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- December 28, 2012 at 7:00 am#326101
ParticipantQuote (Wakeup @ Dec. 28 2012,10:59) Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 28 2012,13:36) Quote (Wakeup @ Dec. 28 2012,06:40) Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 28 2012,07:19) Mike resurrection his not a rebirth ,because if we do nothing to change our way of live and so stick to the works of the flesh we still be resurrected,
the resurrection is not even the promise ,the PROMISE HIS EVERLASTING LIFE IN GODS AND CHRIST KINGDOM ,
IF WE DIE OR NOT DIE ,THIS IS IRRELEVANT ,BUT IT IS LIFE IT SELF THAT HIS THE PROMISE ,THAT IS WHAT ADAM LOST FOR US ,AND IT IS THAT LIFE WE THROUGH CHRIST SACRIFICE HAVE GAIN ,THAT HIS THE PROMISEMike ,if you have doubts about what I said ;please write this into a question ,then read ;the book of Isaia ,the book of Psalms,then read the gospel of John and see if either it confirms or denies what I told you,I am sure it will confirm it
Isaiah 66:8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in ONE DAY? or shall a NATION be BORN at once? for as soon as ZION TRAVAILED, *SHE* BROUGHT FORTH *HER* CHILDREN. (given birth).Isaiah 66:9 Shall I bring to THE BIRTH, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and *SHUT THE WOMB*(the womb of mother Zion)? saith thy God.
Isaiah 66:10 Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with *HER*, all ye that LOVE *HER*: rejoice for joy with *HER*, all ye that mourn for *HER*:
Isaiah 66:11 That ye may SUCK, and be satisfied with the BREAST OF *HER* CONSOLATION; that ye may MILK OUT, and be delighted with the abundance of *HER* GLORY.
Isaiah 66:12 For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to *HER* like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye SUCK, ye shall be borne upon *HER* SIDES, and be dandled upon *HER* KNEES.
wupyou have no understanding in Gods word, you have to many doctrines from religion ,get rid of them first then you may be see better
Terra.Those are scriptures I quoted and you dont believe the scriptures. It is not me you dont believe,but the scriptures,
woe on you.If you dont accept the scriptures,what will you accept,but your own doctrine.
it is your interpretation of those scriptures that tells me you have abandon the truth of God and gone to the world views of Gods word ,what we know is a false interpretation and so do not consider it important ,
but you can keep going were you are going .I will leave you in your dreams ,done over
December 28, 2012 at 10:08 am#326120Wakeup
Have you got a bible?
If you do,then there is a chapter in the old testament,called
the book of the PROPHET ISAIAH,GO LOOK IT UP, CHAPTER 66:7–13.Not the catechism; but the Holy bible. ok.
December 28, 2012 at 11:27 pm#3261442besee
ParticipantHere is my ten cents:
The Spiritual birth is the means by which our father begets offspring. Children of the light emanate this light while in the world. The bearing of spiritual fruit is the evidence of the spiritual birth and there is no other way to distinguish the children of the living-god. One must be born of the flesh to perceive the world, and one must be born of the Spirit to perceive the kingdom. Our physical self is our proof of physical birth and our spiritual fruit is our proof of the spiritual birth. Unless one abide the time required to produce the fruit, however long that takes, one will not experience the birth, and produce the fruit, that witnesses to the truth. Conception is a given in statements regarding birth, we know that had this not occurred, there would have been no birth, however the opposite is not true, we cannot assume birth has or will occur because of conception. Our father offers life to all who would accept it, yet only a few will, and those who accept, choose life over death, and love their father with the wholeness of their being. They intuitively know the voice of their master — know that they are not of the world and are vessels of purity able to endure the truth and grow up in the spirit.
Matt 13
23 But what was sown on the good soil, this is the [one] hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces on the one hand [a] hundredfold, on the other sixty fold, [and] on the other thirty fold.
John 10
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, 28 and I give them zoe-life eternal, and they will not perish to eternity, and no one will seize them from my hand. 29 My father who has given [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to be seizing [them] from the hand of my father.
Mark 10
15 Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as [a] child, he may not enter into it.
Matt 7
18 [A] good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor [a] rotten tree to bear good fruit.
