Christians who Kill

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  • #26276

    Why do you keep using the word “political” with reference to me?

    I am pointing out the obvious. Yet you cannot see it.

    Jesus statement was a simple one.


    I was sure I started a thread like this, but maybe this is what I was thinking of.


    “By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.”” (John 13:35)


    1. How did the first Christians understand Jesus words and the words of Bible writers?
    2. Did any of the early Christians remain soldiers on becoming Chritians?
    3. Did the Christians of the first and second century become soldiers?
    4. Did the early Christians refuse to engage in military activity even if it meant their own death?


    2 CORINTHIANS 10:3,4 (New International Version)
    “For though we live in the world, we [MEANING “true Christians”] do not wage war as the world does.
    The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”


    So, since Jesus and the apostles had it right….
    They did have it right, didn't they Cubes? [yes]

    And the ones they taught that came directly after them most likely were not misunderstanding them…. right? I mean, those who lived in the first century for example, they had the example of the early Christians, they actually saw what the early Christians believed in how they acted to certain situations. At some point in time, something changed, JUST AS FORTOLD. Now, because the early Christians who saw firsthand or secondhand through great grandparents how Jesus and his true followers lived and what they believed–because these early Christians felt so strongly against going to war, so strongly that they would rather surrender their lives than kill others–does not this make you wonder? Of course this refusal to go to war changed, as fortold. Many things changed. Suddenly, it was ok for christians to be a part of the world, to be involved in politics and war, etc.

    I believe this is a strong line of reasoning, and an example to follow. Paul said: 'Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ.'

    Eventually, people were not so closely imitating Paul or Christ. That is clear. Anyway, I have used Scriptures. But since we disagree on them, I thought the best place to look would be with the earliest Christians. When I say “early Christians” I don't just mean the ones who lived 200 years after Christ, I mean those who lived from the time of Christ to 160-180 C.E.

    Ok, so let's start back at the beginning. I'll show you the scriptures that compel me to believe that the early Christians were basing their unwillingness to go to war on the the following scriptures. Then, you can again show me which scriptures you use to support the belief that the early Christians were wrong in not going to war and that Christians should go to war.

