Did jesus have the same spirit as believers?

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    Quote (Gene @ Aug. 25 2009,12:53)
    WJ …………..GOD (IS) SPIRIT, don't you people get it . GOD is SPIRIT (INTELLECT) and His Spirit is what gives light or Life to (ALL) Things and every man coming into the earth,  (SPIRIT) animates our bodies through our minds.  All SPIRIT COMES FROM ONE SOURCE, like good and Evil come from (ONE) Tree, they are produced by (ONE) GOD , Life does (NOT) exist apart from SPIRIT. Our Thoughts are Spirit (intellect) and expressed through words,and deeds and GOD'S Spirit (intellect) is far above ours and is expressed through Words and deeds also, But (IT) God's intellect can be given us as (IT) was Jesus  and indwell us even as it does Jesus.  GOD exists as a being only when He is (IN) someone. That is why GOD is expressed through His creation because GOD is (IN) creation. All Life has SPIRIT of some kind in it or it would not have life.  How do you think GOD even knows when a sparrow falls to the ground, Spirit is not a being it is what is in a being. GOD is in us by his (INTELLECT) or SPIRIT same thing.

    peace and love………………………….gene

    Hi Gene

    Is your Temple (your body) the Temple of God, or the Holy Spirit or not Gene?

    Does God live in you?



    WJ…….Yes by His Spirit he does live in us ALL. God was truly in Jesus via His HOLY SPIRIT,The same way he lives in Jesus through His Spirit now, remember (“that God may be (ALL) (IN) (ALL) and (THROUGH) (ALL)> Nothing that has life does not have Spirit in it. It may not be HOLY SPIRIT, but none the less it is SPIRIT and ALL SPIRIT has Only ONE SOURCE. Spirit is Simply intellect, it can be good or Evil intellect but both are Spirit, intellects.

    Remember when Jesus said when and unclean spirit leaves a man it goes about in (ARID) places looking for rest, you see a thought is useless if it is not in a body of some kind, the unclean spirits went into the pigs and drove them crazy and they ran into the sea and drowned, you see a Spirit is useless unless in is in a body of some kind. That includes (ALL) Spirit or intellect. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene @ Aug. 25 2009,13:13)
    WJ…….Yes by His Spirit he does live in us ALL. God was truly in Jesus via His HOLY SPIRIT,The same way he lives in Jesus through His Spirit now, remember (“that God may be (ALL) (IN) (ALL) and (THROUGH) (ALL)> Nothing that has life does not have Spirit in it. It may not be HOLY SPIRIT, but none the less it is SPIRIT and ALL SPIRIT has Only ONE SOURCE. Spirit is Simply intellect, it can be good or Evil intellect but both are Spirit, intellects.

    Remember when Jesus said when and unclean spirit leaves a man it goes about in (ARID) places looking for rest, you see a thought is useless if it is not in  a body of some kind, the unclean spirits went into the pigs and drove them crazy and they ran into the sea and drowned, you see a Spirit is useless unless in is in a body of some kind. That includes (ALL) Spirit or intellect.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene

    Hi Gene

    So is it God and his Spirit or is it his Spirit which you say is not God?

    If his Spirit is not God then, God cannot be living in you by his Spirit!

    Then you only have an “It” of God!

    Jesus said clearly that it was his Father in him that did the works, did he not?

    You quote that all the time. So was Jesus lieing? Why didnt he ever say it was the Father in him by his Spirit that does the works?

    If our bodies are the Temple of God Gene, then that means God, not some “It” dwells in us and lives in us!



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 25 2009,13:36)

    Quote (Gene @ Aug. 25 2009,13:13)
    WJ…….Yes by His Spirit he does live in us ALL. God was truly in Jesus via His HOLY SPIRIT,The same way he lives in Jesus through His Spirit now, remember (“that God may be (ALL) (IN) (ALL) and (THROUGH) (ALL)> Nothing that has life does not have Spirit in it. It may not be HOLY SPIRIT, but none the less it is SPIRIT and ALL SPIRIT has Only ONE SOURCE. Spirit is Simply intellect, it can be good or Evil intellect but both are Spirit, intellects.

    Remember when Jesus said when and unclean spirit leaves a man it goes about in (ARID) places looking for rest, you see a thought is useless if it is not in  a body of some kind, the unclean spirits went into the pigs and drove them crazy and they ran into the sea and drowned, you see a Spirit is useless unless in is in a body of some kind. That includes (ALL) Spirit or intellect.  IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………………….gene

    Hi Gene

    So is it God and his Spirit or is it his Spirit which you say is not God?

    If his Spirit is not God then, God cannot be living in you by his Spirit!

    Then you only have an “It” of God!

    Jesus said clearly that it was his Father in him that did the works, did he not?

    You quote that all the time. So was Jesus lieing? Why didnt he ever say it was the Father in him by his Spirit that does the works?

    If our bodies are the Temple of God Gene, then that means God, not some “It” dwells in us and lives in us!


    Hi Gene

    BTW, thanks for the scripture that says “God is all in all”, for that was gonna be one of my points to David when I am able to respond!

    It doesn't say “the Spirit of God” is all in all, or “the “it” that is all in all, or an amorphous spirit or power that is all in all.

    It clearly says “God is all in all”.