For this are his children born, as witnesses unto the truth of our master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Peace to you
December 28, 2012 at 11:34 pm#326146terraricca
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Dec. 29 2012,04:27) Here is my ten cents: The Spiritual birth is the means by which our father begets offspring. Children of the light emanate this light while in the world. The bearing of spiritual fruit is the evidence of the spiritual birth and there is no other way to distinguish the children of the living-god. One must be born of the flesh to perceive the world, and one must be born of the Spirit to perceive the kingdom. Our physical self is our proof of physical birth and our spiritual fruit is our proof of the spiritual birth. Unless one abide the time required to produce the fruit, however long that takes, one will not experience the birth, and produce the fruit, that witnesses to the truth. Conception is a given in statements regarding birth, we know that had this not occurred, there would have been no birth, however the opposite is not true, we cannot assume birth has or will occur because of conception. Our father offers life to all who would accept it, yet only a few will, and those who accept, choose life over death, and love their father with the wholeness of their being. They intuitively know the voice of their master — know that they are not of the world and are vessels of purity able to endure the truth and grow up in the spirit.
Matt 13
23 But what was sown on the good soil, this is the [one] hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces on the one hand [a] hundredfold, on the other sixty fold, [and] on the other thirty fold.
John 10
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, 28 and I give them zoe-life eternal, and they will not perish to eternity, and no one will seize them from my hand. 29 My father who has given [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to be seizing [them] from the hand of my father.
Mark 10
15 Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as [a] child, he may not enter into it.
Matt 7
18 [A] good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor [a] rotten tree to bear good fruit.
For this are his children born, as witnesses unto the truth of our master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Peace to you
2beethis is very good ,yes this is to be born again
well done
December 29, 2012 at 1:56 am#326154Devolution
ParticipantWhat we are saying is that there is a metaphorical usage of the term “born again” which is used when one comes to Christ, of which, is actually referring to that persons coming & final state of being, that is, resurrection, & there is also a literal born again, which occurs when one is changed at that final state of being into a spirit creature at resurrection.
The REASON many Christians have a problem with people using that term is that it CAN be abused, and it IS abused by millions of Christians be it through lack of understanding or other means, and many live a life of false security laden down in sins un-acknowledged & unpardoned.
That Christian denomination which bases its identity as born again Christians, that group, basing its foundations on said doctrine, has caused great harm to millions of Christians though its careless application, and many are spiritually discerned because of her.
IF that group had not appeared, this subject would be far less contentious & we probably would all agree on its DUAL application, or better said, IF all Christians spoke the same word, then, no matter HOW one used that term “born again”, all would understand the true implications (end result) of its usage with no need of being cautious in how one used that term…furthermore, if all did indeed speak the same word in understanding & deed & faithfulness, then YES, we could all say we were born again freely for our END RESULT is just the continuation of our what our present state of being is LEADING to…the resurrection.
But we don't all speak the same word, and each of us develop at differing stages, which is WHY one is not permitted to teach UNTIL one is FULLY matured, which means one understands ALL things be they of the gospels tenets, prophecies, discernment of dualities in their application & most of all…most of all…LIVING that gospel & APPLYING those teachings which is the KEY to GROWTH.
If all Christians were thus faithful to this process, we would right now, all of us, as teachers, would be speaking the SAME word. But again, we aren't. Which leads back to MATURITY in the spirit, meaning, that as one is GROWING, of course there is expected to be “divisions” of opinions to a degree UNTIL that next growth spurt comes to open our eyes into agreement which leads again back to TEACHING and how one is NOT permitted to teach UNTIL one is FULLY MATURED…thus those still growing & learning, temporarily discerned on any given subject, are safely omitted from teaching thereby unable to muddy the pure waters of truth through impatience towards their desire to teach UNTIL they too come of age…but alas, again, many run ahead who were not YET called, and in so doing, put not only themselves, but others also through their pernicious doctrines at great jeapordy.
Problem is, many who were not sent, run ahead and teach as though they were, hoping to be that which they are not…it is called EGO.
But only the humble are called to teach…
and mostly, these imposters are those who through university degrees have earned their worldly certificates as “men of God” but have put aside & neglected the true path to understanding which is rewarded through LIVING the truth with its many trials & tribulations which imparts wisdom and discernment & humility thus enabling greater patience & forbearance towards those still subject & struggling in their sins, & cancels out self righteousness & ego for it becomes evident to those who have walked before them that they too once struggled & toiled & through grace alone were they able to overcome that which they were enslaved to…meaning, it was through & by God ALONE from whence this victory came & NOT by our own efforts & righteousness.Something the majority of mainstream teachers love to point out to their parishes but exempt themselves from, behaving as though they have earned their place by their own merits.
