Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #891760

    Proclaimer: Your statement is mixing up two things. One is scientific understanding and your view is the earth is flat, so that puts your understanding of science into serious disrepute.

    The other is faith in God. I think you have that. But I also think you should listen to God more and do what it is that he has for you as that is of the utmost importance. I do not believe God called you to discuss science. I think you are wasting your life with Science. Return to your first love.

    This entire statement is mindless drivel that doesn’t make any arguments for you, or refute any of mine.  First of all, YOU are the one who said you were neither hot nor cold, but like to remain in the middle ground.  All I did was point out that YOU described YOURSELF like one of the people Jesus condemned in Rev 3:16.

    But now that YOU brought up the flat earth again (I figured you were hiding from it after my last post), please explain to me how there could possibly be a tree so tall that everyone on earth could see it – or how Satan could have possibly showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth – on a ball earth.

    If the writers of those scriptures thought the earth was a ball, would they have ever made such ridiculous claims?  YES or NO, please?


    Proclaimer:  Covid vaccines lose their efficacy because it is not eradicated and the virus is mutating.

    So then, really no sense in getting them until Covid is done mutating, right?  Especially when, according to evolutionary biology, it’s those very vaccines that are CAUSING Covid to mutate in the first place, right?

    Also, why do you suppose the “Polio virus” didn’t just mutate like Covid does?  Hmm…   Is it possible that you don’t know any more about polio than you do the so-called Spanish Flu?


    This entire statement is mindless drivel that doesn’t make any arguments for you, or refute any of mine. First of all, YOU are the one who said you were neither hot nor cold, but like to remain in the middle ground.

    Umm, actually you are doing it again. Hot or Cold is about how much you love God.

    In Politics you are saying we need to be a HOT Lefty or HOT Righty?

    See, my point about mixing things up was right. You did it again.

    Okay, no issues with being Hot. Lol. I’m talking about balance.


    Proclaimer:  I see. So when you sneeze, you do that in people’s faces or in front of people because lifting up your arm or using a handkerchief is a mere gesture.

    Are you seriously equating the common courtesy of coughing into your hand or elbow WHEN YOU ARE IN THE ACT OF ACTUALLY COUGHING with keeping a mask on your face ALL OF THE TIME?

    You’re not very good at these scientific/logical thinking debates.  You should probably stick to scriptural debates.


    If the writers of those scriptures thought the earth was a ball, would they have ever made such ridiculous claims? YES or NO, please?

    Your no1 proof verse works for the globe.

    What is your new no1 flat earth verse. Just one example please. Your old no1 verse failed spectacularly.


    Are you seriously equating the common courtesy of coughing into your hand or elbow WHEN YOU ARE IN THE ACT OF ACTUALLY COUGHING with keeping a mask on your face ALL OF THE TIME?
    You’re not very good at these scientific/logical thinking debates. You should probably stick to scriptural debates

    I see. So you do not utilize common courtesy for the purpose of not passing the virus to another person. That just proves my point about you and science Mike.


    Mike:  You can’t really be this unable to think logically, can you? My son got Covid and was really sick for a week. I dropped food and medicine at his door. I did not go in, nor did he in his infectious state go galivanting around town spreading his illness.

    So yes, if you ARE SICK WITH Covid (or any other common cold/flu), then be smart and don’t go visit Grandma.


    Proclaimer: Rob Skiba.


    What about him?  Please explain how just saying a person’s name makes a valid argument for your side – or refutes one from mine.


    Proclaimer:  I might ask for a spike protein test next time to go with it. Thanks for the idea.

    Let us know what you find out.  But maybe do it in a blind study kind of way.  Ask the doctor if he is able to tell from a person’s blood whether somebody has had the Covid injection – and how.  Then ask him if he can tell if you have had it.


    Good points. I will try that out. But could be wasting their time to play a game. They may not appreciate it. But certainly, I would like to find out.


    What about him? Please explain how just saying a person’s name makes a valid argument for your side – or refutes one from mine.

    People are examples for us to follow or to learn from. Sometimes a person becomes an example of not what to do.

    It would be like me saying ‘Pharisees’ to a person advocating the letter of the law over the spirit of the law.


    Proclaimer:  Maybe you do not understand that you can look healthy with no symptoms days before symptoms show up.

    But there can ALWAYS be some scary illness creeping around the corner, right?  Asian Flu, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, etc.  And Gates has already prophesied about a forthcoming smallpox pandemic, right?  (Just like Fauci was somehow able to prophesy about Covid years in advance.  I notice you didn’t even touch that one.  How was he able to do that, Proclaimer?  How is Gates able to do it now?  LOGICAL THINKING REQUIRED.)

    So since the next pandemic is ALWAYS posed to strike at any given time, should we remain in lockdown/mask/experimental vaccine mode from here on out – just in case?  Why or why not?

