Daily Devotions

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  • #944136

    Accepting the Lord Jesus as Saviour does not save anyone.

    He is Lord of all and he said you must be born again- of water and the Spirit.


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional



    Corrie and Betsie spent four months at Ravensbrück. In that time, they witnessed God’s many miracles, including the nightly Bible readings they shared with hundreds of women.

    But Betsy’s health was declining. She died on December 16, 1944, two weeks before Corrie’s release. To the end, Betsy remained adamant about not only forgiving their enemies but pointing them to Christ.

    Now, without her constant companion for the first time in her life, Corrie was eventually guided by God to found two rehabilitation centers, fulfilling prophetic visions that Betsie had had while they had been imprisoned. One of the centers she set up in her old family home for former members of Holland’s Nazi Party. She even wrote a letter to Jan Vogel, finally forgiving him for what he had done.

    But Corrie still had much to learn. It was 1947, and Corrie had begun to speak publicly about her and Betsy’s experiences in the concentration camps. Her mission was really Betsy’s mission: to preach about the necessity of forgiveness after the war.

    After one of her talks in the heart of Germany, a man approached her. She recognized him immediately. He had been one of the guards at Ravensbrück!

    He spoke earnestly to her. He had become a Christian, and how beautiful it was that God had forgiven him of his sins—of all he had done in that camp. But he also wanted to be assured of her personal forgiveness. He held out his hand to her.

    Corrie stood like a block of ice. Waves of hatred washed over her; memories of Betsy flooded in. Were everyone else’s sins forgiven—including her own—but not this man’s? Everything within her screamed, “Yes!”

    But she had preached forgiveness. Could she practice it?

    She knew she could not—only God could. In that moment, she made the decision to shake the man’s hand, the last thing in the world she wanted to do. “Jesus, help me!” she pleaded. “You supply the feeling.”

    And He did. As prisoner and guard reached across that forbidden gulf, God destroyed the hatred in Corrie’s heart and replaced it with His love.

    “I forgive you, brother!” she exclaimed to the man. “With all my heart!” And she meant it. God had changed her very feelings.

    Reflect: Will you ask God to continually supply the forgiveness you do not have?

    “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”
    Romans 5

    From Amazing facts

    God bless



    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional


    The Space Shuttle’s main engines weighed less than 7,000 pounds apiece, but each one put out almost a half-million pounds of thrust. Pound for pound, they were the world’s most powerful rocket engines. In fact, each engine was as powerful as seven Hoover Dams! After the solid rocket boosters fell away, these three main engines clustered at the rear end of the orbiter continued to provide thrust.

    They fired for only eight minutes for each flight—just until the shuttle reached orbit. However, for its fiery reentry, the underbelly of the orbiter was protected by 24,000 heat-resistant tiles that had to be installed individually by hand. These silicate fiber tiles were incredibly lightweight, about the density of balsa wood, but could last 100 missions before requiring replacement. Each tile could dissipate heat so quickly that a white-hot tile with a temperature of 2,300 degrees could be taken from an oven and held in bare hands seconds later without injury!

    John describes an incredible “re-entry” of Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, who had died. “Jesus said, ‘Take away the stone.’ Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, ‘Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?’” (John 11:39, 40).

    Shuttle blastoffs and reentries were glorious to behold. But nothing will match the spectacular coming of Jesus when He shall call forth all the saints from their graves. Those who are dead in Christ will “rise” again and be lifted up to heaven. The power to raise the dead cannot compare to the world’s most powerful engines.

    And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. John 11:43

    From Amazing facts

    God bless



    The saints are not taken to heaven but to meet the Lord in the Air to partake of the Wedding feast.

    Meanwhile the great Tribulation will happen on earth and then the saints will return to earth to reign and rule with the Lord Jesus for 1000 years.



    Hi Nick

    For you, the wedding feast takes place in the Air and not in the HEAVEN ?!!!

    What does “the Air” mean to you?


    For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord

    1 Thess 4.16


    You are not answering my question.


