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- April 12, 2007 at 3:21 am#48655
ParticipantQuote (david @ April 07 2007,04:43) A question I don't think I got an answer to. Similarly, speaking of Catholics, The Belgian newspaper “La Dernière Heure” relates that during the war Roman Catholic Cardinal Amette of Paris said this to the French soldiers:
“My brothers, comrades of the French army and of their glorious allies, the Almighty God is on our side. . . . God is near to our brave soldiers in battle, he gives them strength and fortifies them against the enemy. . . . God will give us the victory.”
At the same time, on the other side, the Catholic archbishop of Cologne, Germany, said to German soldiers:
“God is with us in this fight for righteousness . . . We command you in the name of God, to fight to the last drop of your blood for the honor and glory of the country. . . . God knows that we are on the side of righteousness and he will give us the victory.” (La Dernière Heure, January 7, 1967)So this I ask: Who's side was God on? The Cardinal's or the Archbishop's?
As the New York Times observed: “In the past local Catholic hierarchies almost always supported the wars of their nations, blessing troops and offering prayers for victory, while another group of [Catholic] bishops on the other side publicly prayed for the opposite outcome.” (New York Times, December 29, 1966, p. 3.)
Are the Catholics on God's side? Or the side of whatever country they happen to live in? Are they truly united, as Christ's brothers are to be?
Could be neither.It is like 2 soccer teams praying that God will aid them to win, or when a Christian prays for rain to feed his thirsty crops and another Christian prays for fine weather because he is getting married or going to the beach with his family.
April 12, 2007 at 3:28 am#48657Proclaimer
ParticipantHi Nick .
Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 13 2007,10:00) Hi,
Is 1.18 contends that the catholic church has only existed from the great schism of 1000 years ago.
Wikipedia says this.
c. 110: Ignatius of Antioch uses the term Catholic Church in a letter to the Church at Smyrna, one of the letters of undisputed authenticity attributed to him. In this and other genuine letters he insists on the importance of the bishops in the Church and speaks harshly about heretics.
If by the catholic church it is meant as universal church, then it has been around since it's inception. If it means the Roman one, then yes it would be good to know when that one started.But a Roman Emperor enforcing his rule and tradition for the Church (or face persecution even death) does seem to look like the Roman Catholic Church that history shows us.
So it may have officially started as a title at a certain year, but it most likely existed before then. It is unlikely that it started up with the name and personality it has now, in one day, with no trace of it the day before.
April 16, 2007 at 7:01 pm#49246epistemaniac
Participantwhile I am in agreement, generally speaking with this thread, eg that Rome is a false apostate body and that, as Nick said… those within her need to “come out of her my people” says the Lord….
I would like to comment on where Nick said:
“Salvation is reduced to infant baptism and spiritual food is reduced to bread and wine.”
actually the situation is a lot more complex than this… Rome teaches a false doctrine regarding salvation to be sure… but salvation is not merely reduced to infant baptism…. salvation in Rome is a combination of works plus grace…. as well as partaking of the Eucharist and the idolatrous Mass…. that is, for Rome, justification is a process…. Rome teaches an infusion of righteousness via works and the celebration/partaking of the Mass… whereas the Reformers taught that salvation was sola fide (faith alone) sola gratia (by grace alone) solus Christus (by Christ alone)…. infant baptism simply wiped away the results of the fall so that an infant that dies could go to heaven because they needed absolution, even though they themselves had not sinned, they carried within themselves the stain of Adam's sin…. thus their doctrine of baptismal regeneration was sufficient for salvation only until a child reached the age of accountability…. after that their sins had to be atoned for by their ow
this theological position was “hardened” into dogma at the Council of Trent where Rome, as a body, basically anathematized the true gospel for a false gospel when they said that anyone who embraces salvation by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone was to be anathema… cursed… damned… and thus, as they condemned the true gospel, they themselves ended up being the damned by preaching a gospel other than that taught be Paul so clearly in his many epistles….
the Reformers taught that justification was an instantaneous act, not a process…. it is an imputation (versus Rome's infusion) of Christ's righteousness to our account such that when we stand before God's tribunal, He does not see our righteousness, or rather, lack thereof, but instead sees that by faith we have appropriated Christ's righteousness and it is this righteousness, not our own, that merits entrance into God's kingdom…. for no one else but Christ was perfectly righteous, and unless His righteousness be attributed to the sinner by grace through faith by imputation, the sinner would be left to stand before the bar of God's court with nothing but his or her own righteousness… and this would mean an instant eternal death sentence….
here are some of the anathemas pronounced against, no doubt, many people posting here, anyone who says that salvation is by grace through faith alone, and this is nothing but the pure unadulterated gospel of the Bible….:
SIXTH SESSION, CANONS CONCERNING JUSTIFICATION: “If anyone says that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in divine mercy, which remits sins for Christ's sake, or that it is this confidence alone that justifies us, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA” (Canons Concerning Justification, Canon 12).
SIXTH SESSION, CANONS CONCERNING JUSTIFICATION: “If anyone says that the justice received is not preserved and also not increased before God through good works, but that those works are merely the fruits and signs of justification obtained, but not the cause of its increase, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA” (Canons Concerning Justification, Canon 24).
