Becoming like christ

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    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 21 2010,15:30)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,01:36)

    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 21 2010,04:32)
    And I forgot to say, avoid sin, as Jesus did,

    Spread the news,

    Its not ours to keep for just ourselves, we need to share it.


    yes share it but HOW???


    Hi Terrarica,

    Picture this…a person fills themselves with food, it tastes so good, why stop ? Eat more than enough, more than they actually need, enough for two or more people, get fatter and fatter…However, a person elsewhere has just died of starvation,

    Just like what we have spiritually…do we share it, or do we keep it all for ourselves,

    Scripture says that in the last days there will be a famine of Gods word, maybe the problem is……those who have, dont share,

    To share it is to tell people, speak to people, give away Bibles maybe, there are many ways.


    first your allegory is wrong,,food is carnal,for the body

    the word of God is for the spirit,we will never beable to become obese by understanding scriptures,

    secondly were is the scripture :that there would be a famine in the word of God??? show it to me so I learn.

    sharing is first learning then apply it and only then share it with others by example'




    You understood wrong,

    People take too much for themselves

    (Food, money, sex, whatever)

    Its a 'me me me' generation we live in.

    We have God. We have Christ.

    Do we have this 'me me me' attitude even with this ?

    Or do we share it to help others.


    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 21 2010,16:16)

    You understood wrong,

    People take too much for themselves

    (Food, money, sex, whatever)

    Its a 'me me me' generation we live in.

    We have God. We have Christ.

    Do we have this 'me me me' attitude even with this ?

    Or do we share it to help others.


    this is with men since the beginning,it just more generalized today.



    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,10:10)
    secondly were is the scripture :that there would be a famine in the word of God??? show it to me so I learn.

    Revelation 19:10

    ” The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

    2 Peter 1:19-21

    “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”.

    Amos 8:11:

    “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord”


    A question was asked, 'How can we be good?', and another answered, 'We can't be good because we are sinful!'

    Who believes the answer? Did Jesus not say that we should become like him? If he said so, then it is possible.
    How can we be 'good' then?

    By being 'Godly' as Jesus was 'Godly'. By resisting the Devil who has been given leave to 'test' and 'tempt' us.

    Before going further, and before the gainsayers have a field day, I do say that carnal man can never be wholly 'Godly'. Not even Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, all the prophets and elders who had firsthand knowledge of Jehovah God, not even they were 100% wholly, but God chose to overlook their sins in his graciousness.
    So too, God gave us the same salvation by his grace through Jesus and Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

    So, no, we won't be 100% like Jesus in our flesh on earth but we can be as perfect as we 'Can be'.
    Are you tempted to leave work early because the boss isn't there? Don't.
    Are you tempted by that lonely' woman in the bar? Don't
    Are you feeling like having a cigarette? Don't
    What about that 'last drink' before driving home? Don't
    Lying to your partner about damaging the car, losing your wedding ring, spending that money on a horse (don't be tempted to misinterpret here…oh go on cos she did look like one so not lying!)?Don't.
    In fact, don't gamble for frivolous pleasure…Business gambling, i.e. Controlled Speculation is allowed…
    How many more things? Don't.
    But wait, there's more. So far what has been said? “Don't”. But there is also, “Do”!
    That man in trouble, can you provide 'Godly help'? Do.
    A neighbours car out of service and has to travel. Can you help? Do.
    An argument, can you be a 'peacemaker'? Do.
    Hey, more. But, like the 'good samaritan', exercise caution in your 'godly' enthusiasm. The GS didn't just walk over and helped, but made sure there were no robbers about when he went to help else he too would become a victim (it ain't written so, i know) but the GS went further by ensuring payment and a 'look in again'. He risked, 'Calculated Gamble' and was richly rewarded by God, i imagine.

    So there are good things we can do, and bad things we should not do.

    So we 'can' be 'good' and resist sin.

    But we know…that we will fail ultimately, and God knows we will fail, and for this reason he has allowed 'Repentence'. When we sin, if we pray in earnest, if we plead in honesty, if we truly beg His forgiveness…then He will wipe away that sin.

