Can something come from nothing?

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 18 2011,19:49)

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 18 2011,10:11)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 17 2011,17:19)
    Hi WIT,

    You refuse to believe all the documented evidence.

    God bless
    Ed J

    You serve a false god Ed.  He does not exist, except in your head.  He has no more power over me than Zeus, Bacchus, or Santa Claus.

    Care to demonstrate otherwise?

    Until you do, please stop bugging me with the same evidence that even your fellow Christians find laughable.

    Hi WIT,

    What do you call this universal conscience, we call him YHVH.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    OK, must be a bit behind the conversation here.

    If he acknowledges a universal conscience, then he believes in God. His next quest is to know this God.





    The Intelligence of Nature.

    The understanding of consciousness and of its relation to the rest of the universe is the starting point of understanding the difference between human intelligence and the intelligence of nature.

    Consciousness is natural and universal because it is an identical entity within all brains and this entity is primary, enlightenment may be secondary, but in reality, thoughts are not universal and should be valued last. The most significant things that separate people are their different thoughts and beliefs. The human brain is a natural organ that has the potential to cause intelligent, but brains are merely vehicles for consciousness. However, there is a type of intelligence within nature that is different to human intelligence because it does not have mental properties. Once a natural organism comes into existence, it takes on a life of its own, which then adapts and evolves.

    Everything in the universe is constantly changing and everything is dynamically interrelated. According to what physicists have discovered, there is no such thing as nothing because even in a void there is the potential for things to come into being spontaneously, and they can vanish again, into the void: these events happen continuously. From this void all forms can come into being and it is the source of all life.

    There is also a void between one thought and another where there is the potential for a different type of intelligence to come into being. The new paradigm for future intelligence will be the ability to perceive concepts that can only be defined as being mystical or spiritual. The mind has the potential to experience new dimensions once it learns how not to overvalue ‘things’ and thoughts. This new paradigm will be an understanding that different states of consciousness would result in different thoughts and feelings. For instance, some people who had a near death experience or had a stroke and lost some aspects of their left hemisphere brain activity (ego, ambition, possessions, the external world, etc.) commenced to use the more sensual right hemisphere, which caused them to sense experiences differently because of the absence of ordinary thoughts emanating from the left hemisphere of the brain: it seems the right portion of the brain causes senses or feelings, which are usually dormant because they become suppressed by the overvaluing of thoughts, beliefs and other acquired forms of knowledge.

    Altered states of consciousness cause some people to have different values as they become less materialistic, but more spiritual; more compassionate and more enlightened than before.The object of enlightenment is to understand the nature of minds and to understand the natural order of things. Living cells within any form of life know how to function because of this natural intelligence.

    The environment is not just a multitude of living organisms, it contains a natural process that causes life to come into existence, or causes life to act or react according to natural forces within their environment. There are many organisms that do not have brains and so they do not have the ability to think, but if they survive and evolve then they are able to make intelligent use of internal and external information.

    Human Intelligence.

    The human species evolved over many thousands of years and there was a time when their thinking was limited to primitive means of survival. Eventually they acquired the ability to communicate with each other through languages and although this was an important step towards human development, this ability commenced with sounds and then words. Each isolated group of people invented their own language and when different groups met, there were conflicts and divisions because they had difficulty understanding each other.

    In this the twenty-first century, even with all the information available, the conceptual mind still misunderstands people who have different customs and beliefs.

    Yet, languages, customs and all beliefs are constructs of the human mind. 

    Languages became necessary but in the process the mind lost many of its natural instincts and in particular the ability to actually sense the environment from moment to moment. By overvaluing acquired knowledge and beliefs the mind tends to suppress this sensual and natural ability because the mind has evolved so that it experiences the present by using knowledge that is relative to a past dimension.

    The mind accumulates more and more knowledge and each experience strengthens knowledge. The problem is, false knowledge and false beliefs make it difficult to live and think intelligently. Knowledge means to know and no matter how one is formally educated, if only a small portion of what is known is relative to false information, then it is difficult to make intelligent conclusions and the more that knowledge becomes overvalued then the less likelihood that the mind can become enlightened. Human intelligence should not be confused with natural intelligence because the former would never have eventuated without some primary and natural entity. It is this mystical entity that existed even before life came into existence.

    Universal Consciousness.

    The mind can be conscious of thoughts or experiences but it can never be conscious of consciousness because this entity can never be directly seen or known.

    All forms of life which survive over several generations are intelligent, but intelligence wouldn’t exist without consciousness, yet consciousness can exist without thought, therefore, the mind tends to overvalue thoughts instead of valuing the entity that causes them. All metal properties are physical, but this mystical universal consciousness can never be actually experienced by the conceptual mind because it is of a non-physical nature.

    Professor Paul Davies made a statement on an Australian ABC television programme several years ago that he thought consciousness would soon be part of physics. If this theory of a natural Universal Consciousness is correct, then it would confirm that a mystical intelligence is devoid of thought and devoid of matter and that it existed long before brains came into being.