SIXTH SESSION, CANONS CONCERNING JUSTIFICATION: “If anyone says that the Catholic doctrine of justification as set forth by the holy council in the present decree, derogates in some respect from the glory of God or the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, and does not rather illustrate the truth of our faith and no less the glory of God and of Christ Jesus, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA” (Canons Concerning Justification, Canon 33).
KenApril 16, 2007 at 7:16 pm#49251NickHassan
ParticipantHi E,
Good stuff.
Of course her daughters are also wrong as they still rely on works and not rebirth from above.
And they carry through into their walk the false catholic doctrines such as incarnation and trinity.December 12, 2007 at 10:48 pm#74705NickHassan
December 12, 2007 at 11:20 pm#74708IM4Truth
ParticipantThe beginning of
and who ruled it313 A.D.
After almost three Centuries of brutal and bloody persecution, the Roman Emperor Constantine issues an edict, granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religion.
321 A.D.
Constantine issues an edict, forbidding work on Sunday, and making it the day of worship.
324 A.D.
Constantine establishes Christianity as the official religion of his Empire. It will become known as the “ Roman Universal Church “.
325 A.D.
Constantine calls the first Ecumenical Council at Nicea. 318 Bishops attend to settle doctrinal disputes; one of which was; the relationship of Jesus to the Father. The teaching of Arius, a Priest, that Jesus was created was rejected and condemned. Another ruling of the Council was, that the commemorating of Christs death be no longer kept; enforced by death to those who would still do; instead; the resurrection be celebrated on Sunday.
451 A.D.
The fourth Ecumenical Council was held in Chalcedon, a city in Asia Minor. When Bishop Leo 1st of Rome ended his pronouncements, Bishop Augustine of Hippo North Africa, offered his approval by saying, “ Rome has spoken, the cause is ended “. While the rest of the Bishops responded; “ Peter has spoken by Leo, let him be anathema – that is accursed – who believes otherwise”.
452 A.D.
Attila the Hun threatens to invade Rome. The Bishop of Rome, Leo 1st, meets with Attila and the invasion is avoided. This increases the prestige and power of the Bishop greatly.
455 A.D.
Bishop Leo 1st saves Rome again, by persuading the Vandal King Geiseric, of north Africa to take the peoples wealth, but not their lives.
476 A.D.
King of the Heruli, Odoacer, deposes the Emperor of the west, Romulus Augustus.
This is the deadly wound, Rev.13:3.
533 A.D.
Justinian, Eastern Roman Emperor, declares that the Bishop of Rome be the head of all bishops, and be the only one to be called “Pope”; a little later in time, “holy” was added.
553 A.D.
Justinian calls a general Church Council in Constantinople; to settle disputes between Catholics; who believe in the two natures of Christ – divine and human -; and the Monophysites, who believe in the one nature of Christ – divine -.
554 A.D.
Justinian conquers and regains Rome; the western Empire is restored.
The deadly wound is healed, Rev.13:3.
565 A.D.
Justinian dies; his death leaves the western Empire and Rome, without real protection. The eastern Emperors consider themselves still rulers of the west, but more and more, matters are left up to the Bishop – Pope – of Rome, who eagerly assumed charge; including military matters. He was also able to take on the title “ Pontifex Maximus“ now and did, Pontiff for short. To become the Pope of Rome, to become Pontifex Maximus – Chief religious Ruler -, was the desire and ambition of many Bishops and none clergies as well. It was bought; it was sold, and occasionally obtained by murder. Also; the use of icons and images, and the veneration of the Virgin Mary and Saints, had become increasingly more popular. The true Christians however, inheriting from Judaism repugnance toward idolatry, disapproved of these practices. In the eastern Empire, many battles were fought over icons:
726 A.D.
Emperor Leo 3rd has icons removed from churches and destroyed.
780 A.D.
Empress Irene permit’s the use of icons in church service again.
800 A.D.
Pope Leo 3rd crowns Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor of the west. The Pope makes two statements here; One, he declares his independence from the eastern Empire; Two, to show the world that the Pope rules over Kings; not always with success however.
813 A.D.
Emperor Leo 5th of the east removes all icons again.
843 A.D.
Empress Theodora elects the once persecuted iconoclast, Monk Methodius, to the patriarchal throne, from which he declared the final restoration of icons.
896 A.D.
Newly elected Pope Stephen 6th has the body of former Pope, Formosus, exhumed. The corpse is dressed in papal regalia and put on trial, charged with treason; assaulted with questions and accusations; and after the trial dragged through the streets of Rome. The next year, Pope Stephen 6th is himself overthrown, imprisoned and strangled.
904 A.D.
Sergius 3rd becomes Pope after ordering the murder of his predecessor. He lives openly with a prostitute, Mrozia. He fathers a number of sons by her. One of the sons will be the future Pope John 11th. His reign begins the period known as, “ the rule of the harlots. “
955 A.D.
Pope John 12th turns the Lateran (Popes) palace, into a literal brothel.
962 A.D.
Pope John 12th crowns Otto the Great, of Germany, “Holy Roman Emperor”. The Pope however refuses to give an oath of obedience to the King; so Otto deposes of Pope John 12th, and makes his own candidate Pope, Leo 8th.