    But…how do we pray in earnest, in honesty, in mournfulness, when deep down, we enjoyed the sin, we enjoyed the little lie and the pleasure that caused the lie and the knowledge that we may do the same again…?
    Well, even that, God understands and measures His forgiveness by our earnestness, honestness and pityfullness. So don't fear the quest for forgiveness because of the knowledge of future repeat sinning…wash your dirty robe while the stain is fresh, else it becomes ground in and you cannot see it's whiteness, believing the grey to be 'normal', that your sin is 'everyday sin' and matters not. Or look at your brothers grey and stained robe and say, 'i have no need of forgiveness because my robe is Less Grey than his'.
    How are you to know that, today, he is not washing his robe?

    Terra…How to 'share' Godlyness…
    By Works…

    By Works in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


    Good post JA.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Sep. 21 2010,09:56)
    A question was asked, 'How can we be good?', and another answered, 'We can't be good because we are sinful!'

    Who believes the answer? Did Jesus not say that we should become like him? If he said so, then it is possible.
    How can we be 'good' then?

    By being 'Godly' as Jesus was 'Godly'. By resisting the Devil who has been given leave to 'test' and 'tempt' us.

    Before going further, and before the gainsayers have a field day, I do say that carnal man can never be wholly 'Godly'. Not even Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, all the prophets and elders who had firsthand knowledge of Jehovah God, not even they were 100% wholly, but God chose to overlook their sins in his graciousness.
    So too, God gave us the same salvation by his grace through Jesus and Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

    So, no, we won't be 100% like Jesus in our flesh on earth but we can be as perfect as we 'Can be'.
    Are you tempted to leave work early because the boss isn't there? Don't.
    Are you tempted by that lonely' woman in the bar? Don't
    Are you feeling like having a cigarette? Don't
    What about that 'last drink' before driving home? Don't
    Lying to your partner about damaging the car, losing your wedding ring, spending that money on a horse (don't be tempted to misinterpret here…oh go on cos she did look like one so not lying!)?Don't.
    In fact, don't gamble for frivolous pleasure…Business gambling, i.e. Controlled Speculation is allowed…
    How many more things? Don't.
    But wait, there's more. So far what has been said? “Don't”. But there is also, “Do”!
    That man in trouble, can you provide 'Godly help'? Do.
    A neighbours car out of service and has to travel. Can you help? Do.
    An argument, can you be a 'peacemaker'? Do.
    Hey, more. But, like the 'good samaritan', exercise caution in your 'godly' enthusiasm. The GS didn't just walk over and helped, but made sure there were no robbers about when he went to help else he too would become a victim (it ain't written so, i know) but the GS went further by ensuring payment and a 'look in again'. He risked, 'Calculated Gamble' and was richly rewarded by God, i imagine.

    So there are good things we can do, and bad things we should not do.

    So we 'can' be 'good' and resist sin.

    But we know…that we will fail ultimately, and God knows we will fail, and for this reason he has allowed 'Repentence'. When we sin, if we pray in earnest, if we plead in honesty, if we truly beg His forgiveness…then He will wipe away that sin.

    But…how do we pray in earnest, in honesty, in mournfulness, when deep down, we enjoyed the sin, we enjoyed the little lie and the pleasure that caused the lie and the knowledge that we may do the same again…?
    Well, even that, God understands and measures His forgiveness by our earnestness, honestness and pityfullness. So don't fear the quest for forgiveness because of the knowledge of future repeat sinning…wash your dirty robe while the stain is fresh, else it becomes ground in and you cannot see it's whiteness, believing the grey to be 'normal', that your sin is 'everyday sin' and matters not. Or look at your brothers grey and stained robe and say, 'i have no need of forgiveness because my robe is Less Grey than his'.
    How are you to know that, today, he is not washing his robe?

