Decoding the Mark of the Beast

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  • #869288

    Berean……That happens at the end of the millennial reign of Jesus and the Saint’s , just Pryor tp the return of God Almighty, not before the return of Jesus.

    The return of Jesus will take this whole world by surprise, Just as Jesus said. They will be looking to what all these false prophets are saying to happen and not even realize Jesus’ return is a CELESTIAL EVENT , JUST AS HE DESCRIBE IT AS.

    HE said it would be as in the days of NOAH, they would be eating and drinking, giving and taking in marriage , until like in the days of Noah, until he entered into the arch, AND THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION HAPPENED TO THEM ALL, THE “FLOOD”, CAME A DESTROYED THEM ALL.

    JESUS described a CELESTRIAL event that will cause the powers of heaven to be shaken causing this world to wobble through orbit and produce giant waves “the seas a roaring and men’s hearts failing them looking for that thing coming on the earth, that thing coming on the earth is what is going to happen to this earth as it’s gravitational force is shaken. ” the seas around and men’s hearts failing them, looking to that thing coming on the earth.” ‘When you see these things happening. Then look up for your redemption draws near” . That what Jesus himself said would happen, just before he returns.
    The rest is just false prophets who have the return of GOD ALMIGHTY MIXED UP WITH THE RETURN OF JESUS.

    Peace and love to you and yours………gene


    Miia….Please go and read what I have written about what Rev 17.   These modern day false prophets have the return of God almighty mixed up with the returned of Jesus. because the are not following the “timeline” given in Rev 17 ,  no one can understand revelations properly unless they understand that ‘timeline” properly.
    peace and love to you and yours yours……..gene




    This is not what Jesus says in Matthew 24
    Reread in full Matthew 24, where it is spoken of the fall of Jerusalem and how to escape, of the persecutions at the time of the Roman empire PAGAN and PAPAL and of the end of this world of sins and the return of Jesus with the main signs of times which announce its advent.


    Miia………I certainly do believe Jesus will be here soon. Very soon,  scripture say that the messiah shall be cut off in the “midst of the week”  , I believe that is relation to a 70 year time period, which means he was about 35 years old when he died, he was cut off, leaving the rest of that seventy week time period to happen ,  which was approximately 35 years remaining to complete it. So when they began there count of years they began at the time of Jesus’ death , not at the time of the end of the full week of years time, which would have pushed our present time period back by 35 years,  we are  now at 2021 if we add back the remaining time it comes to 2035, which actually would equal to 2000 years since the end of the count . I know that is complicated and I am not saying it is even right, but to me that time period if applied to the end of that time week would make the actual year to 2000 years , since the end of that week of prophesy.

    I am not preaching that nor prophesying it either, it just my “OPINION “.  I believe Jules will be here before 2033, or right around there.  Just my opinion Miia.

    peace and love to you and yours…….gene



    Berean . That happened in 70 AD. ,  the Roman Empire no longer exists , it has been completely destroyed for hundreds of years.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene

    Ed J

    Miia………I certainly do believe Jesus will be here soon. Very soon, scripture say that the messiah shall be cut off in the “midst of the week” , I believe that is relation to a 70 year time period, which means he was about 35 years old when he died, he was cut off, leaving the rest of that seventy week time period to happen , which was approximately 35 years remaining to complete it. So when they began there count of years they began at the time of Jesus’ death , not at the time of the end of the full week of years time, which would have pushed our present time period back by 35 years, we are now at 2021 if we add back the remaining time it comes to 2035, which actually would equal to 2000 years since the end of the count .


    What kind of garbage are you talking about now?

    If you are talking about the 70 weeks of Daniel, I
    posted a video on the 70 weeks of Daniel on the first page.
    I suggest you use your “FreeWill” and go back and watch the video.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Edj…..I was speaking about where it says that he “the Messiah” Would be cut off in the midst of the week. and remember I am just speculating , not saying I am right on this just my OPINION. 

    AND THATS ALL.  Please don’t use this as a means to try to it appear I am “prophesying” it because I am not. Just what I am thinking about we may have started counting time wrong about from end of the 4000 year period unto the present 2000 thousand years just before the last final 1000 year period.

    AGAIN,  I AM NOT SAYING IT IS TRUE OR ACCURATE, IT IS JUST AN OPINION.  DON’T TRY TO MAKE IT ANY MORE THEN THAT, OK. I notice how you try to make things out to appear different then what I actually say, make things different,  by deliberately leaving off what I said about what I posted,  wonder where that Spirit of deception comes from?

    Peace and love to you and yours………..gene

    Ed J


    Whenever someone proclaims a fulfilled prophetic event is yet
    a future event is WRONG no matter what their private interpretation is.

    Please use your “FreeWill” and go back and watch the video. (Post 15 #869167)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Edj…..please show where I said a fulfilled event is yet to happen.  If I am speculating about something I will say it, that it is just my opinion. But if I show scriptures that proof it, like Rev 17, and Dan 2 then that is scriptures saying it, not me. That  is something we all need to do instead of listening to all those false prophets out there.
    understanding Rev 17 is absolutely crucial to understanding Revelations, because it sets the “timeline”. No matter what anyone says about what is written in Revelations must fit that time line given or it is not a true prophesy.