1059 A.D.
Pope Nicholas 2nd convenes the Lateran Council, which decrees, that a College of Cardinals will elect future popes. This action takes away the Emperors influence in Papal elections.
1073 A.D.
Pope Gregory 7th declares, “ The Pope is Master of Emperors.” The Pope insist; the Pope is above all nations and rulers, and only responsible to God. King Henry 4th of Germany disagrees. The disputes escalate to were the King attempts to depose the Pope. The Pope instead excommunicates the King. This action by the Pope absolves all of Henry’s subjects from their oath of allegiance to the King, and triggers a revolt in Germany. Henry gives in to the Pope; in December of 1077, he meets the Pope at Canossa, northern Italy. The Pope makes Henry stand barefoot in the snow, for three days and three nights, before he grants him absolution. The power struggle between Church and State however continues.
1215 A.D.
Frederick 2nd is crowned Holy Roman Emperor; he is engaged in a fierce struggle with Pope Gregory 9th. Each calls the other Antichrist. The Pope claims, The Roman Church has never erred, to resist it, is to resist God “.
1302 A.D.
Pope Boniface 8th in a bull (official document), asserts that to obtain salvation, every man must be subject to Rome, and that the Pope is supreme over all Kings, and that under penalty of excommunication, Kings are not allowed to tax the clergy. His bull is received with violent apposition from all rulers. The French King writes the Pope a letter and addresses him, “Your Supreme Foolishness“.
1305 A.D.
Pope Clement 5th takes up resident in the City Avignon, France, because of political unrest in Rome. Popes remain there till 1377, and become the tool of the French Court. This stay is also referred to as, “the Babylonian captivity”.
1378 A.D.
Urban 6th, an Italian, is elected Pope. French Cardinals disagree and elect a Frenchman as Pope, Clement 7th. There are now two Popes, and each excommunicates the other and each calls the other Antichrist. In 1409, Cardinals from both sides meet in the council of Pisa, to depose both Popes and elect a new Pope, Alexander 5th. The other two Popes refuse to resign; now there are three Popes. Finally in 1417, the Council of Constance deposes of all three Popes and unanimously elects Pope Martin 5th.
1492 A.D.
The Church is loosing its grip on people; because of the corrupt life’s Popes live, such as Pope Alexander 6th, formerly Rodrigo Borgia; who neglects Church affairs in pursuits of personal pleasures. He also has a son, Cesare Borgia.
1511 A.D.
German Monk, Martin Luther, makes a pilgrimage to Rome. He is appalled at the corruption and vice he finds so openly practiced there. He has often heard the popular proverb, “If there is a hell, Rome is build over it“, now he believes it. Luther is further disturbed by the selling of Papal indulgences or pardons for sins. The selling of indulgences had become big business.
1517 A.D.
Martin Luther nails a document to the door of the Castle Church, Wittenberg – Germany. On it are his 95 Theses, disagreements, in criticism of
the churches doctrine and the selling of indulgences.
1520 A.D.
In June, Pope Leo 10th issues a bull, criticizing Luther’s teaching. In December, the same year, Luther publicly burns the Papal bull. An ecclesiastical revolution to be known as the “Protestant Reformation“ is now in full swing.
1521 A.D.
Luther is excommunicated. Emperor Charles 5th summonsed Luther for a hearing, before the assembly of Worms – Germany. Luther refuses to recant and nothing is settled. Charles declares war on protestors; in spite of great persecution, Protestants gain in followers.
1545 A.D.
The Roman Universal Church organizes the “Counter Reformation“. The Council of Trent decrees a thorough reform of the Church, and clarifies Church doctrine. These efforts eliminate many of the abuses that had triggered the Protestant Reformation.
1555 A.D.
Both religion, Catholic and Lutheran, are officially recognized within the Empire.
1618 A.D.
Political rivalries among the many petty Princes of Europe are sharpened by religious differences among them. Peace collapses and the most terrible of all religious wars brake out. Catholics and Protestants fight each other for 30 years. The German countryside lies in ruins.
1789 A.D.
The French Revolution has begun. King Louis 16th and Queen Marie Antoinette, are guillotined; and thousands of Catholics, Priests and Nobles, are massacred; the revolution lasts for 13 years.
1798 A.D.
In a disagreement with Pope Pius 6th, the French General Napoleon sends his Troops to Rome, and takes the Pope prisoner. He is brought back to France and jailed. He dies there the next year.
1804 A.D.
Pope Pius 7th publishes an address, in which he declared it to be the doctrine of the gospel that all should obey established governments, including himself. Napoleon summons the Pope to Paris to witness the self-crowning of the first French Emperor.
1809 A.D.
Napoleon decrees the Papal States annexed as part of the French Empire. Pope Pius 7th replies with a bull of excommunication. Napoleon replies with a laugh, “ In these enlightened days, none but children and nursemaids are afraid of curses.” The Pope becomes Napoleons prisoner and is taken to the City Fontainebleau, near Paris.