    There is an entity within all brains and objects that can only be described as being part of the creative forces of nature. It is difficult for the conceptual mind to accept that there is an intelligence out there in nature that is an identical entity within all life forms and even within all active forms of matter. This intelligence is not inferior to the consciousness within human brains, but the contents within minds are inferior to this universal entity.

    Knowledge and intelligence can be compared and measured, but, there is no comparison or measure for natural intelligence. This mystical entity is universal because it is an identical entity within all matter. When it is realised that the void is full of some invisible mystical entity, then it should also be realised that there is no such thing as nothing: For that which is empty has the potential to be full, yet, the contents should never be valued, for they, like thoughts and beliefs, are merely temporary things.

    The Destructive Nature of Beliefs.

    The conceptual mind cannot perceive of a Natural Entity that is too intelligent for the need to think. No belief is true unless it is proven to be true. The truly spiritual mind is one that is connected to everyone and to everything through this silent Godly Consciousness. If the mind does not understand new concepts or new theories, it simply shuts them out because the mind tends to reject that which cannot be experienced without thought. To examine proven facts, but retain beliefs, then the new information is ignored or becomes distorted. To cling to old beliefs, then it is difficult to accept new concepts. That which is deemed to be true must always be questioned because there is no comm
    on element to truth and because as soon as something is accepted as being true, the next moment in time, it may no longer be true. Also, there is no absolute truth in science because new or improved theories will always continue.

    Oxford University professor Susan Greenfield, a neuroscientist, thinks that brains can change and be influenced by the way we think. And, of course, the way we think influences the way we act. Brains seem to be ‘warped’ by certain thought and belief systems. It also seems that false gods were invented by minds that desire to know the unknown. The mystical or spiritual dimension can be sensed but can never be known, therefore there is no need to waste time thinking about it, or praying to it. The spiritual mind is one that is free from all beliefs.

    The understanding of time is very important because some concepts of time can only be grasped by the intuitive mind. The conceptual mind functions in the line of time, therefore the true nature of time needs to be better understood. To continue with beliefs, if someone begins to question a particular belief and decides to change to another, then the new belief usually becomes ultimate because they think they became more intelligent or more spiritual whilst becoming more conditioned and sometimes more fanatical. This is evident when, for example, someone who is born into the Christian faith and if later they accepted the Buddhist doctrine of reincarnation then the new belief usually becomes ultimate. Reincarnation can become an ultimate belief, but in reality, it is wishful thinking by the temporal mind, which desires to exist permanently or until it becomes perfect. Conditioned minds do not realise that their existing natural consciousness is already an unchanging perfection and although this entity is timeless, it does not imply that individual consciousness continues after death, however, some mystical entity is connected to every person and to every other form of life and this theory postulates that it even exist in other forms of matter. This mysterious entity may even exist somewhere in the universe ‘waiting’ to spontaneously manifest itself in every form, as each comes into existence.

    A mind needs to sense each moment, or at least some moments, as being new and meaningful. If the mind questions past concepts, then it may be inspired by other conclusions, the ultimate of which is to learn how to eliminate destructive thoughts and emotions and to find out why it believes certain things that are not based on truth.

    Some psychologists suggest that many religious people are more content with their lives than non-believers. However, instead of directing love, devotion and faith towards never to be known deity, most people would benefit society and themselves more if they had the same devotion directed towards other individuals and other forms of life here on earth. An intelligent mind with a sense of purpose and a compassion for all life may have a better feeling of well-being than a mind that was conditioned by a belief system.

    Parents, preachers and teachers endeavour to condition other minds to their own point of view. Beliefs are only relative to what is taught by others, but if the mind looks at facts and has no point of view regarding any particular belief then there would be no influence from others because the mind would not rely on false concepts, or burden itself with false conclusions. The mind does not need to have more faith, it needs to be more intelligent. But no mind can be intelligent if it is unable to perceive its own self-made prison. If the mind is locked into any belief system then it cannot possibly be free to experience the reality of what is, and so, there is no escape at all unless the mind learned how to achieve different states of consciousness.

    Altered States of Consciousness.

    It is now generally recognised that consciousness is separate to thought, but it is difficult to accept that thoughts are insignificant in comparison because no matter how wonderful or beautiful or spiritual thoughts may seem, they cannot be compared to this implied mystical and silent consciousness. Thoughts cannot come into existence without this primary and natural entity. If the primary entity of all life is their natural consciousness and to agree with the theory that everything in the universe is interrelated and interconnected, then it would seem that this mystical entity is actually the fundamental entity of the universe because it is within all forms of life. Different species will acquire different forms of knowledge, but as thought is secondary to the primary entity then without this natural consciousness thoughts would never have eventuated: It is exactly the same entity within every brain and it never changes, but knowledge and thoughts continually change. Living things depend on a natural intelligence so as to be capable of existing long enough to perpetuate their own species. Even the most primitive forms of life without brains have the intelligence to adapt and survive because they posses this identical natural intelligence. All self-organising systems have a natural intelligence, but this mystical intelligence is devoid of thoughts and devoid of mental properties. The conceptual mind cannot comprehend that the fundamental entity of thought, or the catalyst for thought, is consciousness.

