Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth?

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  • #891515

    Mike, what is you plan for Covid-19?

    Are you going to rely on a drug or just get Covid and hope for the best?


    But… if you claim that the vax DOES work, and that these “breakthrough cases” are the result of a new variant that will require ANOTHER vax, then your plan not only continues on, but you get to sell another $100 billion worth of new vaccines!

    Vaccines do work. Ask people who have caught viruses because they didn’t have a vaccine. Bullet proof vests work too. But neither is perfect.

    And Skiba would still be teaching the floating pizza if he had been vaccinated. Do you doubt that?

    But honestly, how many antivaxxer deaths is it going to take?

    But as I have said before. We should be free to choose just like you are free to jump off a 50 foot cliff.

    I believe in free will and taking responibility for one’s own life.




    Globes are 3D circles

    I guess I need to explain to you that this is a circle…

    So is this:

    In fact the second picture is more a circle than than the first. Because a circle viewed from only two exact points show a perfect circle. A ball on the other hand is always circular from any angle. Boom!

    I just love the fact that the no1 Flat Earth biblical verse totally works with the globe too. It even works more for the globe as I have stated above. Both science and the bible teach the curvature of the earth. Beautiful.

    I will give you an opportunity to provide a new verse that supports the flat earth but not a globe. I invited gadam with the same challenge. Looking forward to this.


    There is no conceivable way for the heavens to be spread out like a vault/canopy/tent over it, or any way for God to sit enthroned above it, looking down at His people like grasshoppers – since there is no up, down, above or below in your sun-worshiping model.

    Rubbish. If I approached earth from space, then eventually people will look like small grasshoppers. And yes, there is a tent around the earth. It is our beautiful God created atmosphere. There are also other things that we cannot see like magnetic fields and tunnels.

    Science is not your forté Mike.


    Adam:  Suffice to say that the earth envisioned by flat-earthers is as immovable as any geocentrist could desire. Most (perhaps all) scriptures commonly cited by geocentrists have also been cited by flat-earthers. The flat-earth view is geocentricity with further restrictions.

    Little known fact:  Assuming that the earth is a ball, there is absolutely no observable data that could distinguish whether we live in a geocentric (everything moves around the earth) or a heliocentric (everything moves around the sun) system.

    Einstein said… “The two sentences, ‘the Sun is at rest and the Earth moves,’ or ‘the Sun moves and the Earth is at rest,’ would simply mean two different conventions concerning two different coordinate systems.”

    And physicist George Ellis (who cowrote a book with Stephen Hawking) said…  “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.”
    – “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55

    So in Einstein’s day, nobody could tell if we moved around the sun, or the sun moved around us.  And even in 1995 – after many alleged trips to the moon and hundreds of satellites floating around all over the place – we still can’t determine if we are the center, or the sun is – based on observation.  The claims that we move around the sun are based on philosophical opinions – not actual scientific observation.

    It is an undeniable scientific FACT that every observation that has ever been made concerning the heavens works equally well in a geocentric system and a heliocentric system.

    The Bible says the earth is fixed on pillars, and that the sun, moon, and stars move around us.  Scientific observation cannot disprove this.  And that leaves only the question of if our geocentric earth is a ball or a circle.  Which one did Isaiah say it was?  Which one does actual science say it is?


    Proclaimer: Your number 1 verse is a fail.

    The flat earth model is not a square or rectangle. It is a circular or oval disk with no corners.

    There isn’t any such thing as a “flat earth model”.  We don’t know the exact shape or circumstances associated with the flat plane that God created for us to live on.  But here’s a map from 1893 that shows both the circle and the four corners…

    Flat Earth Four Corners


    I also see that the bottom has scriptures that condemn the globe theory. 😉



    Proclaimer:  I’m still waiting for the newbo1 flat earth verse in the bible.

    Adam: ???

    Hope you have read my previous post. There ends the matter…


    Proclaimer:  Show me any scripture that indicates a flat earth.

    Adam:  Here’s about 30 of them.

    Proclaimer: I’m still waiting on any scripture that indicates a flat earth.




    Gene:  …we also know the speed it spins at…

    But do you really know that, Gene?  How were you able to personally measure the speed of the earth’s spin?  Of course you can’t do any such thing, can you?  And so these things you say “we know” are really just things that other people have told you.  You can’t confirm those things for yourself, but you choose to believe them.

    So that’s how you should say it in the future.  Not that you “know” this or that, but that you “believe” the things that certain men have told you about this or that.