1813 A.D.
Pope Pius 7th finally signs the Concordat. In it he places all authority in Napoleons hands; to nominate Bishops and Metropolitans, without any power of the Pope to veto such appointments. The Pope is permitted to return to Rome the next year. The Pope’s power to rule has been broken; the indignation has been accomplished, Dan. 11:36.
1834 A.D.
The Vatican abolishes torture.
1870 A.D.
Pope Pius 9th declares the infallibility of the Pope. This dogma holds, that when a Pope speaks officially to the Catholic Church, on a doctrine of faith or morals, he cannot err.
These historical facts should really make us think what foundation the Catholic Church has been build on. It is obvious, in this 21st Century that the Pope no longer has the power he once had, but his influence remains strong.Peace and Love Mrs.
January 18, 2008 at 1:55 am#79300NickHassan
Catholicism believes in a magic salvation, the baptism of babies. It believes working out of that salvation is by confirmation, obedience to their leaders, doing good works and and receiving communion at their masses.
It is the largest and most influential of the sects with many similar daughter churches.January 31, 2008 at 2:18 am#80451jhenTux
ParticipantCatholics use this verse to support the baptism of newly born:
John 3:5 “'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
January 31, 2008 at 2:31 am#80454NickHassan
ParticipantHi jh,
Then they should rather care about their own salvation in view of 1 Cor 7.14
It is not the washing of the skin of the ignorant that saves anyone.
Baptism is a heartfelt plea for inner washing by God.[1Peter 3]February 26, 2008 at 1:49 am#82654NickHassan
ParticipantHi AoP,
This cult is by far the most popular one. Founded on gnostic mysticism it offers a false salvation by works and the following of blind men. She has many denominational daughters who differ from her in trivial matters.May 22, 2008 at 7:25 am#89532jhenTux
Participantmy catholic friends says constantine was at first an Arian? any info?
May 22, 2008 at 4:41 pm#89541GeneBalthrop
ParticipantjhenTus……….Constantine was tutored by and Arian bishop, but never showed conversion and went Back and forth trying to appease both sides at times. One time he exiled Arius after the council of Neica in 325 AD then exiled Anthanious later it went back and forth for years. And from the Anathenius came the teaching of the Trinity, that Jesus was (HOMONUSIOUS) of the same essence and make up as the Father.
We are told in 2Thes2 that from the Midst would come the Man of Sin who takes His sit in the temple of God, being displayed as GOD , who is now being displayed as Very God him self , is it not Jesus, and this false teaching will be abolished at the return of Jesus and the (LIE) mention in the text is the LIE that Jesus is The true God Himself the Almighty Father Himself, the creator of all things Himself. Pure LIE>
May 23, 2008 at 8:39 pm#89575Tonycb
ParticipantWhy So Many Churches and Which One is Right?
By Irvin Baxter, Jr.
Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, I should go to church, but there are so many different kinds, which teach so many different beliefs, that I would have no idea which one to attend? Why are there so many different “Christian” churches?!
Do you know that it was prophesied in the Bible that there would come a time when there would be many different churches which would go under the banner of Christianity? Not only that, the Bible revels in this prophecy which explains all this unveiled in the following study.
Revelation 17:1-3, “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither, I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters; With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness; and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”
The importance of this study in every individual's life is shown in the very first verse. The angel said, “I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore.” Here God has pronounced judgment upon someone or something. The question immediately arises; “Am I going to be included in this judgment?” if we don't know who or what is destined to be judge, then we cannot act to disassociate ourselves from that which is to be judged.
The first and foremost question we must ask is, “who is this woman?” as we search for the answer to this question, we will find that every symbol which surrounds this woman is interpreted in plain language-in this very same chapter.
Rev. 17:18 states very plainly, “And the woman which thou sawest is the great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” So the first thing we discover is that the woman represents a city. There is a city somewhere on earth right now upon which God has pronounce judgment. We need to moved out so that God’s judgment will not fall upon us also. Rev. 18:4, speaking of the same city says, “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
The next clue in Rev. 17:9 tells what these seven heads symbolized. “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth” (or on which the city sitteth).
We now know two things: the woman is a city, and this city is located upon seven mountains or hills. There is only one city in the world today that is known as the city of the seven hills. If you will look in many encyclopedias under Rome, it is referred to as the city of seven hills. If Rome is this city, then the rest of the clues in this chapter should fit her too.
Again in Rev. 17:18 – “And the woman… which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Does Washington D.C. reign over the kings of the earth? Does Moscow? New York? London? Paris? The answer, of course, is definitely not! We can prove, however, that Rome does reign over the kings of the earth. In 1951, the Roman Catholic Church had the right to guide the political thinking of any and all of its members. That states very plainly that if a pope should choose to issue an order to a head of states who is a Catholic, he is bound by the laws of Roman Catholicism to obey. Do you realize that many heads of the state today are Roman Catholic? One pope emphatically declared, “Popes have the right to remove kings and emperors, since spiritual rules over temporal.” during the middle ages, 500-1,500 A.D., the Pope named, remove, and replaced kings in Europe at will. European rulers, as recently as 100 years ago, went to be crowned by the pope, but a rift develop between his country and the Vatican, which prevented it. In the pope’s coronation ceremony, he is pronounced “king of kings and ruler of rulers of the earth.” God foresaw all of this before Catholicism ever existed, and foretold it in minute detail so that honest-hearted individuals would not be deceived. The remarkable things is that Catholicism issues statements which are worded almost exactly like God’s prophecies concerning her!