    After all, we are not brain-dead during deep sleep, or during unconsciousness and we are not born brain-dead. The sperm that struggles to cause life, somehow ‘knows’ it has a task to perform; it is ‘driven’ by a natural intelligence and from the moment each life is conceived every cell possesses the same natural intelligence as each cell comes into being. This universal intelligence exists at conception even before a single thought commences.

    Humans and all other life-forms are part of an inseparable organic whole and although each form of life has individuality, each is inseparably linked to this universal entity. Every form of life possess this natural intelligence and each is part of something greater than itself. Every thinking living thing has the same identical consciousness. What separates one from another is different thought systems. Every brain is different to every other because each occupies a different space, but each brain has a unique relationship to every other by virtue of having exactly the same consciousness. Once thoughts commence then each mind becomes a separate and independent entity.

    There is something within the brain that can only be described as being spiritual and it seems the brain is hard-wired to sense this dimension, but the mind finds it difficult to articulate ‘spiritual experiences’ except through religious interpretations. However, no matter how convincing the interpretations seem to be, they can never reflect reality (what is) because a true spiritual experience is always beyond words or thoughts. The real dimension of natural consciousness is a present moment ‘sense’ that can never be correctly interpreted by the conceptual mind. If occasionally, the mind does not overvalue what it knows, then it could be free to experience a different dimension and if there is no longer any emphasis on relative knowledge, then the mind becomes free of any fixed concepts regarding the ever-changing world. There is a continuous flow of new information available, but unless it helps the mind to understand that there is another more important dimension, then it doesn’t matter how much information is accumulated if it doesn’t actually help the mind to know anything of real importance. For instance, if love is a thought then it is not love; it is merely an intellectual interpretation of something that can never be spoken of, or known.

    As Lao Tzu said over two thousand years ago: He who knows (love) does not speak. He who speaks (about love) does not know.

    Every mind commences with very limited knowledge and what is accumulated over time determines modes of thinking which, in turn, determines how to live. Only when a mind is free from all con
    ditioned thoughts, beliefs and illusions, can it then attain a desired state of consciousness. When ordinary thoughts commence then the mind is transferred from a relatively timeless dimension, into the dimension of time.

    The Nature of Time.

    The mind cannot think about time without including space. But space and time are also constructs of the mind. What is experienced in space-time is an illusion as is evident when the mind experiences stars that may not be there. It takes time for light to travel from the observer to the observed even if it’s trillions of miles away, or just in front of what the eye observes.

    The mind may endeavour to live in the present, but because it takes time to interpret an experience then the conceptual mind cannot really comprehend the dimension of now.

    The moment time became a concept is the moment the mind became a slave to time because all knowledge is relative to time; to the past. To experience flow and change from moment to moment, then the mind is not functioning from a past dimension. This transformation of the mind does not happen in psychological time, it is virtually an instantaneous insight, but as the mind normally functions in the line of time then everything is merely an individual interpretation. Everyone is a separate observer and each observer believes they are separate from others, however, it is only conditioned minds which separate themselves from other minds and from the environment and from that which is real becomes part of memory; part of the past, and in this context the past doesn’t exist and if the future doesn’t exist, then there is only this present moment, but, even this present moment is not of time; this dimension can be ‘sensed’ but can never be know.

    The greatest paradoxical problem occurs when the human observer examines matter because the outcome is never certain. It depends on how scientists look at matter because sometimes electrons appear as particles and sometimes they appear as waves. The activity within matter functions almost instantaneously, but when the mind observes something then it takes time to interpret the observation.

    The meditative mind is one that does not overvalue what it knows, to do so, would make it difficult for the mind to be quiet: it is the constant activity that prevents it from experiencing reality. The reality of ’experiencing’ the environment without naming it, or thinking of it. The mind may interpret experiences from moment to moment, but those moments are relative to past dimensions. This present moment, which the conceptual mind cannot grasp, is again, in this context, timeless. Once the meditative mind, (not the mind that wastes time meditating) is liberated from time, then it may sense the timeless dimension of now. Between one thought and another there is a silent moment where time does not exist. An essential feature of the dynamic nature of the universe is this timeless consciousness. It is an unknown entity that is the essential catalyst for thought, but is itself, devoid of thought. When conceptual thoughts begin then time begins because all acquired knowledge is relative to a past dimension.

    The Big Bang occurred in the past, this caused matter and space and time to come into being. However, Universal Consciousness is not of time and does not act alone because it requires some other entity before it can manifest itself, and that which exists in all life and in all matter is energy.


