Can something come from nothing?

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  • #267974
    Ed J

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,02:43)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 15 2011,04:07)
    I wonder what PHYSICAL evidence Einstein showed for his theory of space-time.  Perhaps he whipped out some photos of space-time bending?

    Einstien's theory is all about physical evidence.  It's about characterizing the observations of how matter and energy behave in a consistent set of laws.  To the extent that Einstein's theory does not conform with the physical evidence, it remains unproven.

    In fact, there were some recent experiments that challenge the credibility of Einstein's theory.  (See here.)  If it turns out that the this bit of physical evidence is true, then Einstein's theory will be discredited.

    It doesn't matter if it “makes sense” to you, or if you have a lot of fancy math to back up your theory.  In the end, it only matters if you have actual evidence to back up what you believe.

    Remember, there was a time when people believed that the sun revolved around the earth.  (That includes the bible authors by the way.  See Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 104:5, and Ecclesiastes 1:5.)  It “made sense” to them because that's how it appeared to be.  They would have laughed at anyone who said that the earth revolved around the sun, because it was “obvious” that the earth was still and the sun was moving.

    You may think that it's “obvious” that God created everything, but you are committing the same mistake as your geocentric ancestors.  With something so complicated and incomprehensible as how our universe came to be, it is silly to think that it can be distilled down to “what makes sense” to you or simple logical proofs.  To truly understand it, what's needed is actual physical evidence.

    Hi Wit,

    None of those verses say that the Sun revolves around the Earth?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    T8 wrote:

    You want finite physical evidence for a infinite spirit God?

    No wonder you are not getting it.

    The only proof you get physically speaking is the design in the universe itself and the fact that life exists. That is evidence of an intelligent designer.

    Are you saying that Moses didn't produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (Exodus 4:1-9)?  Are you saying that Elijah did not produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (1 Kings 18:36-39)?  Are you saying that all the things that Jesus did, including the resurrection, were not physical evidence for God's existence?

    If so, then we agree that the bible is full of falsehoods.  If not, where is your physical evidence?

    I am not asking you to part the Red Sea or make the sun stand still.  Keep it simple.  Turn my hair green, or make all of my shoes two sizes too big.  This is trivial stuff for a god who can create the entire universe via voice command.  Wouldn't you agree?


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 15 2011,17:33)
    By the way it doesn't matter if something can come from nothing or not because something can only be considered something when it is observed or something else is aware of it existing. A person who believes in God doesn't believe in God because God exists they believe in God because they themself exist. Reason would dictate that living in an observer based universe is evidence of something(GOD) causing awareness for the Universe to be observed because without observers the universe is insignifigant

    That is the most long-winded version of “If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?” that I have ever heard.

    (The answer is, “yes”, by the way.)


    Ed J,

    The first two verses, (Chronicles 16:30 and Psalm 104:5), say that the earth does not move. It does.

    The last verse, (Ecclesiastes 1:5), says that the sun moves relative to earth. It doesn't.

    Both falsehoods are the result of a geocentric worldview.

    Ed J

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,03:26)
    Ed J,

    The first two verses, (Chronicles 16:30 and Psalm 104:5), say that the earth does not move.  It does.

    The last verse, (Ecclesiastes 1:5), says that the sun moves relative to earth.  It doesn't.

    Both falsehoods are the result of a geocentric worldview.

    Hi WIT,

    The Earth doesn't move from it's orbit.
    And since the Earth is spinning,
    we see the sun go around.
    No problem there!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (bodhitharta @ Dec. 16 2011,05:24)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 15 2011,09:03)

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 13 2011,23:20)
    Mike wrote:

    I consider the Bible to BE “solid evidence”.

    Do you consider the Quran to be evidence?  If not, how is the bible different from the Quran?

    I don't believe the Quran to be inspired of God.  I do believe the Bible to be so.

    Basically for you and I, it comes down to this (I think):

    We both believe that something(s) existed from eternity.  It's just that I think that “thing” was an intelligent being, and you think it was just “stuff” that somehow interacted and eventually caused mankind to exist.

    From my point of view, it's easy to imagine a creator older and wiser than mankind.

    What is your reason for disbelieving in a creator?

    I don't believe the Quran to be inspired of God.  I do believe the Bible to be so.

    If you believe that the Bible is Solid evidence and the Quran is not, you're fighting against your own theory and logic. The only way you could sustain the argument of the bible being solid evidence would be to say that the Quran is solid evidence to those who believe its contents and experience them as true.


