Challenge to Georg

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  • #269201

    Hi all,

    I said that the 10 kings of revelation are future prophecy.
    I explained them to Georg.
    Now he claims elements of what i showed him as his own understanding after all.
    This is not Christian behavior.
    I would have just ignored him, but to claim understanding when one did not understand and to insult the one who showed him, is just deplorable behavior that needs to be exposed.

    Here is what Georg said about the 10 kings….

    The second seven headed beast:
    Rev. 13:1 “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns; and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”
    This beast is the Roman beast/empire; it rose up as the strongest from all the sea of nations/kingdoms. The seven heads on it, although they represent the same seven empires, they are to hide the identity of the one who received the deadly wound, verse three.

    The ten horns are all the kings, and emperors, that would rule Rome during its entire existence. Notice, there are also “ten crowns”, showing all rulers of Rome had power to rule. The blasphemous names on all the heads/kingdoms, show that no kingdom of this world, Satan’s world, is honoring God.

    Georg also said that these 10 kings are ALL the kings who ever ruled in ALL 7 past empires.

    So you can see that Georg claims that these 10 kings are past history.
    That these 10 kings actually represent hundreds of kings.

    I pointed out that these 10 INDIVIDUAL kings are not hundreds of kings but individuals, and have received no kingdom as yet (rev 17:12), which means that Georg's whole interpretation must be wrong, for the leaders of Rome DID have a kingdom….the Roman Empire/kingdom to rule over, and so did all past empires also, Egypt, Media-Persia etc.

    But the 10 kings have received no kingdom as yet.
    So how can they be past RULERS who DID have kingdoms?

    Revelation 17:12: And the TEN HORNS which you saw are TEN KINGS, which have RECEIVED NO KINGDOM AS YET; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    Now Georg is playing games.
    Will Georg admit he is wrong?
    I await an answer…
    I await accountability.


    Sorry, I didn't find you right away.

    What's with the “Hi all”, I thought you challenge me; are you expecting help from some one?
    And who is it that you're talking too; you're not talking to me, you're talking about me.
    You're some strange character.

    If you were looking for sympathy, you didn't have to come to the hot seat.

    You apparently don't have the guts to speak to me directly; your post, as all the other posts, make no sense, you want me to respond, be specific; if that is possible.

    I see this as nothing else as an attempt to slander; and you talk about accountability?

    You just showed every body what you're really like.



    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 24 2011,16:35)
    Hi all,

    I said that the 10 kings of revelation are future prophecy.
    I explained them to Georg.
    Now he claims elements of what i showed him as his own understanding after all.
    This is not Christian behavior.
    I would have just ignored him, but to claim understanding when one did not understand and to insult the one who showed him, is just deplorable behavior that needs to be exposed.

    Here is what Georg said about the 10 kings….

    The second seven headed beast:
    Rev. 13:1  “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns; and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”
    This beast is the Roman beast/empire; it rose up as the strongest from all the sea of nations/kingdoms. The seven heads on it, although they represent the same seven empires, they are to hide the identity of the one who received the deadly wound, verse three.

    The ten horns are all the kings, and emperors, that would rule Rome during its entire existence. Notice, there are also “ten crowns”, showing all rulers of Rome had power to rule. The blasphemous names on all the heads/kingdoms, show that no kingdom of this world, Satan’s world, is honoring God.  

    Georg also said that these 10 kings are ALL the kings who ever ruled in ALL 7 past empires.

    So you can see that Georg claims that these 10 kings are past history.
    That these 10 kings actually represent hundreds of kings.

    I pointed out that these 10 INDIVIDUAL kings are not hundreds of kings but individuals, and have received no kingdom as yet (rev 17:12), which means that Georg's whole interpretation must be wrong, for the leaders of Rome DID have a kingdom….the Roman Empire/kingdom to rule over, and so did all past empires also, Egypt, Media-Persia etc.

    But the 10 kings have received no kingdom as yet.
    So how can they be past RULERS who DID have kingdoms?

    Revelation 17:12: And the TEN HORNS which you saw are TEN KINGS, which have RECEIVED NO KINGDOM AS YET; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    Now Georg is playing games.
    Will Georg admit he is wrong?
    I await an answer…
    I await accountability.

    I just want to make sure you don't delete what you said.



    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 25 2011,04:11)
    Sorry, I didn't find you right away.

