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- December 23, 2014 at 3:10 pm#787443
look and read it ;
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth ALL, both SMALL and GREAT, rich and poor, FREE and BOND, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
That means EVERYBODY doesn’t it?…including the poor.
December 23, 2014 at 3:25 pm#787444journey42
ParticipantYou said:
The churches are teaching that it is a spiritual mark
But the article I posted is pointing out that the churches Do NOT say this. Notice the the heading with the bold type.
Why then do you say that this IS what the churches teach? On what basis do you find that to be the case?
This is what they are teaching the flock, what you have quoted.Instead of interpreting Scripture to conform to our understanding, we must allow our understanding to conform to Scripture. When Scripture is permitted to interpret itself we’ll then begin to see why the Mark of the Beast need not be literal at all, but is instead simply an identifying mark upon the head or forehead to represent the mind, what you believe, your faith, how you think, and in the right hand to represent actions, works, what you do. There is nothing in the text necessitating a physical and visible mark upon the forehead or right hand as in a microchip or tattoo or anything else that a people or government can physically place therein or upon. It just doesn’t exist.
This sort of thing Grasshopper. They are teaching it is a spiritual mark, nothing physical, therefore putting the flock at ease to not worry, nor be prepared.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2 Thessalonians 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
2 Thessalonians 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
2 Thessalonians 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,2 Thessalonians 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2 Thessalonians 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
December 23, 2014 at 3:50 pm#787447terraricca
It was passed by law Pierre. Do you want to refute this? It was reported on numerous articles and you can look this up.. This is why I gave the reference, so you can look up for yourself.
Healthcare bill – HR3200
Section 2521, page 1001
Paragraph one.are you blind ;this chip is to give all people in their country a card with a chip in it for HEALTHCARE so that the abuse of the system stops ,
canada provinces start doing that europe will soon start for to many people abuses the system and the country finances cannot keep up to pay for it ;
many people give their card to relatives that visit them and when they have a problem they have the visited country to pay for their illness for free ;
the chip will allow the country to see the picture but also the info related to the person on the photo ,it seems to me you are not familiar with the abuses going on in the healthcare system .
December 23, 2014 at 3:52 pm#787448terraricca
look and read it ;
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth ALL, both SMALL and GREAT, rich and poor, FREE and BOND, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
That means EVERYBODY doesn’t it?…including the poor.
so you can see that your interpretation is wrong or can you ?
December 23, 2014 at 4:25 pm#787450Wakeup
ParticipantCan this card be put IN your right hand?
Have you got one in your right hand, or in your wallet?
That little chip inside your card will be put in the right hand; even much smaller.wakeup.
December 23, 2014 at 5:36 pm#787453journey42
Ok, thats better,
I have something solid from you. When you stop ranting and raving, we can have a normal discussion and maybe get somewhere. That’s how most people discuss.So the plan was to put the chip into a card, and not the people. I accept that. I personally could not see how the chip would be enforced before the false prophet comes, but can see their intentions, on how detrimental this chip is to the new system. It’s introduced already, the chip, not the card. The chip holds the information, not the card. The card is used to carry on ones person …for now.
Regardless of the state of the health system, A new system has been put in place. A chip containing personal data. Can they use the health care system without this chip?
Where does it all lead to Pierre?
December 23, 2014 at 5:50 pm#787454journey42
look and read it ;
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth ALL, both SMALL and GREAT, rich and poor, FREE and BOND, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
That means EVERYBODY doesn’t it?…including the poor.
so you can see that your interpretation is wrong or can you ?
He causes everybody to receive the Mark of the beast, EVEN THE POOR.
You said the poor don’t even have a bank account. That’s true, they don’t have one right now.What you don’t understand is this man, the False Prophet will recognise and address the problems of the world. Isn’t he supposed to be a kind of saviour? (a false saviour) How will sort the problems for power to be given into his hands. We have to reason.
Here’s one scenario to a problem, a big problem;
I think he will address the third world countries that have been oppressed for many years. He will “REVEAL” who has oppressed them all these years,… those who were used to rape their land for personal gain, but he will not reveal the whole truth, who was behind it all.
Because he is going to uproot 3 kings when he emerges, so someone is going to get the blame.Now he will fix the problem. If he is so wonderful, with smooth words, and the people of the world love him dearly, then it has to benefit EVERYONE, even the POOR. My opinion is that he will appear to give justice to their oppressors, and return the wealth back to their land so all can have a share. But there’s a catch…they have to be a part of this new system to actually access funds and benefits distributed.
He will have them in the palm of his hands.
What have they got to lose?