We can study til the cows come home, but until we apply those teachings, deep understanding will NOT come.And because of slack teaching along with outright apostic teachings by powerful (economically speaking) institutions with self serving agendas, this subject has become a scourge.
December 29, 2012 at 2:29 am#326156terraricca
Quote If all Christians were thus faithful to this process, we would right now, all of us, as teachers, would be speaking the SAME word. But again, we aren't. Which leads back to MATURITY in the spirit, meaning, that as one is GROWING, of course there is expected to be “divisions” of opinions to a degree UNTIL that next growth spurt comes to open our eyes into agreement which leads again back to TEACHING and how one is NOT permitted to teach UNTIL one is FULLY MATURED…thus those still growing & learning, temporarily discerned on any given subject, are safely omitted from teaching thereby unable to muddy the pure waters of truth through impatience towards their desire to teach UNTIL they too come of age…but alas, again, many run ahead who were not YET called, and in so doing, put not only themselves, but others also through their pernicious doctrines at great jeapordy. you have it all wrong, true Christian belong to Christ but men that call themselves Christians those are not the true Christians this can be seen and heard in their speeches, and understanding in scriptures ,they hardly have it right ,and use much personal explanation, opinions
and are looking more for glory to them than to honor and give glory to God and his son Jesus Christ ,you have spilled out your beans ,do you really think we are all blind ,???
truth in scriptures cannot and never will be changed, not one man can take away Christ glory ,without paying the hard consequence of it ,
this is the reason for the division in Christ ;to many want to take what does not belong to them just as Satan did long ago.
December 29, 2012 at 3:37 am#326159Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (2besee @ Dec. 29 2012,09:27) Here is my ten cents: The Spiritual birth is the means by which our father begets offspring. Children of the light emanate this light while in the world. The bearing of spiritual fruit is the evidence of the spiritual birth and there is no other way to distinguish the children of the living-god. One must be born of the flesh to perceive the world, and one must be born of the Spirit to perceive the kingdom. Our physical self is our proof of physical birth and our spiritual fruit is our proof of the spiritual birth. Unless one abide the time required to produce the fruit, however long that takes, one will not experience the birth, and produce the fruit, that witnesses to the truth. Conception is a given in statements regarding birth, we know that had this not occurred, there would have been no birth, however the opposite is not true, we cannot assume birth has or will occur because of conception. Our father offers life to all who would accept it, yet only a few will, and those who accept, choose life over death, and love their father with the wholeness of their being. They intuitively know the voice of their master — know that they are not of the world and are vessels of purity able to endure the truth and grow up in the spirit.
Matt 13
23 But what was sown on the good soil, this is the [one] hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces on the one hand [a] hundredfold, on the other sixty fold, [and] on the other thirty fold.
John 10
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, 28 and I give them zoe-life eternal, and they will not perish to eternity, and no one will seize them from my hand. 29 My father who has given [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to be seizing [them] from the hand of my father.
Mark 10
15 Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as [a] child, he may not enter into it.
Matt 7
18 [A] good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor [a] rotten tree to bear good fruit.
For this are his children born, as witnesses unto the truth of our master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Peace to you
2Besee.You can not get away from what Jesus said.
The only way we become spirit is when we are RESURRECTED.(born for the second time in a spirit body).
Borrn AGAIN.wakeup.
December 29, 2012 at 4:07 am#326162Devolution
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Dec. 29 2012,12:29) devo Quote If all Christians were thus faithful to this process, we would right now, all of us, as teachers, would be speaking the SAME word. But again, we aren't. Which leads back to MATURITY in the spirit, meaning, that as one is GROWING, of course there is expected to be “divisions” of opinions to a degree UNTIL that next growth spurt comes to open our eyes into agreement which leads again back to TEACHING and how one is NOT permitted to teach UNTIL one is FULLY MATURED…thus those still growing & learning, temporarily discerned on any given subject, are safely omitted from teaching thereby unable to muddy the pure waters of truth through impatience towards their desire to teach UNTIL they too come of age…but alas, again, many run ahead who were not YET called, and in so doing, put not only themselves, but others also through their pernicious doctrines at great jeapordy. you have it all wrong, true Christian belong to Christ but men that call themselves Christians those are not the true Christians this can be seen and heard in their speeches, and understanding in scriptures ,they hardly have it right ,and use much personal explanation, opinions
and are looking more for glory to them than to honor and give glory to God and his son Jesus Christ ,you have spilled out your beans ,do you really think we are all blind ,???
truth in scriptures cannot and never will be changed, not one man can take away Christ glory ,without paying the hard consequence of it ,
this is the reason for the division in Christ ;to many want to take what does not belong to them just as Satan did long ago.