    The universe does not consist of bundles of matter, but consists of bundles of energy and nothing can function without energy, yet energy on its own is nothing and does nothing because energy is inactive until something causes it to become active. Although matter and energy are both manifestations of the same fundamental entity, there is a universal entity that is not matter, yet it is within all matter and within all living things. 

    Some scientists have stated that approximately 4% of the universe is made up of Atoms (existing visible matter including you and me and all other objects) 21% is Dark Matter, that no one can find and 75% is Dark Energy, that nobody can understand, therefore, most of natures secrets are yet to be discovered. Matter is visible, whereas the field is invisible. If the invisible field interacts with matter continuously then some mystical entity which is not matter nor is it energy but is similar to an invisible energy field: this mystical entity is the essence of energy and the essence of all matter and the essence of all living things. As Bertrand Russell said: “It is energy not matter that is fundamental in physics”. However, as mentioned, energy on its own cannot be the fundamental entity of the universe without some other mysterious entity causing energy to act or react. According to the quantum theory, when a light is turned on, the mind does not see energy, it sees the effects of energy. And generally the mind does not realise that the light is ‘pulsing’ – ‘on and off’ at the speed of light because energy does not function continuously in matter.  The mind can only convey an approximate interpretation of this mystical dimension because it must have existed long before life began and it will undoubtedly continue to exist if all human life ended, which confirms that this entity is eternal or at least timeless.

    When life ends, it is absurd to think that minds or memories become eternal because if the brain/mind is matter then all thoughts are materialistic. Many people support The Dualist Theory of Mind or believe in reincarnation and others may favour the Materialist Theory: The latter theory has some merit because most things including the body, brain and mind are matter. Most things, that is, except consciousness, which exists in every cell in every body and brain, which would then support the dualist theory or the theory called panprotopsychism which suggests that every object in the universe has an ‘inner’ being or that all matter has an intelligent entity within. But all theories and all scientific knowledge are limited and approximate. The understanding of the totality of existence is an understanding that nothing can be fully explained by thought. The mind needs to non-intellectually experience the nature of things and the unity of them. The unity of all things and events is now one of the most important revelations of modern physics. Everything in the universe, whether known or unknown, is somehow interconnected. Human life is a pulsing scrap of evolutionary matter linked to a cosmic intelligence. The direct experience of a timeless present moment transcends thought and can never be taught or conveyed. This means there is a space between cause and effect, or a space between thoughts, therefore there is a timeless moment between thoughts where thought does not exist, but what continues to exist is the natural silent consciousness.

    When the mind is quiet only then can it sense something mystical, which is the extraordinary dimension of a natural intelligence that exists even before a single thought commences. A wise Mystic was asked about the Ultimate Truth, but, at first, he did not answer. When asked again, he replied: “I am teaching it to you, just listen to the silence”. The silence or space between thoughts is the natural dimension of the mind. When conceptual thoughts commence the silence ends and the mind is left with words or thoughts about more words or thoughts, some of which cause the mind to be calm, but most cause the mind to be agitated.

    Buddhists and others advise how to meditate in order to quieten the mind, but the mind automatically becomes relatively quiet when it is emptied of conditioned thoughts and beliefs – including what Buddhists believe. Wisdom is not the chanting of a Mantra nor is wisdom the utterances of wise thoughts. Wisdom is the cessation of thought because the ending of preconceived concepts is the beginning of wisdom. Some people endeavour to achieve spontaneous insights through meditation or prayer which is almost impossible because of the constant a
    ctivity within the mind. Thought is unlimited and deemed to be real, but most of what the mind thinks of is limited and unreal. Therefore, the mind needs to examine whether or not there is a different way of thinking or knowing.

    Spontaneous Forms of Knowing.

    The mind needs to sense the environment, or whatever, from moment to moment and to sense what is and not interpret what thought thinks what is, is. The mind also needs to understand why it overvalues structured and normative forms of knowledge. If not, it will lose touch with the more intuitive and spontaneous forms of knowing. It is not only the psycho- logical well-being that is not properly understood, but also, the understanding of the self within the environment. And it is only each individual mind which can provide the answer to intuitive enlightenment. To believe others, or to follow the path of others then the mind must be on the wrong path. The path to enlightenment is via natural senses and feelings, not via conditioned concepts.

    Thoughts and false emotions are very much conditioned by conceptual frameworks. The mind usually fails to see things as they are and can only see them according it what it thinks they are. In contrast, to grasp the world intuitively is to cease imposing on individual views and concepts. The mind experiences the world as being flat and solid, yet most people accept that this is not so. Science can be compared to many philosophical mysticism’s, but the comparisons are difficult to make because one is derived from scientific facts and the other is derived from mystical concepts. The latter is mainly based on insight and cannot actually be communicated verbally. According to quantum physics the mind can sense an invisible intelligence that underlies the visible world, but even the quantum theory cannot be explained or conveyed by ordinary language.

