'Abomination of Desolation' – setting the record straight on what it is

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  • #808681


    I have heard that 1 day = 1 year applied to the EU and to the the Catholic Church by false prophets for many years and you are just another in a long line of those that abuse Scripture to support their own opinions. The truth is that the time will come like a thief in the night and catch everyone off-guard that is not careful to watch themselves to make sure they are dressed in the Spirit. Many that call themselves Christians will be told by Jesus that he never knew them because they chose to embrace strange doctrines and so are found naked on that day.

    Just like there were many false Christs before and after the time of the real one there will be many false beasts before the appearance of the real one. Those that are more concerned about the beast than about being found clothed will be destroyed along with the beast and his army for they will be part of his army. The army of beast will be religiously diverse with Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Atheists, and any other religion that exists. Only those that have the heart to follow the true religion of God will be in the army of Christ.

    Ed J

    Stop misusing Scripture to support your own fears and hopes.

    Hi Kerwin,

    Are you looking in a mirror as you say this?

    “With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful;
    with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
    With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with
    the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward. For thou
    wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.” (Psalms 18:25-27)

    Ed J

    The witness does not apply to Daniel since Daniel and Ezekiel are different prophets.


    The bible is to viewed as a whole …do you believe otherwise?

    Ed J

    (1)Are you going to claim the Catholic Church, which oppressed others called Christians, was the true church?

    (2)Give of your hate and come to the truth.

    Hi Kerwin,

    1) No
    2) spin

    transitive verb
    3b : to evolve, express, or fabricate by processes of mind or imagination [b](Link)[/b]

    Ed J


    I have heard that 1 day = 1 year applied to the EU and to the the Catholic Church by false prophets for many years and you are just another in a long line of those that abuse Scripture to support their own opinions.


    False teaches for many years abuse Scripture to support their own opinions.
    Some of them even stoop to the level of calling God a person (AKA: man).

    God is not a man, that he should lie (1 day = 1 year); neither the son of man, that he should repent:
    hath he said (1 day = 1 year), and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken (1 day = 1 year),
    and shall he not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19)



    Catholic claim Jesus is God and that is blaspheme for it accuses God of being subject to being tempted by evil. Like Islam they preach a Jesus that is not the Jesus testified by Scripture. Instead they preach a Jesus that is a God-Emperor, like Hadrian who is knowing for his worship of the God of Fortresses as he built Hadrian’s Wall and maintained a defensive stance while emperor of the Roman Empire. Due to his boldness he banned God’ chosen people from Jerusalem except for one day a year and built his own statue on the temple mound. He also set a Temple on the temple mound and build to Jupiter within it. He is either the image of the anti-Christ or its reality.



    The bible is to viewed as a whole …do you believe otherwise?

    There is one message in Scripture but what God says to one prophet does not necessary to another prophet or even to another prophecy by the same prophet.

    When a teacher takes God’ words and a teacher puts them in a context where the result is no longer true then that teacher is misusing God’s words.

    Using the formula of one day equals one year has been used in an attempt to both discredit the word of God and to fix the day and hour of Jesus’ second coming. The truth is may not be coming for over a thousand years or he may come before the day is through. We do not know and are not meant to know. God did not choose to reveal to his Son so why do so he would reveal it to us in these last day when the grass is brown and dying and true faith is vanishing from the earth.

    Ed J


    Catholic claim Jesus is God

    Hi Kerwin,

    Irrelevant and OFF TOPIC

    Ed J

    the day and hour of Jesus’ second coming


    Once again you are OFF TOPIC.

    I humbly ask you to confine your rants to the appropriate thread

    Ed J


    False teaches for many years abuse Scripture to support their own opinions.
    Some of them even stoop to the level of calling God a person (AKA: man).

    The bible is to viewed as a whole …do you believe otherwise?

    There is one message in Scripture but what God says to one prophet does not necessary to another prophet or even to another prophecy by the same prophet.

    Hi Kerwin,

    You seem to be agreeing that the bible is to be viewed as a whole,
    but your words suggest otherwise ???

    God is not a man, that he should lie (1 day = 1 year); neither the son of man, that he should repent:
    hath he said (1 day = 1 year), and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken (1 day = 1 year),
    and shall he not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19)

    Ed J


    Your words don’t get to sweep God’s words under a rug



    Hi Kerwin,

    Irrelevant and OFF TOPIC

    This reveals that you do not even know what the topic is.

