Ancient Syriac Documents

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  • #254346

    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,12:37)
    I am fully aware of that verse.  The one saying “I am the LORD; that is my name” is Jehovah our God who is both the Father and the Son.  Jehovah is the name of their unity.  Both the Father and the Son will not give up their glory to anyone, the glory that they have with one another.

    Jesus tells us that they shared a common glory and will once again.

    John 17:5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

    When Jesus walked the earth He was not receiving the glory that He had beforehand of the unity of who this represents:”I am the LORD; that is my name…”
    This only furthers the case for a compound unity Pierre.



    lets make it clear to all,
    you believe that ;wen it says in scriptures ” Jehovah our God “
    it refers to both God and Christ ” right? YES or NO

    and that God and Christ shear there glory ,right? ;YES or NO
    and that only God and Christ are acompound UNIT ,right ?; YES or NO



    Quote (princess @ July 30 2011,13:27)
    T, help me out here will you, without going through the whole thread, i just kinda skimmed through the last page, and this is what I am digesting.

    LU states: Without the Son, God would not be Almighty or Father, imo. *hence is LU opinion

    T8 states: Then you teach that God is not Almighty without the son. I believe this is very wrong. * hence T8's belief.

    LU states: I don't teach that God is ever not almighty. I teach that He has always been almighty. *hence LU teachings.

    So lets get this straight, so it is understood.
    LU opinions do not match her teachings.

    I really think there is something wrong here in this thought processing. You understanding what I am saying T.

    and how can one think that a persons heart cannot be judged, when it is fully known that you can't.

    see T, this is why i don't join in these conversations.
    The tatic of off get them off track by slandering them is one that is used by a triad of people here.

    So the next time T,  just ask LU

    1. is this your opinion
    2. is this your belief

    Perhaps it will help you better understand what she is trying to present.   I know that both should correspond with each other.

    much love to you T.


    see the next quotes ,I am ask Kathi to clarify her line of thoughts




    I can not answer according to your wording because it may be misleading. If it were worded right, I would answer you. I would substitute the word 'God' for 'Father' and 'Christ' for 'Son' for starters and then check your spelling and punctuation. Also, give a third choice to yes or no…put the third choice as 'other and please explain.'

    I think that is only part of Princess's question.



    Quote (princess @ July 29 2011,16:22)
    LU Why would I ask the person who doesn't know themselves, not very logical is it.

    I re read my post and I don't see me asking T for an explanation, just confirmation.

    No offense LU, back peddling post are not really ones I like to read. However, for T or another to request such is a different matter.

    But you are asking the person who doesn't know themselves. You are asking Pierre. I thought it wasn't very logical either, btw.

    You settle for confirmation over clarification, also not very logical.



    go and see in the “topic called WORSHIP there is much more of this



    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,09:09)

    Quote (princess @ July 29 2011,16:22)
    LU Why would I ask the person who doesn't know themselves, not very logical is it.

    I re read my post and I don't see me asking T for an explanation, just confirmation.

    No offense LU, back peddling post are not really ones I like to read. However, for T or another to request such is a different matter.

    But you are asking the person who doesn't know themselves.  You are asking Pierre.  I thought it wasn't very logical either, btw.

    You settle for confirmation over clarification, also not very logical.

    Let me help you, tis really not the hard.

    **T, to help LU understand your questions, I will make a few changes, by placing an asterik by each change, i do hope you don't mind, for some reason LU is having a hard time working it out.

    you believe that ;wen(*when) it says in scriptures ” Jehovah our God “it refers to both God and Christ ” right? YES  or NO

    and that God and Christ shear(*share) there (*their) glory ,right? ;YES or NO
    and that only God and Christ are a *compound UNIT  ,right ?; YES  or NO

    there T, per LU's request she should understand it a bit better.

    Let me know if she needs complete grammer and puncuation, I will be more than willing to help you out with the matter. Love you much.



    so could you answer now??

    you believe that ;when it says in scriptures ” Jehovah our God “it refers to both God and Christ ” right? YES or NO

    and that God and Christ share their glory ,right? ;YES or NO
    and that only God and Christ are a compound UNIT ,right ?; YES or NO

    corrections are made



    Let me help you, tis really not the hard.