In Rev. 17:1 again, the woman is shown sitting upon many waters. The angel tells John in Rev. 17:15, “The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Roman Catholicism claims 800,000,000 subjects or members. (Catholics are many times referred to as subject of pope.) These members are in virtually every kingdom of the world. What an accurate description of Catholicism given by God before Roman Catholicism ever existed! Roman Catholicism – a city and yet an international system.
Rev. 17:4 further described Catholicism, “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.”
In a description of papal parade, the attire of the pope and the cardinals was described using almost the identical words as those above. Scarlet (red) is the color worn by cardinals; purple is worn by bishops and archbishops. The pope’s crown is gold, his throne is gold, the pope and the cardinals always have gold crucifixes hung about their necks. Pearls are used by all members in the form of their rosary. The astonishing thing is that the Catholic Church claims to be the true church, yet Paul taught against the wearing of pearls, gold, and costly array (I Timothy 2:9). If you will take notice of the different doctrines of Catholicism, you will find that hardly any are the same as those of the early church. That’s the reason God hates Catholicism so and has vowed to send terrible judgment upon it.
Rev. 17:6—” And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with blood of the martyrs of Jesus. :”
Of all the persecutors of the true saints of God, Roman Catholicism ranks number one. In her history she has killed in the neighborhood of 68,000,000 Christians because they would not bow to her false doctrines. In one six-year period alone, Roman Catholicism was responsible for 6,000,000 deaths (not mentioning the unspeakable torture that came before death). There are countries today in which one may not preach contrary to Catholicism with our endangering his life. This seems so foreign today in the midst of the ecumenical movement, but the history books shout a warning to us if we will but listen. Not only has Catholicism been a persecutor in the past, but the Bible prophecies that in the immediate future she is going to be a party to the persecution such as the world has never seen. It is no wonder that God said that Catholicism was drunken with the blood of the saints.
Rev. 17:5 – “And upon her forehead was the name written, Mystery Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.”
To understand the first part of this name which was written upon the forehead of this woman, “Mystery Babylon the Great,” we must know something about Babylon. The first time we hear of Babylon is at the tower of Babel. This was shortly after the flood. The idea behind building the tower which would reach high into the heavens was that if another flood came, the people could save themselves by going up into the tower rather than depending on God to save them. Thus, Babylon became the origin of man-made religion. Also, this great tower would weld the people together into a single nation and government. So the spirit of Babylon which began at the tower of Babel was the spirit of self-sufficiency. One ruler, one government, one religion, and one economy: Give us this and we can solve all our problems.
The spirit of Babylon got into Nebuchadnezzar one night causing him to forget that God held control over the earth and c
ould bring about the exaltation or the downfall of any ruler or kingdom. In his pride he exclaimed, “Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?” immediately, the kingdom was taken from Nebuchadnezzar, and he was driven into the field to roam there as a maniac until he acknowledged the supremacy of God.This lesson was remembered but a short time. Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson Belshazzar held a great feast at which he was the center of attention, praise, and exaltation. In his exalted condition he sent for the gold and silver vessels which were dedicated to the worship of God. As he drank from those forbidden vessels, God wrote a message to Belshazzar in the plaster of the wall. “God hath numbered thy kingdom and finished it. Thou art weigh in balances, and art found in wanting. Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” The Spirit of Babylon once again brought God’s judgment, as it always does.
The spirit of Babylon is still working in our times. When Hitler rose into power, his message and goal was to bring 1000 years of peace to the earth (with the Germans as rulers). The reason Satan inspired Hitler to attempt this 1000-year reign was simply because Satan has always tried to do what God has promised he will do. Every saint of God longs for the return of Jesus Christ to set up His millennial (1000-year) Kingdom on earth. (Rev. 20:2-3,6) Before Hitler’s 3rd Reich, it was the 1st and the 2nd Reich, all inspired by the spirit of Babylon, and all with the same vision: to establish a world kingdom that would last 1000 years. Undoubtedly, we will soon see the emergence of the 4th Reich, preaching the same Babylonian message of one world government, one world religion and the promised of 1000 years of peace and prosperity.
The Bible did not say the woman’s name was to be Babylon; it said, “Mystery Babylon.” In other words she will not be called Babylon, but she will have the same spirit and doctrine that Babylon has always possessed. True to form, Catholicism does not believe that Jesus Christ is going to return to earth in person and set up a thousand-year kingdom of peace, but rather, they believe that through the spreading of the influence of Catholicism, they eventually will gain enough power to rule the world and to establish the Pope as the “King of Kings.” Isn’t it amazing how accurate Bible prophecy is, even though written 2000 years ago? It is not fulfilled in just one or two points but in every single detail, no matter how small.
This last portion of the name that God gave to Catholicism is, undoubtedly, the most important in opening our understanding. Here we can know the true from the false.
