beginning to think you misunderstand Trinitarians. They deny the pre-existence of the flesh of the Word. The Word became flesh. The pre-existent Word was made flesh and was called “Jesus.”


    Thinker……..This is where i really disagree with Trinitarians because the Believe Jesus preesisted as a GOD, while I believe GOD indwelt the (MAN) Jesus. big difference GOD (ONE GOD) the WORD came and INDWELT JESUS, and this ONE GOD Can also Just as equally in DWELL YOU and ME and ALL. but you see brother its still Just (ONE GOD) not Just two or three triune anythings. It Just one GOD in all and through ALL, But it is true that this (ONE) GOD was certainly in Jesus.” The son of man can do nothing of himself the Father who is in me (HE) doth the works”. Because the fullness of the GOD Head (DWELT) in him mightily. But remember it say (DWELT) in him,  not that he was the fullness of the GOD head (HIMSELF) but that it (DWELT in HIM).  Thats my difference brother I bleieve GOD can indwell (ALL) and will eventually. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………….gene

    Gene: Your right on it again.God is Spirit– The word(Spirit) (from God) was presented to Mary by the Angel, she believed or accepted the word/seed of God and it became it became flesh as a man. God's words are Spirit and they are life.Each time a human accepts and understands the truth/words/Spirit of God they become one with that truth. If we seek more of the Truth of God/Spirit/word we become what we eat. We know that when we see/understand him (Jesus) we will be like him, for as he is, so are we IN THIS WORLD! The growing understanding of the word/logos of God raises us up to him and seats or positions us with him in higher dimensions or in heavenly places. If all doctrines, religions, mis-interpretations, and sin (wrong thinking) were washed away from our minds with the word baptism we would find ourselves ONE with God. Then we would be sanctified by the Truth of God.John 17:12-23–We are made perfect in ONENESS! With much Love, TK


    Tim Kraft ……… could not have said it any better then that brother. It never ceases to amaze me how some just simply have the truth in them and others struggle on there own and never come to see it, This is Amazing to me. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………gene


    Tim Kraft said:

    Gene: Your right on it again.God is Spirit– The word(Spirit) (from God) was presented to Mary by the Angel, she believed or accepted the word/seed of God and it became it became flesh as a man. God's words are Spirit and they are life.Each time a human accepts and understands the truth/words/Spirit of God they become one with that truth. If we seek more of the Truth of God/Spirit/word we become what we eat. We know that when we see/understand him (Jesus) we will be like him, for as he is, so are we IN THIS WORLD! The growing understanding of the word/logos of God raises us up to him and seats or positions us with him in higher dimensions or in heavenly places. If all doctrines, religions, mis-interpretations, and sin (wrong thinking) were washed away from our minds with the word baptism we would find ourselves ONE with God. Then we would be sanctified by the Truth of God.John 17:12-23–We are made perfect in ONENESS! With much Love, TK

    Nonsense! Your statement means that we become the Logos when we accept truth. But John 1:14 says that the Logos became flesh and that He was God's ONLY begotten. The Logos is God's ONLY begotten Son. We are adopted sons and there is a huge difference.


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