    Proclaimer:  And how did the freedom strategy work with the Spanish Flu that killed more people than WWI?

    You don’t know enough about the so-called “Spanish Flu” (which wasn’t a flu and didn’t originate in Spain) for me to bother with it right now.  Let’s keep you on milk for a while longer, and see if you can even keep that down before giving you solid foods, okay?


    I never said or alluded to this coming from Spain. Show me where I said that. So your comment is clearly wrong.


    Proclaimer:  Umm, actually you are doing it again. Hot or Cold is about how much you love God.

    Jesus’ statement was concerning their ACTIONS – not their love of God.  And you are worse off than I imagined if you think what’s going on right now is a “right vs left” thing.  This is a battle between good and evil, the godly vs the godless.  It is not a struggle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Wake up before Jesus vomits you out of his mouth.


    But there can ALWAYS be some scary illness creeping around the corner, right? Asian Flu, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, etc. And Gates has already prophesied about a forthcoming smallpox pandemic, right? (Just like Fauci was somehow able to prophesy about Covid years in advance. I notice you didn’t even touch that one. How was he able to do that, Proclaimer? How is Gates able to do it now? LOGICAL THINKING REQUIRED.)

    It’s not that hard to predict that a virus that is kicking about will mutate at some point into a more dangeous version of itself given enough time. You only need common sense and a tiny bit of science to conclude that.


    And you are worse off than I imagined if you think what’s going on right now is a “right vs left” thing. This is a battle between good and evil, the godly vs the godless. It is not a struggle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

    Yes that is the real battle. Thank you for agreeing with me. So why not act accordingly. Focus on good, not your understanding of science.

    And yes it is all about love and love for God then man. The Pharisees would have not been so cold if they loved God.

    God is love.

    Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.


    Proclaimer: Your no1 proof verse works for the globe.

    What is your new no1 flat earth verse. Just one example please. Your old no1 verse failed spectacularly.

    I just gave you three more to go with my first one (which most certainly DOESN’T work on a ball earth).  But okay, I’ll play along…

    Daniel 4:20… The tree that you saw, which grew and became strong, whose height reached to the heavens and which could be seen by all the earth…

    Is it even remotely possible on a ball earth for there to be a tree so high that it can be seen by all of the earth?


    Wake up before Jesus vomits you out of his mouth.

    Jesus is the truth. He didn’t and doesn’t peddle lies.


    Proclaimer:  I see. So you do not utilize common courtesy for the purpose of not passing the virus to another person. That just proves my point about you and science Mike.

    Dude, you are out of your element and WAY outgunned here – which places your ignorance on full display.

    I asked you if you were SERIOUSLY trying to equate the common courtesy of coughing/sneezing into your hand or elbow DURING the moment that you cough or sneeze with the act of wearing a mask on your face ALL OF THE TIME.

    What is your ANSWER?  Were you seriously trying to equate those two things – as if they are even remotely similar?


    Daniel 4:20… The tree that you saw, which grew and became strong, whose height reached to the heavens and which could be seen by all the earth…

    Well if that is the new no1 flat earth verse, then you will need to choose another verse.

    First off, this verse is not about a tree just as Jesus returning to earth is not about a literal samurai sword.

    Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

    A parable or symbols are not meant to be taken literally like you are doing. It simply is language that gives you a picture about something that you cannot literally see but can understand.

    I will continue this post later. I have an appointment.



    Mike: You can’t really be this unable to think logically, can you? My son got Covid and was really sick for a week. I dropped food and medicine at his door. I did not go in, nor did he in his infectious state go galivanting around town spreading his illness.

    So yes, if you ARE SICK WITH Covid (or any other common cold/flu), then be smart and don’t go visit Grandma.


    Proclaimer:  Rob Skiba.


    Mike:  What about him? Please explain how just saying a person’s name makes a valid argument for your side – or refutes one from mine.


    Proclaimer:  People are examples for us to follow or to learn from. Sometimes a person becomes an example of not what to do.

    It would be like me saying ‘Pharisees’ to a person advocating the letter of the law over the spirit of the law.

    Um… I’m pretty sure that just saying the word “Pharisees” wouldn’t express to anyone that you were pointing out that they were advocating the letter of the law over the spirit.  Similarly, saying the name “Rob Skiba” doesn’t tell me anything either.

    Now, you say that uttering that name should explain something to me about following or learning an example from somebody.  Who is following someone here?  What example should that person be learning?  Who should that person be learning this example from?

    You’ll have to do more than just list a name.  I pointed out that people (for centuries no less) typically stay away from others when they are sick, but healthy people who are not sick have never been quarantined before Covid.

    You answered: Rob Skiba.

    I’m now asking for clarification of how that name furthered your argument, or did anything to refute mine.  Please clarify what that name has to do with the valid points I made.

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