Acceptance Part 10

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  • #116724

    Part 10

    There are “2” evils (pleasure and love seeking); Love gives others what they “NEED”, NOT WHAT “THEY WANT” . Servants of Christ are not into pleasing men (for friendship or relationship over fellowship) because these CAN do the will of God from their heart (Eph 6:6).

    Relationships (or friendships) cause “conflicts”, however “true fellowship” unites people in the word of God so that they can be single minded, because they are in the “one” accord (Acts 2:46) and THIS fellowship is all because they are “continuing together” in the doctrine (of grace) (Acts 2:42).

    These “2” evils of (pleasure and love seeking) are committed by those “spoiled” servants who cannot HOLD the water (of the word) (Jer 2:13-14); The priests (pastors today) who are walking after these “2” things (pleasure and love seeking) are not PROFITABLE (2:8), rather be by the way of the Lord God, than in this way (the love that rejoices in pleasure seeking) which is of the “BACKSLIDER” (Jer 2:17-19).

    Acceptance is all about finding/learning [Hebrew 4672] about grace in the wilderness (Jer 31:2); Jesus said, now that we have come, we need to LEARN [Greek 3129] and we need to “learn” about grace [Hebrew 2580] IF we are going to have rest (Jer 31:2).

    How are you hearing the word of God?? Are you hearing to LEARN so that you (can ask God) to make you perform?? OR are you hearing because you think you already know it all?

    Believers who hear the word of God on the “WAYSIDE GROUND”, the devil comes in and takes these words away (Mk 4:15, Lk 8:12).

    Believers who hear the word of God on the “STONY GROUND” immediately receives these words with gladness, but when afflictions come, they are OFFENDED (Mk 4:16-17, Lk 8:13)

    Believers, who hear the word of God on the “THORNY GROUND”, have these words CHOKED out from them from the cares, and lusts of this world (Mk 4:18-19, Lk 8:14)

    Believers who hear the word of God on the “GOOD GROUND”, can receive these words, and bring forth fruit with patience because God has made these good and honest (after they have heard this type of instruction in process of time) (Lk 8:15, Mk 4:20)

    Therefore, be very careful HOW you hear these words for those who have them, these shall be given; and those who do not have these words will be taken from them, even those which they “SEEM” to have (Lk 8:18, Mat 13:12).

    Not everyone is given the ability to know these mysteries of the kingdom of God, this is why they are spoken of in parables, so that the prophecy of Isaiah would be fulfilled, only some can hear to understand, and see to perceive so that they can be converted, and healed by God (Mat 13:11, 13-15, Acts 28:27, Jn 12:40).


    We are sanctified by the word of God PROVIDING we know the truth, and are thankful for the truth (1Tim 4:5, 3); Without which we have departed from the faith through the seduction of demonic doctrines that are the lies of those who are in hypocrisy (4:1-2).

    Are you taking the necessary time to go into the bible to check out if these things that are being said are so?? (Acts 17:11) If so, then you are meditating upon all these things which are profitable for doctrine, and you are continuing within them, because you understand that those who hear you might be saved to (1Tim 4:15-16).

    Are you teaching these things to believers? If so, then you are in the labor that is reproached (1Tim 4:11-10); Are you in this exercise which leads to godliness? (4:7) If so, then you are being nourished up by a minister of Christ in this good doctrine, which has THE WORDS of faith (4:6).

    Don’t turn away from those who are bringing these things to you! (2Tim 1:15) Don’t reject/neglect these words OR you are rejecting JESUS (Jn 12:48). In order to have true biblical understanding (which is called the holy;- Prov 9:10); we need the word of God taught unto us with meaning (understanding), Paul said that it IS better to have “FIVE” words of understanding than to speak “ten thousand” words without meaning (1Cor 14:19).

    The truth reveals the GRACE of God at work (Col 1:6); and without subjecting ourselves to this teaching of GRACE, God says that we are in ABOMINATION because we are in “our own will be done” (Ez 16:47, cf Ts 2:11-12).


    Hi Z,
    Do we not need to be reborn of water and the Spirit?


    Ztheberean…………Amen to that post.

    love and peace to you and yours……………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 06 2009,16:56)
    Ztheberean…………Amen to that post.

    love and peace to you and yours……………………….gene

    Hi Gene!

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    Blessings in His grace for the new year to you and your family too. :)


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