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  • #85842

    Angels are not demons.


    I'm not sure who is saying “angels are demons.” I think we are saying that demons are a name given to the angels that rebelled.

    Perhaps what you meant was “demons are not angels.”


    Nick Those Angels that rebelled when Lucifer did went with Him and at that point they became demons. Lucifer became Satan. No but demons are never again Angels. They await the Lake of Fire along with Satan.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Hi Mrs,
    Yes you have expressed this opinion elsewhere.
    It is not written.


    I think fables get mixed in among truth and we should check them out.
    Beelezebub is often thought of as an alternative name for Satan.
    But that is not what scripture says.

    24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.”
    22The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.”

    Satan[the devil 1140] is given many names but never called Beelzebub[954]who is the leader of the demons.. Demons[1228] are called devils in the KJV but they are not THE devil. Likewise Beelzebub is not called god of this world.


    Nick In Rev. 12:9 it Say's
    So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his Angels were cast out with him.

    So Nick are you going to call those Angels that rebelled with Satan and went with him, Angels? Or what are you going to call them? I call them demons. Cause that is what they are. They rebelled just like Satan did. I would not call Satan Lucifer anymore.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 03 2008,12:06)
    I think fables get mixed in among truth and we should check them out.
    Beelezebub is often thought of as an alternative name for Satan.
    But that is not what scripture says.

    24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.”  
    22The scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “He casts out the demons by the ruler of the demons.”

    Satan[the devil 1140] is given many names but never called Beelzebub[954]who is the leader of the demons.. Demons[1228] are called devils in the KJV but they are not THE devil. Likewise Beelzebub is not called god of this world.

    In Math 12:24 they were called demons, again what were they before they became demons? Did they exist before?


    Quote (seek and you will find @ April 03 2008,12:20)
    Nick In Rev. 12:9 it Say's
    So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceived the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his Angels were cast out with him.

    So Nick are you going to call those Angels that rebelled with Satan and went with him, Angels? Or what are you going to call them? I call them demons. Cause that is what they are. They rebelled just like Satan did. I would not call Satan Lucifer anymore.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Hi Mrs,
    Angels are never called demons by scripture even if you do. Ever read the book of Enoch?


    Hi Irene,
    You posted this on behalf of Georg discussing the demons in the man in the tombs.

    “These were demons, they recognized Jesus as the Son of God, they had known him from the time of creation. They were not created demons, they were angels until they sided with Lucifer and rebelled against God.”

    Where doies scripture tell us demons are angels?


    No Nick angels became demons. Not that demons are called angels. But they were angels once. What post are you talking about, the man in the tomb
    Peace and Love Irene


    Hi Irene,
    We know your opinion on this.
    But where is it written?


    Hi Nick,
    What are these demonic spirits written in the Bible?


    Nick I gave you Rev. 12:9 is that not good enough. I don't think that I said that Angels are demons, rather that when Lucifer rebelled and was then called Satan or Devil 1/3 of the Angels rebelled with Him and then are called Demons. That is known knowledge from as long as I can remember. Or do you not believe in them, like that Organization that Jodi talked about.
    Peace and Love Irene


    Irene…..If you look up the word Lucifer, you will find it means rising Star, that was a description used even today of some growing in popularity, we call them rising stars. The King of Babylon was a rising star so to speak, and God was going to bring Him down which He did do. Babylon sat where today is modern Baghdad it is where the garden of Eve was supposedly to have existed. Haven't you ever noticed that word Lucifer is Only used once in the bible. That prophrsy was addressed to the ruler of Babylon, most
    likely Belshazzar when God destroyed Babylon BY the Persian Darius. It plainly says's he exalted himself as a God but He (WAS A MAN) not a God or supper being of some kind.
    The whole idea of him being a light bringer and then having his man change to Satan is not scriptural. The word Lucifier does not mean light Bringer at All, but rising Star, is the actual meaning of the word.

    The word Satan means (ADVISORY) and anyone can be an advesory, Jesus even said Peter was at one time calling Him Satan, God himself can be an advisory and is at time, saying go and tell them I am against them. There are may satans who are against the truth and the will of God, in fact we have all been that at times in our lives and still are at times.



