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- November 16, 2007 at 9:07 am#71997
Stu: Science sees common ancestry with all other living species.
Quote Science = knowledge Seeing is in the eye or mind of the beholder. Common features demonstrates a common denominator of some kind. That common denominator logically speaking could easily be the creator.
But you have closed your mind to this possibility, therefore you choose to be blind. i.e., you cannot see or as you put it, your science cannot see..Most senses of “science” do include the word knowledge, as you say. I’d like to draw your attention to this sense:
sci·ence –noun
2.systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.That word systematic is very important. This means that scientific knowledge is not in only in the mind of the beholder. It is communal and heavily contested for accuracy. Such a method has dipassionately concluded that matter is made up of particles that Democritus called atoms, and that they in turn are made up of smaller particles.
Even though you could make a biblical case for attributing them to the wrath of a deity, we explain electrical storms quite uncontroversially in terms of the transfer of charge between clouds and the ground. In the same unbiased way, we have determined that a slow, gradual non-teleological process has resulted in the variety of species extant today.The only one of these theories, arrived at by exactly the same systematic processes in each case, disputed by anyone is the theory of evolution. Why do I not read of people hotly contesting atomic theory because they think it is evil and atheistic? The only conclusion one can make is that fundamentalists are silent on atomic theory or electrical storms because they do not conflict with their prejudices. I will happily say that Darwin’s book could be wrong, but so far competitive systematic science has failed to find a flaw (creationists have failed too), and the evidence for it grows by the year.
Now, if you want to relegate to bottom place the quality of knowledge gained by the systematic scientific method then that is your prerogative. The problem is that the kind of thinking you advocate doesn’t have a fraction of the explaining power of systematically conducted science, and you have no defense against other mythologies, some of which I am sure you too would find laughable.
Science still sees common ancestry and descent with modification in every aspect of biology.
Show me the evidence, and I’ll be convinced of your creator.Stuart
November 16, 2007 at 9:18 am#71998charity
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Nov. 16 2007,19:41) t8 Quote Such as that nothing made the Cosmos? Yes your god did not make the Cosmos because he is the pattern you see that isn’t there, just like the faces on Mars, or the satanic lyrics on reverse-play shown in the video clip. I am open to evidence that such a being did make everything. You still have not told me how, or why (since you assign purpose), or where the Creator came from.
Thats so un righteous stuartNobody CAN ANSWER FOR ANYTHING YOU Dont THINK EXIXST?
Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?
November 16, 2007 at 9:24 am#71999Stu
ParticipantQuote (charity @ Nov. 16 2007,20:18) Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?
Don't see what this has to do with it, but it is still the best thing I have read here in a long time!Stuart
November 16, 2007 at 10:01 am#72001charity
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Nov. 16 2007,20:24) Quote (charity @ Nov. 16 2007,20:18) Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?
Don't see what this has to do with it, but it is still the best thing I have read here in a long time!Stuart
What… was the last best thing you read here?November 16, 2007 at 10:44 am#72003November 16, 2007 at 11:03 am#72004November 16, 2007 at 11:46 am#72005Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (Stu @ Nov. 16 2007,19:29) Hi t8 Quote Um, when you get to the heart of a matter, or the heart of anything, we are not always talking about an organ that pumps blood. This clearly demonstrates a restriction in your thinking. I know in my kidneys that you are wrong about this. It is a shame that you cannot understand kidney knowledge the way I can.
Quote You hear something and automatically relate it to how you currently think. That makes it hard for you to see new paradigms. A true scientist needs to be very open to possibilities outside of his/her experience. (SNIPPED definitions of Heart)
You would lose a formal debate on points by failing to define heart at the beginning. I defined heart as the thing that pumps blood first, even though you proposed the idea.As for new experiences, I am open to the possibility that god exists, you are not open to the possibility that he doesn’t. Do I need to post some definitions of hypocrisy?
Stu I haven't read your other posts yet, but judging from this one, I might not bother with your other ones.I will be honest with you, I think your post is really silly and immature.
