Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #892006

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    Nothing to see here.  It’s totally normal for dozens of healthy athletes in their prime to collapse with heart issues on the pitch because European football is a much more energetic sport than American football, right Proclaimer?

    We are currently at 60 times the average – and the season has barely begun.



    1.  God gave Nebuchadnezzar a vision of a tree so tall that everyone on earth could see it.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    2.  Satan took Jesus to a high mountain from which he could see all the kingdoms of the earth.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    3.  Jesus said that when he descends from heaven, all eyes will see him.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    Proclaimer, how do you address these Biblical teachings?


    No Mike. None of that is possible. If the earth was flat, I could see Phoenix Arizona from Wellington in New Zealand using a high-end telescope with infrared or whatever technology needed to cut through atmospheric interference. Yet,  I can’t even see Auckland from here.

    You might claim that pollution obscures the view today, but for distant objects that we can see, the bottom section is missing. Why is that? Best explanation is the curve. That photo of Mt Taranaki I posted is a prime example. It looked like an island because the peak and surrounding land is over the curve. So it appeared to be an island because of the water on my side of the curve. A perfect personal level proof of the globe right there. I am ignoring the overwhelming evidence of the globe with satellite photography for example and trying to appeal to to personal proof.

    Anyway, does it not strike you Mike as bizarre that the heliocentric globe model explains everything. Since when does a lie make 100% true predictions and calculations. It never does. It might make one or two random calculations right, but not 100%. Wake up Mike. You are asleep. What you say is a lie makes 100% perfect predictions and no other model does.

    The truth adds up Mike. And clearly, the flat earth model doesn’t add up, make true predictions, or correct calculations.

    But go right ahead and keep those eyes closed.

    Do you love the truth more than your own pride?

    The answer is on display for all of us to see.

    God sees your heart and he sees deception.


    Collapsing footballers & peanuts

    Nothing to see here. It’s totally normal for dozens of healthy athletes in their prime to collapse with heart issues on the pitch because European football is a much more energetic sport than American football, right Proclaimer?

    You’ve mentioned a few players. But I remember 2 players collapsing in the years just prior to Covid-19. And remember that we are talking about the most popular sport in the world by participation. There are over 65,000 professional players.

    Further, when you jog and sprint nonstop for 10-19km, yes it might be a bit much for some once or twice a week. Especially when you factor on training on other days. And if you are an aging footballer, well, that kind of activity can get too much.

    But if your point is valid, we should see an unusual amount of players collapsing in future. Let’s see. I’m not saying it won’t happen, just need some evidence.

    My own son is double vaccinated and trains 5 days a week in a high intensity football academy. Currently, this academy has trained nearly half the national team. So it’s not a walk in the park. No players there have ever had this problem. And being vaccinated is mandatory because the location is on hospital grounds.

    You know, I could create a story about how bad peanuts are. Show maybe half a dozen people who had a severe allergic reaction to them and then tell you to never eat peanuts. So I am asking you for some perspective Mike. Try to be balanced. If all you do is focus 100% on a certain thing, then of course you do not know anything else.


    If football players are collapsing more than usual, then there are not one, but two explanations

    Fact check: Christian Eriksen didn’t receive COVID-19 vaccine before collapsing

    That said, there does seem to be more players than usual suffering this. But is it a case of focussing more on this because of Covid-19?

    If the stats have significantly increased, could the blame also be Covid-19 itself. I know, Aguero contracted Covid-19 before his collapse for example.

    If more players are collapsing than before, then there are two options that could be creating this.

    1. Covid vaccines
    2. Covid-19.

    If the latter, then being vaccinated could help.


    So now I need a verse that specifically says “we live on a flat disc”?

    If you say the Bible teaches this, then yes, show me where.


    Hi to all

    Daily Devotional


    Today we see through a mirror, in an obscure way, but then we will see face to face; today I know in part, but then I will know as I have been known. (1 Corinthians 13.12)

    OUR LIFE HERE BELOW is a preparation for eternal life. The education started will not end on this earth; it will continue all eternity, always progressing, never finished. The wisdom and love of God in the plan of redemption will be revealed more and more. The Savior will lead His children to the springs of living water and will reveal to them treasures of knowledge. Day after day, the wonderful works of God, the proofs of his creative power and that which he deploys to sustain the universe will present themselves to their minds with renewed beauty. In the light that emanates from the divine throne, all mysteries will disappear. The soul will be surprised at the simplicity of everything it had never been able to understand before. Today we see confusedly, as in a mirror, “but then we will see face to face; today we know in part, then we will know as we have been known.

    Imagine what will be studied through the endless ages under the personal instruction of Christ! In the midst of current conflicts and temptations, on this day of grace, we must form characters that will prepare us to obtain a life that will be equal to that of God.