    LUKE 22:49
    “Lord, shall we strike with the sword?”
    MATTHEW. 26:52
    “Jesus said to him: ‘Return your sword to its place, for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.’” (Could there have been any higher cause for which to fight than to safeguard the Son of God? Yet, Jesus here indicated that those disciples were not to resort to weapons of physical warfare.)
    MATTHEW 22:39
    “The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’”
    JOHN 15:14,17
    “YOU are my friends if YOU do what I am commanding YOU. . . .These things I command YOU, that YOU love one another.”
    LUKE 6:27, 28:
    “I [Jesus Christ] say to you who are listening, Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you.”
    JOHN 13:35
    “By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.””
    1 JOHN 4:20
    “If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen.”
    1 JOHN 3:10-12
    “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. For this is the message which you have heard from the beginning, that we should have love for one another; not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother.”
    (No Christian can war against another Christian—it would be like a man fighting himself.)
    ISAIAH 2:2-4
    “It must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains . . . And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.” (Individuals out of all nations must personally decide what course they will pursue. Those who have heeded Jehovah’s judgment give evidence that he is their God.)
    2 CORINTHIANS 10:3, 4:
    “Though we walk in the flesh, we do not wage warfare according to what we are in the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful by God for overturning strongly entrenched things.” (Paul here states that he never resorted to fleshly weapons, such as trickery, high-sounding language, or carnal weapons, to protect the congregation against false teachings.)
    MICAH 4:3
    “And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.”
    JOHN 17:6
    “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”
    (When the WORLD goes to war, what does a Christian do?)
    MATTHEW 5:9
    ““Happy are the peaceable,” (See 2 Cor 13:11)
    ROMANS 12:17-21
    “Return evil for evil to no one. Provide fine things in the sight of all men. If possible, as far as it depends upon YOU, be peaceable with all men. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.” But, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head.” Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.”
    ROMANS 13:10
    “Love does not work evil to one’s neighbor; therefore love is the law’s fulfillment.”
    JOHN 6:15
    “Jesus, knowing they [the Jews] were about to come and seize him to make him king, withdrew again into the mountain all alone.”
    JOHN 18:36 (Jesus told the Roman governor)
    “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”
    JAMES 4:4
    “Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.” (Why is the matter so serious? Because, as 1 John 5:19 says, “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” At John 14:30, Jesus referred to Satan as being “the ruler of the world.” So, no matter what worldly faction a person might support, under whose control would he really come?)
    ACTS 4:19
    “But in reply Peter and John said to them: “Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to YOU rather than to God, judge for yourselves.”
    ACTS 5:29
    “In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”
    MATTHEW 22:21
    “Pay back . . . Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.”
    (When Caesar demands what belongs to God, we must acknowledge that God has the prior claim.)
    REVELATION 13:10
    “If anyone [is meant] for captivity, he goes away into captivity. If anyone will kill with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. Here is where it means the endurance and faith of the holy ones.”
    GENESIS 9:6
    “Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man.”
    (All mankind today are descendants of Noah; hence, this divine law that emphasizes respect for life is binding on all humans who desire God’s approval.)
    ROMANS 12:19-21
    “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah.” But, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thi
    rsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head.” Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.”
    LUKE 21:20-21
    ““Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. Then let those in Judéa begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her;”
    (In those days, Jewish factions were fighting one another, both verbally and by shedding blood. But Jesus’ disciples did not get mixed up in those revolutionary campaigns. For some 30 years they waited in Jerusalem. Then they obeyed Jesus’ prophetic sign by “fleeing to the mountains.” Their neutral stance and their flight resulted in their salvation.)
    “A slave of the Lord does not need to fight.”–2 Timothy 2:24
    (While the context shows that Paul was here referring to verbal fights, the original language word rendered “fight” (ma?khe?sthai) is generally associated with armed or hand-to-hand combat.)
    PSALM 2:2
    “The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one,”
    DANIEL 2:44
    ““And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;”
    1 CORINTHIANS 11:3
    “But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.”
    (God is above man.)
    JOHN 19:10-11
    “Hence Pilate said to him: “Are you not speaking to me? Do you not know I have authority to release you and I have authority to impale you?” Jesus answered him: “You would have no authority at all against me unless it had been granted to you from above. This is why the man that handed me over to you has greater sin.””
    TITUS 1:16
    “They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort.”
    ACTS 10:34,35
    “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”
    PSALM 46:9
    “He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; The wagons he burns in the fire.”
    1 PETER 3:11
    “let him seek peace and pursue it.”
    GALATIANS 5:22,23
    “fruitage of [God’s] spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.”
    ISAIAH 9:6,7
    Jesus, is “prince of peace.”
    Luke 3 And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.
    1 TIMOTHY 1:18
    “This mandate I commit to you, child, Timothy, in accord with the predictions that led directly on to you, that by these you may go on waging the fine warfare;”
    2 TIMOTHY 2:3
    “As a fine soldier of Christ Jesus take your part in suffering evil.”
    ACTS 17:26-28
    “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of men, for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. For by him we have life and move and exist.” (How different history would have been if mankind in general had taken note of Paul’s words! Today, mankind is riven by nationalism, class distinctions, racial hatreds, and social inequities. Yet, Paul’s words still apply. All of us are descendants of that one man created by God. All of us are, in that sense, brothers and sisters.)

    So, I think these are some of the scriptures (not all) that the early Christians must have looked at (along with the example of the first Christians themselves) in determining whether warefare is something for those who worship the God of peace.

    Now, if you'd like to show me your scriptures again. I know there is the one about obeying or being in subjection to the superior authorities. (But I've shown Biblical examples of where true worshipers of God, such as Daniel's companions, etc, have decided that obeying God is more important than obeying the government when the two conflict.) So I don't see that as applying. The question is: Are there other scriptures that show that Christians are to engage in warefare?

    Well, there's the Israelites, you say. Well, I asked about Christians. But let's look at the Israelites, again:

    I believe I have already stated:

    “Jehovah God decreed that Israel should make war to rid the Promised Land of the depraved Canaanites. (Leviticus 18:1, 24-28; Deuteronomy 20:16-18) Just as God had punished evildoers by means of a deluge in Noah’s day and fire in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, so he wielded the nation of Israel as his sword of execution.—Genesis 6:12, 17; 19:13, 24, 25.
    According to the Bible, Israel fought other battles under God’s direction, usually to repel unprovoked enemy threats. When the nation obeyed Jehovah, the wars it fought ended favorably. (Exodus 34:24; 2 Samuel 5:17-25) But disaster usually resulted when Israel dared to do battle contrary to divine counsel. Consider the case of King Jeroboam. Ignoring a direct prophetic warning, he dispatched his huge army in civil war against Judah. When the mayhem finally ended, 500,000 of Jeroboam’s soldiers were dead. (2 Chronicles 13:12-18) Even faithful King Josiah once picked a battle that was not his. The rash decision cost him his life.—2 Chronicles 35:20-24.
    What do these events show? That in ancient Israel, the decision to make war rested with God. (Deuteronomy 32:35, 43) He had his people fight for specific purposes. However, these purposes were long ago accomplished. Furthermore, Jehovah foretold that those who serve him “in the final part of the days” would “beat their swords into plowshares” and not “learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:2-4) Clearly, Biblical wars do not justify modern-day conflicts, none of which are fought under God’s direction or at his command.