You talk about the kidney of the matter and then say that I should lose the debate for not defining the context of heart. I think your defense is silly. Would I have to define the meaning of “content” if I was referring to being content and happy about something? Would you really need me to eliminate all the other meanings of content, given that context?
If you do not have the intellect or understanding to figure out the meaning of a word that has more than one meaning within a certain context, then that is truly OK. But to say I am going to lose a debate because I didn't pander to you lack of understanding, well that is a bit silly isn't it.
I might read your other posts, when I have nothing better to do.
November 16, 2007 at 2:02 pm#72008kenrch
Participant1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
November 16, 2007 at 7:01 pm#72019IM4Truth
ParticipantQuote (kenrch @ Nov. 17 2007,01:02) 1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
Ken That is about the size of it.Peace and Love Mrs.
November 16, 2007 at 9:01 pm#72029Stu
ParticipantQuote (t8 @ Nov. 16 2007,22:46) Quote (Stu @ Nov. 16 2007,19:29) Hi t8 Quote Um, when you get to the heart of a matter, or the heart of anything, we are not always talking about an organ that pumps blood. This clearly demonstrates a restriction in your thinking. I know in my kidneys that you are wrong about this. It is a shame that you cannot understand kidney knowledge the way I can.
Quote You hear something and automatically relate it to how you currently think. That makes it hard for you to see new paradigms. A true scientist needs to be very open to possibilities outside of his/her experience. (SNIPPED definitions of Heart)
You would lose a formal debate on points by failing to define heart at the beginning. I defined heart as the thing that pumps blood first, even though you proposed the idea.As for new experiences, I am open to the possibility that god exists, you are not open to the possibility that he doesn’t. Do I need to post some definitions of hypocrisy?
Stu I haven't read your other posts yet, but judging from this one, I might not bother with your other ones.I will be honest with you, I think your post is really silly and immature.
You talk about the kidney of the matter and then say that I should lose the debate for not defining the context of heart. I think your defense is silly. Would I have to define the meaning of “content” if I was referring to being content and happy about something? Would you really need me to eliminate all the other meanings of content, given that context?
If you do not have the intellect or understanding to figure out the meaning of a word that has more than one meaning within a certain context, then that is truly OK. But to say I am going to lose a debate because I didn't pander to you lack of understanding, well that is a bit silly isn't it.
I might read your other posts, when I have nothing better to do.
You smooth talker, t8!Maybe I have missed a clever point somewhere in your writing, but I think you have missed my point, too. Your use of “knowing in your heart” is something that people take for granted without thinking about what it is. You did not say exactly what you meant. Let me try and interpret. Do you mean the “gut instinct” kind of thinking, which is us allowing our subconscious brain activity to consider a subject without our direct awareness or perception that such thinking is going on? If this is what you mean, then I am interested, because there are many facets of life in which this kind of thinking should be allowed to help in decision-making.
It is a critical point to me that you say exactly what you mean because of the very common accusation that somehow non-believers are inferior in their ability to sense the divine which is a commonplace experience for believers. We need to be able to distinguish between real effects and superstitious ones.
November 17, 2007 at 12:17 am#72039charity
ParticipantStuart the more man blows in your in face, the angrier you become, and the more we explain the more you want evidence and signs of substance that generates life.
Put your head out the window as you go along,
Feel the breeze
Ask him if he exists
For you don't want to waste your life like this
Without trying, what only the soul can find.your worth your space on earth, or t8 would not have engaged you with his time
November 17, 2007 at 1:05 am#72040November 17, 2007 at 5:02 am#72063Stu
ParticipantQuote (charity @ Nov. 17 2007,11:17) Stuart the more man blows in your in face, the angrier you become, and the more we explain the more you want evidence and signs of substance that generates life. Put your head out the window as you go along,
Feel the breeze
Ask him if he exists
For you don't want to waste your life like this
Without trying, what only the soul can find.your worth your space on earth, or t8 would not have engaged you with his time
I always appreciate those who take the time to engage in conversation, and t8 is no exception. I hope (but do not expect) that he feels the same. I'm not sure how you feel qualified to use this as a judgement of my worth!?Stuart
November 17, 2007 at 5:51 am#72073charity
ParticipantStuart you have come, with all your Ideas, some have been profitable, some are not!