    Since scriptural truth is established in the mouth of scriptural witnesses( 2 Cor 13.1)

    we have few backup verses to establish the meaning of this verse as far as I know.


    Please offer your ideas.


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional


    Leprosy is an insidious disease that attacks the peripheral nerves, resulting in numbness and loss of pain sensors in the extremities. One of the common myths regarding leprosy is that it is the direct cause of the loss of fingers, toes, hands, feet, and occasionally even a nose.

    However, the loss of these extremities is a secondary result of the disease. Since leprosy attacks the peripheral nerves, the body no longer receives pain signals from these extremities, and injuries such as burns and cuts are not properly recognized and cared for. The result is often infection, which can then progress to the death and eventual loss of the extremity.

    Many would love to live in a world without pain. This is reflected in the fact that one of the fundamental values of our modern society is the avoidance of pain—pain-free dentistry, pain-free surgery, pain-free living. As much as we don’t like it, however, pain for now is our friend, at least to alert us when there is a problem in our bodies.

    In Daniel 8, the Bible describes in detail the cunning and deceitful actions and attributes of the little horn power. Then verse 25 gives this amazing warning to God’s people, “By peace (he) shall destroy many.” The word “peace” can also be translated “prosperity.”

    One of the greatest dangers of God’s people is to believe that “I’m OK; you’re OK,” when in fact we don’t feel our great need. After the Lord told Jeremiah that every one of the children of Israel was given to covetousness and “from the prophet even to the priest, everyone deals falsely,” He said, “They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:13, 14). We desire honesty from a physician after a physical examination, don’t we?

    Would we want anything different from our loving heavenly Father? Sometimes the honesty of our friends might seem painful to us, but we are admonished “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6). True friends have the courage to tell us the truth about our wrongdoing.

    “Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.”
    Psalm 141:5




    Since scriptural truth is established in the mouth of scriptural witnesses( 2 Cor 13.1)

    we have few backup verses to establish the meaning of this verse as far as I know. 


    Please offer your ideas.



    I offer you an little Extract of one SDA Commentary :

    “This text says that believers join Jesus in the air to be with Him for￾ever. The key theme is the act of reuniting with each other and being
    together with Jesus. The text is silent regarding where they go after the
    initial encounter in the air. Paul himself clearly does not say that the
    believers will descend from heaven to earth with Jesus and reign there
    at the Second Coming. In fact, within the passage itself, the movement
    of the saints is only upward. The dead believers first rise up from their
    graves. Then they and the living believers ascend together to meet their
    Lord in the air.
    Paul provides further information in 1 Corinthians 15:23, 24. There
    he draws a strong parallel between the experience of Jesus and of those
    “in Christ.” Jesus arose and ascended to heaven as a “first fruit,” which
    implies that those who are in Him will have a similar experience.
    The immediate destination of the saints is clarified outside of Paul,
    in John 14:1–3. When Jesus comes, He will take His disciples to be
    where He is (in heaven). He does not come to join them where they
    are (on earth). This is why Adventists believe that during the thousand
    years after Jesus’ return (Rev. 20:4–6), the righteous will be with Him
    in heaven, the wicked will be dead, and Satan will be confined to earth
    with no one to tempt or annoy. Only after all the events associated with
    the millennium do the faithful come back to the earth to dwell (2 Pet.
    3:13, Rev. 3:12).
    Look at how “otherworldly” our ultimate hope is. How, though,
    could it be otherwise? After all, what real, long-term hope does
    this world offer us? How can we learn, then, not to get so caught
    up in that which offers us no hope anyway? ”

    see also if You want


    Hope this can help.



    Thank you.

    Rev 20 gives some light.

    And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, , who is the devil and Satan and bound him for 1000 years; and he threw him into the abyss, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he would not deceive the nations any longer, until the 1000 years were completed…

    It goes on the describe the first resurrection and the Millenial reign. That is our hope. Then the second resurrection of the rest, the final days and Judgement.

    These two resurrections are also shown in Jn 5 25–29


    It seems when folks do not grasp what is written they fill the gaps from their imagination and find plenty of support for falsehoods.