    What's with the “Hi all”, I thought you challenge me; are you expecting help from some one?
    And who is it that you're talking too; you're not talking to me, you're talking about me.
    You're some strange character.

    If you were looking for sympathy, you didn't have to come to the hot seat.

    You apparently don't have the guts to speak to me directly; your post, as all the other posts, make no sense, you want me to respond, be specific; if that is possible.

    I see this as nothing else as an attempt to slander; and you talk about accountability?

    You just showed every body what you're really like.


    Hi Georg,

    I thought this Hot Seat was about explaining the argument to the moderators to see, and then you and i debate…they were the “hi all” i was addressing.

    So i wasn't slandering you Georg.
    Excuse my inexperience.
    I am new here after all.

    For the record, I started speaking bluntly to you because of your little insults…i don't like that behavior in Christians and give no apology either for my responses.

    So, Shall we debate for the moderators now?
    My first question:

    Q: What/who are the 10 kings?



    A: What ten kings?

    I said, be specific, meaning, give me the scripture you're talking about.



    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 25 2011,16:42)

    A: What ten kings?

    I said, be specific, meaning, give me the scripture you're talking about.


    Hi Georg,

    Revelation 17:12
    And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    These 10 kings Georg, please tell me again Georg,

    1> Are they ten individual kings


    2> Are they symbolic of hundreds of kings.




    A horn is symbolic for power, kings/rulers have power.

    A crown, a symbol of ruler ship, emphasizes the power to rule.

    If you go back to v. 3, you will notice, there are no crowns on these horns/kings.

    Verse 8 says, this is the beast that came out of the bottomless pit.

    Rev 17:8   The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.  

    First, what was the beast that was and is not?
    All the heads (7) on the beasts, represent the the seven empires of the Bible; they were considered world ruling governments; it should be obvious that not the entire world is meant.
    After the western leg of Rome fell in 565 AD, there was no more a “world” ruling government.

    That is what is meant by,  the beast that was, but after 565,  was not.

    But it shall ascent out of the bottomless pit, just an expression, since there is no such thing as a bottomless pit.
    What was it that after WW 1 ascended, came into being? The LEAGUE OF NATION, in 1918.
    The league of nation was an attempt to rule the world by a “One World Government”. But it went into perdition in 1946.

    How was the league made up? from about 60 horns/kings/ruler, of 60 nations.

    They are the “TEN” (ALL) kings.  





    .ALL PROPHECY WAS FULFILLED AT THE BEGINNING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST…..ALL WAS FULFILLED THAT WAS SPOKEN ABOUT THE NEW KINDGOM OF GOD…..Luke16:16…the Law and the Prophets were until John the Baptist….since then is the Kingdom of God preached!!





    Jesus said at Matt.12:28…If I cast out devils…deceivers thoughts….deceptive thinking about sin….THEN THE KINDGOM OF GOD IS COME UNTO YOU….!


    Wake up people. Jesus finished it all. The Kingdom is established in every believer. Its all here now! Anything you put off into the future will be future….you will never experience the future while living in the now!! What God has done is for all who believe and it is for NOW!!



    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 26 2011,20:48)

    A horn is symbolic for power, kings/rulers have power.

    A crown, a symbol of ruler ship, emphasizes the power to rule.

    If you go back to v. 3, you will notice, there are no crowns on these horns/kings.

    Verse 8 says, this is the beast that came out of the bottomless pit.

    Rev 17:8   The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.  

    First, what was the beast that was and is not?
    All the heads (7) on the beasts, represent the the seven empires of the Bible; they were considered world ruling governments; it should be obvious that not the entire world is meant.
    After the western leg of Rome fell in 565 AD, there was no more a “world” ruling government.

    That is what is meant by,  the beast that was, but after 565,  was not.

    But it shall ascent out of the bottomless pit, just an expression, since there is no such thing as a bottomless pit.
    What was it that after WW 1 ascended, came into being? The LEAGUE OF NATION, in 1918.
    The league of nation was an attempt to rule the world by a “One World Government”. But it went into perdition in 1946.

    How was the league made up? from about 60 horns/kings/ruler, of 60 nations.

    They are the “TEN” (ALL) kings.  


    Thank you Georg,

    *So you are saying option B.

    *That the ten kings are now a metaphor for 60 kings that made up the league of nations at its inception.

    Before we go any further, please clarify your changing description for what you consider the 10 horns/kings are.
    I will classify each of your statements as: a,b,c.

    *First you said that the ten horns stood for all the kings that ever ruled in all seven empires.

