Are angels and spirits seperate creatures?

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  • #798864

    Hi KW,

    So he was not sanctified by the sanctifying Spirit but by striving?


    Hi KW,

    So you can be under two covenants?

    You serve TWO masters?



    Do you not read Scripture? Did the covenant of Abraham stop because the later covenant of Moses came to be. Is God not capable of keeping all of his promises?


    Hi KW,

    But you were not born under the Jewish covenant.

    Can you voluntarily enter yourself and then hope to please Christ too?



    Please address my points.

    Galatians 3:16-17Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

    According to Scripture the covenant of Abraham could not be annulled by the later covenant of Moses and yet you choose to believe the teaching of the Law of Moses is annulled by the covenant of Christ even though it is not written in Scripture.

    I am not a Hebrew and so I would never have been under the Law of Moses. On the other hand Paul who is both a Jew and a follower of Christ sanctified himself in the temple.


    Hi KW,

    But did Paul or Peter advise people to become Jews?



    Hi KW,

    Are only HEBREWS subject to the Law and not those who submit themselves?



    So by the definition of Jesus in Lk 24 a SPIRIT does not have flesh and bones.

    So what of the angels that ate with men?


    Could this differentiate between spirits and angels?



    I do not believe Gen 6 is speaking about fallen angels.

    Jesus teaches us that angels neither marry or are given in marriage and those who claim that Gen 6 is speaking about fallen angels claim that God changed the law after the fall of angels so that they are no longer are able to marry or be given in marriage. There is no word of such a change in the law in Scripture.

    I believe the sons of God are the people of God of that time just Hebrews were later the people of God. The daughters of men were unbelievers. I do not have to go outside of Scripture in order to explain why what I believe disagrees with another verse of Scripture.



    None of the spirits I know of are recorded as either eating with men or being touched with them. The evil spirits all possessed human beings or at became a lie in the mouth of false prophets. One is mentioned in Job though some translators say it is wind though it later seems to speak.

    Job 4:15

    King James Bible
    Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up:

    Holman Christian Standard Bible
    A wind passed by me, and I shuddered with fear.

    The disciples though Jesus was a spirit(ghost) on two occasions, the last in Luke 24.


    Hi KW,

    There is no record of the angels in gen 6 MARRYING.


    Kerwin……PAUL WAS NOT A JEW, he was of the tribe of Benjamin,which gave him the right to use the term ” an Hebrew of the Heberws. That term brother can “only” apply to a Benjaminite.

    You are right though there are many covenants that are in scriptures and all are not the same. You must also remember that PAUL said he counted all that as dung that he might win Christ.
    Phil 3-8-11

    As far as NICK goes, he slithers all around the place looking for a flaw in what others say, driven by, the spirit of the accuser, working in him, to try to prove “himself” right, but completely fails to see his own error and never acknowledging them as far as i can recall anyway. Remember the old saying, you can never catch a snake in a briar patch.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Your need for attention is affecting the site.

    Why not stick with the subjects at hand and accuse others less?



    Genesis 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

    I agree that is no evidence of angels taking wife from humanity. It is only a passage that is hard to understand and so those that lack knowledge or are corrupt misinterpret it.


    Hi KW,

    To MARRY is not the same as to take to wife.



    You are right though there are many covenants that are in scriptures and all are not the same. You must also remember that PAUL said he counted all that as dung that he might win Christ.
    Phil 3-8-11

    The righteousness under the Law of Moses and any other covenant but that of Jesus Christ depended on human effort and forgiveness of sins but the covenant that comes by Jesus Christ gives uses the efforts of God through faith in Jesus Christ. Human effort is dung next to the effort of God. Dung was used as fertilizer for the fields at that time.



    Hi KW,

    To MARRY is not the same as to take to wife.

    The word wife means married woman.

    Yes it does mean marriage as you can see in this example and other passages of Scripture.

    Genesis 24:3Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 and I will make thee swear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:


    Hi KW,

    “The word wife means married woman.”

    Please supply support.



    It is a definition. Look in a dictionary or just look at Gen. 24:3 and see that is what it means.

    I have a difficult time believing you are not already aware of this.


    Hi KW,

    Yes it can mean a married woman.

    But when did marriage appear in scripture?

    Adam was not married was he?

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