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    Quote (Cindy @ June 01 2009,04:19)
    chosenone  What Jesus did by dying for us, Jesus took the death sentence away. He is our perfect sacrifice. We still have to go to the Throne of our Father Jehovah God and ask Him for the forgiveness of our sins. And if you believe that you are not sinning John says that the truth is not in you. So considered it and see if I and others are not right, at least my Husband believes like I do.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Yes, Jesus died for OUR sins, He paid OUR penalty. So we are now “justified” in Gods' eyes, He sees our sin no more. (2Cor.5:18-19)
    So why are we continually asking for 'forgiveness'? This is an insult to God. Will He say “Why did I send my Son to die for you”? Does He have to die again, like when under the “old covenant” a yearly sacrifice of an animal?
    Jesus died once for ALL, accept this blessing with thanks, no need to ask for forgiveness, it is an insult for something that has already been done.



    God, describing Himself in the book of “Isaiah” says…

    Is.46:10b “Saying, All My counsel shall be confirmed,
    And all My desire will I do”.
    11b “Indeed, I speak! Indeed, I will bring it about!
    I formed. Indeed, I will do it”.

    Is there any doubt what He is saying? Can anyone dispute that He cannot do what He intends to do?

    An explanation of Gods' doings, that He is in complete control.

    Eph.1:11 … being designated beforehand according to the purpose of the One Who is operating all in accord with the counsel of His will,

    Can one make a case that this is not true? Is anyone else capable of thwarting His plans?

    What is Gods' plan for mankind? Will our so-called “free will” defeat Gods doings? What will happen to us, can we save ourselves by doing what we believe He wants us to do?

    Eph.2:8-10 …8 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,
    9 not of works, lest anyone should be boasting.
    10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them.

    Note especially verse 10, “for His achievment are we”. How can we be so proud, so ungreatful, so boastful, as to think He (God) needs our help to achieve His purpose?

    In 1Cor. 15, it takes us far beyond the book of Revelation, to the “consummation”, the completion of creation, the final result of His creative endeavour,

    1Cor.15:25-28 25 For He (Christ Jesus) must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.
    26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.
    27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.
    28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)

    At the begining of creation, He (God) created Jesus, (Rev.3:14 …God's Creative Original:) through whom He created all things. Now as explained in 1Co.15, at the “consummation”, Christ Jesus handed over the perfected creation back to God, Who will be “ALL in all”.

    When stated in scripture that “every Knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess…” who can deny His statement in Isaiah …”All My desire will I do”?

    Does mankind have a part in saving himself? Is God not capable? can we take away His Glory for what He is doing?

    …lest we should boast!

    I thought I would repost this as I feel it expresses my feelings as to what God is doing.

    Blessings, Jerry.




    Chosenone………..Jerry excellent post brother. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene


    Quote (Gene @ July 11 2009,04:50)
    Chosenone………..Jerry excellent post brother. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………….gene

    Thanks Gene, I enjoy your posts also, keep up the good work brother…

    Blessings, Jerry.


    Quote (chosenone @ June 09 2009,06:45)

    Quote (Cindy @ June 01 2009,04:19)
    chosenone  What Jesus did by dying for us, Jesus took the death sentence away. He is our perfect sacrifice. We still have to go to the Throne of our Father Jehovah God and ask Him for the forgiveness of our sins. And if you believe that you are not sinning John says that the truth is not in you. So considered it and see if I and others are not right, at least my Husband believes like I do.
    Peace and Love Irene

      Yes, Jesus died for OUR sins, He paid OUR penalty.  So we are now “justified” in Gods' eyes, He sees our sin no more. (2Cor.5:18-19)
      So why are we continually asking for 'forgiveness'?  This is an insult to God.  Will He say “Why did I send my Son to die for you”?  Does He have to die again, like when under the “old covenant” a yearly sacrifice of an animal?  
      Jesus died once for ALL, accept this blessing with thanks, no need to ask for forgiveness, it is an insult for something that has already been done.


    What you are saying is not true. Jesus did take away the penalty for our sins/, but IMO it is not automatic, and that we do not have to go to the throne of God.. Why is Jesus now our Mediator for, for what? Sin is not imputed to us, that is true, but does that release us now from doing nothing about it? What Jesus is, He is a perfect Sacrifies, no more Animal Sacrifices needed. That is the difference between the old and the new. Also we are to overcome all sins. And with God's Holy Spirit that is to a point possible. John tells us that we are still sinners, if we do not believe that, the truth is not in us. I think I will make a new topic to ask others what they think of it. By the way, God has never looked at sin, We turn awau friom God when we sin.


    Hi Irene.
    You stated “Jesus did take away the penalty for our sins”. That is NOT correct, He “PAYED” the penalty for our sins, this includes the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future!

    You also say “John tells us that we are still sinners, if we do not believe that, the truth is not in us”. This also is incorrect, John stated this before the death and ressurrection of Jesus, while still under the “law”, we are now under the covenent of the “Grace of God”
    Paul tells us in 2Cor.5:18-19 “Yet all is of God, Who conciliates us to Himself through Christ, and is giving us the dispensation of the conciliation,
    19 how that God was in Christ, conciliating the world to Himself, not reckoning their offenses to them, and placing in us the word of the conciliation.

    God has “conciliated Himself to mankind”, a one-way relationship. When He (God) conciliates mankind to Himself, this is called a “reconciliation”, meaning a two-way relationship, God to mankind and mankind to God. This will happen at the “consummation” explained in 1Cor.15:24-28
    …thereafter the consummation, whenever He may be giving up the kingdom to His God and Father, whenever He should be nullifying all sovereignty and all authority and power.
    25 For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet.
    26 The last enemy is being abolished: death.
    27 For He subjects all under His feet. Now whenever He may be saying that all is subject, it is evident that it is outside of Him Who subjects all to Him.
    28 Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)

    Hope this explains what scripture is saying.

    Blessings, Jerry.


    Hi CO,
    Not really.
    Looks more like universalist advertising.


    Knowing that you don't believe scripture, your “opinion” is fruitless manmade babble.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 16 2009,14:46)
    Hi CO,
    Not really.
    Looks more like universalist advertising.

    Only to those who don't understand scripture.


    …Now, whenever all may be subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also shall be subjected to Him Who subjects all to Him, that God may be All in all.)

    (NOT all in some)


    Chosenone ……….how simple and clear can it get brother, why can't they understand it. All who worship Jesus as a GOD are Idolaters. But unto us there is (ONLY) ONE GOD The Father over all and through all, and that includes Jesus also. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours brother………………………gene


    Thanks Gene, good to hear from a brother in Christ who understands the purpose of God for His creation.

    God Bless.

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