    Your quote:
    (a) The ten horns on this beast represent all the kings that would rule in all seven empires during their individual duration. Notice, there are only seven crowns, one for each head/kingdom.

    *Then you said the 10 horns stood for every Roman ruler from the Roman Empire.
    *You also stated that the 10 crowns stood for all the rulers of Rome having authority.

    Your quote:
    (b) The ten horns are all the kings, and emperors, that would rule Rome during its entire existence. Notice, there are also “ten crowns”, showing all rulers of Rome had power to rule.

    *Now you say the 10 horns are actually 60 kings from the league of nations.
    *You clearly state that these are in fact THE 10 kings.

    Your quote:
    Â How was the league made up? from about 60 horns/kings/ruler, of 60 nations.
    They are the “TEN” (ALL) kings.

    *That is three different explanations for the SAME question i asked you concerning the 10 horns Georg.

    *Please tell me which answer is actually the answer to my question Georg so i can reply.

    My question was, what/who are the ten horns?
    ONE answer please.
    For there are only ONE GROUP of 10 described in scripture.

    *Then explain how you fit 60 kings into 10 metaphorically.

    *Or how you fit seven individual kings into 10 metaphorically.

    *Or how you fit dozens of Roman rulers into 10 metaphorically.

    *Remember Georg, that NUMEROLOGY is of the OCCULT SCIENCES, and God does NOT use NUMEROLOGY nor permit His children to use NUMEROLOGY, so i will not accept any answer using occult practices to describe scripture. That is blasphemous.

    *So show me USING SCRIPTURE, NOT numerology, how you are able to teach that 10 KINGS is just a metaphor for many kings.

    Thank you.



    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.



    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)

    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.


    No need to be like that Georg !!

    How is quoting your statements twisting what you say concerning the 10 kings?

    They are your words after all, cut and pasted from our previous debate.

    And i WAS asking about the 10 kings wasn't i?

    *Look Georg…read Daniels description of king Nebs dream statue.

    *Notice that the last kingdom has ten toes?

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    *You see, the toes confirm that there are indeed 10 individual rulers/ nations who will join together to start this global takeover.

    *Unless ten toes, by your reckoning, somehow means 60 kings/nations also !!

    *Which the same ten toes would also somehow stand for every Roman emperor that ever ruled as you said…

    *Which would also need to correlate with all the rulers that ever ruled from all 7 empires as you said…

    *So how would you explain the ten toes metaphorically then Georg in relation to the horns and crowns explanation of yours?

    *You see, it just does not fit.

    I am sorry you got upset, no hard feelings huh?


    Come on Georg,

    i want to be totally fair with you, you got angry because you believed i was twisting your words, i was not twisting your words Georg.

    This was going to be my response to what i thought you were going to explain again….

    *Since you said that the 7 headed beast stood for 3 different conditions of the beast, meaning the 10 horns would have 3 different meanings also….i wanted to point out that this example is NEVER repeated ANYWHERE in scripture Georg…God NEVER does this…His metaphors ALWAYS stand for the SAME meaning…but YOUR explanation gives 3 meanings to one metaphor….

    *Also, WHEN God uses metaphors, every metaphor He uses always means the same thing LITERALLY. A metaphor is for explaining a literal thing Georg. And besides that, God always provides in scripture, the meanings of His metaphors…IF/WHENEVER He ever USES a metaphoric meaning. But He never NEEDED to do this for the number TEN …because, simply, 10 means what it means….10.

    *And since God gave the ANSWER to WHAT the horns stand for, we are ASSURED that the meaning is true…and now understand what horns mean…kings…and kings rule what?….NATIONS. So nations is the logical companion of horns, NOT its metaphoric meaning, but its literal outcome…and that is…that kings logically rule NATIONS.

    *And since God did NOT NEED explain what CROWNS stand for, we can know that the CROWNS stand for exactly what CROWNS always stood for, literally and/or metaphorically…AUTHORITY/RULE.

    *And since God did NOT NEED explain what the number 10 stands for, we can be certain that 10 stands for 10…NOT 60, NOT 45 NOT 300 NOT 7 …But 10.

    *Else God WOULD have explained what 10 ALSO stood for just like He EXPLAINED what each time period that Ezekiel lay on each side for stood for…you see, God ALWAYS explains His metaphors…just like Josephs dream explanation for the 7 plentiful years of Egypt and the 7 drought ridden years…7 years always meant 7 years….exactly like 10 horns ALWAYS meant 10 individual kings.