    And, similarly,

    “Jehovah directed ancient Israel to use warfare to take possession of the land that he himself designated as their inheritance and to execute people whose depraved practices and defiance of the true God caused Jehovah to view them as being no longer fit to live. (Deut. 7:1, 2, 5; 9:5; Lev. 18:24, 25) Nevertheless, mercy was shown to Rahab and to the Gibeonites because they demonstrated faith in Jehovah. (Josh. 2:9-13; 9:24-27) In the Law covenant God laid down rules for warfare that he would approve, stipulating exemptions and the manner in which this warfare was to be carried out. Such were truly holy wars of Jehovah. That is not true of the carnal warfare of any nation today.
    With the establishing of the Christian congregation, a new situation came into existence. Christians are not under the Mosaic Law. Christ’s followers were to make disciples of people of all nations; so worshipers of the true God would in time be found in all those nations. However, what is the motive of those nations when they go to war? Is it to carry out the will of the Creator of all the earth or is it to further some nationalistic interest? If true Christians in one nation were to go to war against another nation, they would be fighting against fellow believers, against people who prayed for help to the same God that they did. Appropriately, Christ directed his followers to lay down the sword. (Matt. 26:52) He himself, glorified in the heavens, would henceforth carry out the execution of those who showed defiance of the true God and His will.—2 Thess. 1:6-8; Rev. 19:11-21.”
    Also, similarly,

    “Some try to justify today’s religious wars by noting that God approved of the killing of Canaanites by ancient Israelites. Yet, that is no justification for professed Christians to wage war today. Why? Because the Israelites were directly instructed by God to act as executioners of his righteous judgments against demon-worshiping peoples, whose worship included gross sexual immorality and child sacrifice.—Deuteronomy 7:1-5; 2 Chronicles 28:3.
    An evidence that the wars of ancient Israel were no ordinary conflicts is the miraculous nature of the victories that God gave the nation. For example, the ancient Israelites were once directed to use horns, jars, and torches—hardly instruments of classic warfare! On another occasion singers were positioned at the front of an Israelite army that was facing an overwhelming force of invading armies from several nations.—Judges 7:17-22; 2 Chronicles 20:10-26.
    Moreover, when, on occasion, the Israelites engaged in wars that were not ordained by God, they were not blessed by him and they suffered defeat. (Deuteronomy 28:15, 25; Judges 2:11-14; 1 Samuel 4:1-3, 10, 11) Israel’s wars, therefore, cannot be invoked to justify the wars waged in Christendom.”

    And I think I said this too:

    “We have to remember that this was a sanctified warfare by means of which Jehovah, the Judge of all the earth, had demon-worshiping nations exterminated. The Canaanites, for example, were squatters in the Promised Land and followed a demonistic, immoral life-style that would endanger God’s holy people. Jehovah had the land “vomit” those depraved humans out of their territory, using theocratic warfare to have it done. (Leviticus 18:1-30; Deuteronomy 7:1-6, 24) This justifies the spiritual warfare of the Christian today.—2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:11-18
    However, Jehovah did not approve of indiscriminate bloodshed. Thus, it is written concerning a king of Judah: “There was also innocent blood that Manasseh shed in very great quantity, until he had filled Jerusalem from end to end.” Though Manasseh later repented and humbled himself before Jehovah, that bloodguilt remained on him and his dynasty. Manasseh’s God-fearing grandson, King Josiah, acted positively to cleanse the land and restore true worship. But he could not remove that bloodguilt. During the reign of Josiah’s son Jehoiakim, Jehovah moved to bring Nebuchadnezzar against Judah, to execute judgment against that nation. “It was only by the order of Jehovah that it took place against Judah, to remove it from his sight for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done; and also for the innocent blood that he had shed, so that he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and Jehovah did not consent to grant forgiveness.”—2 Kings 21:16; 24:1-4; 2 Chronicles 33:10-13.”