    You need to go back and see if your prophet you preach fits that time line, if he doesn’t he is a false prophet, simple as that.
    peace and love to you and yours…………gene



    Edj…..I watched part of the your posted video,  which was very good , and he also agreed with what I said about the time period was over in 34 AD,  and the remaining 34 or so years completed the total time period, which should have been the time our calendar should have started, but it didn’t,  it started at the time of Jesus’ death , not at the end of the total time period, which should have been the end of the what was left which was another 34 years.
    Our present Calendar is 34 years off, so if we subtract those years from our present time, we would come up with 1987. Leavening 33 more years till the 2000 year period is over , and leaving 1000 more years of the reign of Jesus and the Saints, for a thousand years which will make a total of 7000 years of God the Fathers plan.
    That was a good video, it doesn’t disagree with what I was saying, we have “about” 12 years left to complete the 2000 years of the total time period.
    That video did not disagree with what I was saying in my opinion.
    peace and love to you and yours……….gene


    Hi To all


    Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?
    [14] And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.(Daniel 8)

    PLEASE, watch the video


    God bless

    Ed J

    Hi Berean,

    There is nothing to suggest that the 2,300 day/year Prophecy started
    at the same starting date (457bc) as the 70 weeks of Daniel Prophecy.
    Nor is there anything to suggest that anything was fulfilled in 1844.

    The 70 weeks Prophecy, on the other hand, is ROCK SOLID!


    I will show you definitive PROOF that the dome of the rock mosque
    *IS* ‘the abomination of desolation’ spoken of by both Daniel
    the Prophet and by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ using
    the same “day for a year” prophetic time-table.

    (1 John 5:9) “If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater”
    “We have also a more sure word of prophecy (a “day for a year”);
    whereunto ye do well that ye take heed” (2 Peter 1:19)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Berean…….The seventy week prophesy was a time period of 70 years times 7 which equaled to 490 years total.  Like this.
    70 year groups of 70 years ,  each time period was increments of 70 years , Jesus was cut off in the midst of the last time period of 70,  which would be around 35 years,   Then the rest of the time period of 35 years had to be completed before the end,  of the 490 years.
    That happened 35 years after Jesus’ death , when the “SON” of VASPERIAN , KING OF ROME , “PRINCE” TITUS  came in and Destroyed Jerusalem and desecrated the temple,  causing an end of the sacrifices. That was the “abomination” that brought desolation , to the Jewish people and drove them out of their country, and made an end of sacrifices.
    It did not happen in 70 AD but 35 AD,  that is what throw off our calendar by 35 years in “my opinion” .  So to adjust our calendar we have to subtract 35 years from our present date, which would bring us to the actual year of 1986 leaving us approximately 14 more years to go to complete the 2000 year cycle which would start the remaining 1000 year period , the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Saint’s.
    This is the way I “now” see it, not saying it is right to the date accurate but I do believe it is close. “IMO”.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene




    Edj…..would like to see your “proof” that the abomination of desalination is the rock mosque.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene



    Hum … Very light your story …
    You have to get a little more SERIOUS , and give up relying on your own wisdom and be willing to learn, but that’s another story ….

    Ed J


    Hum … Very light your story …
    You have to get a little more SERIOUS , and give up relying on your own wisdom and be willing to learn, but that’s another story ….

    Hi Berean,

    My concern is not what the SDA gets wrong, so if you are a member
    of their organization don’t be offended. My concern is that they have
    the 70 weeks of Daniel RIGHT, and that is what truly matters. As far as
    the 2,300 day Prophecy goes, we can all be corrected when we get things wrong.

    Peace to you brother,
    Ed J

    Ed J


    The 70 weeks of Daniel ended in 34/34 ad.
    The 70 ad date that Jerusalem was sacked has
    nothing to do with the 70 weeks of Daniel Prophecy.

    Don’t convolude ideas together

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Hum … Very light your story …
    You have to get a little more SERIOUS , and give up relying on your own wisdom and be willing to learn, but that’s another story ….

    Hi Berean,

    Can you please just tell me (in your words) why
    you believe the 2,300 year prophecy started
    at the same time the 490 years started?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Edj…….I believe it does.  The sacrifices were not stopped at the time of Jesus’ death,  it is correct to say that he did “end” the “requirements” of burnt sacrifices that’s true, but the Jewish nation did not stop them until Jerusalem and the Temple was destroyed. Sense  then they have not offered any sacrifices even until this day.
    Jesus was cut off in the midst of the last time period of 70 years, leaving the remainder of the time period left to complete , that happened 70 years after his birth, not hid death on the cross or tree.  In my “opinion” .

    peace and love to you and yours……..gene


    Ed J

    Jesus was cut off in the midst of the last time period of 70 years


    The last period was 7 years not 70 years. Get your facts straight

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