    So lets say you were correct for arguments sake about 10 horns meaning 60 kings of the league of nations.

    That would then mean that the 10 horns would ONLY ever mean 60 kings from the league of nations.

    You can't then additionally go and say,

    *Oh the 10 kings ALSO means dozens of Roman rulers…you can't say that WITHOUT God first providing ANOTHER metaphor to address that change in the 10 horns condition/numeral value and appearance. GOD is the author and authority on the meanings of His metaphors which He ALWAYS explains…not YOU.

    *OR…the 10 kings ALSO mean 7 particular/individual rulers from the worlds 7 main empires…you are just breaking rules at whim now.

    Firstly you said to me, that the 10 kings DO NOT MEAN INDIVIDUALS but instead means a GROUP of rulers, hence 10 BEING THE NUMBER OF COMPLETION…

    BUT then you broke that rule and said : The ten horns on this beast represent all the kings that would rule in all seven empires during their individual duration. Notice, there are only seven crowns, one for each head/kingdom.

    Can you see your basic error?
    I know you can't see it, so here, i will show you…

    If 10 is the number of completion concerning ALL kings in all their particular empires AS YOU SAID, for all “three seven headed beasts”….

    ***THEN why are there not 10 horns for EVERY COMPLETED PAST HEAD? For each head does have its completion before the next head emerges…That would then follow YOUR RULE…but this does NOT occur:

    YOU SAID that there WERE NOT 10 HORNS for every head, but ONE HORN for every head. There you go…PROOF OF CONTRADICTION !!! HOW then would the previous heads ever be completed? You can not COMPLETE them at the very end, for that would mean that they NEVER stopped ruling as the main world empire by YOUR RULE … can you grasp this?

    ****Meaning that 10 would stand for COMPLETION of each particular kingdoms rule, and at the END of each individual kingdom, when that kingdom is NO MORE, THOSE heads would NEED BY YOUR EXPLANATION, TEN HORNS TO SEAL EACH FINISHED HEAD !!!!!

    WHY then aren't those kingdoms SEALED with YOUR explained “number of completion”….which IS TEN…10 horns to SEAL each “number of completion” on EACH 7 heads ????….

    BUT… ONLY one head has 10 horns Georg…
    Does that mean that the previous kingdoms rulers never got a chance to complete their respective kingdoms?

    You see Georg, so many holes in YOUR interpretation…
    And this is just ONE subject out of your many contradictions….
    I am not gloating, i am explaining…since you said i can't even read, nor understand history, nor grasp scriptures etc ….

    Aren't you being childish by insulting me like this when i AM addressing each of your statements?

    I personally believe that you should no longer be allowed to preach that strange contradictory doctrine of yours…it is rebellion against the truth…and i have exposed many holes in just ONE topic out of your many error ridden statements.

    And you refuse to honestly reexamine your teachings…
    Isn't that against Christs instruction of TEST EVERY DOCTRINE…
    You are breaking His rule now also…
    I fear for you Georg.
    Please reconsider.



    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    now this is not written or is it ???

    Da 2:33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

    Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
    Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

    so your interpretation is false according to those scriptures ,to me it is more a world like today people .



    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 27 2011,13:41)

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    now this is not written or is it ???

    Da 2:33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.

    Da 2:42 As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.
    Da 2:43 And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

    so your interpretation is false according to those scriptures ,to me it is more a world like today people .



    If you had bothered to take in all of my statements, you should have discerned i was generalizing concerning the toes.

    I did say previously that God described the 10 horns and told us that they were ten kings, and kings rule KINGDOMS.
    So ten horns are 10 kings…10 toes=TEN kingdoms
    And what are kingdoms ruled by?
    By kings..
    So if the 10 toes means ten kingdoms, then ten kings are also present.
    It is called discernment.

    So tell me, how on earth is that false?

    So since the 10 toes represent ten kingdoms…
    It is not that difficult to work out that 10 kings who rule those individual kingdoms will fulfill revelation 17:12.
    So what i said is actually spot on compared to scripture.
    Only in your opinion is it false.

    And the kingdom these 10 kings do not YET have (Rev 17:12) NOT speaking of their individual kingdoms, which they DO HAVE, for HOW can they GIVE THEIR kingdoms to the beast if they are NOT theirs to give??
    BUT the 10 UNITED kingdoms which will make ONE mighty kingdom consisting of strong and weak nations that they do NOT have YET, this united kingdom is WHAT they do not YET have.