    I couldn't say for sure what the complete scriptural testimony is on demons……….but I've seen people delivered from them! I spoke to, what I believe to have been a demon. True story.


    Quote (Irene @ June 19 2008,04:56)
    Nick  I gave you Rev. 12:9 is that not good enough. I don't think that I said that Angels are demons, rather that when Lucifer rebelled and was then called Satan or Devil 1/3 of the Angels rebelled with Him and then are called Demons. That is known knowledge from as long as I can remember. Or do you not believe in them, like that Organization that Jodi talked about.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene,
    Please read what you wrote several times.

    Evil spirits or demons are described in many places by Jesus.

    He never says they are, or have ever been, any form of angel.
    Angels dervive from the heavenly realm though eventully one third are cast to earth.

    Demons are earthly beings, without bodies of their own, that seek a home within humans though animals too can be their hosts-eg the pigs in the story of the “legion”cast from the man.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 19 2008,06:51)

    Quote (Irene @ June 19 2008,04:56)
    Nick  I gave you Rev. 12:9 is that not good enough. I don't think that I said that Angels are demons, rather that when Lucifer rebelled and was then called Satan or Devil 1/3 of the Angels rebelled with Him and then are called Demons. That is known knowledge from as long as I can remember. Or do you not believe in them, like that Organization that Jodi talked about.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Hi Irene,
    Please read what you wrote several times.

    Evil spirits or demons are described in many places by Jesus.

    He never says they are, or have ever been, any form of angel.
    Angels dervive from the heavenly realm though eventully one third are cast to earth.

    Demons are earthly beings, without bodies of their own, that seek a home within humans though animals too can be their hosts-eg the pigs in the story of the “legion”cast from the man.

    Demons are earthly beings?  Without a body of their own? Are they Spirit Beings? So what do you  call those 1/3 of Angels that rebelled and went with Lucifer? Devils? I thought that we call Satan the Devil. So what are Demonic Powers?


    demons= fallen angels…thats why they “believe and shudder”…the bible equates them with being in “tartarus” aka a place of dense spiritual darkness…there only 2 types of bodies mentioned in scripture “terrestial” and “celestial”….”heavenly sort” and “earthly sort”…remember who some said gave Jesus his power to expel? beelzebub prince of the demons= satan and his menions aka fallen angels…

    In the New Testament, there is question of an evil spirit, Beelzeboul. On account of the great similarity of names, he is usually identified with Baalzebub, beel being the Aramaic form of baal, and the change from the final b to l such as might easily occur. But there were numberless names for demons at that time, and this one may have been newly invented, having no relation to the other; the fact that one element of the compound is Aramaic and the other Hebrew would not disprove this. The meaning of the term is “lord of the mansion” or dwelling, and it would be supposed by the Jews of this time to refer to the nether regions, and so be an appropriate name for the prince of that realm. Beelzeboul (Beelzebub) is used, then, merely as another name for Satan ….Matthew 12:24-29; Luke 11:15-22


    To All….i think clean and unclean Spirits is more descriptive . Jesus said when a unclean spirit leaves a man His house becomes clean and the Spirit is said to go out into (arid) places looking for rest, so evidently they need water or moister of some kind, which kind of fits where Jesus command the legion of them to come out of the possessed Man, and they begged Him to let them go into the pigs I think they wanted moisture of some kind. Jesus said something about being born of water and spirit, so maybe water plays a part in the new bodies we will have, just speculation .



    Hi DK,
    Certainly angel messengers are said to be in Tartarus.
    2 Peter 2:4
    For if God messengers who sinned did not spare, but with chains of thick gloom, having cast [them] down to Tartarus, did deliver [them] to judgment, having been reserved,

    Beelezebub is said to be the prince of the devils[demons or evil spirits]
    Matthew 12:24
    But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

    Beelzebub is not shown to be equivalent to SATAN, THE DRAGON, THE SERPENT OR THE DEVIL in Revelation.

    Jesus identified an organised kingdom of darkness.
    Nowhere are angels said to become demons.

    FYO  Enoch gives an account of their origin but not all accept the authenticity of this book.

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