You are a man of many accusations Pierre, if you were to open your eyes & ears to what I was saying instead of rushing to mock, then you would have realised the foolishness of your reply in that YOU just explained what I was actually saying to an extent.
You ARE wrong though if you apply your accusation against those who are scripturally immature (knowledge-wise) as not being true Christians.
That is judging another mans servant, and who made you judge?
Did you have FULL understanding when you came to Christ or was it a PROCESS learnt over time and during spiritual growth?
It WAS a process!!
So don't you go condemning others, which I am not doing, whoever they may be, as false Christians just because they have some errors they have yet to refine.
You really need to listen sometimes.
It is the TEACHERS that are not ready to be teachers that are at fault & THESE should NOT be teaching, & the flat out false Christians intentionally using the scriptures for their own purposes.Quote do you really think we are all blind ,??? In this example, you have just proved it beyond doubt.
Learn to read between the lines!!
Learn to LISTEN.
Maybe then you won't be so belligerent & quick to judge before fully hearing a matter.December 29, 2012 at 4:23 am#326166Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Wakeup @ Dec. 29 2012,13:37) Quote (2besee @ Dec. 29 2012,09:27) Here is my ten cents: The Spiritual birth is the means by which our father begets offspring. Children of the light emanate this light while in the world. The bearing of spiritual fruit is the evidence of the spiritual birth and there is no other way to distinguish the children of the living-god. One must be born of the flesh to perceive the world, and one must be born of the Spirit to perceive the kingdom. Our physical self is our proof of physical birth and our spiritual fruit is our proof of the spiritual birth. Unless one abide the time required to produce the fruit, however long that takes, one will not experience the birth, and produce the fruit, that witnesses to the truth. Conception is a given in statements regarding birth, we know that had this not occurred, there would have been no birth, however the opposite is not true, we cannot assume birth has or will occur because of conception. Our father offers life to all who would accept it, yet only a few will, and those who accept, choose life over death, and love their father with the wholeness of their being. They intuitively know the voice of their master — know that they are not of the world and are vessels of purity able to endure the truth and grow up in the spirit.
Matt 13
23 But what was sown on the good soil, this is the [one] hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces on the one hand [a] hundredfold, on the other sixty fold, [and] on the other thirty fold.
John 10
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, 28 and I give them zoe-life eternal, and they will not perish to eternity, and no one will seize them from my hand. 29 My father who has given [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to be seizing [them] from the hand of my father.
Mark 10
15 Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as [a] child, he may not enter into it.
Matt 7
18 [A] good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor [a] rotten tree to bear good fruit.
For this are his children born, as witnesses unto the truth of our master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Peace to you
2Besee.You can not get away from what Jesus said.
The only way we become spirit is when we are RESURRECTED.(born for the second time in a spirit body).
Borrn AGAIN.wakeup.
Hi Wakeup,Are you suggesting that Christ couldn't see the “Kingdom of God” until he was resurrected? (< — please answer)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgDecember 29, 2012 at 5:16 am#326175terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Devolution @ Dec. 29 2012,09:07) Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 29 2012,12:29) devo Quote If all Christians were thus faithful to this process, we would right now, all of us, as teachers, would be speaking the SAME word. But again, we aren't. Which leads back to MATURITY in the spirit, meaning, that as one is GROWING, of course there is expected to be “divisions” of opinions to a degree UNTIL that next growth spurt comes to open our eyes into agreement which leads again back to TEACHING and how one is NOT permitted to teach UNTIL one is FULLY MATURED…thus those still growing & learning, temporarily discerned on any given subject, are safely omitted from teaching thereby unable to muddy the pure waters of truth through impatience towards their desire to teach UNTIL they too come of age…but alas, again, many run ahead who were not YET called, and in so doing, put not only themselves, but others also through their pernicious doctrines at great jeapordy. you have it all wrong, true Christian belong to Christ but men that call themselves Christians those are not the true Christians this can be seen and heard in their speeches, and understanding in scriptures ,they hardly have it right ,and use much personal explanation, opinions
and are looking more for glory to them than to honor and give glory to God and his son Jesus Christ ,you have spilled out your beans ,do you really think we are all blind ,???
truth in scriptures cannot and never will be changed, not one man can take away Christ glory ,without paying the hard consequence of it ,
this is the reason for the division in Christ ;to many want to take what does not belong to them just as Satan did long ago.