    So HOW can YOU compare this united kingdom to the world today?
    They haven't JOINED together YET.
    So YOU can NOT compare them to anything YET.
    Which means, that you gave self interpretation.

    NOWHERE does it say that these 10 kings will split up.
    But instead the false prophet will uproot 3 of those kings.

    Notice it speaks of the SEED of men not cleaving,
    NOT the kingdoms not cleaving, but the different cultures not cleaving,
    YET they STILL DO mingle themselves TOGETHER…
    So they are culturally different from each other, but they still UNITE together as one.
    It is speaking of the seed of men (races) within that united kingdom not cleaving, NOT the kingdoms not cleaving together, but those within those kingdoms having DIFFERENCES which prevent them being culturally ONE.
    But they STILL join together.

    The bible scriptures you gave are altered interpretations, that is, watered down.
    How can we be sure?
    The dead sea scrolls is how..
    the oldest authenticated records we have of written scripture to compare with all of todays bibles..
    And WHICH bible does it match the closest?
    Almost 100%
    KJV 1611…
    And the other bibles?
    WATERED DOWN AND ALTERED rendering the true meanings of Gods written Word as almost meaningless and impossible to decipher.

    Now lets compare your bible passage to the most accurate version.

    Your version:
    Da 2:43
    And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay.

    KJV 1611:
    Da 2:43
    And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

    Nothing about them breaking up here.

    But instead speaking of different CULTURES that JOIN together EVEN THOUGH they have DIFFERENCES that prevents them from being ONE (cleaving) with each other, But nevertheless…they STILL JOIN TOGETHER for a common PURPOSE.

    Yet YOUR bible has corrupted the whole meaning.
    See how Satan works?
    How he corrupts the written word?
    Throw that version out and get the most trustworthy KJV 1611.

    THEN you can understand exactly what God speaks about before unknowingly accusing others of falsehood.

    Thank you.



    I did say previously that God described the 10 horns and told us that they were ten kings, and kings rule KINGDOMS.
    So ten horns are 10 kings…10 toes=TEN kingdoms ;;;So tell me, how on earth is that false?

    you still say what is not written 10 toes = ten kingdom —this is not what scriptures says ,this is why i showed the scriptures ;

    your statement is not true ,



    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)

    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.


    No need to be like that Georg !!

    How is quoting your statements twisting what you say concerning the 10 kings?

    They are your words after all, cut and pasted from our previous debate.

    And i WAS asking about the 10 kings wasn't i?

    *Look Georg…read Daniels description of king Nebs dream statue.

    *Notice that the last kingdom has ten toes?

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    *You see, the toes confirm that there are indeed 10 individual rulers/ nations who will join together to start this global takeover.

    *Unless ten toes, by your reckoning, somehow means 60 kings/nations also !!

    *Which the same ten toes would also somehow stand for every Roman emperor that ever ruled as you said…

    *Which would also need to correlate with all the rulers that ever ruled from all 7 empires as you said…

    *So how would you explain the ten toes metaphorically then Georg in relation to the horns and crowns explanation of yours?

    *You see, it just does not fit.

    I am sorry you got upset, no hard feelings huh?

    Why don't you check back and see what I said, and then compare it with what you said.
    But I know that is asking to much since you don't even read what I say.
    Well, i will be strait with you; this is the trooth.

    The beast is the big bad wolf;
    the girl siting on it is Goldie locks;
    the seven heads are the seven dwarfs;
    and the ten horns are their ten goats.

    Caution, you are not allowed to use this information, becauser I have the Copy rights to it.



    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,12:19)
    The beast is the big bad wolf;
    the girl siting on it is Goldie locks;
    the seven heads are the seven dwarfs;
    and the ten horns are their ten goats.

    I'm not as learned in the revelations of scripture as you, but I'm pretty sure that's not it, Georg. :D


    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 28 2011,05:19)

    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)

    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.


    No need to be like that Georg !!

    How is quoting your statements twisting what you say concerning the 10 kings?

    They are your words after all, cut and pasted from our previous debate.

    And i WAS asking about the 10 kings wasn't i?

    *Look Georg…read Daniels description of king Nebs dream statue.

    *Notice that the last kingdom has ten toes?

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    *You see, the toes confirm that there are indeed 10 individual rulers/ nations who will join together to start this global takeover.

