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  • #109480

    Why did Jesus not refer to demons as free intellects?
    They seem to do more than minds or thoughts can do according to his teaching shown in Matthew.

    malcolm ferris

    Hi MF,
    We are only given a new heavenly body when we are raised
    or if we are alive when he comes and are among those who never die.

    The soul lives in the mansions of Christ, the new Jerusalem.

    As I understand it we are raised (in the resurrection) in a glorified earthly body.


    Hi MF,
    Why do you think this?
    1 cor 15
    47The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

    48As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

    49And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

    50Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
    52In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

    54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

    1 John 3:2
    Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.  

    Perhaps it is just a matter of nomenclature.

    Flesh and blood could not enter heaven but Jesus did in his spiritual body and we will be like him.

    malcolm ferris

    OK why do I think we have a body after death? not physical but a spiritual one?
    There is the incident on the boat when Jesus disciples saw him walking on the water
    and thought him to be a ghost, a departed soul. They saw an appearance as a man
    and supposed this to be not a man but a spirit being…
    Also there is the incident in the old testament where the witch of Endor saw the
    appearance of the man Samuel.
    Both suggesting that a departed soul has in fact a body to go to upon death.


    Hi MF,
    I have a problem with that thought because there is no doubt that the body he lived in suffered tremndously during his life. He felt hunger and tiredness, he showed his diciples his wounds after his resurrection. So until he rose from the earth he was just as we are IMO.

    The perceptions of the apostles are not surprising as anyone walking on the water would give you a jar and we are so prone to jumping to conclusions with these weak eyes and minds.

    Samuel was dead and his body rotted away but who know what souls look like?

    malcolm ferris

    Not quite sure what thought that is you are referring to there Nick,
    I fail to see the connection between what I just posted and the fact that Jesus had a mortal body here on earth,
    I was not suggesting otherwise.
    I was simply citing a couple of instances in the scriptures where the concept of a spirit in a body is set forth.

    BTW I find the fact that you mention Jesus' body after resurrection with its mortal wounds
    and then go on to suggest this is different from the body that was raised very intriguing.
    It was I believe a glorified earthly body that was raised to the throne of the Majesty on high.
    I think it is in Zechariah that we read of Messiah revealing himself to the Jews and they ask
    'where did you get those wounds in your hands and in your sides'
    his reply : 'in the house of my friends'
    IMO this parallels that scene in the OT where we find Joseph revealing himself to his brethren in Egypt.
    I notice in Zechariah that the body they see is the same as the body his disciples saw before his resurrection – one scarred from his death.
    Also in Revelation when the Lamb comes into view (symbolic of Christ our Lord) we see he is as a Lamb slain
    still bearing those scars as a memorial before GOD of the his sacrifice which paid the full penalty for sin.


    Hi MF,
    No matter what the apostles thought they saw it was Jesus the man.
    Luke 24:39
    Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
    1Cor 15
    50Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.


    good points MF

    malcolm ferris

    re 1 Cor 15:50
    good point Nick
    Indeed flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of GOD for it is a spiritual Kingdom.
    Our bodies are not the inheritors of anything – they are a house.
    We are the inheritors of our bodies.


    Hi MF,
    New imperishable ones.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Sep. 25 2008,04:13)
    Nick…..those were completely possessed with evil thoughts, not beings but evil Spirit thoughts, and they were only acting out what was in them , it was not beings but evil thoughts that were driving them to act the way they were. These intellects went into the pigs and they acted craze like the men who were inflected with them did also.  Good and evil spirit is every where and we can be filled with them  and we will act accordingly. God can remove evil spirit or give evil spirit into some one , as in the case of Saul , when go sent to him a evil spirit that troubled him, where do you think it troubled him at , was it not in his mind. The problem is you don't understand what Spirit is. You think  spirits are beings when in fact they are intellects of good and evil, and are every where life exists.They are intellects or knowledge that animates life to either do good or evil. Spirit intellects do not have to have a body to exist, but once these intellects inter a body they can and do animate it. IMO

    You say this and then out of the other side of your mouth this in another thread.

    ” We do need to be cautious of what we are hearing and are looking at. Because that how we allow these Spirits (intellects) into us.”

    Are these pagan demons you are speaking of?

    If you put all these intellects into an amorphous heap would that be what evil is to you?


    Nick…………where is there a difference on what i said,. All evil is evil intellect or Evil Spirit its all the same. No different s , your trying to hard again to discredit me Nick by making statements like that. I think it's really you who speak out of both sides of your Mouth. One time you preach Fear then you say (GODLY Fear) or (WORLDLY FEAR) trying to qualify FEAR because your Pride wont let you admit your wrong.
    Fear in Scripture means reverence and deep respect, not what you falsely Preach. IMO

    peace ………………gene


    So these intellects jump in and out of careless readers?


    Nick…….Words are thoughts and effect our intellect or minds and yes they do go in and out of our minds and are spoken out of our mouths as words and they are Spirit< Just as Jesus said HIS WORDS (ARE) SPIRIT. Just that simple statement of Jesus should be enough to explain it to you. Spirit is intellect express through thoughts into words. How do you think we are to Judge the Spirit then if not through words and deeds , both are motivated by the mind and were at one time received into that mind also. The most powerful thing on the earth is the mind, it is what life is. Without it you have (NO) life in you. If you have GOD mind in you you have life, Just as Jesus did , if you don't you simply are non of His. IMO



    Yes we have seen your own concepts shared here before.
    But this is a bible study site.


    Nick…..just as we have seen you own Concepts here before, And if this is a bible study site as you say, then stick with the posts and prove where the ones i post are wrong, by scripture and not by you preconceived ideologies. It appears as a NICK HASSAN site not a not simply a bible study site, I have seen several post to you saying you are pushing your own form of Gospel message Hardly a open form of Bible topics as Chosenone and others have said it Nick Gospel You have shown yourself as the worst offender of People on this site by far. Your constant insults to me and others are totally uncalled for. IMO

    peace …………..gene


    Try to stay on topic.
    I do not give up hope you will present soon what scripture says.


    Nick……….I and many others have also, but you refuse to believe scriptures thats obvious not only to me but many others as well. How can you just ignore posted scriptures and then say (present scriptures). Sounds like you really don't care what scriptures are posted your not going to believe them any way.

    love and peace……………………gene


    So lets start with what you teach, the scripture that tells us spirit is intellect.

    Hold on.
    There are none.


    Nick……AS i told you along time ago your problem is you have no idea what a SPIRIT IS. Figure that out and you can answer you own ignorance. Brother

    love to you…………gene

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