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  • #115537

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 24 2008,16:26)
    Nick… are you saying you are a child of GOD and we are strangers, because we don't agree with you?


    Are you not yet a child of God?
    The door is yet open.

    Do you feed us with the bread of eternal life?
    If so you are not a stranger.


    Nick………i knew a long time ago i am a child of GOD, and still sin also, I like Paul say “O” wretched man i am and even some times think who can deliver me from this body of death, and i to thank GOD through Jesus Christ i will be delivered some day. The bread of life is Christ Jesus and to (truly) understand HIM give great peace and blessed assurances. I am no longer brought into (FEAR) by MYSTERY teachings of all Kinds. About demons and devils and Satan. The bread i eat (take to myself) is the manna from Heaven, Not the false teaching of Apostate religions. THE (MYSTERY BABYLON) or mystery teachings of confusions, of these world religions. If it's not sound if not of GOD. IMO

    love to you and yours…………………….gene


    Does this manna go beyond the teachings of the Teacher?
    It ought not.


    Hi Jodi,
    You said in another thread.

    “Evil thoughts form from the imaginations of men when they strive to serve their flesh. These thoughts then become evil spirits that go out into the world and corrupt the influencial minds of others. ”

    Jesus held discussions with these THOUGHTS?
    Con your thoughts speak apart from you?


    Nick…..if i put my thought into another Yes they can speak apart from me, Even as GOD thoughts can speak through Us . Nick i tried to explain that to you along time ago. If you understand there is (NO) new Thought , thoughts are transfered from one to another if you could not hear or speak or see thoughts could not be transfered , They are transfered by sounds waves and inter us a sound which is transfered into electrical signals that goes into our brain where they are stored and when needed are retrieved, you will speak no more then what you have taken into you, and this guides you decisions , and so without GOD's Spirit (intellect or thoughts put into you) you could can not express His Mind, Jesus words were (NOT) his they were God's words coming from GOD'S MIND and those who ears have be opened by GOD, recieve them into there minds but if we have these words in us we cannot claim them as ours or we will be robbing GOD, there GOD'S words not ours or Jesus'. You can even separate words from thoughts, because even when you think you think in words. or you could make no sense of what you are thinking if you didn't. Here is a good experiment stop and think about something and notice you are thinking in words. if those words were removed from you you could not think at all. Unclean spirits are simply unclean thought that have taken over a persons thinking and they can be removed and replaced with clean thoughts as scripture shows, Jesus by the power of the Father healed many with unclean spirits (thoughts) in them.

    Love and peace to you Nick………………gene


    Extraordinary GB,
    You are some sort of ventriloquist now?


    A fine doctrine GB,
    But it bears on a passing similarity to the teachings of Scripture.
    We prefer scripture thanks.


    Nick… is the same as the scriptures say, you just can't comprehend it yet brother.

    love ……………gene


    No we do not share your need to go beyond scripture into our own teachings.
    The Spirit of God takes us back to the teachings of scripture.


    Nick……what do you mean (WE) speak for yourself not others. Many here understand far more the you brother. You still lack much maturity IMO.

    love and peace……….gene


    You said
    “Nick….then has all these demons disappeared then and no longer exist or what. Look understanding what Jesus was saying to me is more important in my opinion. Jesus said Knowledge would be increased and it has, we now know what causes the mental conditions and some are treatable while other are not and would take a miracle from God to fix. Look i do believe in demonic Spirits (INTELLECTS) just not (BEINGS) going around jumping in and out of people. Intellects, yes, beings NO. imo “
    What are these INTELLECTS? Are they shown in scripture?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 18 2008,15:43)
    Nick…..there are billions if not trillions of evil intellects, that can effect a man or woman. Just like there are billions if not trillions of good intellects also. IMO

    You said this.
    What does it mean?
    Are there clean spirits too?


    Nick……..If you don't know that , it means you don't even know what Spirit is yet, even though i have quoted it to you many times From Jesus own Mouth. Go and reread what Jesus said and simply Just believe it.



    Do you really believe the words of Jesus?
    Then why do you deny Satan and demons?


    Nick……when did i ever say i denied SATAN'S or Demons or DEVILS, I disagree with your understanding of them as being creatures that go around jumping in and out of people that all. See i believe their EVIL Adversarial Spirits (intellect in people). If you understood that Satan is an adjetive That describes the person its relating to , as in the case of Jesus calling Peter SATAN , you wouldn't be so confused . GO read what Jodi posted maybe you and the “WE” can better understand what we are saying.

    love and peace……………..gene


    It has never been relevant to us what you believe.
    It is not about you. It is about what is written


    Nick………whats written is useless if you don't understand it . And who says it relevant to Us what you believe either. Its not about either even through you try to make so. Do You think by parroting scripture that make you right, better to understand a little then parrot a lot of what you don't understand.

    peace and love………………………….gene


    You claim great understandings but if they are questioned you fly into rages.
    Why is this?

    You then offer peace and love to everyone and want to kiss their families.
    Why the discrepancy?

    Scripture is where truth is found, not in human understanding.
    5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.


    For tt


    Nick……..When have i went into a rage, just because i disagree with you fear religion and self works does not mean i am in a rage , in fact it seem to by you who react by insulting others, Not me. I don not recall any rage i have been in here.

    I have quoted you many many many scriptures, and you always fail to answer them in fact i really don't recall you answering any of those quotes, you just ignore them and go on with you own beliefs. Rather you understand them or not, and now you take out of context scriptures to try to prove your false teachings,and say that we should not understand, what we are talking about calling our understanding of ourselves, simply because you fail to understand scriptures we are talking about.

    Lying and saying i (CLAIM) (GREAT UNDERSTANDING) IS SIMPLY A LIE. Please post where i ever said such a thing as that, i most always end my posts with (IMO) IN MY OPINION.  I have never ask anyone to believe what i post, i am just posting what i think about a subject, as all here do.

    Nick you seem to not have a problem of accusing and misrepresent people and that is not me only who see that, but others here also. So instead of accusing me of my motives , you need to think more about what you motives are, I hardly see love coming from you toward anyone here.


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