    2 Tim 2.11

    It is a trustworthy statement

    ’ For if we died with him, we will also live with him.

    If we endure , we will also reign with him;

    If we deny him he will also deny us;

    If we are faithless he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.’



    These promises are for those who share in the death of the Lord by baptism into his body in his name. They inherit a place in the first resurrection and the Millenial reign. Glimpses of their roles can be seen in Lk 19- the parable of money usage.


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional



    When “solar winds”—electrically charged particles flowing out from the sun—hit our atmosphere, the Earth’s magnetic field traps and pushes most of them to the polar regions. The strange and beautiful light shows of the aurora borealis and aurora australis (northern and southern lights) are the result.

    These can be seen as a glow or as curtains or arcs. Green is the most common color, but they can also be pink, red, yellow, blue, or a combination. Light is an essential gift from God. “Let there be light” was His first command of creation. He knew how important it would be for us. A lack of light or low levels of light can cause depression in humans and animals. We need regular exposure to strong light for our physical and emotional well-being.

    The same is true in our spiritual lives. Without a regular supply of strong spiritual light, we can easily become discouraged and lose our way. The Word of God provides this light. “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).

    In John 8:12, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” Because of Him we can “walk as children of light … finding out what is acceptable to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:8, 10). We don’t need to stumble around in the dark. Jesus promises to light our way.

    For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: Ephesians 5:8

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Those reborn of the light become lights for others to lead them from ignorance to spiritual understanding. They will not find that in any human religion no matter how much their striving to satisfy the Law offers.


    Hi to all

    Here is the Daily Devotional



    The most famous shipwreck in history is the RMS Titanic, which sank on April 15, 1912, on her maiden voyage. No pains were spared to supply this luxurious first-class ocean liner, including fewer lifeboats in order to provide more deck room for passengers to lounge and play. Out of 2,228 passengers only 705 survived.

    The world was captured by the construction of the massive and unsinkable Titanic. The White Star Line publicized the amazing engineering of this “invincible ship.” As she first headed out to sea, her massive propellers created a wake that pulled a smaller ship into a near-deadly collision. Four days later as she approached a massive iceberg and attempted to divert, a giant rip was torn parallel across the ship’s bulk. Some believe the crew was warned of coming icebergs but ignored the warnings.

    Most passengers were unaware of the tragedy when it first happened. Some reported feeling a strange quivering in the ship but didn’t think anything of it. Others saw icebergs through their portholes but were assured there would only be a slight delay. But passengers located at critical points knew the truth. The Titanic was sinking fast. An SOS was sent out to nearby ships. By the time the Carpathia arrived to help there were only a handful of lifeboats full of shocked survivors .

    The apostle Paul was once in a shipwreck. In fact, he said, “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also of our lives” (Acts 27:10). Unfortunately, these men (like so many of us) trusted in their own inventions and met with near disaster. David wrote, “For I will not trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me” (Psalm 44:6).

    Where do you put your trust? What do you boast about? Where is your hope?

    In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah. Psalm 44:8

    From Amazing facts

    God bless


    Nick……AMEN TO THAT brother.

    Anyone who doesn’t realize that when Jesus returns he will gather the living saints and resurrect the dead who are in him,  and establish on this earth his kingdom, simply does not understand scriptures.
    The book of Enoch says as I recall….>” I saw the lord descend from Mount Paron, With ten thousands of his Saint’s, to execute Judgement on the earth , and to convince all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed in the earth.”   I am not sure if that is completely correct but just the way I recall it.

    But scripture clearly show Jesus and the Saint’s will rule on this earth for a thousand years , then God the Father returns at the end of that period of time and Jesus turns his kingdom over to him, and become subject to the Father also,  as scripture clearly shows us.

    peace and love to you and yours Nick……….gene


    The SDA adherents earnestly claim to be Bible based but often seem to offer their church teachings including those of Ellen White as if they have equal validity- reminds me of the Catholic Church claiming their church teachings are as sacred as scripture.


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