There has to be a lure,
to make one yearn for a better life.The same will go for the poor of the developed countries, there will be a solution and opportunities to get them out of the rut. It will be interesting to see how he does it. More job opportunities?, more dole?, more money and benefits to pensioners? free healthcare, free schooling, low university fees, free training etc, lower interest rates, loans to everybody? I don’t know?, but there will be a lure to entice them to be a part of this wonderful new system.
December 23, 2014 at 6:28 pm#787457terraricca
you start to sound like the jw 1914/1919/1975/ ect
you say 2013 we are in 2014 not done so it going to come ? so change the date ?
you are blowing wind ;your interpretetion is wrong and false ,that it ‘done
December 23, 2014 at 8:05 pm#787458Devolution
Terra said:
all the poor in every country does not have a bank card,
they not even have a bank account
You said:
NOT an excellent point at all.
What some people don’t seem to grasp is that the false prophet is going to bring in a NEW SYSTEM .. a restructured GLOBAL system.
That means a NEW SYSTEM for ALL the poor countries in the world too .. a NEW SYSTEM for EVERYBODY ON EARTH .. HELLO!!
A NEW SYSTEM is NOT the same as THIS SYSTEM we have now .. don’t some of you here keep track of what the GLOBAL think tanks and GLOBAL TRENDSETTERS (mouthpieces for the global ELITE) have been saying?
Don’t you obey Christ and practice what He told us to do.. TO WATCH? .. watch not just the signs in the earth, but watch the signs amongst the ENEMY, the SIGNS within their plans? .. whose SIGNS concern the coming mark of the beast?
Don’t some here comprehend that when these GLOBALIST MOUTHPIECES “suggest” .. these “suggestions” ALWAYS seem to become NATIONAL POLICIES in these last days?
And WHAT have THEY been saying?
They say “we” need to begin thinking about REDISTRIBUTING the GLOBALLY LOPSIDED and BIASED WEALTH STREAMS enjoyed by the “developed nations” and start REDIRECTING those money streams to INVEST in building INFRASTRUCTURE for JOB CREATION ETC for ALL “3rd world” countries (poor) around the WORLD in the interest of HUMAN RIGHTS and FAIRNESS for ALL.
Of course in reality it is all about GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT .. these “people” have no souls, they don’t care about the “cattle”, they care about CONTROL, TRUE CONTROL is NOT just on a national level (binding national agreements etc), but TRUE CONTROL of the personal / INDIVIDUAL type level .. other words, GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT of EVERY man woman and child on this planet!!
Where do you think all this public SURVEILLANCE (camera’s and camera’s and more camera’s) we see RAPIDLY INCREASING all around us is leading?
Can’t you comprehend the PERSONAL (individual) NATURE of this campaign of RAPIDLY EXPANDING PUBLIC SURVEILLANCE in more and more nations daily and GLOBALLY?
They want total control over EVERY possible THREAT to “THEIR” coming ” utopia” .. and those “threats” they are concentrating on are YOU & ME!!
COMPLY or DIE will be the policy.
So no, Terra made NO “excellent point” but instead showed his total lack of understanding of not only the ENEMY and their PLANS (the ENEMY who are really unknowingly FULFILLING GOD’S PLAN) .. and God’s prophetic word.
Maybe if people began realising that these prophecies are NOT just confined to theological debates in classrooms, forums, or between brethren etc, but are actually events for the REAL WORLD, then MAYBE they will begin WATCHING as Christ advised, and then MAYBE, just MAYBE they will start to SEE it’s dark tentacles taking shape all around us .. but knowing God’s word as I do .. I KNOW it won’t happen UNTIL the SWORD is against your very throats .. only THEN will you all wake up from your slumber .. but will it be too late by then?
Only God knows which of you it will be too late for.
December 23, 2014 at 8:16 pm#787459Grasshopper
ParticipantIf I was the one who came up with this theory here in the forums, and you would say that my views are what all the churches say – and then if I asked you to show me what basis you made that claim, you then turned around and quoted parts of my post as proof – how would that make your case exactly?
With all due respect, you did not answer my question. Rather you used parts of the article I posted as proof that all the churches are teaching/telling this. The article entitled “The mark of the beast – what your church may not be telling you” is in itself claiming that this is NOT being said in the churches. Are you assuming that just because this author wrote this article (which opposes your view), that automatically means that he is representing all mainstream Christianity/Churches? If so, how so??? Is it because anyone who writes something that opposes what you have thought for so long, is not to be listened to or heard out or considered? Have you stopped seeking? Do you hold ALL the answers already? How can you dismiss so easily? Has God stopped revealing things?
If you want to seem credible, to me at least, then show me the basis for your claim that what is being said in this article IS what all the churches are telling it’s members. And, of course, I mean by other sources besides the article I posted.