    If you believe that the Bible is Solid evidence and the Quran is not, you're fighting against your own theory and logic. The only way you could sustain the argument of the bible being solid evidence would be to say that the Quran is solid evidence to those who believe its contents and experience them as true.

    does the bible not stand on his meritts? yes it does ,it is the compilation of history ,truth,and men faillior to pursue truth,

    now the Koran is a compilation of one man ,centered around one man ,developed by one man ,history says he was a murderer,a thief,burned villages,city's,and all this to establish HIS WILL OF GOVERNMENT,AND LOOK AROUND TODAY ,WHAT IS HAPPEN AND WHY,?



    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,10:20)
    T8 wrote:

    You want finite physical evidence for a infinite spirit God?

    No wonder you are not getting it.

    The only proof you get physically speaking is the design in the universe itself and the fact that life exists. That is evidence of an intelligent designer.

    Are you saying that Moses didn't produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (Exodus 4:1-9)?  Are you saying that Elijah did not produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (1 Kings 18:36-39)?  Are you saying that all the things that Jesus did, including the resurrection, were not physical evidence for God's existence?

    If so, then we agree that the bible is full of falsehoods.  If not, where is your physical evidence?

    I am not asking you to part the Red Sea or make the sun stand still.  Keep it simple.  Turn my hair green, or make all of my shoes two sizes too big.  This is trivial stuff for a god who can create the entire universe via voice command.  Wouldn't you agree?


    I am not asking you to part the Red Sea or make the sun stand still. Keep it simple. Turn my hair green, or make all of my shoes two sizes too big. This is trivial stuff for a god who can create the entire universe via voice command. Wouldn't you agree?

    are you taking God for a little monkey at your convenience,

    sorry you have not come to understand God at all,not even his scriptures ,sad,



    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,02:43)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 15 2011,04:07)
    I wonder what PHYSICAL evidence Einstein showed for his theory of space-time.  Perhaps he whipped out some photos of space-time bending?

    Einstien's theory is all about physical evidence.  It's about characterizing the observations of how matter and energy behave in a consistent set of laws.  To the extent that Einstein's theory does not conform with the physical evidence, it remains unproven.

    In fact, there were some recent experiments that challenge the credibility of Einstein's theory.  (See here.)  If it turns out that the this bit of physical evidence is true, then Einstein's theory will be discredited.

    It doesn't matter if it “makes sense” to you, or if you have a lot of fancy math to back up your theory.  In the end, it only matters if you have actual evidence to back up what you believe.

    Remember, there was a time when people believed that the sun revolved around the earth.  (That includes the bible authors by the way.  See Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 104:5, and Ecclesiastes 1:5.)  It “made sense” to them because that's how it appeared to be.  They would have laughed at anyone who said that the earth revolved around the sun, because it was “obvious” that the earth was still and the sun was moving.

    You may think that it's “obvious” that God created everything, but you are committing the same mistake as your geocentric ancestors.  With something so complicated and incomprehensible as how our universe came to be, it is silly to think that it can be distilled down to “what makes sense” to you or simple logical proofs.  To truly understand it, what's needed is actual physical evidence.

    The problem is you don't accept that the physical is evidence itself


    Ed J wrote:

    The Earth doesn't move from it's orbit.
    And since the Earth is spinning,
    we see the sun go around.
    No problem there!

    Nice spin.  The “unmovable foundation” of the earth is earth's orbit?  You are really stretching it.

    terraricca wrote:

    are you taking God for a little monkey at your convenience

    No, I am taking the bible literally.

    bodhitharta wrote:

    The problem is you don't accept that the physical is evidence itself

    What physical evidence?

    Ed J

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,05:31)
    Ed J wrote:

    The Earth doesn't move from it's orbit.
    And since the Earth is spinning,
    we see the sun go around.
    No problem there!

    Nice spin.  The “unmovable foundation” of the earth is earth's orbit?  You are really stretching it.

    terraricca wrote:

    are you taking God for a little monkey at your convenience

    No, I am taking the bible literally.

    bodhitharta wrote:

    The problem is you don't accept that the physical is evidence itself

    What physical evidence?

    Hi WIT,

    Yes, the Earth does have nice spin.