    We are to have as one goal the glory of God and thus grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The more ardently and diligently we seek divine wisdom, the more steadfast we will be in the truth.

    By contemplating Christ, by speaking of him, by contemplating the beauty of his character, we are transformed. Transformed from glory to glory. And what is this glory? The character. And he is transformed from character to character. So we see that there is a work of purification going on as we contemplate Jesus.


    God bless


    The Africa argument debunked

    That post of yours didn’t age well Mike.

    Covid: New heavily mutated variant B.1.1.529 in South Africa raises concern

    We’re back in familiar territory – growing concern about a new variant of coronavirus.

    The latest is the most heavily mutated version discovered so far – and it has such a long list of mutations that it was described by one scientist as “horrific”, while another told me it was the worst variant they’d seen.

    It is early days and the confirmed cases are still mostly concentrated in one province in South Africa, but there are hints it may have spread further.

    Immediately there are questions around how quickly the new variant spreads, its ability to bypass some of the protection given by vaccines and what should be done about it.

    There is a lot of speculation, but there are very few clear answers.


    Covid: New heavily mutated variant B.1.1.529 in South Africa raises concern

    We’re back in familiar territory – growing concern about a new variant of coronavirus.

    The latest is the most heavily mutated version discovered so far – and it has such a long list of mutations that it was described by one scientist as “horrific”, while another told me it was the worst variant they’d seen.

    It is early days and the confirmed cases are still mostly concentrated in one province in South Africa, but there are hints it may have spread further.

    Immediately there are questions around how quickly the new variant spreads, its ability to bypass some of the protection given by vaccines and what should be done about it.

    There is a lot of speculation, but there are very few clear answers.

    So many things to unpack here.  First, let’s consider the timing…

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    Do you find it interesting that the day after South Africa asked Pfizer and J&J to stop sending vaxxes, they discover a brand new variant in – you guessed it – South Africa?  Perhaps we’ll soon hear about the unexpected and surprising death of the leader who asked Big Pharma to stop sending the vaxxes – like has happened already 3 times since this scamdemic was unleashed on the world… the most notable being the President of Tanzania – who tricked the PCR testers by sending samples from a goat, a sheep, and a paw paw fruit – which ALL tested positive for Covid 19.

    This man unexpectedly died soon after exposing the scamdemic…

    He is one of 3 world leaders (so far) who suffered the same fate after exposing Covid for the sham that it is.  Pray for the President of South Africa.  He is likely to die unexpectedly very soon – probably from this new scary variant.  Speaking of which…

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    So basically, it’s like the common colds all of us have gotten on occasion throughout our lifetimes.  But the Governor of New York has already announced new lockdown measures and more stringent mandatory vaxxes just at the mention of this “new strain” – even though there hasn’t been a reported case of it anywhere in America.

    And notice the part I underlined in blue in the article… Why do you suppose they jumped from the Nu variant to the Omicron variant – skipping right over the Greek letter Xi?  Surely it has nothing to do with the ruler of the CCP (who released this bioweapon on the world in the first place, and for whom they all work), right?

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    And finally, from your BBC article…

    “…its ability to bypass some of the protection given by vaccines and what should be done about it.”

    So what good are the vaccines if all these “variants” can simply bypass their alleged protection?  Let’s face it, these new variants are only scary to people like you BECAUSE they tell you that your current injections don’t protect you from them, right?  Otherwise, they wouldn’t scare you at all, right?

    So how long will YOU play their game, Proclaimer?  What will be YOUR magic number of injections before you wake up to this scam?

    Addendum:  It’s interesting that this “new variant” is said to go after children – right when the WHO and the evil leaders of this fallen world are pushing us very hard to have our children injected, don’t you think?


    Proclaimer: That said, there does seem to be more players than usual suffering this. But is it a case of focussing more on this because of Covid-19?

    If the stats have significantly increased, could the blame also be Covid-19 itself. I know, Aguero contracted Covid-19 before his collapse for example.

    Logical thinking required.  First of all, where is the proof in your article that Eriksen wasn’t vaxxed?  They don’t quote Eriksen, but instead just make the claim that he wasn’t vaxxed.  And why wasn’t he vaxxed?  Aren’t all of them supposed to be vaxxed in order to play?

    But let’s say for argument’s sake that Eriksen wasn’t vaxxed.  Okay… he’d then be the ONE player who collapsed during a season normally – like every season, right?  What about the other 180 of them who WERE vaxxed?

    Secondly, are heart attacks a common symptom of those who have recovered from Covid naturally?  No, so your idea that perhaps it’s the lingering Covid that’s causing them to collapse is baseless.

