Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #891839

    Proclaimer:  But if we become so free that we are free to shoot people, free to pass on  viruses, and free to allow all kinds of stupidity, then the reaction or answer will be big government and strong rules.

    Boy they really got you hooked good, don’t they?  They’ve got your brain so jumbled up that you are seriously trying to equate the intentional action of shooting another person with a gun to unintentionally passing on a common cold (ie: a coronavirus like Covid 19) that you didn’t even know you had.  And what’s worse, despite how many times I show you the actual data, you still can’t seem to get it into your head that it is the VACCINATED people who are doing most of the catching, spreading, being hospitalized for, and dying from Covid now.  So are YOU going to force YOURSELF into extreme lockdown so you don’t UNINTENTIONALLY (as opposed to intentionally shooting someone) infect or kill someone else with the Covid that is mutating into a new strain inside of you right now?  Or will you go on talking ridiculous smack about it all being the fault of the “touters”, and smile victoriously as THEIR rights are stripped away while your overlords have deemed it okay for YOU to have a few of your previous freedoms back?

    And who is the judge over what is and isn’t “all kinds of stupidity”?  For example, I think you freely bowing down to tyrants because they scared you with their talk of a killer virus is “all kinds of stupidity”.  So if I am your government, should I be free to lock you into a re-education camp until the shock therapy can instill upon you the stupidity of that action?


    Proclaimer:  You haven’t a clue as to what I know about the Spanish Flu. Was I suppose to be impressed with your comment about it not coming from Spain because I supposedly do not know enough or didn’t know that fact?

    I know that you still think it was a biological flu – as opposed to bacteria that was purposely injected into American soldiers right before they went to Europe.  And I don’t suppose you know that no less than the “Empirical Commander Dr. Anthony Fauci” said that the WORST thing they did during the so-called “Spanish Flu” was to mandate masks – which made it WAY worse.  Then years later, he insists that wearing masks will save people from the common cold known as Covid 19.  🙄

    And have you ever figured out why the 6 foot distance?  Why not 7 feet?  Or 5?  Do your logical thinking abilities still work good enough to know that it’s ridiculous to think that as long as you stay at least 6 feet from other people in a crowded store, their germs won’t get you?   Surely your logical thinking works well enough to understand the lunacy of having to put on a mask to walk through a restaurant to your table – only to be able to take the mask off once you’re seated, right?  I’m just curious, because if Covid has taught us anything, it’s that common sense simply isn’t that common any more.  Far too many people just fell in lock-step with these ridiculous measures – never even pausing to think for a second just how irrational they were.

    At any rate, where is my apology for accusing me of something I didn’t do?


    Jodi:  The statement that they reduce chance of death is a lie, it is based on no legit evidence from the vaccine trials at all, which the Associate Editor of the BMJ, Peter Doshi, spoke about recently in a US Senate Round Table. 

    Wow, what a great post.  Can’t wait for more.  I truly hope that Proclaimer, Adam, Gene are listening to you, as they’ve so far been hesitant to “hear” anything I or Miia have said.

    As for your statement I clipped above…

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    So out of 22,000 people in the very short trial, one who had been vaxxed died from Covid, and 2 who were given the placebo instead of the vax died from Covid.  2 is 100% greater than 1, therefore Pfizer was able to tell everyone that their “vaccine” (which isn’t even remotely related to a vaccine) is 100% effective against Covid.

    And then the MSM parroted this disingenuous crap all over the place, resulting in millions of people believing that this untested, experimental mRNA code they had injected into their bodies gives them some sort of protection… all based on a LIE!


    Gene:  I believe I have now a natural immunity to the virus, but I still took the vaccine, as I am old and as a result most likely have a reduced immune system.

    Gene, really hear what Jodi just said…

    Jodi:  The inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone says to stay away from these injections. They have been trying to develop these injections against SARS-CoV-2 for years now and they never made it past animal trials to human trials because once the animals were exposed to a natural coronavirus they suffered immensely and the majority of them died

    This is the guy who INVENTED the mRNA thing you got injected into you.  He said that after injection, the animals were then exposed to the natural virus and the majority of them died.

