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- September 24, 2007 at 11:37 pm#66751
ParticipantTo all…..> there's more to imaging. Everything when you get down to it everything is made from a image. What I mean by that is that God Saw everything in His mind and then brought it forth as a copy from His mind. He first imagined it then He made it through a work He did and it reflects His image He had at the first. So when it say's God created all things by Himself, thats true He did, because HE was the original (MOVER) to cause it to be. That may be why God will destory all the world because it has on it the works of Man, and the He ceates it New. Notice in Rev, where He say's (I) will create a new heaven and earth. It seems The FAther wants to remain the ONLY CREATOR, and does it all after His own design. That's the way it was in the beginning and that's the way it will be in the end. Every work of man which is from the Man will be destoryed and that even includes our righteousness and the only thing left will be God's righteousness. In that way God will be all and in all. Those who being created by the Father to righteousness will be righteous because of His creative force. It's amazing …..peace to you all……gene
September 30, 2007 at 4:38 pm#67147GeneBalthrop
ParticipantHERE A WORD……>SIN…> what is its actual meanning. I've heard it means to miss the mark. And some say to break a commanment. whats interesting is the first place the word sin is used it was in the bible is when God did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. So the Lord said to Cain,” Why are you angry? And why has you countenance fallen? Then He say's ” If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not so well, SIN Lies at your door. And it's desire is For you , but you should rule over it. The word (Lies) comes from a word that means croches like a lion stalking it's prey and is ready to jump on it and kill it. You might say sin is like somthing that stalking us at the level of our hearts door and if we open up to it, it pounces on us an trys to kills us. Like a stalking lion does its prey. We are told we must master it i.e, (overcome) it. I think if we see sin this way we can realize how deadly it really is…..whats you take on sin……gene
September 30, 2007 at 7:33 pm#67155thehappyman
ParticipantHi Gene;
Sin is an trangression / tresspass against God 's word or teaching. I agree sin is like a lion stalking us all the time looking for some kind of weakness. Satan went to and fro to see whom he can devour. Even in heaven, for in the book of Job it speaks of it. Sin is alive until it finds eternal damnation Rev 20 death, hell and the grave shall be put in the lake of fire forever. Their is no proof that I could find that a spirit can perish. The flesh shall , but not the spirit. We have the resources through Christ to speak to the evil spirit to be removed from about us. Jesus set the example when Peter spoke and Jesus said in Matt 8:23 “But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offense unto me: for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.” Sin will be around until Jesus settles all accounts………….AmenSeptember 30, 2007 at 8:47 pm#67156IM4Truth
Participantthehappyman It says that Satan and the false prophets will be destroyed in the Lake of fire. Destroyed and burned up means it is gone forever. If we say that the spirit cannot be destroyed don't you think we limiting God/ God can do anything as far as I can see. Anything God created, He can destroy. The earth has been preserved for the destruction of the wicked. Destruction means it is gone, done away with. Why would God keep the fire burning for all eternity? Do we think we have a God that is worse then men? Think about it. That is what I see. Everything is made new nothing old is left over from the old.
Peace and Love Mrs.???October 2, 2007 at 5:12 am#67279GeneBalthrop
Participanthappy man…..> you know i never though about where it say's the devil is like a roaring lion going about to see whom he may devior, and satan is the author of sin……..good post happy man……….gene
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