A or the word

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  • #213636

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 25 2010,02:50)
    EDj………These people can't even realize that if JOHN meant to say Jesus in John 1 He would have simply written Jesus' name there. That is all they can do is force the text to meet their own dogmas.
    Back to what a word is I maintain a Word (IS) Simply and (INTELLIGENT UTTERANCE) and is the exact representation of the PERSON WHO SPOKE THEM. They are on and the Same. IMO

    peace and love………………………………………gene

    Gene! John knew that He was The Word of God, so He said so in both John1:1-14 and Rev. 19:13-16 and your opinion does not stick with me. You have received God's Holy Spirit, the problem however is, that the Spirit has not grown in you it is laying dormant in your Soul….wake up and read the Scriptures the way they are to be read, not according to you , but to John. He is the Brother of Jesus, and I believe He knows better then you do…..your idea that it is God's word is totally wrong…….Someones word cannot without a body become flesh verse 14 of John 1. Nobody has either seen or seen God's form….. Also since He will come back as The Word of God, John is preparing us to call Him King…..Rev. 19:16…….You are not making sense at all….these people know better, so put your pride aside and believe The Word of God, He will one day expect you to call Him King……..Irene


    EdJ…………Are you now a SON OF GOD?. What does that mean to you? When Jesus said (OUR) Father which art in Heaven, what does the (OUR) Mean to you. When Jesus said He is going to His GOD and (OUR) GOD His Father (AND) OUR FATHER, what does the (OUR) mean to you. If you are a preexistences the (OUR) is a Lie Because you really will not believe You are a True Son Of GOD right> Only Jesus is in fact to Preexistences He is the (ONLY) Son of GOD right?

    peace and love………………………gene

    peace and love………………………..gene


    Irene………..I have no problem calling Jesus MY Brother the Lord and KING. I don't need to say He is a King because He preexisted as some kind of a demigod or super Angel who was morphed into a human being. And because i don't agree with you or others doesn't mean the spirit of God is dormant in me, in fact it may be just the opposite, what's to say it has not went dormant in you and some other here if it was ever there in the first place.That is not my call to make, nor yours IMO

    peace and love to you and Georg………………………………………gene

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

    Start with an opinion, add some Hebrew and Greek wording, throw in some numbers
    use a little raz-ma-taz by carefully lining these all up: and WALLA, it's now legit!


    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

    This may be a bit complicated so I will go one step at a time!
    First: Neither Hebrew Masoretic Texts nor The Greek language have a word for “OF”

    The Hebrew word translated as “God” is [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm
    This Hebrew word has a “Theomatic” value of Eighty-Six “86”(numbers relating to God).

    Below is the Scriptural referencing you requested.

    Since it's God speaking: it would therefore be reasonable to consider
    these words are… the God Word; or as we say in common English: “Word of God”.

    Gen:1:3: And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    Gen:1:6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
    Gen:1:9: And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
    Gen:1:11: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
    Gen:1:14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
    Gen:1:20: And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
    Gen:1:24: And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
    Gen:1:26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    Gen:1:28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

    As previously discussed in last Post…   [אלהים] means: “God” equals 86

    Now not counting the word “OF”,
    a necessary word in English, but absent in the Sacred Texts.

    The “Theomatic” value of “God Word”
    or in proper English… …”Word of God” equals 86 matching that of: 86=[אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm


    “The Word” was SPOKEN by [אלהים] God! What word? The “God Word”!

    When was this word SPOKEN? “In the Beginning”!

    Now we see “The Word” was SPOKEN in the beginning! Who's word?

    “The Word” of [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

    Now we know…
    “The Word” that was spoken by [אלהים] ĔL-ō-Hêêm “in the beginning” was the “Word of God”!

    It's therefore reasonable to conclude…
    “The Word” that was “in the beginning” with God, was God's SPOKEN word! (John 1:1)

    Next we turn our attention to the Greek.
    “The Word” in Greek is: [ο λογος] Hō Lōgôs
    [ο λογος] has a “Theomatic” value of 443; and 443 is the 86th prime number.
    Therefore, this chart (below) matches both Biblical meanings with Theomatic numbers verification. (Matt.18:16)

               English        ↔    Hebrew       ↔    Greek
         “Word of God”  ↔      “God”         ↔ “The Word”
    “Word of God”(86) =   (אלהים](86]     = [ο λογος](86)th Prime Hō Lōgôs

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

               English        ↔    Hebrew       ↔    Greek
         “Word of God”  ↔      “God”         ↔ “The Word”
    “Word of God”(86) =   (אלהים](86]     = [ο λογος](86)th Prime Hō Lōgôs
             YHVH(63)      = ĔL-ō-Hêêm(63) = The Bible(63)    

    1Cor.22 …the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:

    Jesus provided the sign for the Jews. (Gen.22:14 / Matt.12:39)
    “I” provide the wisdom for the Greeks. (Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:14)

    The “ĔL-ō-Hêêm” of “The Bible” has a Name,
    and his name [יהוה] translated directly into English is “YHVH”.