    Terra…How to 'share' Godlyness…
    By Works…

    By Works in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    But the prophets had no real example that was like them to follow.
    Secondly – you can do all the right stuff and still miss the mark. It is not about having the act down it is about becoming like Christ in character. Only acts that are done from a Godly Christ-like Character can be considered good works. the rest is filthy rags.
    So how do we become like Christ in character? What is that even like?
    Is it based on decisions that we make? Do we need to make the same decisions that Christ made? On what basis did Christ make decisions. What were the criteria that he used to make his decisions?



    I wrote this on another thread, a bit off topic but maybe relevent, with what was shown to me today, (which is the second part)

    No-one comes to the Father but through the son,

    To go through something, think in human terms,

    If you love someone so much that you are spiritually as one, think of that love.

    If one harms the other to get to you, Would you be ok with that? Would the other one be ok with that? No.

    BUT If another person loved, respected, spoke well of, spoke truth of and listened to the one you loved, then yes.

    You would then both be in perfect agreement,

    so, no-one comes to the Father but through the son.

    Love, honour, repect, speak truth of, obey, hear the son, bow in humble submission to his authority,

    Talk to God, Listen to God, Obey God, Love with all of your heart God.

    And then in perfect agreement you will have the Father, and the son.

    First commandment in both old and new Testement Love the LORD thy God with all of your heart and all of your soul and with all of your mind. Second command, Love thy neighbour as thyself.

    Jesus said to Saul, “Why do you persecute me” It was those Jesus loved who were persecuted. Jesus's people are the body of Christ, so are a part of Him. Harm or neglect any of them, harm the Lord.

    Jesus says that when he returns and seperates the people, (matthew 25)…” I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me….  

    …”Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

    As you can see, this also means not hurting or neglecting those who are the body of Christ. Other true believers who are loved by God.

    Or else Jesus can say to us “Get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you”

    Lawlessness = Not loving God first or our “neighbour as ourselves”.

    And we cant truely know who is who, so it would be better to treat everyone well.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Sep. 21 2010,16:56)
    A question was asked, 'How can we be good?', and another answered, 'We can't be good because we are sinful!'

    Who believes the answer? Did Jesus not say that we should become like him? If he said so, then it is possible.
    How can we be 'good' then?

    By being 'Godly' as Jesus was 'Godly'. By resisting the Devil who has been given leave to 'test' and 'tempt' us.

    Before going further, and before the gainsayers have a field day, I do say that carnal man can never be wholly 'Godly'. Not even Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, all the prophets and elders who had firsthand knowledge of Jehovah God, not even they were 100% wholly, but God chose to overlook their sins in his graciousness.
    So too, God gave us the same salvation by his grace through Jesus and Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

    So, no, we won't be 100% like Jesus in our flesh on earth but we can be as perfect as we 'Can be'.
    Are you tempted to leave work early because the boss isn't there? Don't.
    Are you tempted by that lonely' woman in the bar? Don't
    Are you feeling like having a cigarette? Don't
    What about that 'last drink' before driving home? Don't
    Lying to your partner about damaging the car, losing your wedding ring, spending that money on a horse (don't be tempted to misinterpret here…oh go on cos she did look like one so not lying!)?Don't.
    In fact, don't gamble for frivolous pleasure…Business gambling, i.e. Controlled Speculation is allowed…
    How many more things? Don't.
    But wait, there's more. So far what has been said? “Don't”. But there is also, “Do”!
    That man in trouble, can you provide 'Godly help'? Do.
    A neighbours car out of service and has to travel. Can you help? Do.
    An argument, can you be a 'peacemaker'? Do.
    Hey, more. But, like the 'good samaritan', exercise caution in your 'godly' enthusiasm. The GS didn't just walk over and helped, but made sure there were no robbers about when he went to help else he too would become a victim (it ain't written so, i know) but the GS went further by ensuring payment and a 'look in again'. He risked, 'Calculated Gamble' and was richly rewarded by God, i imagine.

    So there are good things we can do, and bad things we should not do.

    So we 'can' be 'good' and resist sin.

    But we know…that we will fail ultimately, and God knows we will fail, and for this reason he has allowed 'Repentence'. When we sin, if we pray in earnest, if we plead in honesty, if we truly beg His forgiveness…then He will wipe away that sin.