    The good news is that you likely have natural antibodies to Covid.  The bad news is that there are reports that the vaccine you got destroys those natural antibodies.  In fact, this is from the Red Cross website…

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    This is another bait-and-switch situation from the FDA/CDC.  Let me walk you through what the blue underlined part means…

    1.  The Red Cross said that people who got the Covid vax can’t donate plasma.

    2.  This went viral and got people questioning the vaccines, and so the FDA (financed by Big Pharma) stepped in.

    3.  The FDA made a statement that the Red Cross WOULD accept plasma from vaxxed people.

    4.  The Red Cross acknowledged what the FDA said, and instead of trying to fight them, the Red Cross “discontinued our convalescent plasma collection program”.

    You can read about the whole sordid mess here…

    Or you can watch this 24 second news broadcast about it…

    The Covid vaccine wipes out the [natural] antibodies

    So Gene, please listen to me now:  You (and Kerwin) have always been two of my favorite parts of Heaven Net.  We don’t always agree on everything, but I’ve enjoyed our virtual friendship for 15 years here.  I came to know both of you as sincerely decent people who do your best to serve God and teach about him.

    Miia and I are worried that what happened to Dr. Malone’s test animals is about to happen to millions of people around the world this flu season, ie: the vax will make them very susceptible to severe illness or death if they ever again get a natural coronavirus like Covid.

    Please get a prophylactic supply of Ivermectin to have on hand just in case, like I did.  If Jodi and I and Miia are wrong, then FANTASTIC!  But if we’re right (like the data indicate), then you should have some REAL protection ready to go this flu season.

    I already have a Heaven Net without Kerwin.  I don’t want one without Gene.  Please… just to make me feel better, brother.



    Proclaimer:  Call me crazy, but I’m just not that keen on dying right now and I’m not a fan of being hooked up to ventilators.

    Then please take the advice that I just offered to Gene.


    Proclaimer: Take Smallpox. If lots of people weren’t vaccinated, then it could still infect people because the unvaccinated would give the virus a home. And then if the virus mutated, it would mean the vaccinated might need a booster. But if everyone was vaccinated, then the virus wouldn’t have a home anymore and it would die and thus it wouldn’t mutate meaning you wouldn’t need a booster.

    Fighting a virus is a team effort. Do you get it now?

    Oh I get it, alright.  I’m just baffled at why you can’t seem to get if after everything I’ve shown you.

    You believe in common descent evolution (ie: Darwinian Evolution), right?  Things “evolve” into other things when there is pressure put on them to evolve.  There would be no antibody-resistant bacteria UNLESS people started getting treated for bacterial infections with outside antibodies.  DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. THIS?

    That means that if Covid ravaged through the entire world without a single vaccine, some would die, and the vast majority who didn’t die would have NATURAL HERD IMMUNITY.

    But IF people started taking a vaccine that killed 99% of the Covid virus, it would put pressure on the 1% that survived to MUTATE into a different strain that was impervious to the vaccine.  Understand?  There would be no new evolved strain if there was no vaccination that PRESSURED the virus to evolve.

    So although I know that the entire Darwinian Evolution nonsense is nothing but a fairy tale for adults, I do understand that God has endowed His creatures with the ability to evolve when under pressure.  For example, if you put a species of small fish into a pond with bigger predator fish, the small fish will produce more offspring and bigger offspring.  It doesn’t take millions of years, either.  It happens immediately.

    So in the case of bacteria, let’s say I don’t take outside antibodies and you do.  Which one of us will be putting pressure on those bacteria to “evolve” a new strain that is impervious to the outside antibodies?  You?  Or me?

    Now just apply that to Covid.  If you have the vax and I don’t, which one of us is pressuring the Covid virus to evolve a new strain that is impervious to the vaccine?  You?  Or me?