    *Unless ten toes, by your reckoning, somehow means 60 kings/nations also !!

    *Which the same ten toes would also somehow stand for every Roman emperor that ever ruled as you said…

    *Which would also need to correlate with all the rulers that ever ruled from all 7 empires as you said…

    *So how would you explain the ten toes metaphorically then Georg in relation to the horns and crowns explanation of yours?

    *You see, it just does not fit.

    I am sorry you got upset, no hard feelings huh?

    Why don't you check back and see what I said, and then compare it with what you said.
    But I know that is asking to much since you don't even read what I say.
    Well, i will be strait with you; this is the trooth.

    The beast is the big bad wolf;
    the girl siting on it is Goldie locks;
    the seven heads are the seven dwarfs;
    and the ten horns are their ten goats.

    Caution, you are not allowed to use this information, becauser I have the Copy rights to it.


    LOL….never looked at it that way Georg…

    Now i gotta spend time getin it out of my head…


    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 31 2011,16:55)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 28 2011,05:19)

    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)

    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.


    No need to be like that Georg !!

    How is quoting your statements twisting what you say concerning the 10 kings?

    They are your words after all, cut and pasted from our previous debate.

    And i WAS asking about the 10 kings wasn't i?

    *Look Georg…read Daniels description of king Nebs dream statue.

    *Notice that the last kingdom has ten toes?

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    *You see, the toes confirm that there are indeed 10 individual rulers/ nations who will join together to start this global takeover.

    *Unless ten toes, by your reckoning, somehow means 60 kings/nations also !!

    *Which the same ten toes would also somehow stand for every Roman emperor that ever ruled as you said…

    *Which would also need to correlate with all the rulers that ever ruled from all 7 empires as you said…

    *So how would you explain the ten toes metaphorically then Georg in relation to the horns and crowns explanation of yours?

    *You see, it just does not fit.

    I am sorry you got upset, no hard feelings huh?

    Why don't you check back and see what I said, and then compare it with what you said.
    But I know that is asking to much since you don't even read what I say.
    Well, i will be strait with you; this is the trooth.

    The beast is the big bad wolf;
    the girl siting on it is Goldie locks;
    the seven heads are the seven dwarfs;
    and the ten horns are their ten goats.

    Caution, you are not allowed to use this information, becauser I have the Copy rights to it.


    LOL….never looked at it that way Georg…

    Now i gotta spend time getin it out of my head…


    wen are you going to answer my question ,?????



    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 31 2011,09:55)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 28 2011,05:19)

    Quote (Devolution @ Dec. 27 2011,05:17)

    Quote (Pastry @ Dec. 27 2011,02:07)

    I have said this once to some one else, now I'm saying it to you;

    YOU ARE AN —–!  you fill in the blanks, you should be very familiar with them.

    Apparently you can't even read.

    The way you twist what I say, I shall see what a moderator will say to that?

    You don't know screw from nail.


    No need to be like that Georg !!

    How is quoting your statements twisting what you say concerning the 10 kings?

    They are your words after all, cut and pasted from our previous debate.

    And i WAS asking about the 10 kings wasn't i?

    *Look Georg…read Daniels description of king Nebs dream statue.

    *Notice that the last kingdom has ten toes?

    *Ten toes Georg…sound familiar?…that's 10 individual kings that rule 10 individual nations that JOIN together !!

    *You see, the toes confirm that there are indeed 10 individual rulers/ nations who will join together to start this global takeover.

    *Unless ten toes, by your reckoning, somehow means 60 kings/nations also !!

    *Which the same ten toes would also somehow stand for every Roman emperor that ever ruled as you said…

    *Which would also need to correlate with all the rulers that ever ruled from all 7 empires as you said…

    *So how would you explain the ten toes metaphorically then Georg in relation to the horns and crowns explanation of yours?

    *You see, it just does not fit.

    I am sorry you got upset, no hard feelings huh?

    Why don't you check back and see what I said, and then compare it with what you said.
    But I know that is asking to much since you don't even read what I say.
    Well, i will be strait with you; this is the trooth.

    The beast is the big bad wolf;
    the girl siting on it is Goldie locks;
    the seven heads are the seven dwarfs;
    and the ten horns are their ten goats.

    Caution, you are not allowed to use this information, becauser I have the Copy rights to it.


    LOL….never looked at it that way Georg…

    Now i gotta spend time getin it out of my head…

    Well, at least now you can say, you got something in your head.


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