    As for me, when it comes to our world, I choose to believe the One who created it over certain men who tell us this and that about it.



    Proclaimer: Show me any scripture that indicates a flat earth.

    Adam: Here’s about 30 of them.

    Proclaimer: I’m still waiting on any scripture that indicates a flat earth.

    Listen carefully.

    I want the no1 scripture.

    I don’t want to discuss 30 scriptures at the same time thanks.

    When each no1 scripture is debunked, then the 30 may be addressed.

    Looking forward to the new no1 scripture from both of you.


    But do you really know that, Gene? How were you able to personally measure the speed of the earth’s spin?

    But do you really know that Australia exists Mike. How are you able to personally prove that it exists as you have never been there. You haven’t even been to the Southern Hemisphere. Thus that doesn’t exist either until you have seen it right?

    Pull your camera out in the direction of Australia. Ooh it’s not there. Hmmm. Food for thought aye?


    As for me, when it comes to our world, I choose to believe the One who created it over certain men who tell us this and that about it.

    Many of these men including the smartest of all believed in God. You see, God is really a separate issue. Science cannot create an experiment to prove his existence. You can only know by looking at the odds and using common sense. Many intelligent people lack common sense. But they are very good at things that many people cannot even understand.

    It takes all types to make a society run. But we need to help the rest with our area of expertise. Yours is not science Mike. It lies elsewhere.


    Gene:  Mike…..I have never taken the drug “ivermectin”, which is used to kill parasites in animals.  It can completely destroy your liver.  You should not tell people to take it, for COVID-19 brother.

    Gene, you’re the one who told us you took Ivermectin.  You said the Covid was hanging on to you for weeks, and then you took Ivermectin which knocked it out in a couple of days.

    And Ivermectin was originally invented for humans, and won it’s inventor the Nobel prize.  It was produced under the name “Ivermectin” by Merck in 1965, and has been used by billions of human beings ever since then.  It was subsequently repackaged in different size doses because it works in animals such as horses too.

    It does not destroy your liver, and it does not kill you.  It doesn’t harm you in any way – and has been on the FDA’s list of longtime safe and helpful medicines for decades.

    The whole “horse dewormer” crap started when Joe Rogan (whose daily podcast reaches more people than CNN and MSNBC combined) got Covid and took Ivermectin to cure himself.  He was back to normal in 2 days, and told the world how he beat Covid.

    Big Pharma doesn’t want the world beating Covid with a $10 treatment, Gene.  So Big Pharma (who owns the MSM) went into panic mode, telling lies about how it is horse medicine, and is very dangerous to humans.  Gene, these are 100% lies that they told on purpose – not to help us, but to keep us afraid of Ivermectin so we’d keep making them billions by getting their experimental “vaccines” (which aren’t really vaccines at all).

    Gene, please watch this 8 minute interview by Joe Rogan of CNN’s head medical correspondent.  Joe asks why CNN spread crap about him taking “horse dewormer”.  Joe says, “I can afford people medicine, man.  My Ivermectin was prescribed by a doctor and for a human.”   But listen to how many times the CNN dude tries his hardest to deflect away from the lies they told – and how Joe simply won’t let him off the hook.  It’s classic!


    There isn’t any such thing as a “flat earth model”.

    Exactly. There is NO flat earth model. Thank you.

    Only the heliocentric globe model and consequential mathematics of this model can make 100% accurate predictions. It’s funny that what you believe is a lie makes 100% accurate predictions. Weird isn’t it.

    Has a lie ever predicted or revealed the truth 100% of the time?


    Proclaimer:  Mike, I said this before. You have no natural talent for science. But it is surprising that you don’t see that.

    Says the guy who doesn’t know the difference between a circle and a ball.  But back to the question…

    Which of those two things did Isaiah say the earth was?  A circle?  Or a ball?  (This time try just answering the question instead of trying to divert away from it by making baseless claims about my “talents”, okay?  Thanks.)


    Proclaimer:  Mike, the vaccine doesn’t give 100% immunity.

    What percentage of immunity does it give?


    Proclaimer: Mike, what is you plan for Covid-19?

    Are you going to rely on a drug or just get Covid and hope for the best?

    I haven’t yet changed a thing about my day to day life since it began.  I and my crew of two have been working tons of overtime since the beginning.  I missed out on my weekly restaurant dinner with my son for about a month when they were shut down, and I accepted wearing a mask in a few stores for a month or two.