    Language is an important medium to describe the importance of logic and reason, but language dominates thinking, which prevents the understanding of this other very important natural dimension of the mind. We shouldn’t live in isolation from our environment because we are part of it. Everything on land and in the sea. Even ever blade of grass and every tree. All these things are part of you and me.

    Present Moment Experiences.

    The mind needs to free itself from past concepts and past experiences because there is an enormous difference between thinking about something and actually experiencing it. As long as the mind is thinking then that prevents it from having new experiences. To recognise something means it is already know. The new can never be known. Once something is known then it is no longer new. To observe a tree and to be part of the environment then there would be no separation. But if the mind thinks the tree is beautiful or green or whatever, then that knowledge was derived from a past perspective, therefore, the mind is not experiencing the tree, it is merely experiencing its knowledge of the tree. To take photographs of that tree it may seem that there is no significant change for many months, but change occurred even whilst the mind was thinking it was a tree.

    The conceptual mind cannot experience present moment dimensions because it takes time for the cognitive mind to interpret an experience.

    Thoughts or memories may seem real, but in the true sense most, like dreams, are never real because everything the mind imagines are illusions. Each event that the mind experiences is made up of separate time-frame images. Another analogy is a movie-film. It is the blank space between each image on the film that is identical or universal. The projector-fan eliminates the blank spaces and the mind experiences the blending of images. To watch a movie, the mind usually thinks the images are present realities, yet, they are illusions. Einstein and many Mystics endeavoured to teach that the material world is an illusion because by endeavouring to grasp the real dimension is like grasping the idea of things and missing the essence of them. Therefore, all verbal descriptions of reality are inaccurate or incomplete. So as with the mind, it believes experiences are present moment realities. Like the film, the mystical dimension of the mind is the blank space between thoughts. The blank space is the dimension of a natural silent consciousness and, as mentioned, without this universal entity thoughts would never eventuate and when they do they are never real.

    “To Go With the Flow.”

    The basic elements of the mind are not words or thoughts and the basic elements of the universe are not matter or things. The brain and the universe have dynamic patterns or dynamic energy forces that are in constant flow and change. This transformation of the mind converts energy into thought and converts energy into other forms of matter. This concept of ‘things’ implies that everything is impermanent and in constant change.

    To go with the flow means the mind should eliminate all unnecessary thoughts, otherwise it becomes attached to the stagnant magnet of the past. To remain in the stagnant water, then belief systems, thought systems, false concepts and false emotions will also remain. There is ceaseless flow and change, if flow and change ceases then nothing would exist.

    The movement of life is the same movement of the universe. The mind doesn’t see the necessity to change so it retains all the unnecessary past and by clinging to the past it remains in the stagnant water.

    If new information is not compatible with what is already known, then the new is rejected. At present, most minds are not capable of eliminating the stagnant water because they are so comfortable with it: It causes a feeling of security and the mind is afraid that something terrible would happen if the comfortable old self ended. Yet, when past conditioned thoughts end, enlightenment may begin.


    Enlightened is not derived from one’s accumulated formal knowledge. What is paramount is the sense of wonder; the mystical experiences which are real but can never be interpreted because if they are of the (past) conceptual mind, then they are not relative to what is.

    When conditioned thoughts end, enlightenment can transform the mind. To rely on past knowledge and beliefs then, there is nothing real to find.

    The paradoxical problem is, no matter how many times the mind is confronted with truth or reality, if what is put before it is not compatible with what is already know, then the mind will reject it because it doesn’t fit the image of what it thinks is real. But, no image of anything, including God, can possibly be real. The word; the thought; the concept; the interpretation is never actually real. The spiritual or mystical dimension can only be sensed, therefore, it is beyond words or thoughts; beyond the conceptual mind.

    The mind needs to learn how to bring about fundamental changes, however, the mind must first understand the whole process of thought and its limitations. If the mind ceases to function from a past dimension, even momentarily, then it may experience a tranquillity that is not the product of the past mind and only then is there the potential for the mind to sense a present moment dimension; the dimension which is devoid of preconceived concepts.

    The intuitive mind, or the genuine meditative mind, does not interpret experiences except when it foolishly endeavours to explain the unexplainable. Therein lies the paradoxical problem because the conceptual mind cannot convey that which is beyond mechanical thoughts. More and more knowledge will not necessarily cause the mind to be more intelligent. The concept of intelligence depends on how much information is known, but the overvaluing of what is known causes the mind not realise that it is getting further and further away from reality. But in the reality of living, thoughts and knowledge are very important, however, the mind can never become enlightened unless it learns how to be free of the conditioned past so as to sense new experiences.