    I cannot conceive of using the wars of ancient Israel as a defence against wars fought today. They are different on every level. God clearly backed the israelites. It was God who decided that that would be their land. It was God “the judge of all the earth” who decided that the Canaanites weren't deserving of death. And it was His right to make that judgement. Do we have a similar situation today? Or rather, do we have God's people found in all countries? How does that tie in with loving your brothers if you kill them? How is that love?

    And here's a question I've been meaning to ask: Just when did it become ok to be a part of the world for Christians? And what do you think being “no part of the world” meant? I know how the early Christians understood it. How do you?

    OK, so we have the being in subjection to superior authorities and we have Israel fighting for God. Other than that, could you show me the scriptures that you believe show that Christians should go to war?



    If I HAD to make a choice between becoming a Jehovah Witness or Catholic or Morman I would become a Jehovah Witness. 100%. Theyre not guilty as an organisation for shedding blood.


    There is outright murder and there is self defense. Thou shalt not murder means exactly what it says. Murder is a deliberate act. The desire to end another's life for your own selfish reasons. It is not the same as defending your family. I will admit there is a grey line on this but common sense, which God did give us, has to be used when we do not have an exact scripture. If you ran over a child who rean out in front of you, did you kill that child? No, you did not. It was an accident. It is not the letter of the law you need to take into account but the spirit of the law. What is he saying to us. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you go by this you will not cause harm on purpose to anyone.


    Quote (david @ Aug. 29 2006,11:04)
    t8, without question, you will never find a JW going to war with your country.  You will never find a JW throwing a grenade into your house or the one who pushes the button and wipes out your city.
    Part of the reason it is unthinkable to go to war, is that there is a 'worldwide association of brothers.'  They live in all countries.  They are truly united in love.  They would never kill one another.

    Now that is an interesting point!


    Quote (eveh @ Aug. 29 2009,12:02)
    There is outright murder and there is self defense. Thou shalt not murder means exactly what it says. Murder is a deliberate act. The desire to end another's life for your own selfish reasons. It is not the same as defending your family. I will admit there is a grey line on this but common sense, which God did give us, has to be used when we do not have an exact scripture.  If you ran over a child who rean out in front of you, did you kill that child? No, you did not. It was an accident. It is not the letter of the law you need to take into account but the spirit of the law. What is he saying  to us. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you go by this you will not cause harm on purpose to anyone.

    Hi Evah

    I think there are many different sceranios,

    Self defence,
    defence of your neighbourhood,
    defence of a country,
    joining an invasion.

    To join an invasion eg  Iraq is not a teaching in the Word of Jesus.
    To defend yourself is not a teaching from the word of God.

    To defend your country or you neighbourhood if those around you are innocent victims.
    Well Jesus said Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for another.

    Defending someone else is motivated by love.


    Quote (karmarie @ Aug. 29 2009,22:56)

    Quote (eveh @ Aug. 29 2009,12:02)
    There is outright murder and there is self defense. Thou shalt not murder means exactly what it says. Murder is a deliberate act. The desire to end another's life for your own selfish reasons. It is not the same as defending your family. I will admit there is a grey line on this but common sense, which God did give us, has to be used when we do not have an exact scripture.  If you ran over a child who rean out in front of you, did you kill that child? No, you did not. It was an accident. It is not the letter of the law you need to take into account but the spirit of the law. What is he saying  to us. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you go by this you will not cause harm on purpose to anyone.

    Hi Evah

    I think there are many different sceranios,

    Self defence,
    defence of your neighbourhood,
    defence of a country,
    joining an invasion.

    To join an invasion eg  Iraq is not a teaching in the Word of Jesus.
    To defend yourself is not a teaching from the word of God.

    To defend your country or you neighbourhood if those around you are innocent victims.
    Well Jesus said Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for another.

    Defending someone else is motivated by love.

    Greetings K…….The commandment says: “Thou shalt not Murder”….Killing and destroying is the fruits of war and God controls the outcome of wars….War is an instrument of judgement, throughout scriptual history conflicts between waring tribes and kingdoms showed devine intervention,either in the form of a weather event or an earthquake or the emergence of an individual with extrodinary courage accomplishing super human fetes…God has seen fit to spare this nation(USA)and give it victory in two world wars…My fear is as a result of our turning from him he is turning on us (eg.Korea,Vietnam,Iraq and Afganistan)


    TJ……….you do have a point it seems that when a nation becomes more and more corrupt, GOD does affect it with all kinds of things, and it does seem we are experiencing these thing more and more, Scripture says “the Leaders have caused my people to fail”. GOD does hold leaders more accountable for what a nation is doing. IMO

    peace and love……………..gene


    Well Jesus said Greater love has no man than he who lays down his life for another.