    That being said, it is now abundantly clear that Fauci and Collins funded this gain of research fiasco in the Wuhan lab (a NIH scientist has just released the damning emails to prove it).   So we now know for a fact that they have purposely created a flu that is specifically designed to viciously attack our lungs.  Armed with this knowledge, I have just received my Z-Stak – which is Dr. Zelenko’s protocol of zinc, vitamins C and D, and quercetin.  And I’ve located a doctor who is going to do a tele-med visit and prescribe Ivermectin for me Tuesday. (She located a pharmacy that will fill the Ivermectin prescriptions, praise God!)

    So if I get hit with a flu that seems especially bad, I’ll be prepared.  But no, there’s not the slightest chance that I’ll ever willingly take the so-called vaccine.


    I’m double vaccinated and have had no side effects whatsoever. Two other family members are the same. Besides this, I would like to have some medication on hand. Not sure what is available here though. Delta will surely be released out into the wild in NZ soon.


    Proclaimer:  Vaccines do work. Ask people who have caught viruses because they didn’t have a vaccine.

    And how do you suppose we verify that claim?  What test can we do to prove that they wouldn’t have gotten it if they had the vaccine?  Don’t forget that there are just as many double vaxxed filling up the hospitals and morgues right now as there are unvaxxed.  But then we need to to the double vaxxed number all of those who are seriously injured or dead from the vax, right?

    Here’s a 28 second video of Maddie – a 13 year old girl who wanted to do her part to save the world by getting vaxxed.  As you watch it, remember that Maddie is only one among MILLIONS of similar fates…

    Proclaimer:  And Skiba would still be teaching the floating pizza if he had been vaccinated. Do you doubt that?

    I find your cavalier comments about a good man’s death to be in very poor taste.  Rob was a great teacher on the scriptures (specialized in the Nephilim) and on the Biblical earth.  I have never heard him comment one way or the other about politics, the New World Order, Qanon, Covid, or vaccines.  I don’t know if he was vaxxed or not.  I only know that if the hospital didn’t refuse him the medication that has saved 99.9% of the millions who took it, he’d most likely be alive today.

    On the other hand, had he took the vax, he might have ended up like Maddie, or the millions of others just like her.

    Proclaimer:  But honestly, how many antivaxxer deaths is it going to take?

    They rolled out the vax in January here.  I read the other day that the death count in Biden’s vaxxed America just surpassed the death count in Trump’s unvaxxed America – so take that for what it’s worth.

    How many vax deaths will it take for you?  According to the CDC, 35k Americans have died FROM Covid (all other deaths had an average of 4 comorbidities).  And according to VAERS, there are already 17k official deaths from the vax.  So if you allow for the chance that at least half of those 35k Covid deaths were caused by the seasonal flu that disappeared this year, then we’re at 17k deaths from Covid, and 17k deaths from the vax.  The difference is that 330 million of us have had to deal with Covid.  Only 150 million have been vaxxed.  So any way you slice it, you have anywhere from equal to twice as much chance of dying from the vax than from Covid.

    Proclaimer:  We should be free to choose…

    That’s all we’re saying too.  Free to vax, free to refuse vax.  I hope you join any protests in NZ and hold a sign that says you chose to vax, but are willing to die for their right to choose not to vax.  If vaxxed and unvaxxed stood together and demanded freedom of choice, we’d crush this tyrannical crap in a heartbeat.





    What percentage of immunity does it give?

    Pfizer had said its two-shot vaccine’s efficacy drops over time, citing a study that showed 84 per cent effectiveness from a peak of 96 per cent four months after a second dose.

    A booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and German partner BioNTech restored efficacy to 95.6 per cent against the virus, including the Delta variant, data released by the companies from a large study shows.


    And how do you suppose we verify that claim? What test can we do to prove that they wouldn’t have gotten it if they had the vaccine?

    I have had a few of these because I was too young to be vaccinated. One of these I missed the vaccine for some reason and I have the disease. It has been dormant, but is now active and can kill me. But I take medication for that, which is funded and 100% effective. Some of these do not seem that harmful to me so I could live without the vaccine for them I think. But I would need to check how harmful they really are. Some are very harmful. I would definitely be vaccinated against them. Whooping cough I got last year because the vaccine I had beforehand had expired that very year. My own case shows that vaccines work. Here’s a list I copied regarding diseases that are almost forgotten about today because of vaccines.

    Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease that is caused by poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person’s brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Polio was eliminated in the United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio vaccine has kept this country polio-free. But, polio is still a threat in some other countries. Making sure that infants and children are vaccinated is the best way to prevent polio from returning. Make sure your baby is protected with the polio vaccine.