Notice, first of all, that Catholicism was called a harlot. Now God is saying that she is not only a harlot but is also the “Mother of Harlots.” A harlot is a woman who bears children having no husband.
Throughout the New Testament God’s true church has been called the bride of Jesus Christ (II Cor. 11:1-3 and Rev. 21:2). In order to be in the bride, we must take the name of the bridegroom. The way we can take the name of Jesus is through baptism (Gal. 3:27). Except we are baptized in the name, we can’t be in the bride.
This brings us to a crucial question: how does your church baptize? There are principally two formulas which have been used for baptism by present-day churches: 1) In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; 2) In the name of Jesus Christ. If you will look in most encyclopedias, they will tell you that until 325 A.D. baptism in the name of Jesus Christ was the accepted formula (Canny Encyclopedia pg. 53; Dictionary of the Bible by Scribner’s, pg. 241; Dictionary of the Bible by James Hastings; Encyclopedia Britannica, the 11th edition, Volume 3, pp. 365-366).
On the other hand, no one in the Bible was ever baptized using the titles “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” Until 325 A.D. this formula was never used or recognized as valid.
Then in 325 A.D. the Nicean council was called by what had become the Catholic Church. At this council the mode of Baptism was change from “In the name of Jesus Christ” to “Father, Son, Holy Ghost.” Also at this council the doctrine of the trinity was formulated. This was the founding of the great whore, the “Mother of Harlots.” She became a woman with no husband. She bore no man’s name.
In the 16th century Martin Luther lead the Reformation, carrying with him millions. The Roman Catholic Church hastily called the council of Trent in am attempt to stem the tide away from Catholicism. At this council many decrees were made condemning the Protestants; however, the council decreed that the Protestants, at least, had not forsaken the Mother Church’s baptism. With this fatal mistake, the Protestant movement was doomed to eventually be nothing but a lot of little harlots following the footstep of their Mother. We see the doom being fulfilled today with the Protestants turning back to Mother. In an effort to lure her daughters home, the Catholic Church issued this statement: “We the Mother Church are opening our arms to all of our daughters to return home. Anyone who holds to our baptism may return without being rebaptized.” How accurately it is being fulfilled!
Finally, God said of Mystery Babylon in Rev. 18:7: “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow?” Simply articles like this and God’s true preachers are going to be preaching loudly, “You’re a widow. Before 325 A.D. you bore the name of Jesus Christ, but now you’re widow and a harlot. You are soon to be judged.” In defense she is going to say, “I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. ” But Rev. 18:8 says, Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine: And she shall be utterly burned with fire: For strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”
Judgment is coming to Catholicism! Judgment is coming to Protestantism, her daughters! All this is in your Bible, whether a Protestant or Catholic Bible! Get your Bibles down and read for yourself. Are you going to reap the wrath of God, or are you going to wake up and obey the truth?
Remember, the point on which the entire issue turn is the formula of baptism used. Ecumenical leaders are saying, “We have a basis for unity. It is our common mode of baptism… Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” All churches will soon be divided into two basic groups: those who baptize using the phrase that was never used for an actual baptism in the Bible…Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or those who baptize using the phrase that was used every single time by the New Testament Church…In the name of Jesus (or Jesus Christ). See Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:48, Acts 19:5. In the Bible God’s true church is symbolized as a virgin bride. A false church is also symbolized as a woman, but the woman is a harlot. The bible prophesied that there would be many false “Christian” churches-the Mother harlot and all of her daughter harlots. Their relationship is cemented by their common baptism. As the dark cloud of ecumenism closes in on the world, there are many honest-hearted and sincere individuals in these false churches that God would like to save. The Word of God rings out, “Come out of her, my people, that ye by not partakers of her sins, and the ye receive not of her plagues” (Rev. 18:4).
May 25, 2008 at 12:44 am#89668GeneBalthrop
ParticipantTonycb………….> your are right about the Catholic Churches and the protestants They are the provocateurs of most of all the LIES in Christianity.
The Trinity is one of the biggest LIES ever told. We are told to come out of Her my people.peace……………..gene
June 29, 2008 at 7:03 am#94830NickHassan
ParticipantHi Augustine,
Catholicism teaches salvation by infant baptism, obedience to the church leaders and going to mass and communion.Does that have any similarities with the message of Jesus Christ?
June 29, 2008 at 7:38 am#94833Irene
ParticipantMy Husband wrote this about the Catholic Church
313 A.D.
After almost three Centuries of brutal and bloody persecution, the Roman Emperor Constantine issues an edict, granting all Christians full freedom to practice their religion.
321 A.D.
Constantine issues an edict, forbidding work on Sunday, and making it the day of worship.
324 A.D.
Constantine establishes Christianity as the official religion of his Empire. It will become known as the “ Roman Universal Church “.
325 A.D.
Constantine calls the first Ecumenical Council at Nicea. 318 Bishops attend to settle doctrinal disputes; one of which was; the relationship of Jesus to the Father. The teaching of Arius, a Priest, that Jesus was created was rejected and condemned. Another ruling of the Council was, that the commemorating of Christs death be no longer kept; enforced by death to those who would still do; instead; the resurrection be celebrated on Sunday.