    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 25 2009,09:34)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 24 2009,18:06)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 24 2009,17:54)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Aug. 24 2009,17:34)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 24 2009,17:26)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 24 2009,17:10)
    Hi LU,
    Jesus gave up his own spirit at calvary.[mt27.50]
    He died.

    His faith extended beyond death to continued life in the Spirit of his God.

    I understand that Jesus had a united spirit with the Father within Him which He committed into the hands of the Father.  The body without the spirit is dead.

    James 2:26
    26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.

    Christ's body was raised from the dead and I believed He received His unified spirit back otherwise the body would still be dead.  His unified spirit took on a glorified body.  The “tent” changed but the spirit didn't. IMO


    Hi Kathi

    Sorry! That seems like more “Extra Biblical” terminology to me.

    No where does the scriptures use the term “unified Spirit”?

    And Jesus did raise himself from the dead!

    Blessings WJ

    1 Cor 6:16-17
    16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.”
    17 But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.
    Two spirits become one spirit…that would be a unified spirit. IMO.

    Hi Kathi

    Then why do you have such a hard time with others using “extra biblical” terms?


    I have trouble with extra-Biblical terms when I do not see a clear Biblical teaching to back them up.

    For instance, If I saw the term triune God in the Bible, then I would have no trouble accepting the extra-Biblical term “trinity.”

    If I see that believers are “united in spirit” in the scriptures then I am fine with the word “unified” as an adjective to describe that or even “unity” or “one spirit.”

    Phil 2:2
    2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

    Eph 4:1-6
    Unity of the Spirit 4 Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,
    2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love,
    3 being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;
    5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    6 one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all.

    The “one Spirit” is a unity of spirits.
    The “one body” is a unity of bodies.

    The church is the unified body of Christ.  It is made up of many people,i.e. many bodies or “members.”  See how unified works with unity.  It is just another tense of the term.


    Hi Kathi

    So in other words when the scripture agrees with your doctrine then it is okay to use “extra-Biblical” terms to describe your beliefs?



    Hi WJ,
    Out of the one side of your mouth you tell us God is never separate from His Spirit and now you appoint His Holy Spirit to be another person from God.
    You are quite confused are you not?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 25 2009,15:06)
    Hi WJ,
    Out of the one side of your mouth you tell us God is never separate from His Spirit and now you appoint His Holy Spirit to be another person from God.
    You are quite confused are you not?

    HI NH

    Not at all! Scriptures teach there is “One Spirit, One God, three persons!

    You are confused because you do not believe God who is Spirit is God in you!



    Hi WJ,
    Where does scripture TEACH these things?
    If it does not do so will you withdraw this?

    You have no idea what i believe.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 25 2009,15:13)
    i WJ,
    Where does scripture TEACH these things?

    You have no idea what i believe.


    :D I know full well what you believe!



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 25 2009,15:13)
    Hi WJ,
    Where does scripture TEACH these things?
    If it does not do so will you withdraw this?

    You have no idea what i believe.


    Is the Spirit in you God?



    Hi WJ,
    Is God ever apart from His Spirit whether in him or poured into His Sons or over the face of the earth?
    Gen 1, Ps 139. Acts 17.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 25 2009,15:19)
    Hi WJ,
    Is God ever apart from His Spirit whether in him or poured into His Sons or over the face of the earth?
    Gen 1, Ps 139. Acts 17.


    You didn't answer the question!



    WJ………..God is Spirit he can not be apart from his Spirit , because that is what He is. SO if his Spirit is in you He is in you. Jesus said the FATHER is (IN) me, not the He was a GOD, but that GOD was IN HIM. truly you understand that?

    peace and love…………………….gene


    Quote (Gene @ Aug. 25 2009,15:46)
    WJ………..God is Spirit he can not be apart from his Spirit , because that is what He is. SO if his Spirit is in you He is in you. Jesus said the FATHER is (IN) me, not the He was a GOD, but that GOD was IN HIM. truly you understand that?

    peace and love…………………….gene

    Hi Gene

    Its a yes or no question!

    Is the Spirit God! Yes or no?



    Hi WJ,
    Is your finger… you?

    The Spirit of God is as the finger of God [Lk11 with Mt12]


    This is my feelings about extra-Biblical words:


    I have trouble with extra-Biblical terms when I do not see a clear Biblical teaching to back them up.



    Hi WJ,
    God was in Christ[2cor5]

    Was it a strange trinity God in him?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Aug. 25 2009,16:30)
    This is my feelings about extra-Biblical words:


    I have trouble with extra-Biblical terms when I do not see a clear Biblical teaching to back them up.


    Hi Kathi

    I concur.

    My feelings exactly!

    Blessings WJ


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 25 2009,16:22)
    Hi WJ,
    Is your finger… you?

    The Spirit of God is as the finger of God [Lk11 with Mt12]


    God can be anything he wants.

    He can be a finger that cast out demons.

    He can be a hand that upholds us.

    He can be a foot that stomps out his enemies

    He can be a rock that we stand on.

    He can be a refining fire that burns out the chaff.

    Shall I go on?

    Oh yea, and he can take on the likeness of sinful flesh and be found in fashion as a man!

    Why, did you think the finger of God, his Spirit is literally a finger?



    Hi WJ,
    There is one Spirit.
    You must seek to be joined with the Spirit of Christ[rom8]

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