You are a man of many accusations Pierre, if you were to open your eyes & ears to what I was saying instead of rushing to mock, then you would have realised the foolishness of your reply in that YOU just explained what I was actually saying to an extent.
You ARE wrong though if you apply your accusation against those who are scripturally immature (knowledge-wise) as not being true Christians.
That is judging another mans servant, and who made you judge?
Did you have FULL understanding when you came to Christ or was it a PROCESS learnt over time and during spiritual growth?
It WAS a process!!
So don't you go condemning others, which I am not doing, whoever they may be, as false Christians just because they have some errors they have yet to refine.
You really need to listen sometimes.
It is the TEACHERS that are not ready to be teachers that are at fault & THESE should NOT be teaching, & the flat out false Christians intentionally using the scriptures for their own purposes.Quote do you really think we are all blind ,??? In this example, you have just proved it beyond doubt.
Learn to read between the lines!!
Learn to LISTEN.
Maybe then you won't be so belligerent & quick to judge before fully hearing a matter.
devomy friend, if I did not known you ,and if you did not try to teach what your understanding is ,
then what you say is true ,but a true Christian learn before he should teach, if not he places himself into a position to be scrutinized against the scriptures to test the spirit of their teachings and truth,
but you know that very well ,and yes it took me years of study before I even open my lips to teach anyone ,but I always made sure of what I have learn is the truth according to the scriptures ,and still today refine my understanding on a constant base,
I have not attract you, but what you are saying and imply by your words
I have forgive our first encounter but not forgotten,
I love you in Christ
December 29, 2012 at 12:31 pm#326189Wakeup
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2012,14:23) Quote (Wakeup @ Dec. 29 2012,13:37) Quote (2besee @ Dec. 29 2012,09:27) Here is my ten cents: The Spiritual birth is the means by which our father begets offspring. Children of the light emanate this light while in the world. The bearing of spiritual fruit is the evidence of the spiritual birth and there is no other way to distinguish the children of the living-god. One must be born of the flesh to perceive the world, and one must be born of the Spirit to perceive the kingdom. Our physical self is our proof of physical birth and our spiritual fruit is our proof of the spiritual birth. Unless one abide the time required to produce the fruit, however long that takes, one will not experience the birth, and produce the fruit, that witnesses to the truth. Conception is a given in statements regarding birth, we know that had this not occurred, there would have been no birth, however the opposite is not true, we cannot assume birth has or will occur because of conception. Our father offers life to all who would accept it, yet only a few will, and those who accept, choose life over death, and love their father with the wholeness of their being. They intuitively know the voice of their master — know that they are not of the world and are vessels of purity able to endure the truth and grow up in the spirit.
Matt 13
23 But what was sown on the good soil, this is the [one] hearing the word and understanding, who indeed bears fruit and produces on the one hand [a] hundredfold, on the other sixty fold, [and] on the other thirty fold.
John 10
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, 28 and I give them zoe-life eternal, and they will not perish to eternity, and no one will seize them from my hand. 29 My father who has given [them] to me is greater than all, and no one is able to be seizing [them] from the hand of my father.
Mark 10
15 Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as [a] child, he may not enter into it.
Matt 7
18 [A] good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor [a] rotten tree to bear good fruit.
For this are his children born, as witnesses unto the truth of our master, Jesus of Nazareth.
Peace to you
2Besee.You can not get away from what Jesus said.
The only way we become spirit is when we are RESURRECTED.(born for the second time in a spirit body).
Borrn AGAIN.wakeup.
Hi Wakeup,Are you suggesting that Christ couldn't see the “Kingdom of God” until he was resurrected? (< — please answer)
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
ED J.Christ came from the kingdom; he was brought down to the earth.
Flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God.wakeup.
December 29, 2012 at 3:13 pm#326193Devolution
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Dec. 29 2012,15:16) devo my friend, if I did not known you ,and if you did not try to teach what your understanding is ,
then what you say is true ,but a true Christian learn before he should teach, if not he places himself into a position to be scrutinized against the scriptures to test the spirit of their teachings and truth,
but you know that very well ,and yes it took me years of study before I even open my lips to teach anyone ,but I always made sure of what I have learn is the truth according to the scriptures ,and still today refine my understanding on a constant base,
I have not attract you, but what you are saying and imply by your words
I have forgive our first encounter but not forgotten,
I love you in Christ
Hi Pierre,I welcome scrutiny & firmly believe that everyone should scrutinise and be scrutinised.