    The “Divine”=63 “Deity”=63 of “The Bible”=63 is “YHVH”=63; “YHVH is GOD”.
    YHVH is God's Name (יהוה) translated into English; as the Hebrew lacks vowels.

    GOD’s most sacred Holy Name [יהוה] was given to us directly from the Hebrew language.
    Correctly translating Hebrew into other languages can be difficult however. Some basic
    linguistical rules need to be considered when translating Hebrew texts. These include a lack
    of spacing between words, as a general rule has no written vowels and the basic direction
    in which Hebrew is written (opposite: from right to left). Hebrew word spacing is a modern
    advent that distinguishes one word from the next, aiding both translators and multi-linguists
    alike. Unwritten “implied” vowel sounds are a concern because, correct pronunciations of
    Hebrew words are at risk. This point is made because the correct pronunciation was thought
    to be lost, which led only to translators’ interpretations.

    GOD’s Name (יהוה) transliterates directly into English as YHVH because the Hebrew alphabet
    lacks vowels. Hebrew has No [W] sound, No [J] sound and the symbol ש is pronounced “Sh”.

    [יהוה] GOD’s Name   [י] Yod [ה] Ha [ו] Vav [ה] Hey     is pronounced  YÄ-hä-vā  &  [יה] YÄ

    The identity of יהוה=26 is “GOD”=26 spoken as YÄ-hä-vā: where ä sounds like
    that of the word “ah” and the other ā sounds like the vowel in the word “hay”.

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Eccl.9:12-16 / Rev.21:2-3)

    Ed J

    Quote (t8 @ Aug. 24 2010,14:48)

    You make an opinion and then throw around a few numbers as if somehow that makes your opinion legit.
    But your post doesn't cut it with those who study the word. We require at least scripture, and it is also helpful to show the  workings of clear thinking as to how you landed on your opinion. You have done neither.

    Also, Hebrew characters doesn't make your post authoritative either. It is not about appearances, but substance.

    Hi T8,

    You asked me to explain, so I'm just being thorough.
    Let me know if you want the 117 part explained more?

               English        ↔    Hebrew       ↔    Greek
         “Word of God”  ↔      “God”         ↔ “The Word”
    “Word of God”(86) =   (אלהים](86]     = [ο λογος](86)th Prime Hō Lōgôs
             YHVH(63)      = ĔL-ō-Hêêm(63) = The Bible(63)    
     Spirit of God(117) = (117)יהוה האלהים = Bible Truth(117)

                                 YHVH is GOD=117
    PSALM 117 is [The Bible's Center Chapter],
    the [smallest chapter] of the [LARGEST BOOK]!

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    117=יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 25 2010,02:50)
    EDj………These people can't even realize that if JOHN meant to say Jesus in John 1 He would have simply written Jesus' name there. That is all they can do is force the text to meet their own dogmas.
    Back to what a word is I maintain a Word (IS) Simply and (INTELLIGENT UTTERANCE) and is the exact representation of the PERSON WHO SPOKE THEM. They are on and the Same. IMO

    peace and love………………………………………gene

    Hi Gene,

    We are convincing some, this link Here was 4/4 last time I looked.

    When I first came to this forum the results would have been muck.
    So our “Free Will” hard work is more successful than Noah's was!
    For nobody except perhaps his own personally family believed him.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 25 2010,10:30)
    EdJ…………Are you now a SON OF GOD?. What does that mean to you? When Jesus said (OUR) Father which art in Heaven, what does the (OUR) Mean to you. When Jesus said He is going to His GOD and (OUR) GOD His Father (AND) OUR FATHER, what does the (OUR) mean to you. If you are a preexistences the (OUR) is a Lie Because you really will not believe You are a True Son Of GOD right> Only Jesus is in fact to Preexistences He is the (ONLY) Son of GOD right?

    peace and love………………………gene

    peace and love………………………..gene

    Hi Gene,

    Explain this?