    The Catholic Church has been teaching an Anti-Christ doctrine since the Forth Century. Islam would not appear on the scene for at least another two centuries and it doctrine was AntiTrinitarian. It is a case of Satan’s kingdom being divided against itself. The Catholic Church is the best fit for the beast with seven heads and it is considered a nation to this day. It was given power by the Dragon which can be seen as the Roman Empire and it persecuted the saints. It was connected to the Eastern Roman Empire until 751 at which time it allied with Charlemagne and declared emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The European Union may well be the beast with the horns of a lamb and that speaks a dragon.

    It is very much on topic.



    Bottom line is that Hadrian setting himself up on the Temple Mount and placing a statue of Zeus as well as a polytheistic temple on it as well is an abomination.

    The Muslim Temple does not come near that because they honor God and that is one of the requires of being a righteous Gentile. They are enemies in they teach heresy and have a mosque built on the mound which is rightfully reserved for the Jews. The question of the mosques is tricky because it is dedicated to the one true God by Gentiles and is not by Jews. In addition reports are that it is built on attempts by Jews to build the third Temple.

    Ed J

    This reveals that you do not even know what the topic is.

    The Catholic Church has been teaching an Anti-Christ doctrine since the Forth Century. Islam would not appear on the scene for at least another two centuries and it doctrine was AntiTrinitarian. It is a case of Satan’s kingdom being divided against itself. The Catholic Church is the best fit for the beast with seven heads and it is considered a nation to this day. It was given power by the Dragon which can be seen as the Roman Empire and it persecuted the saints. It was connected to the Eastern Roman Empire until 751 at which time it allied with Charlemagne and declared emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The European Union may well be the beast with the horns of a lamb and that speaks a dragon.

    It is very much on topic.

    Hi Kerwin,

    I hope you did not take my response to Catholics believing Jesus is God
    as off topic to mean you are not free to have and to state your opinion.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Bottom line is that Hadrian setting himself up on the Temple Mount and placing a statue of Zeus as well as a polytheistic temple on it as well is an abomination.

    Hi Kerwin,

    But that is NOT ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ ~ islam is



    Islam did not set up an idol on the temple mound and Mahomet did not set of himself on the same Mound. Islam does not have a God of fortresses. Hadrian even made his dead friend a God, a God his ancestors did not know. One weakness in the hypothesis is the God of Fortresses is figurative and is not the God Hadrian declared. Still the case is stronger than that for Islam.

    Ed J

    Islam does not have a God of fortresses.

    Hi Kerwin,

    It is “God of forces” NOT a God of fortresses.
    “But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces” (Dan 11:38)

    Read a little father…

    Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with
    glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.” (Dan 11:39)

    ‘al-Lah’ is a strange god and islam is always trying to divide the land of Israel for gain

    Know your prophecy my friend


    Hi Ed. Is this the thread you want me to join in, again? There comes a time when debating a topic should stop. What is the point in repeating your view?

    Ahh – ‘The big lie Theory’.  ‘Repeat something often enough and people will eventually believe it’.



    “Want to convince someone of something entirely untrue? Just keep repeating it. Over and over.

    The illusory truth effect has been flying around the world of psychology since 1977. But recently, more and more evidence has arrived to back it up.

    The illusory truth effect is the idea that if you repeat something often enough, people will slowly start to believe it’s true. Sounds about right, considering all the times we’ve blindly trusted an old wives’ tale or a much-retweeted factoid.

    But a new study has revealed that the illusory truth effect is much stronger than we imagined. Because it turns out that even if a person has prior knowledge disproving a lie they’re being told, they’ll still believe the lie if it’s repeated enough.”




    Forces would fit Hadrian better but the Hebrew does say “stronghold” though the KJV versions state “forces”. It could be a difference in manuscripts. It is probably because The Hebrew word is sometimes translated “strength” but that is “strength” as in defensive strength or defensive forces.

    He did make a God but from what little I know he was God of defense. He preferred the God he made to be associated with Hermes, a god of transitions and boundaries and intercessor between the Gods and mortals. Others associated him with other Gods or only viewed him as hero worth of a cult.

    Hadrian was an unusual Roman emperor in that he engaged in a defensive stance.

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