    So I don’t know how many more times I can tell you the same thing before it clicks.  You have been TOLD that the unvaxxed are to blame for the alleged new strains of Covid – but you are being told this crap by people who want to make billions of more dollars by having EVERYBODY vaxxed.

    You should be smart enough to realize that the original Covid would have no need to evolve into a new strain UNLESS the vaccinations really worked and pressured it to evolve.

    So while the vast majority of everything we’re being told about this “novel virus” is bunk to start with – if you believe it’s real and it’s really evolving, then please for God’s sake be smart enough to realize that the evolution is taking place inside of the VACCINATED – not the unvaxxed.


    I’m having deja vu.  Sounds a lot like when the CDC finally admitted that only 5% of America’s “Covid deaths” were actually from Covid…


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    Why do you think these nanoparticles are making a beeline to the ovaries?  Remember the VAERS chart I showed last week with all the spontaneous abortions after getting vaxxed?  Remember that Bill Gates wants a world population of 500 million tops?

    I heard testimony from a woman in India who went for a checkup and was surprised to hear her doctor tell her she had not been vaxxed.  She asked how he knew.  He said it was because her uterus was undamaged.  😳


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    See how that works?  They make billions selling you something that will cause autoimmune disease, and then make billions more selling you medication to combat your new autoimmune disease.

    Can you see it yet?  Wake up!


    Hey Proclaimer!  Perhaps you can explain…


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    What I want to hear from you is what Adam and so many scholars have already acknowledged:  Whether or not YOU PERSONALLY believe we live on a flat earth, it is abundantly clear that the Bible is a flat earth book that includes a hard-as-bronze dome over it that separates the waters above from the waters below, and in which the sun, moon, and stars run their appointed circuits over the stationary and unmovable earth.

    Hi Mike, yes I agree with your above statement on the Biblical Flat Earth science. Fundamentalist always argue that our Bible is most scientific and tally with modern scientific discoveries. Unfortunately it’s not so…


    Mike and Gadam team up to disprove the Bible

    I love it how gadam and Mike are a team when it comes to Flat Earth.

    Gadam really wants to debunk the Bible because he doesn’t want to repent and serve God. So finding fault in the Bible is essential to feeling good about oneself. Otherwise he would have to repent and serve God if he wanted true life.

    Mike: Yes, the Bible teaches the Flat Earth as fact.

    Gadam: Thanks Mike. I love it. Now I don’t have to believe in God because the Bible is in error.

    Mike: No problem. I have heaps of verses for you.

    Proclaimer: Your no1 support verse was perfectly applicable to a globe earth as it mentioned the ‘circle of the earth’. Hilarious. Give me a second to catch my breath.

    Mike: Okay, here is my no2 verse.

    Proclaimer: Read the verse but didn’t have time to reply to it. I can’t remember what the verse was now to be honest, but just remember thinking it was lame and had nothing to do with a Flat Earth. But will get around to replying when more urgent matters are not presenting themselves and I can find the quoted scripture among all the dribble.

    Disclaimer: Actually, I have a vague memory of replying to this verse. Not 100% sure though.


    Red Cross

    COVID-19 Vaccine and Blood Donor Eligibility Information

    The Red Cross is following FDA blood donation eligibility guidance for those who receive a COVID-19 vaccination, and deferral times may vary depending on the type of vaccine an individual receives. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name when you come to donate. Upon vaccination, you should receive a card or printout indicating what COVID-19 vaccine was received, and we encourage you to bring that card with you to your next donation. In most cases, there is no deferral time for individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom free and feeling well at the time of donation.   The following eligibility guidelines apply to each COVID-19 vaccine received, including boosters:

    • There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with an inactivated or RNA based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.
    • Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood.
    • If you have an appointment scheduled and need to change your donation date based on the above guidance, click here.

    If you have further eligibility questions, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

    Taken from the American Red Cross website.–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html

    So there you have it Mike. It is simply a 2 week stand down. Probably because your body is still in the process of producing antibodies. After 2 weeks the antibodies will be there, if not before and they want your blood. The conclusion then is the opposite to what you are saying. This is another debunk.