    And Jesus did just that…without killing people.  He told them to bring swords and when they wanted to use their swords he said: 'Put your swords away.'  (It's as though he wanted to teach them this lesson.)
    He said: “For all those who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than twelve legions of angels?”

    When you want to go to war and kill other people ask yourself if the Father could not use his angels to accomplish that purpose IF HE WANTED.  
    While there will always be those who go off to kill in the name of protecting freedom or oil or money, or whatever, IS THIS THE JOB OF JESUS' FOLLOWERS, who Jesus said would be “no part of the world.”?

    What do you think Jesus meant when he said his followers would be “no part of the world” just as he was no part of the world? (John 15:19; 17:14-16)

    JOHN 15:19
    “If YOU were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen YOU out of the world, on this account the world hates YOU.”

    JOHN 17:14-16
    “I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. “I request you, not to take them out of the world, but to watch over them because of the wicked one. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”

    In view of Jesus statement's about his followers being “no part of the world” what position should we take in times of war?

    The book “Of Gods and Men” states:
    “Only the Jehovah’s Witnesses resisted the regime. They fought tooth and nail and as a result one-half of their number was imprisoned and one-quarter executed. . . . They, in contrast to [other religions], are nonworldly in the sense that they do not seek the approbation or the rewards of the material world and do not consider themselves to be members of it. They are political ‘neutrals’ since they belong already to another world—God’s. . . . They do not seek or offer compromises. . . . To serve in the army, to vote, or to give the Hitler salute would have meant a recognition of the claims of this world as dominant over the claims of God.”

    Karmarie, how would you respond?



    Hello all,

    David, I have alot of respect for Jehovahs Witnesses, I have had the same lady come to my house for years now. She knows where I stand and that I dont want to join any curch, yet she never ever fails to come in and talk, I knew others before her too when we lived elsewhere. There is alot of love.

    Adventists also I think took a neutral position in war, but Im not too sure if they are still like that?

    I hate war. If I were called to take part in war I wouldnt. I couldnt kill anyone. But if I saw something that wasnt right, after a while, something would snap in me and I would react, I hate seeing anyone victimised. Like if I was in Gontnomo and saw some of the things iv heard about, I would react because its not nice or fair. Thats what I mean, some situations are just different.

    Peace and love,


    I have alot of respect for Jehovahs Witnesses, I have had the same lady come to my house for years now.

    Is there anyone on here who is not being regularly called on by a JW?

    Adventists also I think took a neutral position in war,

    This must have been before the 20th century. WWII was not pretty. And today, of the 7500 Adventists in the U.S. military, they are virtually all enlisted as combatants. (50 are classed as noncombatants…chaplains.)


    Really? I didnt know Adventists were. Thats sad, how they changed. They were big believers in Gods kingdom not being part of this world.

    I just cant see how Gods people could even think about going to war, Jesus when tempted and offered it all said no, his kingdom is not part of this world.
    If we are to really walk with Jesus, would we not take the same stance. Walking instead the battle of God with all of the punches and kicks along the way. With all of the fighting guns and bombs going off around us.
    Calling people to come too, to Gods kingdom,
    Useing every breath we have left before we are caught in the crossfire.
    Isnt this satans kingdom atm?


    Quote (david @ Aug. 29 2009,10:56)
    2 CORINTHIANS 10:3,4 (New International Version)
    “For though we live in the world, we [MEANING “true Christians”] do not wage war as the world does.
    The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

    A Christians weapons are different.


    Really? I didnt know Adventists were. Thats sad, how they changed. They were big believers in Gods kingdom not being part of this world.

    Further investigation shows that they have changed, somewhat. One person says: “there are a lot more Adventist young people enlisting and bearing arms in the military today than there was a few generations ago.”
    Something else I noticed that goes along with something you said earlier is:
    ” the very real possibility of Seventh-day Adventists fighting against other members of the Adventist World Church. This certainly would have been a possibility in the Korean War – Adventist soldiers from South Korea engaged in combat against Adventist soldiers from the United States.
    Certainly this potential for intra-denominational fighting is a good pragmatic reason to stand in opposition to War (in addition to many others).”


    I agree! And there you have it in plain english 2 corintians 10:3,4 as you stated above.

    People have gotta see that!

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