451 A.D.
The fourth Ecumenical Council was held in Chalcedon, a city in Asia Minor. When Bishop Leo 1st of Rome ended his pronouncements, Bishop Augustine of Hippo North Africa, offered his approval by saying, “ Rome has spoken, the cause is ended “. While the rest of the Bishops responded; “ Peter has spoken by Leo, let him be anathema – that is accursed – who believes otherwise”.
452 A.D.
Attila the Hun threatens to invade Rome. The Bishop of Rome, Leo 1st, meets with Attila and the invasion is avoided. This increases the prestige and power of the Bishop greatly.
455 A.D.
Bishop Leo 1st saves Rome again, by persuading the Vandal King Geiseric, of north Africa to take the peoples wealth, but not their lives.
476 A.D.
King of the Heruli, Odoacer, deposes the Emperor of the west, Romulus Augustus.
This is the deadly wound, Rev.13:3.
533 A.D.
Justinian, Eastern Roman Emperor, declares that the Bishop of Rome be the head of all bishops, and be the only one to be called “Pope”; a little later in time, “holy” was added.
553 A.D.
Justinian calls a general Church Council in Constantinople; to settle disputes between Catholics; who believe in the two natures of Christ – divine and human -; and the Monophysites, who believe in the one nature of Christ – divine -.
554 A.D.
Justinian conquers and regains Rome; the western Empire is restored.
The deadly wound is healed, Rev.13:3.
565 A.D.
Justinian dies; his death leaves the western Empire and Rome, without real protection. The eastern Emperors consider themselves still rulers of the west, but more and more, matters are left up to the Bishop – Pope – of Rome, who eagerly assumed charge; including military matters. He was also able to take on the title “ Pontifex Maximus“ now and did, Pontiff for short. To become the Pope of Rome, to become Pontifex Maximus – Chief religious Ruler -, was the desire and ambition of many Bishops and none clergies as well. It was bought; it was sold, and occasionally obtained by murder. Also, the use of icons and images, and the veneration of the Virgin Mary and Saints, had become increasingly more popular. The true Christians however, inheriting from Judaism repugnance toward idolatry, disapproved of these practices. In the eastern Empire, many battles were fought over icons:
726 A.D.
Emperor Leo 3rd has icons removed from churches and destroyed.
780 A.D.
Empress Irene permits the use of icons in church service again.
800 A.D.
Pope Leo 3rd crowns Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor of the west. The Pope makes two statements here; One, he declares his independence from the eastern Empire; Two, to show the world that the Pope rules over Kings; not always with success however.
813 A.D.
Emperor Leo 5th of the east removes all icons again.
843 A.D.
Empress Theodora elects the once persecuted iconoclast, Monk Methodius, to the patriarchal throne, from which he declared the final restoration of icons.
896 A.D.
Newly elected Pope Stephen 6th has the body of former Pope, Formosus, exhumed. The corpse is dressed in papal regalia and put on trial, charged with treason; assaulted with questions and accusations; and after the trial dragged through the streets of Rome. The next year, Pope Stephen 6th is himself overthrown, imprisoned and strangled.
904 A.D.
Sergius 3rd becomes Pope after ordering the murder of his predecessor. He lives openly with a prostitute, Mrozia. He fathers a number of sons by her. One of the sons will be the future Pope John 11th. His reign begins the period known as, “ the rule of the harlots. “
955 A.D.
Pope John 12th turns the Lateran (Popes) palace, into a literal brothel.
962 A.D.
Pope John 12th crowns Otto the Great, of Germany, “Holy Roman Emperor”. The Pope however refuses to give an oath of obedience to the King; so Otto deposes of Pope John 12th, and makes his own candidate Pope, Leo 8th.
1059 A.D.
Pope Nicholas 2nd convenes the Lateran Council, which decrees, that a College of Cardinals will elect future popes. This action takes away the Emperors influence in Papal elections.
1073 A.D.
Pope Gregory 7th declares, “ The Pope is Master of Emperors.” The Pope insist; the Pope is above all nations and rulers, and only responsible to God. King Henry 4th of Germany disagrees. The disputes escalate to were the King attempts to depose the Pope. The Pope instead excommunicates the King. This action by the Pope absolves all of Henry’s subjects from their oath of allegiance to the King, and triggers a revolt in Germany. Henry gives in to the Pope; in December of 1077, he meets the Pope at Canossa, northern Italy. The Pope makes Henry stand barefoot in the snow, for three days and three nights, before he grants him absolution. The power struggle between Church and State however continues.
1215 A.D.
Frederick 2nd is crowned Holy Roman Emperor; he is engaged in a fierce struggle with Pope Gregory 9th. Each calls the other Antichrist. The Pope claims, The Roman Church has never erred, to resist it, is to resist God “.
1302 A.D.
Pope Boniface 8th in a bull (official document), asserts that to obtain salvation, every man must be subject to Rome, and that the Pope is supreme over all Kings, and that under penalty of excommunication, Kings are not allowed to tax the clergy. His bull is received with violent apposition from all rulers. The French King writes the Pope a letter and addresses him, “Your Supreme Foolishness“.