    But…how do we pray in earnest, in honesty, in mournfulness, when deep down, we enjoyed the sin, we enjoyed the little lie and the pleasure that caused the lie and the knowledge that we may do the same again…?
    Well, even that, God understands and measures His forgiveness by our earnestness, honestness and pityfullness. So don't fear the quest for forgiveness because of the knowledge of future repeat sinning…wash your dirty robe while the stain is fresh, else it becomes ground in and you cannot see it's whiteness, believing the grey to be 'normal', that your sin is 'everyday sin' and matters not. Or look at your brothers grey and stained robe and say, 'i have no need of forgiveness because my robe is Less Grey than his'.
    How are you to know that, today, he is not washing his robe?

    Terra…How to 'share' Godlyness…
    By Works…

    By Works in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


    good post

    all can be said in a few words;;be holy because God is holy;;



    Shimmer, Terra,

    Thank you both.

    Martian, can i summarise and say that what you are saying is that we cannot be 'good' like Jesus so what's the point in trying.

    Because we cannot be 'good' like Jesus we shoud not bother. Wow man, then there is no hope, or have you wrong?


    Just Askin,

    Does not Jesus declare that if we believe in him then he will come and live in us? Since this is so then is not Jesus doing his works in our flesh even though that flesh is carnal? That is the Spirit of the Anointed within us which renders the promise of God that we will be righteous as God is righteous true. That is the far country I hope for.


    Quote (JustAskin @ Sep. 21 2010,11:02)
    Shimmer, Terra,

    Thank you both.

    Martian, can i summarise and say that what you are saying is that we cannot be 'good' like Jesus so what's the point in trying.

    Because we cannot be 'good' like Jesus we shoud not bother. Wow man, then there is no hope, or have you wrong?

    You have me so wrong it is way out there. I believe more then most that we can be like Christ, but not just by doing the same works. It is by having the same motives that stem from the same character development.
    I am sure you have seen so called ministers that build their own kingdom with the gifts that God gave them. Where is their character?
    Jesus called those people doers of lawlessness.
    Most never consider actually becoming like Christ because their doctrines place Christ far off as something that is not possible for us to imulate.
    There is something that should be responded to as “What's the point?”
    If we cannot become like the perfected son, then what is the point of Christ as our example?
    So the question still remains. How do we become like Christ?


    JA………..I agree with most of your post, except where you said Jesus was (GOOD). Here is the problem if we (attach) GOODNESS to a person that identifies (that) person as being Good (Himself).

    Mat 19:16-17……> And behold one came and said unto him, (Good) Master, what (GOOD) thing shall i do, that i may have eternal life? Verse 17…> And he said unto him, Why call me (GOOD)? There is (NONE) (GOOD) but (ONE) that is GOD, but if thou will enter into life , keep the commandments.

    You would say to me, but Jesus said He was the good Shepard and indeed he did say that. But if i said you were a good Mechanic that still is not saying YOU are COMPLETELY GOOD, now is it?.

    You also said we can not be as Good as Jesus was the is also not true. JA you still have some of the old Catholic and preexistences teachings in you brother.

    Eph 4:13…..> Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a (PERFECT) man, unto the (measure) of the (stature) of the (FULLNESS) of Christ.

    We must not see Jesus any different them ourselves. He is SON OF MAN, Just as WE ARE SON of MAN. MYSTERY RELIGION HAS DESTROYED THIS UNDERSTANDING. IMO

    peace and lvoe to you and yours…………………………….gene


    To All………….Where Jesus said “no man can come unto the father except (BY) me” has been greately misunderstood to mean we have to go to Jesus himself to go to the Father. What Jesus was saying there is that we must approach the father Just the (WAY) He does, not (through) him personally but (BY) the WAY he does it.. I know this can cause a lot of controversy here, but i believe it to be accurate because Jesus is our example of (HOW TO,) Approach GOD the Father and it is the SAME Way He did.

    Joh 14:6……> Jesus said unto him, I am the (WAY), the Truth, and the Life; No man comes unto the Father but (BY) me. Jesus here is saying He it the TRUE WAY be approach GOD the FATHER. Another word OUR EXAMPLE.

