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  • #106282

    You know I think all of this has been explained before. Can anybody understand that Satan was Lucifer before iniquity was found in him? He was a beautiful Angel. Then in Math 4 Jesus saw Satan ( Lucifer) fallen from heaven. At the point when Lucifer sinned he became Satan. 1/3 of the Angels went with him. They are the demons. God will chain those in the Millenium and peace will be on this earth.

    Peace and LOve Irene

    I just noticed this post should be under Satan and not Demons


    Tiffany……the Lucifer you speak of, the bible say was a (MAN), GO back and reread about Lucifer. He was the King of Babylon a very powerful king that ruled the entire world of his day, and the gardens were the ancient gardens of Babylon considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world. IMO

    Love to you and yours……………pgene


    Hi Irene,
    Yes this thread is about demons, evil spirits, unclean spirits.
    They feature strongly in the work of Jesus and the apostles.
    There is no suggestion that they are less conspicuous now.


    Nick…..if you don't know what a SPIRIT IS how could you possible Know the rest?


    The intellect is of the Mind.
    Demons are not little minds.

    They have interesting things to say

    MT 8
    28And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

    29And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

    30And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.

    31So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.

    32And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.

    33And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.


    Nick…..those were completely possessed with evil thoughts, not beings but evil Spirit thoughts, and they were only acting out what was in them , it was not beings but evil thoughts that were driving them to act the way they were. These intellects went into the pigs and they acted craze like the men who were inflected with them did also. Good and evil spirit is every where and we can be filled with them and we will act accordingly. God can remove evil spirit or give evil spirit into some one , as in the case of Saul , when go sent to him a evil spirit that troubled him, where do you think it troubled him at , was it not in his mind. The problem is you don't understand what Spirit is. You think spirits are beings when in fact they are intellects of good and evil, and are every where life exists.They are intellects or knowledge that animates life to either do good or evil. Spirit intellects do not have to have a body to exist, but once these intellects inter a body they can and do animate it. IMO


    A strangers voice.


    Nick…All truth seem to be a stranger to you. You say that about everything you don't understand, right.


    Hi all,
    This is what GB says about the demons,
    “Nick…Pagan influence was in the people at the time of Christ they believe that devils and demons were actual beings going around jumping in and out of people, when they saw a person has an Epileptic attack they thought he had a demon in him, or if a person had a by polar disorder they also thought it a was demons at work in him, Jesus related with them on there level of understanding , When He heald them it was as if he was driving them our of them, When they had a unclean spirit , these were unclean intellects of thoughts that they received by exposure to then and caused them to act in unclean and ways and GOD just removed them through Jesus and that spiritual intellect simple was no longer in the person. So they acted as if they never had it any longer but that does not mean they could not recieve it into them again though. God Plainly prohibited the belief in devils and demons and witches and sorceries in the old testament, He know how such thinking can screw up a persons mind, and he prohibited it even at the point of death. But today the church is full of these false teachings. IMO “


    Nick….prove different then, if you can. Spirit is intellect it effects beings, itself is not a (BEING) it can only effect one, thats all it can do. Jesus said my words (ARE) spirit, let that sink into your head , and you might begin to realize some things. imo


    The Words of Jesus are Spirit and life.
    No other man can make such a claim.

    It does not apply to the heathen man.


    Nick….wrong again, Some of Paul's words as well as the apostles words were also given by the Spirit of GOD. All who have Gods Spirit in them are capable of specking Spiritual words. You limit GOD to Just one man (Jesus), but scripture does not limit GOD or His spirit. God Has and does speak through many even now. In fact Paul said that GOD would Judge our hearts according to (HIS) GOSPEL> What do you do with that?. All words of GOD are Spirit and life no matter who speaks them. Jesus or the prophets or those guided by His spirit. For the Spirit searches the deep things of GOD, right?


    So GB,
    What of the heathen-are their words spirit and life?


    Christ lives and speaks through his brothers, words from God.
    That is why he is the fountain of God's Spirit.
    That is why he alone truly offers words of Spirit and life


    Disagreeing with you makes nobody wrong.
    You rely on your own thoughts.
    Why not rely on scripture?


    Nick….> And agreeing with you makes NO BODY RIGHT EITHER> Because you rely on your own thought which lack understanding of what Jesus meant when he spoke. Relying on scripture means nothing if a person does not understand what it says, right. This is our problem you just do not understand most Scripture we or Jesus talked about. Parroting someone means nothing anyone can do that. In fact all the denominations of the world do that and they all disagree with each other . So don't give us this rely on scripture bull, It what you understand that counts, not parroting Jesus without understanding.” Many Shall come in MY name saying i am the Christ and mislead many”. Do you think they were not saying the same things you say.


    You boast of superior access to this understanding but then you prefer words of scientists to those of Jesus and tell us he did not speak the truth but only a version of it adapted to the pagan culture.

    You seem to have seriously crossed your wires somewhere.


    Nick….Those scientist agree with Jesus as well as i , It's you who believe in pagan demons and devils and etc, as individual beings, Jumping in and out of people, not me or Jesus or the scientist. And i never boasted about any of this, if I have please show me where. You should not falsely accuse people, of things their not doing. In fact it you on your high horse, who thinks you have the power to direct everyones opinion here not me, I just give my opinion. NO ONE is ASKING you to except any thing i say , I certainly do not except most of what you say either.


    Jesus spoke of Satan and demons.
    But you say these things are of pagan belief.

    Then whom do you serve?


    Nick….I not saying there are no devils and Satans , what i and others say is that they are not separate beings going jumping in and our op people, but rather spirit (intellects) in Man and are not separate of man kind. Pagan believed they were super natural beings , going around taking over people like ghost and goblins etc, They sought this under world as if it really existed and this screwed up the minds of many people then and still does.

    This demonic under world does not exist and people who think it does are themselves practicing doctrines of demons and witchcraft. What do you think a doctrine of a demons is if not the belief in them. Thats what a doctrine is it is something you believe in. So if you believe in them then you believe the doctrine of demons. As did the pagan of years ago.

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