10 commandments; were they done away with?

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  • #164327

    hi gene
    free will is only in the choises you make it does not imply that you are perfect in all capacities,


    hi gene
    so God put in Job is righteousness ,and also is miss understanding???


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 14 2009,09:59)
    Hi CON,
    DO NOT is negative. It offers only boundaries.
    Love is not. It offers motivation.

    DO NOT steal is negative?

    So DO steal is positive?

    I rest my case.


    Hi CON,
    Do not steal is negative.
    Love is positive


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 14 2009,13:19)
    Hi KW,
    The jewish ten commandments are under discussion.
    Given to the Jews because grace was yet to be given to enable the law of love to be lived.

    Grace was in the OLD TESTAMENT.

    Question for you: Who was the New Covenant for?


    Hi CON,
    Yes it was seen but for all men now the offer is
    “Grace and peace ..through Jesus Christ”
    The new Israel


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 14 2009,18:38)
    Hi CON,
    Yes it was seen but for all men now the offer is
    “Grace and peace ..through Jesus Christ”
    The new Israel

    Hebrews 8:6-10 “But now has he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. 7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. 8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of ISRAEL after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a 'Elohim, and they shall be to me a people:”


    Hi CON,
    So we are grafted into the new united Israel.
    The new Jerusalem


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 14 2009,18:55)
    Hi CON,
    So we are grafted into the new united Israel.
    The new Jerusalem

    Israel is not new, the covenant is, and you are, you grafted into Israel.

    Israel went from spiritual, to physical, back to spiritual.

    Even when it was physical, faith and grace still abounded.

    Quit trying to make Israel into something dirty and you as something clean.


    Con………You are right, we are the ISREAL of GOD, the word ISREAL means OVERCOMER , Jacob overcame or prevailed with the angle of the Lord and His name was changed to Israel , because He prevailed with GOD. We to prevail through the blood of Jesus. we are indeed the ISREAL of GOD, Brother.

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Hi CON,
    True Israel is of faith not heredity or culture or law.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 15 2009,04:05)
    Hi KW,
    Moral requirements?
    We are not moralists but led by the Spirit.

    In Romans 8:4 of the King James version the clause “righteousness of the law” is used instead of “moral requirements”.

    They both mean the same thing.


    Hi KW,
    Love fulfills the requirements of the Law.
    The boundaries are not necessary when Spiritual motivation rules within.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 15 2009,13:11)
    Hi KW,
    Love fulfills the requirements of the Law.
    The boundaries are not necessary when Spiritual motivation rules within.

    That is correct but they are still necessary for those who do not walk according to the Spirit.  The Law of Mosses was never written for those who obeyed it and yet we are told that Zechariah and Elizabeth were both upright in the eyes of God for walking in all the commandments and ordinances blamelessly. God did not change so he looks for us to do the same.   It is not the boundaries of the Law that were abolished in the new covenant but rather the way one stayed within those boundaries.  In the Old Covenant human effort(works of the flesh) was expected while in the new it is God using the Spirit of Righteousness which does the work.


    What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant.  We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood.  He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law.  If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts.  Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40
    We used to keep all of the Holy Days listed in Lev. 23  I always enjoyed the Feasts of the LORD.  We also believed the same things.  It was like a big Family of God. It is a shame that it was not the right way, though.  We kept the Sabbath and our thinking was that it was to be kept.  We never were under that either.
    Exodus 321:16-17 tells us that it was a covenant that God made with the children of Israel.  There still is remnant of the W.W.Church of God they call themselves the United Church of God.  
    They keep the Sabbath like we used to do.
    Peace and Love Irene



    I would appreciate a response since I am not sure I understand you correctly. Words being tricky to work with will sometimes give others ideas other than we intend. I am not actually sure for this reason that we are disagreeing on the effects of the new covenant.