    It is no wonder you two can communicate.


    Pierre, read what I wanted you to write instead of God and Christ. Tis really not THAT hard.


    Ah T, just accept it;

    LU cannot answer simple, elementary questions.

    However, she does try offly hard to try to mock people, in her obvious coy way. I do not know why you waste your time and energy on her, she is quite the boar.

    Much love to you T.


    *correction, should be bore.


    hmmm…following instructions isn't one of your strong suits, ok. It is all good to know.


    Being able to communiate with different levels of age and gender is not one of yours, but I already knew that.


    Well, that is good to know that I can't communicate with different levels of age and gender. I must work on that, thanks!

    Bye bye


    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,18:04)
    Pierre, read what I wanted you to write instead of God and Christ.  Tis really not THAT hard.


    why do you not write it and answer it

    just as question 1,2,3, and answer it



    I am seeing if you can follow the directions and make the changes. You are the one that wants it answered, go ahead and look at what I wanted you to do and then just do it. I will answer it at that time if indeed you followed the directions. I'm just trying to help you see if you can follow the directions. If you can't, why not?


    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,19:47)
    I am seeing if you can follow the directions and make the changes.  You are the one that wants it answered, go ahead and look at what I wanted you to do and then just do it.  I will answer it at that time if indeed you followed the directions.  I'm just trying to help you see if you can follow the directions.  If you can't, why not?


    for the same reason that you refuse to do it, may be ?



    Quote (Lightenup @ July 29 2011,17:04)
    I can not answer according to your wording because it may be misleading.  If it were worded right, I would answer you.  I would substitute the word 'God' for 'Father' and 'Christ' for 'Son' for starters and then check your spelling and punctuation.  Also, give a third choice to yes or no…put the third choice as 'other and please explain.'

    I think that is only part of Princess's question.


    Bump for Pierre…

    No, Pierre, I don't think so. I haven't refused to do it, i will do it when it is written in a form that I can answer it in. It is up to you, you are the one that wants me to answer you. I don't mind spending my time elsewhere.



    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,12:05)
    Well, that is good to know that I can't communicate with different levels of age and gender.  I must work on that, thanks!

    Bye bye

    Wouldn't count your gods on that, LU.


    Quote (Lightenup @ July 30 2011,21:19)

    Quote (Lightenup @ July 29 2011,17:04)
    I can not answer according to your wording because it may be misleading.  If it were worded right, I would answer you.  I would substitute the word 'God' for 'Father' and 'Christ' for 'Son' for starters and then check your spelling and punctuation.  Also, give a third choice to yes or no…put the third choice as 'other and please explain.'

    I think that is only part of Princess's question.


    Bump for Pierre…

    No, Pierre, I don't think so.  I haven't refused to do it, i will do it when it is written in a form that I can answer it in.  It is up to you, you are the one that wants me to answer you.  I don't mind spending my time elsewhere.



    this is what Kathi believes ;

    If I said the church is made of many members, could I also say that the body of Christ is named the Church?  Would both of those statements be true?

    People can say things more than one way to try to bring clarity to the same idea.

    Jehovah is the name of the unity of two persons in a similar way that the word 'church' is a name of the unity of many persons.  The word 'church' is not the name of a person but the name of the unity of several persons.
    The word 'Jehovah' is not the name of a person but the name of the unity of two persons.

    You are right that they are two different persons, each with a mind, will, and emotions, imo.  They are united in every way possible including nature, while maintaining their distinction of Father and Son.  

    Jesus existed in the Father as a sentient person and then was begotten from the Father to minister with the Father. IMO.

    What specifically do you need scriptures for because I don't want to take more time than I must?

    “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

    and here is one more ;Pierre,
    It amazes me that you say that I say the son was His first creation. Come on…the Son was not created.

    she explain it what is hers


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