    Oh I get it, alright. I’m just baffled at why you can’t seem to get if after everything I’ve shown you.

    Mike, I don’t research everything you mention because it would take too long to do that and it is easy to post memes, thus way more time debunking them than posting them up.

    But of the evidence I have looked at, I debunked it all.

    So I really do not take your flat earth and Covid posts seriously. But I bother to debunk some of it because I think it won’t waste too much of my time and it might help you or someone else reading here.

    But so far, all I have seen from you is ignore the debunking and focus on new memes and claims until they are debunked and so on.

    I have looked into some of your flat earth stats quite deeply and debunked you. I have looked into your Covid claims and debunked you. You mention Sergio Aguero. I took it upon myself to research him because he is a footballer and is related to Lionel Messi the goat. Turns out, he had Covid back in Jan or Feb. So his medical condition may just be the result of the stress of exercise or could be related to Covid. It looks like the vaccine argument against him fell flat just like your earth theory.

    Flat Earth theories are like Socialism. They always fail, but people can’t stop trying it again but with a new spin on it.


    Woe to those who lay stumbling blocks

    I remember the verse you cited Mike that was the no2 Flat Earth verse. It was about a tree that was so tall that all the people of the world could see it.

    Crazy thing is, the verse is not about a tree at all.


    Flat Earth proof verse no1: The circle of the earth.
    Flat Earth proof verse no2: A tree so tall, that all men of the world could see it.

    Love it. This is about the earth being flat. It means the Bible is in error because science shows us that the earth is circular and it hangs on nothing. Yet funnily enough, that is also what the Bible says, but don’t tell Mike.

    I guess Mike can’t see the damage he is doing. Playing around with the souls of men to suit his own ego. Turning people away because he has a point to prove. Laying a stumbling block because what matters is that he is right even if the science says otherwise.

    Every soul is precious. But what matters is that conspiracy theories that Mike subscribed to are right and no amount of observation and science to the contrary will change that.

    His teachers have not fared very well either. One flew a rocket toward the dome and died and another refused the vaccine and died. We live and die by our own decisions. God gifted us with the ability to choose. But that freedom also means we can be free to be foolish.


    Love it. This is about the earth being flat. It means the Bible is in error because science shows us that the earth is circular and it hangs on nothing. Yet funnily enough, that is also what the Bible says, but don’t tell Mike.

    Hi Proclaimer, you are talking like any fundamentalist who wants protect the scriptures from the sceptics. Our Bible talks and supports Flat Earth and other ancient world views. Here are few allegations on the Biblical views;

    Stationary Earth as the Center of the Universe

    An erroneous Bible teaching caused Christian theologians to oppose Galileo’s proof that the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun. In the sixteenth century, Copernicus proposed this theory about the double motion of the earth. In the following century, Galileo’s telescope proved that Copernicus had been right.

    To oppose the Copernican doctrine and show that the earth remains stationary while the sun moves around it, the Catholic Church pointed to the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua. There we are told that Joshua, in order to have a longer period of daylight in which to carry out the Lord’s command to slaughter the Amorites, ordered the sun to stand still – not the earth.

    Other passages demonstrating that the earth remains stationary include Psalm 93:1 (“The world is [e]stablished, that it cannot be moved.”); I Chronicles 16:30 (“[T]he world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.”); and Psalm 104:5 (The Lord “laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed forever.”).

    Because of Galileo’s support for the Copernican doctrine, the Inquisition threatened him with torture, forced him to recant, and subjected him to imprisonment. Additionally, for nearly 200 years the Catholic Church’s Index of Forbidden Books condemned all writings that affirmed the double motion of the earth.

    Protestants weren’t much better. For generations the major branches of Protestantism – Lutheran, Calvinist, and Anglican – denounced the Copernican doctrine as contrary to scripture.

    A Flat Earth Resting on Pillars

    The Bible supports the primitive notion of a flat earth. In the sixth century, a Christian monk named Cosmas wrote a book, titled Topographia Christiana, describing the structure of the physical world. Basing his views on the Bible, Cosmas said the earth is flat and surrounded by four seas.