    The term Way indicates a procedure, so we need to apply Jesus' Procedures of approaching the Father to ourselves. This is what is meant by Eat my Flesh and Drink My Blood, When one eats or drinks he is taking to himself something. Jesus was saying we need to be (EXACTLY) LIKE HIM IN EVERY WAY, by applying what he was doing to our personal lives. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………………………gene


    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 21 2010,16:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,10:10)
    secondly were is the scripture :that there would be a famine in the word of God??? show it to me so I learn.

    Revelation 19:10

    ” The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

    2 Peter 1:19-21

    “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”.

    Amos 8:11:

    “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord”


    it seems that it is not of today that it talk?

    there are more bibles in the earth than people.

    so what it really said is that it is the knowledge of the truth of God that is missing,(bread of heaven is true knowledge,not the one you can read but the one you can recieve from God that is understanding,)




    What Jesus was teaching to those that heard his word was they must believe that he is the Anointed One God had promised. In this way the way to God for those that hear the good news is through faith in Jesus. He was simply leaving the word “faith” implied.

    Is that what you are stating I will agree.


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 22 2010,04:44)

    What Jesus was teaching to those that heard his word was they must believe that he is the Anointed One God had promised.  In this way the way to God for those that hear the good news is through faith in Jesus.  He was simply leaving the word “faith” implied.

    Is that what you are stating I will agree.

    Depends on our definition of Faith. The Hebrew word for Faith means working with or supporting the plan of God and his desires. To do that we must make decisions like Christ did that develop the same character as Christ and thereby fulfill the plan of God.


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 22 2010,03:49)

    Quote (shimmer @ Sep. 21 2010,16:50)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 21 2010,10:10)
    secondly were is the scripture :that there would be a famine in the word of God??? show it to me so I learn.

    Revelation 19:10

    ” The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”

    2 Peter 1:19-21

    “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophesy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost”.

    Amos 8:11:

    “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord”


    it seems that it is not of today that it talk?

    there are more bibles in the earth than people.

    so what it really said is that it is the knowledge of the truth of God that is missing,(bread of heaven is true knowledge,not the one you can read but the one you can recieve from God that is understanding,)


    Terrrica I agree, also where are the true prophets ? There are so many false ones, all we can rely on now is faith in God, no-one else, they all say this or that will happen but it never does, all we can do is trust God to give us understanding, and do his will.


    Quote (martian @ Sep. 22 2010,05:51)

    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 22 2010,04:44)

    What Jesus was teaching to those that heard his word was they must believe that he is the Anointed One God had promised.  In this way the way to God for those that hear the good news is through faith in Jesus.  He was simply leaving the word “faith” implied.

    Is that what you are stating I will agree.

    Depends on our definition of Faith. The Hebrew word for Faith means working with or supporting the plan of God and his desires. To do that we must make decisions like Christ did that develop the same character as Christ and thereby fulfill the plan of God.

    Martian……………Amen brother. Its not (about) Jesus, it is being exactly (like) Him. We are called (alongside) Jesus, as heirs and joint heirs of the kingdom of GOD “As he is So are WE in the world”. All who remove Jesus from their (IDENTITY) and makes him the object of worship are indeed Idolaters, and are Antichrists. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………….gene


    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 22 2010,04:44)

    What Jesus was teaching to those that heard his word was they must believe that he is the Anointed One God had promised.  In this way the way to God for those that hear the good news is through faith in Jesus.  He was simply leaving the word “faith” implied.

    Is that what you are stating I will agree.

    Kerwin……..While it true we must believe in Jesus, and that GOD raised Him from the Grave, but the problem arises is (HOW) we believe in him, that is the question, some here believe in Him as a separate morphed human being of some kind or a GOD, others see him as a MAN in every-way like we are, who with the help of GOD was able to walk a perfect life not sinning, because GOD was with him, setting us an EXAMPLE of (HOW TO) have a right relationship with The FATHER , his GOD and our GOD, His Father and our Father.

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