1305 A.D.
Pope Clement 5th takes up resident in the City Avignon, France, because of political unrest in Rome. Popes remain there till 1377, and become the tool of the French Court. This stay is also referred to as, “the Babylonian captivity”.
1378 A.D.
Urban 6th, an Italian, is elected Pope. French Cardinals disagree and elect a Frenchman as Pope, Clement 7th. There are now two Popes, and each excommunicates the other and each calls the other Antichrist. In 1409, Cardinals from both sides meet in the council of Pisa, to depose both Popes and elect a new Pope, Alexander 5th. The other two Popes refuse to resign; now there are three Popes. Finally in 1417, the Council of Constance deposes of all three Popes and unanimously elects Pope Martin 5th.
1492 A.D.
The Church is loosing its grip on people; because of the corrupt life’s Popes live, such as Pope Alexander 6th, formerly Rodrigo Borgia; who neglects Church affairs in pursuits of personal pleasures. He also has a son, Cesare Borgia.
1511 A.D.
German Monk, Martin Luther, makes a pilgrimage to Rome. He is appalled at the corruption and vice he finds so openly practiced there. He has often heard the popular proverb, “If there is a hell, Rome is build over it“, now he believes it. Luther is further disturbed by the selling of Papal indulgences or pardons for sins. The selling of indulgences had become big business.
1517 A.D.
Martin Luther nails a document to the door of the Castle Church, Wittenberg – Germany. On it are his 95 Theses, disagreemen
ts, in criticism of the churches doctrine and the selling of indulgences.
1520 A.D.
In June, Pope Leo 10th issues a bull, criticizing Luther’s teaching. In December, the same year, Luther publicly burns the Papal bull. An ecclesiastical revolution to be known as the “Protestant Reformation“ is now in full swing.
1521 A.D.
Luther is excommunicated. Emperor Charles 5th summonsed Luther for a hearing, before the assembly of Worms – Germany. Luther refuses to recant and nothing is settled. Charles declares war on protestors; in spite of great persecution, Protestants gain in followers.
1545 A.D.
The Roman Universal Church organizes the “Counter Reformation“. The Council of Trent decrees a thorough reform of the Church, and clarifies Church doctrine. These efforts eliminate many of the abuses that had triggered the Protestant Reformation.
1555 A.D.
Both religion, Catholic and Lutheran, are officially recognized within the Empire.
1618 A.D.
Political rivalries among the many petty Princes of Europe are sharpened by religious differences among them. Peace collapses and the most terrible of all religious wars brake out. Catholics and Protestants fight each other for 30 years. The German countryside lies in ruins.
1789 A.D.
The French Revolution has begun. King Louis 16th and Queen Marie Antoinette, are guillotined; and thousands of Catholics, Priests and Nobles, are massacred; the revolution lasts for 13 years.
1798 A.D.
In a disagreement with Pope Pius 6th, the French General Napoleon sends his Troops to Rome, and takes the Pope prisoner. He is brought back to France and jailed. He dies there the next year.
1804 A.D.
Pope Pius 7th publishes an address, in which he declared it to be the doctrine of the gospel that all should obey established governments, including himself. Napoleon summons the Pope to Paris to witness the self-crowning of the first French Emperor.
1809 A.D.
Napoleon decrees the Papal States annexed as part of the French Empire. Pope Pius 7th replies with a bull of excommunication. Napoleon replies with a laugh, “ In these enlightened days, none but children and nursemaids are afraid of curses.” The Pope becomes Napoleons prisoner and is taken to the City Fontainebleau, near Paris.
1813 A.D.
Pope Pius 7th finally signs the Concordat. In it he places all authority in Napoleons hands; to nominate Bishops and Metropolitans, without any power of the Pope to veto such appointments. The Pope is permitted to return to Rome the next year. The Pope’s power to rule has been broken; the indignation has been accomplished, Dan. 11:36.
1834 A.D.
The Vatican abolishes torture.
1870 A.D.
Pope Pius 9th declares the infallibility of the Pope. This dogma holds, that when a Pope speaks officially to the Catholic Church, on a doctrine of faith or morals, he cannot err.
These historical facts should really make us think what foundation the Catholic Church has been build on. It is obvious, in this 21st Century that the Pope no longer has the power he once had, but his influence remains strong.Peace nd Love Irene
August 25, 2009 at 5:41 am#142194NickHassan
ParticipantFor CA,
The most popular human religionAugust 25, 2009 at 7:18 pm#142270Catholic Apologist
ParticipantQuote Our basic beliefs are pretty much summed up in the Nicene Creed. We believe in one god,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of Heaven and earth,
of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from Heaven:
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became flesh.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified.
He has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come.
Amen.Amen, Robyn! Whatever happened to Robyn?
August 25, 2009 at 7:20 pm#142272NickHassan
ParticipantHi CA,
Certainly men use human creeds to substitute for scripture and to prop us weak dogmas.May 31, 2010 at 1:46 am#193115NickHassan
Those who ascribe to the catholic dogma of trinity should know about the source.Catholicism pays lip service to the scriptures calling them 'the sacred scriptures'.
Then she calls the collection of her own bizarre dogmas 'sacred tradition'.
Lastly she claims that she alone has the right to interpret scripture.Guess who rules-God or man?
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