    The prophecy at Revelation 1:7 was a basis for his conclusion. It states that when Christ returns, “every eye shall see him.” Cosmas reasoned that if the earth were round, people on the other side would not see Christ’s second coming.

    Further support for the idea of a flat earth is contained in the verses mentioning the “four corners of the earth” (e.g., Isaiah 11:12; Revelation 7:1) and the “ends of the earth” (e.g., Jeremiah 16:19; Acts 13:47).

    Because of such Bible teachings, most of the early church fathers thought the earth is flat. In fact, the view of the world contained in Cosmas’ book was accepted for several centuries as orthodox Christian doctrine. Even in the fifteenth century, when Christopher Columbus proposed to sail west from Spain to reach the East Indies, the biblical notion of a flat earth was a major source of opposition to him.

    As for the question of what holds the flat earth in place, the Bible indicates the answer is “pillars.” The pillars of the earth are mentioned in several verses in the Old Testament (I Samuel 2:8; Psalm 75:3; Job 9:6). These verses reflect the belief of the ancient Hebrews that the earth rests upon pillars.

    Sky a Solid Dome Containing Windows

    The Bible promotes the idea that the sky is a solid dome covering the earth. In the creation account given in the first chapter of Genesis, verse 17 says the Lord set the sun and moon “in the firmament” to provide light for the earth. The Hebrew word translated as firmament is raqia, which means “hammered metal.”

    More support for the notion of a domed earth is found at Job 37:18 (where the sky is described as like a “molten looking glass”); Isaiah 40:22 (God “stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in”); and Revelation 6:14 (“And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.”).

    This concept of the sky was common in the ancient Near East and taken for granted by the Bible writers. Based on the Bible, most of the early church fathers accepted the notion of the firmament. The same position was supported by Cosmas, and thus was part of orthodox Christian doctrine for several centuries.

    Orthodox doctrine also contained the related idea that the firmament has windows – which are opened by angels when God wants to send rain upon the earth. Cosmas believed that when the windows are opened, some of the waters contained above the firmament (which are mentioned at Genesis 1:17) fall to the earth. Cosmas’ basis for this belief was the statement, at Genesis 7:11-12, that at the time of the Noachian flood the “windows of heaven were opened” and the rain fell.

    Supernatural Signs in the Heavens

    Bible stories led the Christian world to believe – for centuries – that God sends humankind signs in the heavens.

    Christians thought comets warn of divine anger and imminent punishment; stars and meteors portend beneficial events such as the birth of heroes and great men; eclipses signify divine distress in response to events on earth; and storms and other destructive weather result from the anger of God or the malice of Satan.

    Additional Errors About the Physical World

    The Bible has verses mentioning dragons (Jeremiah 51:34), unicorns (Isaiah 34:7), and cockatrices (Isaiah 11:8). These passages led many naturalists in the Middle Ages to think such mythical creatures actually exist.

    The Bible is also incorrect in saying the bat is a bird (Leviticus 11:13,19), the hare and rock badger chew the cud (Leviticus 11:5-6), and the mustard seed “is the smallest of all seeds” (Matthew 13:32).

    Finally, it’s inconsistent with science – and ludicrous – to believe that God confounded the language of humans because he was afraid they would build a tower high enough to reach heaven (Genesis 11:1-9).

    Overall Effect of Bible Science

    White summarizes the historical results of relying on the Bible for answers about the physical world. It’s not a pretty sight: “[T]here were developed, in every field, theological views of science which have never led to a single truth – which, without exception, have forced mankind away from the truth, and have caused Christendom to stumble for centuries into abysses of error and sorrow.”

    In view of the Bible’s numerous mistaken beliefs about the physical world, there’s no reason to think its writers were any more correct about unseen and abstract matters. Being so greatly in error regarding the tangible and observable universe, the Bible cannot be considered a reliable guide for spiritual and ethical issues.



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