    On the other hand, myocarditis IS – as an undisputed FACT – one of the MANY side effects of the injection.  It is a life-threatening condition that never goes away.

    So using your logical thinking… what is more likely than not to be the cause of all these athletes in their prime suffering heart attacks and dying at such young ages?

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    Here’s one who wasn’t even exerting himself – just giving a press conference when he keeled over…

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    Click link to watch video:



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    The part I underlined sounds eerily familiar to the “antibody-resistant bacteria” theory I told you weeks ago, eh?  But you were too busy blaming the unvaxxed for the variants to even consider the common sense fact that the virus would have no reason to mutate unless a treatment or vax forced it to do so to survive.

    The variants are therefore a pandemic of the VAXXED – not of the unvaxxed.


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    Seems to me that a certain President said that HCQ would cure Covid.  Seems to me that an entire world full of MSM propagandists lost their minds, and started telling everyone that this drug – used safely by BILLIONS since 1955 – would kill you if you took it.

    And sadly, it seems to me that far too many gullible sheep believed these lying propagandists – not only about the true effectiveness of HCQ and Ivermectin –  but about the FALSE effectiveness of these untested experimental gene-altering injections.


    Proclaimer:  Anyway, does it not strike you Mike as bizarre that the heliocentric globe model explains everything. Since when does a lie make 100% true predictions and calculations.

    I’ve already told you countless times that these “predictions” are based on the Saros Cycle – which was known and used since at least the ancient Babylonian times… when everyone KNEW that the earth was flat and stationary.  The fact that NASA  – millenia later – used these same “predictions” to bolster their absurd model doesn’t change this fact.

    And I put “predictions” in quotes because they’re not really predictions any more than it’s a “prediction” to say that when the minute hand of a clock is on the 6, it will be on the 12 thirty minutes later.

    These are not “predictions”, Proclaimer.  God PURPOSELY built a giant sky clock just like man has built wall clocks.  Knowing that a certain star will be in the exact same location in the sky a year later isn’t a “prediction”.  Knowing that a particular eclipse will happen exactly the same way 18 years, 11 days, and 8 hours later is not a “prediction”.  And knowing that an hour hand that is on the 8 will be on the 9 an hour later is not a “prediction”.

    That being said, we aren’t currently discussing whether the earth is flat or a ball.  We are discussing whether or not the Bible is a flat earth book.  So once again…

    1.  God gave Nebuchadnezzar a vision of a tree so tall that everyone on earth could see it.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    2.  Satan took Jesus to a high mountain from which he could see all the kingdoms of the earth.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    3.  Jesus said that when he descends from heaven, all eyes will see him.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.

    Proclaimer, how do you address these Biblical teachings?

    Remember, we are not discussing whether the earth is or isn’t flat in reality right now.  We are only interested in whether or not the Bible teaches that the earth is flat.  Please address these scriptures, and explain how they would fit into a spherical earth model.



    Hi Mike

    2.  Satan took Jesus to a high mountain from which he could see all the kingdoms of the earth.  That is possible on a flat earth, but completely nonsensical on a ball earth.


    You really think Christ was able to see ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE EARTH …. humanly I think it was impossible for Christ to see this far, even though we may think Jesus had very good eyesight … and even if the mountain was very high


    Berean, imagine how much clearer the air was back then before the industrial revolution. Imagine how much better shape people were in back then (we have been devolving – not evolving – ever since Adam sinned).

    But the point isn’t whether or not Jesus could literally see all the kingdoms of the earth… the point is that it’s a completely nonsensical statement if we live on a ball. In other words, such a statement would never have been made – even hyperbolically – if we lived on a ball, right?

    Is it clear to you (regardless of your own understanding of our earth) that the writers of this account assumed a flat earth?



    For me it is not a verse which shows that the earth is flat or in the shape of a globe.
    However, if the earth is flat, Jesus could not have seen that far, unless he used his divine powers, and if the earth is a globe, nothing prevents the devil from doing a Wonder in the eyes. of Christ to show him all the kingdoms of the earth.

    2Thes. 2
    [9] Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


    Berean, you’re overthinking it. Do you suppose anyone hearing Jesus telling the account of Satan tempting him thought, “Well, we know the earth is a ball, so Satan must have used a deception to trick Jesus with a sign – and Jesus fell for it, erroneously believing he actually was seeing all the kingdoms of the world when in reality he wasn’t”?

    Remember that Jesus told us Satan would use signs and wonders to deceive even the elect – if possible. Don’t you think Jesus would be more impervious to Satan’s tricks than the elect? Or do you believe Satan was able to trick Jesus into thinking he was seeing things he wasn’t?

    Also, how does your theory work with Nebuchadnezzar’s tree that could be seen by everyone on earth?

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