GrasshopperDecember 23, 2014 at 8:35 pm#787460Grasshopper
ParticipantI think the people that should be worried the most when Christ returns are the people who claimed they had all the answers.
GrasshopperDecember 23, 2014 at 9:04 pm#787461Devolution
hi Grasshopper
yeah that counts for 98% of the world population and the 3/4 of the earth ,
some have no truth in them and so just follow the religion stream ,and do not understand scriptures truth
Your presumption is as groundless and erroneous as it is blind.
You do not know WHERE we learnt from, or HOW we learnt but PRESUME blindly and arrogantly.
Don’t you understand even now in your 70’s how Satan operates?
Satan takes important (foundational Christian tenets) and divides them into groups .. then he does the same to prophecies, dividing them into groups ..
THEN he forms “Christian” group (denominations) after “Christian” group around those truths to DISCREDIT those truths!!
And how does he achieve this?
He lets them get parts of the truth RIGHT (sometimes even the whole interpretation is right on a subject) but makes damn sure the rest of their doctrinal OR prophetic interpretations are utterly “out there with the fairies” or just obviously wrong to other “Christian” groups (doing the same things themselves) so as to UNDERMINE anybody daring to agree with correct interpretations because of the negative associations that SATAN has associated with those TRUTHS .. or he can do this example back to front!! (I’m hoping you can think critically and work out all the different WAYS this ONE EXAMPLE can be achieved)
It’s called divide and conquer .. haven’t you worked this out YET??
So whenever a CRITICAL prophetic TRUTH is put forth, all those CORRUPTED churches who have PARTS of those TRUTHS divided by measure amongst themselves .. PARTS of TRUTH per church remember.. well, those truths are instantly UNDERMINED and REJECTED BY ASSOCIATION by UNAWARE people like YOU who can not SEE what Satan has done and DOES still.
YOU are wrong about “us” .. very wrong.
December 23, 2014 at 11:21 pm#787464journey42
you start to sound like the jw 1914/1919/1975/ ect
you say 2013 we are in 2014 not done so it going to come ? so change the date ?
you are blowing wind ;your interpretetion is wrong and false ,that it ‘done
Blowing wind?
It will not be enforced until the FALSE PROPHET enforces it. You got it? The technology is here already. It’s only a matter of time before the False Prophet shows himself and things start moving fast.Do you think the false prophet will come as a tyrant or a saviour?
Will he come to make war or peace?
Will he present himself as godly or ungodly?
How will the world be captivated by him?
How will he impact every persons life, for the masses to love him and give honour to him?
Will he offer solutions to a world gone wrong?
How would peace be achieved for a short time?If you can not see it in your mind, you will be snared also.
I have not heard you warn one single brother or sister to be prepared?
Whose side are you really on?December 23, 2014 at 11:37 pm#787465journey42
If I was the one who came up with this theory here in the forums, and you would say that my views are what all the churches say – and then if I asked you to show me what basis you made that claim, you then turned around and quoted parts of my post as proof – how would that make your case exactly?
What you quoted from that website, whether you agree with it or not, was exactly what I was talking about – That point of view. I have heard that same point of view many times. That was what I was talking about, a spiritual mark, not a physical mark being preached.
I didn’t read the whole item you posted, because it was just too long and I was stuck for time. I could see where it was going though.
December 23, 2014 at 11:48 pm#787467journey42
Can you please name a church that does not preach that same point of view, and I will look into it, and give them a pat on the back. Lets start with your church. What do they teach regarding this?
December 23, 2014 at 11:56 pm#787468journey42
ParticipantAnd what does your church teach T8 regarding the mark of the beast. Is it a spiritual or physical mark?
and your church Kerwin?
and your church Pierre?
and your church Camellia/Cam/2Besse/Shimmer?
and your church GeneBalthrop?
and your church Seeking Truth?
and your church Keras?
and your church Mike? (please come back)Please, please, I want you to prove me wrong.
December 24, 2014 at 12:00 am#787469journey42
ParticipantAnd Piere
You are more closer to a JW than myself, because you love their bible and believe that in the beginning the Word was A god.
(as if there were other gods existing in the beginning before angels or man were created?)December 24, 2014 at 12:24 am#787470kerwin
ParticipantTo whomever it may concern,
If it is physical then it probably functions as a debit/credit card. The poor America are given a link card. I doubt it just having a card that is the sin. It is more likely the requirement of getting it.
December 24, 2014 at 12:26 am#787471kerwin
I an unchurched.
December 24, 2014 at 12:27 am#787472kerwin
Live by the Spirit and you will not receive the mark of the beast.
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