Its just how it's done, sometimes, that can be frustrating…I've been guilty too.
Anyways, likewise, I forgive you too, water under a bridge as far as I'm concerned…I enjoy interacting with you guys.
God bless.
December 29, 2012 at 3:55 pm#326195mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Wakeup @ Dec. 29 2012,05:31) Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 29 2012,14:23)
Hi Wakeup,Are you suggesting that Christ couldn't see the “Kingdom of God” until he was resurrected?
God bless
Ed J
ED J.Christ came from the kingdom; he was brought down to the earth.
Flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God.wakeup.
That's right, Wakeup. Jesus came down from heaven. (John 6:38) And shortly after he gave this teaching, Jesus ascended to where he was before. (John 6:62, Acts 1:9)For Pierre and Ed, I have one question:
Can you guys, right here and right now, in your flesh bodies, enter the Kingdom of God, or not?
John 3:5, 7
5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.7 You must be born again.”
As I understand it, unless Ed, Pierre, and 2B can right now enter the Kingdom of God in their flesh, then they have NOT been “born again” in the way Jesus was teaching Nicodemus.
December 29, 2012 at 4:36 pm#326202Wakeup
ParticipantGood observation,good decerning of the scriptures.
God bless.wakeup.
December 29, 2012 at 5:42 pm#326212terraricca
Quote John 3:5, 7
5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.7 You must be born again.”
this scripture is true ,because unless you (we) change our understanding how to worship God and please him we will never enter the kingdom ,
we will be judged unfit to live in the kingdom ,
this is why Christ tells the Samaritan women that we have to worship God in spirit and truth ,both of those requirements can not ever be separated , if we want to see or be in the kingdom .
this is how we become reborn ,if their his no truth in us ,we have not be born again ,then we are still in our sins and will die
December 29, 2012 at 5:51 pm#326214mikeboll64
My point was this:
If YOU have truly become born again, in the way Jesus meant it in John 3, then YOU, right now, have the ability to enter the Kingdom of God.
Do you believe that today you can go hang out with the angels in the Kingdom of God?
If not, then you have not been born again in the way that Jesus meant.
December 29, 2012 at 6:01 pm#326216mikeboll64
To expand on my last post………………
You may right now be “born again”, in the metaphorical way Peter meant.
You may have died to Christ, in the metaphorical way that Paul meant.
You may have been raised with Christ, in the metaphorical way that Paul meant.
You may take up your cross daily, in a metaphorical sense.
But you have not LITERALLY been “born again”, of water and spirit, the way Jesus meant in John 3.
December 29, 2012 at 6:06 pm#326220terraricca
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2012,23:01) Pierre, To expand on my last post………………
You may right now be “born again”, in the metaphorical way Peter meant.
You may have died to Christ, in the metaphorical way that Paul meant.
You may have been raised with Christ, in the metaphorical way that Paul meant.
You may take up your cross daily, in a metaphorical sense.
But you have not LITERALLY been “born again”, of water and spirit, the way Jesus meant in John 3.
Mikelook what it says ;Jn 3:3 In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.’”
HEB 6:4 For in the case of those who have once been enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit,
December 29, 2012 at 6:13 pm#326223mikeboll64
BlockedJohn 3:5 says “IN, IN, IN”.
But are you saying that you can, right now, SEE the Kingdom of God?
What does it look like? Is Jesus still looking like a slaughtered lamb? Does he hang around with any particular angels? What to they do all day? Is John there yet? How about Peter and Paul?
December 29, 2012 at 6:41 pm#326228terraricca
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 29 2012,23:13) John 3:5 says “IN, IN, IN”. But are you saying that you can, right now, SEE the Kingdom of God?
What does it look like? Is Jesus still looking like a slaughtered lamb? Does he hang around with any particular angels? What to they do all day? Is John there yet? How about Peter and Paul?
Mikeif you are really in Christ ,do you not recognize him as your king ,is not his God your God ,and is not his promise your reward ,are you not producing the fruits of that kingdom,is not our faith ,the understanding and the view of things to come ??
if all of this is truth in you ,why CAN you not SEE that kingdom that you say you work for
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