Are we saved by forgiveness?

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  • #207655

    To whomever it may concern,

    I was looking through the internet seeking for those who taught a sound and valid doctrine and came about this statement of faith that I find flawed.  I felt I should mention it here as some seem to share it and I wished to point out its inherent disagreement with scripture.

    Statement of Our Faith from reads:


    I believe that salvation from humanity's sin and depravity requires forgiveness from God. This forgiveness results in the New Birth. Forgiveness and being born again are, and can only be, attained through faith in Jesus Christ, God's Son, and in His efficacious death on the cross of Calvary and His resurrection from the dead. Without being born again, no one can see, or enter the Kingdom of God.

    Scripture declares that we are saved by grace which comes from faith and that faith itself is a grace of God.   But faith that does not result in works is no longer “felt” as you are then not loyal to God and we know God will always do as he promises, Ephesians 2:8 and James 2:17.

    As for forgiveness it is written:

    Ezekiel 18:21-22(NIV) reads:


    But if a wicked man turns away from all the sins he has committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, he will surely live; he will not die. None of the offenses he has committed will be remembered against him. Because of the righteous things he has done, he will live.

    As you can see one must first turn away from all their sins and then God will forgive them. Since God does not change like the shifting sand we know what he stated then is still true today.

    So we are not saved by forgiveness but rather we like Abraham believe God and so do all that he commands us to do.   The result of our faith is that God does all he promises to do and we are credited with righteousness.  The result of being credited with righteousness is that we are forgiven the sins that we performed beforehand.  Therefore forgiveness is part of the process of salvation but we are saved by faith that results in and is the result of God’s grace.

    Here is the source of the statement of faith I am quoting from.


    Hi brother Kerwin.
    But Christianity claims to believe Jesus to be saved instead of God assuming that Jesus is also God. How true is your statement of Faith?


    To All……………..Modern Christianity has flopped the Whole thing , they have made Jesus the GOD and the object of Salvation instead of GOD the FATHER, They worship the servant instead of the MASTER.

    peace and love to you and yours brother………………………………gene


    kerwin! In Ephesians 2:8 it says:”For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God.
    verse 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
    verse 10 For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
    So what exactly does that all mean….. We are saved in Christ. If we walk in the Spirit we will not sin, however it is flesh that will sin and it is not imputed to us. Because Christ died once for us….. Not that we crucify Him again… mind comes the Catholic Church their Mass is a sacrifice to God….but all of this gives us no license to sin….Strife to be more like Christ, do not sin intentionally, that would put Christ to shame and we would go against God's Holy Spirit and IMO is the unpardonable Sin….That is the way I see it. Could I be wrong about the unpardonable Sin? Of course I can be….if you can show me that I am wrong, I will be……prove all things……Peace Irene


    You say…

    Could I be wrong about the unpardonable Sin? Of course I can be….if you can show me that I am wrong, I will be……prove all things……

    Yes, I do believe you are wrong. Rather than print a long explanation, I'll copy the address of a very good article on this subject. Hope you take the time to read it, it is quite long, but you will enjoy it if you take the time to read it all.

    Blessings, Jerry.

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