    Mystical Experiences

    When what is known or what is owned is overvalued, or when the mind contemplates concepts of life, it tends to forget that thoughts and ‘things’ and life are only temporarily real. When the timeless consciousness is perceived to be part of a universal ‘spirituality’, then concepts of things should no longer be so important. Of course, one can compare things and observe creation and destruction, however, in reality, they are not different categories, they are merely different aspects of the same reality, therefore, what is actually real is always different to what the conceptual mind thinks is real. What is important is to learn how to experience the natural environment as if one is part of it. To begin experiencing everything as being new; as if one has never experienced it before.

    The environment would be a natural creation, but the mind would not see creativity nor beauty it would just sense what is, and in that there is beauty. The conceptual mind cannot see beauty as it is, it can only interpret what it thinks it is, because that which the mind thinks is beautiful or real only causes the beauty and the real to be lost.

    A mystical experience may occur at any time, unfortunately, it usually only occurs when death is accepted, but it can happen at any time. If it did happen, then the conceptual mind for a timeless moment would be devoid of thought and time and it would experience the extra-ordinary sense beyond the insignificant self. Once that feeling became a thought, then that would be the end of the mystical experience.

    The end of a mystical experience is the beginning of thoughts and interpretations. Interpretations of experiences become thoughts which are imprisoned in the depths of the past; they may seem significant, but in reality, they become memories instead of being a sensual wonder about the mysterious unknown.

    Again, this mystical dimension is devoid of conceptual thought, it can be sensed but can never be known. And the more false information the mind accepts then the less likelihood that it will understand this important dimension because false knowledge of it may cause the mind to think that it is already part of a spiritual dimension, whereas, that dimension of the mind is the mystical and natural consciousness, which exists even before a single thought commences and it existed even before a single life-form came into being.

    False Spiritual Dimensions.

    If the brain/mind is matter then all thoughts (even so called spiritual thoughts) are materialistic. The mind has the potential to be naturally intelligent, but what causes it to become stupefied by what it knows is the reliance on false information and beliefs. If the mind places more importance on knowledge than on living, then it means it does not know how to live. That is, if the mind overvalues material things, or a particular country or a particular political or religious system more than more important things such as life and other human beings, then it would mean that the mind would continue to perpetuate conflicts and all the consequences of conflicts derived from conditioned and selfish thoughts and desires. The mind should not experience thoughts and feelings as being something exclusive to the self because this restricts the mind to personal desires: it needs to be free from this prison so as to be compassionate towards all living creatures and the whole of nature and not to be conditioned by judging life and the natural environment as being beautiful or ugly. All natural phenomena in the universe are interrelated. When the mind is harmoniously transcended then there is no need for explanations or interpretations because when the mind is enlightened, then it has direct experiences with a new reality that is not associated with the non-existent past.

    The mind tends to ignore the need to enrich thoughts with various patterns of perception, but most conceptual minds do not sense that they are interconnected to other minds so that they are as one with others and become compassionate or ethical or selfless or spiritual without having to think.

    Action Without Thought.

    The mind usually thinks and then acts, but occasionally, it spontaneously acts without thinking: It would act spontaneously if confronted with genuine danger: It may cause one to jump into the water to save a child from drowning, even if one couldn’t swim: It may help strangers and feel genuine compassion for them during a catastrophe: It may act selflessly during a war to save a mate and, again, do so without thinking. However, if enough individuals became intelligent then intelligent societies would already exist and there wouldn’t be any wars, but that is another subject. Suffice to say, wars will cease when the demand to change society ceases because individuals need to change with different thought systems and eliminate all belief systems, before society will change.

    At present, human minds are not united, but when they are able to comprehend the unity of all things and all events then they will sense the essential nature of the mind and of the universe.

    Selfish thoughts and desires do not allow minds to sense that they are inter-connected to all other beings through this universal consciousness and so conditioned minds despise or kill those who have different ideologies. But as long as minds cling to beliefs and continue to act as if they are selfless, then they will continue to be selfish.

    All political systems will eventually fail because they were invented by human concepts that fail to take into consideration genuine freedom, compassion and ethics.

    Those who manage a state need to be free of all political and religious ideologies because false concepts cause unfair laws to be enacted which adversely affect the majority of its citizens.

    And most industrial and monetary systems will also eventually fail because people with position and power become greedy at the expense of those without position or power: Yet, those without position or power actually have the power to change society because they are in the majority, provided however, that they became intelligent, not through acquiring formal knowledge, but by eliminating divisive belief systems, which would then allow them to realise that they are related to every other person. Parents and educators endeavour to teach ethics, but a person acting ethically and one having an ethical nature is a different person. A businessperson is torn between making as much money as possible and being ethical. A balance is difficult to achieve if one is in a competitive business environment. An ethical person is spontaneously ethical without endeavouring to be ethical. Many people endeavour to be ethical or unselfish, but they do not realise that the mind is capable of extraordinary selfless actions without consciously setting out to act. Instead of living as nature intended it, the mind causes one to live according to how thought demands it. The mind is conditioned to be dependant on thoughts and emotions, yet, if love is a thought, or a desire, or an emotion, then it cannot possibly be love.