    Ed J


    ED J……….I was trying to show you the OUR (INCLUDES US) that was my point . So we can call God Our Father and we are His sons too. To try to makes Jesus as and (ONLY) Son is not scriptural while He might be a (UNIQUE) Son is most certainly is not the (ONLY) Son of GOD, He also may be the only one so far resurrected to eternal life from among mankind but is not the only one that will ever be. This is our Hope is it not?> To become eternal Sons of the Living GOD and to be Joint Heirs of Christ Jesus right?. We are called along with Jesus and alone side Him, not as a separate type of existence , but and Identical one. But if you view as Preexistences and Trinitarians do then you do not see yourself as (Exactly) Identified with Jesus as HE IS. You make a difference between Him and yourself through there false teachings they are completely Antichrists, rather understand it or not they still are Antichrists. This Spirit of (separation) from Jesus' identity is the spirit of Antichrist John was talking about. IMO

    peace and love……………………….gene

    Ed J

    Hi Gene,

    If we all preexisted than what does what you have Posted
    have to do with anything of relevance to what I said?

    Your name calling only shows your ignorance in this.
    Show biblical correspondences to your points
    or else your just blowing air. (1Cor.13:1)

    Witnessing to the world in behalf of YHVH (Psalm 45:17)
    יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā  hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
    Ed J (AKJV Joshua 22:34 / Isaiah 60:13-15)


    EDj……… WHAT” , Who said we all preexisted thats is you talking not Me. Remember i do not believe in Preexistence that is your dogmas if you believe that, not mine. While we may all have preexisted in the Plan and Will of GOD the is true , but that is not saying we existed as (BEINGS) before we were born. What does what i have posted have to do with that. And who is calling anyone names , i am talking about the Spirit (intellect) of Antichrist as relating to false teaching of the preexistence of Jesus as a (BEING) before his berth here on earth.

    peace and love…………………………..gene


    Ed, here I go again with you, IMO what Gene believes is alot safer than some thing's you say ?

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 25 2010,23:55)
    EDj………  WHAT” , Who said we all preexisted thats is you talking not Me. Remember i do not believe in Preexistence that is your dogmas if you believe that, not mine. While we may all have preexisted in the Plan and Will of GOD the is true , but that is not saying we existed as (BEINGS) before we were born. What does what i have posted have to do with that.  And who is calling anyone names , i am talking about the Spirit (intellect) of Antichrist as relating to false teaching of the preexistence of Jesus as a (BEING) before his berth here on earth.

    peace and love…………………………..gene

    Hi Gene,

    If 'you' want to believe 'you' didn't preexist, then no ahead;
    it is 'your' “Free Will” to believe whatever 'you' want! (Click Here)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 25 2010,23:55)
    EDj………  WHAT” , Who said we all preexisted thats is you talking not Me. Remember i do not believe in Preexistence that is your dogmas if you believe that, not mine. While we may all have preexisted in the Plan and Will of GOD the is true , but that is not saying we existed as (BEINGS) before we were born. What does what i have posted have to do with that.  And who is calling anyone names , i am talking about the Spirit (intellect) of Antichrist as relating to false teaching of the preexistence of Jesus as a (BEING) before his berth here on earth.

    peace and love…………………………..gene

    Hi Gene,

    If 'you' want to believe 'you' didn't preexist, then go ahead;
    it is 'your' “Free Will” to believe whatever 'you' want! (Click Here)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 20 2010,00:38)
    To All……I mean if we can even agree on what a WORD REALLY IS, man we are screwed up!> Again A WORD is Simply an (INTELLIGENT UTTERANCE) By someone. THIS IS BASIC IT SHOULD BE A NO BRAINIER. A word proceeds from a mind it begins as a thought and then uttered and it is who the person really is “SO A MAN THINKS SO HE IS”.  GOD and (His) words are one and the same. We and (OUR) Words are one and the same thing. If you exactly quote some one else's words That are exactly as the Words you quote. Jesus quoted GOD'S word to Us (NOT) His Word , GOD told Jesus not only what to say but How to say it.

    peace and love……………………..gene


    I was read that “language” is the worst form of communication, but it is all that we have.

    If I say blue, everyone will have a different concept of “blue”….along with the different shades therein.

    Now imagine I say “God” and “son of God”, two persons we haven't “seen”. What agreement do you think we could come to?

    Words are used to convey ideas, which are fuzzy at best.

    You can describe the process we go thru to finally speak words, but as said before, the words we speak are the worst form of communication and you want us to rely on them.

    God's words mean specific things and we humans cannot understand them as God sees them nor can we correctly convey them to another.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    The Professor

    Ed J

    Hi David,

    Gene, applies a different meaning to “Free Will” then everyone else?

    Ed J


    True language and love doesn't need words, that's true.

    But words do play a part in things. God is love, God's word was made flesh and spoke to us, even to this day.

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