    Tetanus causes painful muscle stiffness and lockjaw and can be fatal. Parents used to warn kids about tetanus every time we scratched, scraped, poked, or sliced ourselves on something metal. Nowadays, the tetanus vaccine is part of a disease-fighting vaccine called DTaP, which provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).

    Hepatitis B
    Did you know that worldwide more than 780,000 people per year die from complications to Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is spread through blood or other bodily fluids. It’s especially dangerous for babies, since the hepatitis B virus can spread from an infected mother to child during birth. About nine out of every 10 infants who contract it from their mothers become chronically infected, which is why babies should get the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth. All pregnant women should be tested and all babies should be vaccinated.

    Hepatitis A
    The Hepatitis A vaccine was developed in 1995 and since then has cut the number of cases dramatically in the United States. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease and is transmitted through person-to-person contact or through contaminated food and water. Vaccinating against hepatitis A is a good way to help your baby stay Hep A-free and healthy!

    Rubella is spread by coughing and sneezing. It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman and her developing baby. If an unvaccinated pregnant woman gets infected with rubella, she can have a miscarriage or her baby could die just after birth. Also, she can pass the disease to her developing baby who can develop serious birth defects. Make sure you and your child are protected from rubella by getting vaccinated on schedule.

    Hib (or its official name, Haemophilus influenzae type b) isn’t as well-known as some of the other diseases, thanks to vaccines. Hib can do some serious damage to a child’s immune systems and cause brain damage, hearing loss, or even death. Hib mostly affects kids under five years old. Before the vaccine, over 20,000 kids were infected each year. That’s about 400 yellow school busses worth of kids! Of these kids, one in five suffered brain damage or became deaf. Even with treatment, as many as one out of 20 kids with Hib meningitis dies. Get your child vaccinated to help them beat the odds!

    Did you know your child can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been, even up to two hours after that person has left? Measles is very contagious, and it can be serious, especially for young children. Because measles is common in other parts of the world, unvaccinated people can get measles while traveling and bring it into the United States. Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk, so make sure to stay up to date on your child’s vaccines.

    Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
    Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that can be deadly for babies. Whooping cough can cause uncontrollable, violent coughing, which often makes it hard to breathe. Its “whooping” name comes from the sharp breath intake sound right after a coughing fit. In babies, this disease also can cause life-threatening pauses in breathing with no cough at all. Whooping cough is especially dangerous to babies who are too young to be vaccinated themselves. Mothers should get the whooping cough vaccine during each pregnancy to pass some protection to their babies before birth. It is very important for your baby to get the whooping cough vaccine on time so he can start building his own protection against the disease. Since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases of whooping cough were reported each year in the United States, with cases reported in every state.

    Pneumococcal Disease
    This disease is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae. It causes ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, and even meningitis, making it very dangerous for children. The germs can invade parts of the body—like the brain or spinal cord—that are normally free from germs. Make sure you keep kids safe from this dangerous disease by vaccinating.

    Rotavirus is contagious and can cause severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain, mostly in infants and young children. Children can become severely dehydrated from the disease and need to be hospitalized. If a dehydrated child does not get needed care, they could die. Rotavirus is one of the first vaccines an infant can get; it’s the best way to protect your child from rotavirus disease.

    Mumps is best known for causing puffy cheeks and a swollen jaw. This is due to swelling of the salivary glands. Other symptoms include fever, head and muscle aches, and tiredness. Mumps is a contagious disease and there is no treatment. Mumps is still a threat today—every year, people in the United States get mumps. In recent years, mumps outbreaks have occurred in settings where there was close, extended contact with infected people, such as being in the same classroom or playing on the same sports team. The MMR vaccine protects you and your family against mumps, measles, and rubella.

    Chickenpox is a disease that causes an itchy rash of blisters and a fever. A person with chickenpox may have a lot of blisters—as many as 500 all over their body. Chickenpox can be serious and even life-threatening, especially in babies, adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Even healthy children can get really sick. Vaccinating kids at an early age is especially important to keep your children healthy.

    Most of us only know diphtheria as an obscure disease from long ago, thanks to the diphtheria vaccine babies get. This vaccine, called DTaP, provides protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). While preventable, diphtheria does still exist. It can cause a thick covering in the back of the nose or throat that makes it hard to breathe or swallow. Diphtheria can also lead to heart failure, paralysis, and even death. Make sure to vaccinate to help keep this dangerous infection from your kids.

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