    Love exists with wordless reason and is part of the same silent evolutionary forces of nature.

    Occasionally, the false self is not acting and the true self feels related to everyone else. Which means the life we spontaneously wish to save, is actually our own.

    Everyone, loved ones and enemies too. Each grain of sand, each drop of dew. Everything seen is something new. And every place and face is part of you.

    A False Concept or a New Theory?

    Thought can only give an abstract ‘snapshot’ of reality, but thought can never give the whole picture because even if the mind has countless images of anything, all the images can never give even a tiny picture of reality. However, if we ignore all the images and thoughts and concentrate on finding the answer to what is thought, then we come to the conclusion that there is ordinary thought, which is mostly conditioned and mechanical, and there is intuitive t
    hought, which goes beyond memory; beyond the known past. But the real puzzle is to find out what causes thought. Thought could not have come into being without a natural entity that existed before thought commenced to formulate. If so, then there must be a similar intelligent entity within all forms of life and within all fauna and flora. And if this mystical entity is also in other forms of matter then it may be the fundamental entity of the universe, therefore, the implication is, without this entity there wouldn’t be any thought and there wouldn’t be any matter and the universe wouldn’t have existed.

    Physicists claim that nothing existed before the Big Bang. If this is true, then it is possible that some entity, such as a Universal Consciousness, came into existence at the same instant that matter and time-space came into being, but if consciousness is timeless, then it must have existed just before matter and time-space. As previously suggested, it is everywhere in the universe (maybe as Dark Energy) entering matter as it comes into being, or, from the void, it causes matter to come into being. 

    Some mysteries of the universe will always be inaccessible to human minds. Scientists will continue to discover more secrets concerning the universe and if the theory of a Universal Consciousness is proven correct, then they may also discover more secrets of the mind. There is also a theory that life originally came from outer space and another theory that life originated here on earth.

    Whatever their origin, every form of life has the intelligence to know how to function which supports the theory that all life commences with a natural consciousness before an individual secondary type of intelligence comes into being.

    Living cells, including those in brains, may have adapted and changed over time, but they function in present moment dimensions, whereas, when the conceptual mind commences to function then it relies on knowledge relative to what was acquired in the past. Every cell within any life form has a non-physical entity within; this entity does not control the cell, it exists so as to give ‘life’ to each cell; this entity is the seat of consciousness but being non-physical we may never learn its true nature, however, it may be the universal unifying theory that scientists and philosophers have been searching for.

    The human species learned to adapt and make use of thought, but thoughts are not just thoughts because they are also manifestations of energy and any thought needs to be recognised as a secondary event and the fundamental entity is consciousness or an energy field. Consciousness is also an active intelligence because it interacts with, and is connected to, every other living thing and to every particle of matter, which would mean that everything is ‘tied’ together and that any one part can affect every other part, in the universe: it is this universal entity that causes forms of life and forms of matter to come into being, then each form adapts and evolves according to internal and external influences or forces.

    Things in nature cannot be reduced to fundamental entities. Everything that exists is connected to everything else. In order to explain how Consciousness is interconnected to everything, one needs to understand everything, which is impossible.

    All scientific theories will eventually be replaced or altered when more accurate information is discovered. But whatever is discovered in the future, will always be creations of the human mind, whereas the real dimension of the universe and of the mind is consciousness – a natural entity that is devoid of mental properties such as thoughts, experiences and observations.

    The mind is physical but needs the non-physical consciousness in order to think. And consciousness will remain a mystery whilst it is thought that intelligence is an exclusive property of minds. Therefore, one needs to re-examine concepts of intelligence. By eliminating belief systems and by not overvaluing acquired knowledge and possessions one may automatically begin to utilise the natural dimension which is associated with feelings and senses emanating from a presently unused portion of the brain.

    Buddha and many Zen Masters never answered questions regarding the nature of things, or the meaning of life, because they knew there was nothing to be explained. Yet, the meaning of life is to firstly understand it, then to put meaning into it.

    The Indian discipline of Vedanta and Mahayana, a later school of Buddhism, maintained that the primary cause of creation is consciousness, because consciousness controls both the gross and subtle molecular and atomic structures.

    And some Indian disciplines question the nature of God, not as a being, but as a cosmic consciousness and that God cannot be know by the conditioned non-transcendental mind. But most people find it difficult to comprehend different states of consciousness: They understand that there is a conscious mind, but fail to comprehend the omniscient level of consciousness. Some mysteries of the universe will always be inaccessible to human minds. Once the mind endeavours to explain the unexplainable, then it becomes trapped in words or thoughts, which are wrongly deemed to be real. If conceptual thoughts are real then why do they continually change? Change can occur when the mind ceases to eliminate people who have false concepts or different ideologies: And the mind can change when it ceases to destroy the  environment and other forms of life. However, real change can only occur when it is realised that all human beings are related.