Do you have a soul?
or maybe I should ask do you believe that we have souls?
November 17, 2007 at 7:34 am#72105Stu
ParticipantQuote (charity @ Nov. 17 2007,16:51) Stuart you have come, with all your Ideas, some have been profitable, some are not!
Do you have a soul?
or maybe I should ask do you believe that we have souls?
Thank you for asking. Do I believe it possible to use the word soul as a synonym for aspects of participation in and enjoyment of life? Of course. Do I think there is a part of a human that is not represented by the matter contained in the body, or that remains as an intact representation of the human after death, then of course I don't.Stuart
November 17, 2007 at 10:35 am#72117charity
ParticipantThanks stuart
Dictionary Information: Definition Soul
Thesaurus: Self
Description and Meaning: The SelfSoul (Soul), v. i.
[F. so\'96ler to satiate. See Soil to feed.]Synonyms — Spirit; life; courage; fire; ardor.
The spiritual, rational, and immortal part in man; that part of man which enables him to think, and which renders him a subject of moral government; — sometimes, in distinction from the higher nature, or spirit, of man, the so-called animal soul, that is, the seat of life, the sensitive affections and phantasy, exclusive of the voluntary and rational powers; — sometimes, in distinction from the mind, the moral and emotional part of man's nature, the seat of feeling, in distinction from intellect; — sometimes, the intellect only; the understanding; the seat of knowledge, as distinguished from feeling. In a more general sense, “an animating, separable, surviving entity, the vehicle of individual personal existence.” Tylor. “The eyes of our souls only then begin to see, when our bodily eyes are closing.” Law.
2. The seat of real life or vitality; the source of action; the animating or essential part. “The hidden soul of harmony.” Milton. “Thou sun, of this great world both eye and soul.” Milton.
3. The leader; the inspirer; the moving spirit; the heart; as, the soul of an enterprise; an able gemeral is the soul of his army. “He is the very soul of bounty!” Shak.
4. Energy; courage; spirit; fervor; affection, or any other noble manifestation of the heart or moral nature; inherent power or goodness. “That he wants algebra he must confess; But not a soul to give our arms success.” Young.
5. A human being; a person; — a familiar appellation, usually with a qualifying epithet; as, poor soul. “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” Prov. xxv. 25. “God forbid so many simple souls Should perish by the aword!” Shak. “Now mistress Gilpin (careful soul).” Cowper.
6. A pure or disembodied spirit. “That to his only Son . . . every soul in heaven Shall bend the knee.” Milton.
^ Soul is used in the formation of numerous compounds, most of which are of obvious signification; as, soul-betraying, soul-consuming, soul-destroying, soul-distracting, soul-enfeebling, soul-exalting, soul-felt, soul-harrowing, soul-piercing, soul-quickening, soul-reviving, soul-stirring, soul-subduing, soul-withering, etc.November 18, 2007 at 2:48 am#72149Stu
ParticipantOK. Thanks for the dictionary reference. I think it is in line with what I wrote above.
Did you want to make a particular point about the soul, whatever it is?Stuart
November 18, 2007 at 10:35 am#72180charity
ParticipantThankyou stuart
We came out from the deep,
to learn to love, to learn how to live.
We came out from the deep,
to avoid the mistakes we made…That's why we are here!
That's why we are here!
That's why we are here!If you understand or if you don't
If you believe or if you doubt
There's a universal justice
Wisdom in sharing this earth
Good will to all man
most of which are of obvious signification; as…
soul-withering, etc.charity
November 20, 2007 at 8:23 am#72376Stu
ParticipantQuote (charity @ Nov. 18 2007,21:35) We came out from the deep
…we evolved from marine life.Stuart
December 14, 2007 at 9:35 am#74827Proclaimer
ParticipantWow a single celled creature grew bigger and came out of the water and could breathe and then grew hair and ate yellow fruit over millions of generations, lost lots of hair and created the Internet and here we all are.
Oh, and there just happened to be a female at every change that enabled us to keep going.
Wow, what an achievement.
When does the movie come out?
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