Did Jesus undergo the final resurection?

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  • #749896

    Hi GB,
    Indeed now it is.
    But the Lord Jesus will return to rule over earth
    ps 2



    That is not what Psalms 2 teaches. In fact Peter uses it in Acts 4 to speak of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. 1 Chronicles 28:1 tells us that the throne that Solomon was to sit on, and David was sitting on, was the throne of the kingdom of God. That is clearly not the kingdom of God that will be and thee kingdom of Israel was a kingdom of this world.

    1 Chronicles 28:5American Standard Version (ASV)

    5 And of all my sons (for Jehovah hath given me many sons), he hath chosen Solomon my son to sit upon the throne of the kingdom of Jehovah over Israel.


    Hi KW,
    Perhaps you did not comprehend ps 2



    I was going by Peter’s comprehension on what I wrote but when I read I did not see what you say. If you see Jesus coming into a physical kingdom in Psalms 2 then feel free to share it.


    Hi KW,

    Let scripture speak.

    Peter was led by the Spirit.

    Your claims to comprehension are less proven


    To all……..David will not Lack a ruler on his throne (said God) until Shielo (Jesus) come. The present Queen and king of England are the descendents of King David, his throne was to be overturned three times, and now remains in England waiting for the return of Jesus who will return it to Jerusalem and there rule The throne of his Father king David for a thousand years with the saints, and after that rule, he will turn the throne over to God the Father and be subject to him also.

    Then will be brought about the prayer “thy kingdom come, thy will be done” God the Father shall rule “in all and through all” (things) forever and ever.

    He that has an ear let him hear.

    Peace and love to you all and yours………………gene



    Let scripture speak.

    Peter was led by the Spirit.

    Your claims to comprehension are less proven

    Actually you are the one who said what Scripture did not say and I called you on it then asked you to explain and you failed to explain your understanding. Instead you accuse.


    Hi KW,

    If you cannot comprehend ps 2

    then why should we give you more fuel for your judgements?



    The Spirit compels those who know the truth to share the message as they are not ashamed or afraid to testify. They are certainly not reluctant to have their message tested.


    Hi KW,

    The Spirit does not compel but is as the wind .

    Be still and know that I am God.

    Flesh contributes nothing



    I used compelled because Paul also used the equivalent to the word compelled.

    1 Corinthians 9:16New English Translation (NET Bible)

    16 For if I preach the gospel, I have no reason for boasting, because I am compelled to do this. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!

    In addition things get carried along on the wind which sounds like compelled to me.


    Hi KW,

    Yes the wind can blow strongly at times.



    To All……> question is , did Jesus undergo the final resurection, answer is YES HE DID, and he will return with that same RESURECTED body also, to regain on this earth for a thousand years with the saints of the MOST HIGH.

    Peace and love to you all…………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Yes he was raised in his old body and taken up out on man’s vision

    But flesh and blood would not inherit the kingdom.


    Nick…….THAT IS AN ASSUMPTION, if you understood the “spritual” application of those words you would understand that it is telling us that the flesh profits nothing itself, it is the spirit that does, why because the spirit is our intellects, not the flesh bodies we live in. Therefore JESUS SAID the kingdom of God comes not with “oberservation” ( meaning it is not physically seen) ” it is “within you” why?, because the spirit of God is within a person. But if the kingdom of God is within you , what is the “YOU” SPOKEN OF THERE?, DOES IT NOT include YOUR BODY also?

    JESUS was certainly in the kingdom of God while he was in the flesh, because God the Father was ruling in his body by his spirit that indwelled JESUS.

    YOUR ASSUMPTION THAT FLESH AND BLOOD HUMAN BEINGS CAN NOT BE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS FALSE. WHILE flesh and blood “itself” can’t inter by “itself”, the spirit that is in that flesh and blood body can, and it abides in physical bodies, so to say our physical bodies can’t be in the kingdom of God is simply not true. TO INHERIT IT IS ONE THINGS, LIVE IN, IS QUITE ANOTHER.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Flash and blood cannot inherit the kingdom is an assumption??



    1) Scripture tells us that Jesus was flesh and bone after his resurrection.
    2) Scripture then uses Jesus’ resurrection as an example of that there will be a resurrection when Jesus comes again.
    3) Scripture then tells us about that resurrection that Jesus resurrection is an example of.
    4) Scripture states about that resurrection that the person is buried mortal and raised immortal.
    For all this to be true Jesus was buried mortal and raised immortal.

    To interpret the words flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of heaven literally breaks what is written and so cannot be true as Scripture cannot be broken.


    Hi KW,

    Scripture tells us that those joined to Christ have already died and have passed from death to life. They have been raised in the Spirit by anointing.

    Coming up reclothed from the grave at his call is the natural result of that process but then we are taken up to be with him.


    If we are reclothed why do you think the one we follow is not?




    Jn 5, Rom 6





    Let us just stick to Scripture as I said nothing about being unclothed as the body Jesus Christ was clothed with after he arose from the grave was flesh and bone.

    Either his resurrection is an example of the resurrection where a human is buried mortal and raised up immortal or he is not. If it is not then the words in Scripture that his resurrection is evidence of the one to come is false. If it is then you choice to take 1 Corinthians 15:50 as literal is false belief. As far as I can see those are the only two choices you have and you have not come up with another choices.


    Hi KW,

    Do you not believe in the teaching of Paul in 1Cor 15?

    Do you contradict him and say we rise in the old body?

    He said we are changed but you call him  LIAR?

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