    Therefore, our true nature is our silent and unchanging consciousness.

    Note: This site is mirrored on

    Comments to: [email protected]


    The very nature of the universe teaches that nothing results from something (atrophy), but what is an example of something from nothing, where does the universe show this?


    @ seekingtruth,

    And that is also mathematically sound as infinity can produce a zero result when you mix up the finites.
    But no number can be had when you start with zero. If zero precedes all things, then there would be zero now.

    I once heard a famous physicist say that there was no need for God because the amount of energy in the universe was zero. I couldn't believe that he said such a thing and had obviously not thought this one through.

    In order to have fluctuations of zero so that you have say matter and antimatter, it needs something external to cause the fluctuations. This lines up with the idea that God made all things from nothing. He simply removed God or a cause and thought that everything came from nothing.

    It is amazing how God blinds these kinds of people because they refuse to accept the truth, so he hands them over to their madness so that they become convinced that they are right because that is the direction in which they were pushing.


    1) There must be a gazillion universes that never made it if you are an Atheist.
    2) Infinity/eternity exists and is not just a concept. If it didn't, then everything must have proceeded from nothing at the earliest point, and if nothing was the earliest state or thing, then there would be nothing now. Thus, infinity is proven by the very fact that there is something.



    What you said is obviously the truth of the matter. Is someone here actually claiming that all things came from nothing?

    Tim seems to agree that something(s) has existed from eternity. How about Stu?



    wisdom stands on his on merit,

    atheist are still living in the dark but do not know it and do not want to know it this is why they only looking strait ahead with a flash light and walk to and in the pad, what they can see,



    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,01:38)
    This is a question primarily for T8, but anyone can answer, of course.

    Can something come from nothing?  Let's put it to the test with a specific example:

    Where did God come from?

    A) Someone, (i.e. an intelligent being)
    B) Something, (i.e. a non-intelligent thing)
    C) Nothing, (i.e. nothing)

    If I understand the logic correctly [insert sarcastic eye roll here], it's not possible for something unintelligent to produce something as profoundly intelligent as God, and it is completely ludicrous that omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence could sprout from nothing.  Hence, the only logical answer is that God came from Someone Intelligent, or as I like to call it the great God-Mother.

    After such a clear explanation, does anyone dare deny the existence of the great God-Mother?

    How did I do T8?

    What is true.



    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 19 2011,07:48)

    Ed wrote:

    OK, must be a bit behind the conversation here.

    If he acknowledges a universal conscience, then he believes in God. His next quest is to know this God.

    Yes, you are behind on the conversation.  Go back and read the context.  Would you describe God as something that “does not control us, or rule us“?

    You have a bad habit of not reading posts and then boldly making comments about them.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Dec. 25 2011,15:03)
    What is true.


    The great great god mother?


    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,01:38)
    This is a question primarily for T8, but anyone can answer, of course.

    Can something come from nothing? Let's put it to the test with a specific example:

    Where did God come from?

    A) Someone, (i.e. an intelligent being)
    B) Something, (i.e. a non-intelligent thing)
    C) Nothing, (i.e. nothing)

    If I understand the logic correctly [insert sarcastic eye roll here], it's not possible for something unintelligent to produce something as profoundly intelligent as God, and it is completely ludicrous that omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence could sprout from nothing. Hence, the only logical answer is that God came from Someone Intelligent, or as I like to call it the great God-Mother.

    After such a clear explanation, does anyone dare deny the existence of the great God-Mother?

    How did I do T8?





    The opening post was satire. I don't believe in a god mother.


    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Jan. 09 2012,20:38)

    The opening post was satire.  I don't believe in a god mother.

    :D :D


    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,01:38)

    … Can something come from nothing? … 

    To answer this question, in a debate, we must agree on the meaning of the term “come from.” Likewise we must agree what “something” and “nothing” stand for, in each of our two worlds, material and spiritual.

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)


    Quote (kowalskil @ Jan. 14 2012,14:29)

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,01:38)

    … Can something come from nothing? … 

    To answer this question, in a debate, we must agree on the meaning of the term “come from.” Likewise we must agree what “something” and “nothing” stand for, in each of our two worlds, material and spiritual.

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)

    Exactly, “coming from” would include nothing being something to come from


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Jan. 14 2012,22:23)

    Quote (kowalskil @ Jan. 14 2012,14:29)

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,01:38)

    … Can something come from nothing? … 

    To answer this question, in a debate, we must agree on the meaning of the term “come from.” Likewise we must agree what “something” and “nothing” stand for, in each of our two worlds, material and spiritual.

    Ludwik Kowalski (see Wikipedia)

    Exactly, “coming from” would include nothing being something to come from


    Is there something or somewhere were there is such a things as nothing??

    Nothing at all,not even a magnetic field ,?



    bod ???

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