    I have supplied physical evidence here.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    terraricca wrote:
    are you taking God for a little monkey at your convenience

    No, I am taking the bible literally.

    that's good but is no guaranty of true understanding,

    but is a sure way to get confused



    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 15 2011,09:43)
    You may think that it's “obvious” that God created everything, but you are committing the same mistake as your geocentric ancestors. With something so complicated and incomprehensible as how our universe came to be, it is silly to think that it can be distilled down to “what makes sense” to you or simple logical proofs. To truly understand it, what's needed is actual physical evidence.

    Hi WIT,

    Let's start again. Do you, or do you not believe that something(s) existed from eternity?



    If you are about to try to explain to me how your view is obvious and makes the most sense, please re-read what you just quoted from me.

    You may think that it's “obvious” that God created everything, but you are committing the same mistake as your geocentric ancestors.

    Physical evidence is not a series of logical deductions.  In fact, in this case, physical evidence for the god of the bible would be a demonstration that he has complete control over the universe and can bend the natural laws at will.  In other words, physical evidence for the god of the bible would be a documented miracle.

    Based on the sheer number of purported miracles in the bible, this should be an easy task.  Do you disagree?



    In other words, physical evidence for the god of the bible would be a documented miracle.

    Based on the sheer number of purported miracles in the bible, this should be an easy task. Do you disagree?

    this is one of Gods miracle the creation of the human brain of cause we can ad the entire body and its functions up to the atomic level,as for the complete details this will be given to you as men keep learning it .

    Human brain
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    This article is about features specific to the human brain. For basic information about brains, see Brain.
    Human brain

    Human brain and skull

    Cerebral lobes: the frontal lobe (pink), parietal lobe (green) and occipital lobe (blue)
    Gray'ssubject #184 736
    SystemCentral nervous system
    ArteryAnterior communicating artery, middle cerebral artery
    VeinCerebral veins, external veins, basal vein, terminal vein, choroid vein, cerebellar veins
    The human brain has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is larger than expected on the basis of body size among other primates.[1][2] Estimates for the number of neurons (nerve cells) in the human brain range from 80 to 120 billion.[2][3] Most of the expansion comes from the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the cerebral cortex devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in human beings, and several cortical areas play specific roles in language, a skill that is unique to humans.
    Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the human brain is susceptible to many types of damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.[4]



    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,08:12)

    If you are about to try to explain to me how your view is obvious and makes the most sense, please re-read what you just quoted from me.

    You may think that it's “obvious” that God created everything, but you are committing the same mistake as your geocentric ancestors.

    Physical evidence is not a series of logical deductions.  In fact, in this case, physical evidence for the god of the bible would be a demonstration that he has complete control over the universe and can bend the natural laws at will.  In other words, physical evidence for the god of the bible would be a documented miracle.

    Based on the sheer number of purported miracles in the bible, this should be an easy task.  Do you disagree?

    Greetings What is true ….. Standby ….. God is about to demonstrate his control…. which incidently …. he never gave up…. It is his patience and long suffering coupled with his desire that no one perish…. is what we do not understand…. He is not trying to save this culture and its world and very soon he will bring it to an end… When his government is in place there will be no more war no more sickness and the knowledge of his law will be in the hearts of men..


    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 15 2011,15:12)

    If you are about to try to explain to me how your view is obvious and makes the most sense……….

    Please just answer the question, WIT.

    Do you, or do you not believe that something(s) existed from eternity?


    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,03:20)
    Are you saying that Moses didn't produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (Exodus 4:1-9)?

    Well it is hardly unlikely that this is eye witness evidence for you.
    Unless you can strap some neutrinos on the front of your car and consequently travel back in time.


    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 16 2011,11:47)
    He is not trying to save this culture and its world and very soon he will bring it to an end…

    I think that Jesus said that same thing over 2,000 years ago.

    I am not too worried about your “very soon”.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 16 2011,07:51)
    Please just answer the question, WIT.

    Do you, or do you not believe that something(s) existed from eternity?

    I have no firm evidence for either possibility.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 16 2011,12:29)

    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ Dec. 16 2011,03:20)
    Are you saying that Moses didn't produce any physical evidence to show that his God existed, (Exodus 4:1-9)?

    Well it is hardly unlikely that this is eye witness evidence for you.
    Unless you can strap some neutrinos on the front of your car and consequently travel back in time.

    No, this is not evidence for me, because I don't think it happened. (The bible is full of false claims.)

    However, this is the kind evidence that I would be open to accepting. Do you have any of that kind of evidence?

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