    Quote (banana @ Dec. 15 2009,15:47)
    What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant.  We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood.  He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law.  If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts.  Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40
    We used to keep all of the Holy Days listed in Lev. 23  I always enjoyed the Feasts of the LORD.  We also believed the same things.  It was like a big Family of God. It is a shame that it was not the right way, though.  We kept the Sabbath and our thinking was that it was to be kept.  We never were under that either.
    Exodus 321:16-17 tells us that it was a covenant that God made with the children of Israel.  There still is remnant of the W.W.Church of God they call themselves the United Church of God.  
    They keep the Sabbath like we used to do.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Paul teaches us that an old promise is not abolished by a new promise.  If I remember correctly he was speaking about the fact that the old covenant did not abolish God's promise to Abraham but the principle remains the same with the new covenant not abolishing the old.  That would mean the old is still binding but we also know it was made with the children of Israel and applied to the land they would come to inhabit.  

    The moral requirements of the law apply to everyone anywhere.  They are summed up with the words love your neighbor as God intends you to love yourself. If you do that then you love God with all your strength, intellect, and emotions.

    I believe the whole law is summed up with Love your neighbor as yourself though some was dependent on certain circumstances that may no longer apply.


    Quote (banana @ Dec. 15 2009,01:47)
    What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant.  We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood.  He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law.  If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts.  Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40
    We used to keep all of the Holy Days listed in Lev. 23  I always enjoyed the Feasts of the LORD.  We also believed the same things.  It was like a big Family of God. It is a shame that it was not the right way, though.  We kept the Sabbath and our thinking was that it was to be kept.  We never were under that either.
    Exodus 321:16-17 tells us that it was a covenant that God made with the children of Israel.  There still is remnant of the W.W.Church of God they call themselves the United Church of God.  
    They keep the Sabbath like we used to do.
    Peace and Love Irene

    You were not even adopted into the new covenant until Stephan was stoned, the new covenant was for the Jews as like the old covenant.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 16 2009,02:42)

    I would appreciate a response since I am not sure I understand you correctly.  Words being tricky to work with will sometimes give others ideas other than we intend.  I am not actually sure for this reason that we are disagreeing on the effects of the new covenant.

    I think you two are basically agreeing.

    Banana wrote:

    What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant. We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood. He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law. If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts. Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40

    “What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant.”

    The Jews were not even under it if they did not transgress through faith and grace.

    The law is for transgressors.

    “We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood.”

    You are not “under” the new covenant, you are “of” the new covenant. You come under it if you transgress it.

    “He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law.”

    Absolutly, in the old covenant as well the new covenant, many magnified the law in it's spirit!

    Only some looked to the law for salvation, not all. Also transgressors saw the law for the need of repentance. Under the new covenant if you break the spirit of the law does not your heart convict you and you see the need for repentance?

    “If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts”

    Absolutly, why? Because he took the law from the tables of stone and placed the same law within your heart. It is still the law.

    “Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40″

    Absolutly, the greatest commandment covers the first four of the ten, the second greatest commandment covers the last six of the ten. Fulfilling those satisfies all ten.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 16 2009,02:50)

    Quote (banana @ Dec. 15 2009,15:47)
    What most do not understand is that we never were under the old covenant.  We are under the new covenant in Christ Blood.  He also has magnified the Law and we keep it in the Spirit and not in the letter of the law.  If we hate our Brother we have committed murder in our hearts.  Christ also gave us the great commandments in
    Math. 22:37-40
    We used to keep all of the Holy Days listed in Lev. 23  I always enjoyed the Feasts of the LORD.  We also believed the same things.  It was like a big Family of God. It is a shame that it was not the right way, though.  We kept the Sabbath and our thinking was that it was to be kept.  We never were under that either.
    Exodus 321:16-17 tells us that it was a covenant that God made with the children of Israel.  There still is remnant of the W.W.Church of God they call themselves the United Church of God.  
    They keep the Sabbath like we used to do.
    Peace and Love Irene

    Paul teaches us that an old promise is not abolished by a new promise.  If I remember correctly he was speaking about the fact that the old covenant did not abolish God's promise to Abraham but the principle remains the same with the new covenant not abolishing the old.  That would mean the old is still binding but we also know it was made with the children of Israel and applied to the land they would come to inhabit.  

    The moral requirements of the law apply to everyone anywhere.  They are summed up with the words love your neighbor as God intends you to love yourself. If you do that then you love God with all your strength, intellect, and emotions.

    I believe the whole law is summed up with Love your neighbor as yourself though some was dependent on certain circumstances that may no longer apply.


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