10 commandments; were they done away with?

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    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 11 2009,13:50)

    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 10 2009,18:38)
    your arguing yourself.

    i don't think anyone said that the commandments are gone, non exsistant.

    what has been said is that jesus magnified it in his way, his teachings his works. to show how. his example is the new way now. we need to follow his example, thus he is the new law. the old made new. but he now is the way, the path.

    i know its hard for you to see, it was hard for the jews to follow god's law back then when it was only written.then a man comes and says he's god's son and to stop your ways and then begins to preach and show what it meant. thus they denied him and god and had him killed.

    you will never except him for what you should.

    Hard to follow? Never

    Many refused to follow it, just like many today say the law of G-d is not for them.

    Kinda like you, come to think of it.

    really the law of god is not for me?

    not really sure why you say that.

    i am not fighting you on the commandments at all.

    i do not ignore or deny those commandments, only say to you what the scriptures say and that it is now along with christs way, that he taught and shown how to do those things his father wills. he exemplifies them and more.

    we are to follow christ example.

    why is it that except for only a few people here actually give jesus any respect that he deserves.

    its very sad to say the least.

    i have provided scriptures and i know there are more that would hold constant that theme but i see here that proof doesn't matter.

    people will only accept what is there if its in their hearts.

    the more people show scriptures, that actually pertain to a topic and show a pattern of constant backing to leave no personal interpretations

    the denial of the other is so much fueled by there own interpretaitons. seems odd really

    you do know you need to accept jesus to. all levels that are to be his glory no matter what it is.

    its sad to see here so many people that hold jesus as just a average person, just a man. not much to respect.


    why is it that you want to bypass or just ignore anything jesus did, does or offers us all?


    hi ron
    you are talking about the law, to the righteous there is no law,went all men willbe finaly follow christ the law will be not more,
    because the law is made for the unrighteous,
    so why weasthing time on the law ,
    years ago i was driving out of town to work 400miles and i pick up a couple speed tickets,a fellow worker told me i should buy a radar unit,the best of them cost $350.00 after thinking for a few day ,he ask me so what i have decided so i told him i will change my behavior and follow the road signs, in this way i am cured for live,in the other way i have to buy every year an upgrade to the radar unit.


    its sad to see here so many people that hold jesus as just a average person, just a man. not much to respect.

    1Jn 4:2  Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

    why is it that except for only a few people here actually give jesus any respect that he deserves.

    Joh 14:21  He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

    i do not ignore or deny those commandments, only say to you what the scriptures say and that it is now along with christs way, that he taught and shown how to do those things his father wills. he exemplifies them and more.

    1Jn 5:3  For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

    [*+ content]


    If you are disobeying the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses then you are walking according to the ways of the flesh (aka world) and not according to the ways of the Spirit.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 11 2009,17:40)
    If you are disobeying the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses then you are walking according to the ways of the flesh (aka world) and not according to the ways of the Spirit.

    never did i say they are not required or obsolete or gone or unemportant. do yuo not read the posts?

    i did not say that they are no more!

    so stop insinuating i said so, or that i do not beleive they exsist.

    We do not walk theough life as in the way of the 10 COMMANDMENTS per say but like CHRIST who had shown the way of god's law they had and taught them how to uphold them and to also teach and preach to use the way to god through spirit works.

    jesus is the ten plus the spirit way too. its the old brought a new to us and with what christ also shown.

    he is the now our guide as the 10 was for them.


    just becasue those of you who will not accept jesus as what he is, what he did and what he means to us all, does not make me against god.

    thanks kerwin but noone here is saying otherwise. one must do both things. obey his laws and that of those in spirit. that is way jesus is now the new covenant.

    we are to teach and reach and make disciples and get baptised. spreading god's good news of his kingdom.

    like i said its not just about the 10 commandmnets anymore!

    why do you people take away the glory that jesus deserves?

    you do by how you ignore and deny all such things he did and stands for?

    i see here that 90% think as thus:

    jesus is mere man prophet only and no glory should go thus gets no respect.

    is not jesus as a son to god at all , but god also, so he really doesn't exist. thus he gets no glory thus no respect

    or you believe not in him thus no glory or respect


    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 11 2009,18:25)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 11 2009,17:40)
    If you are disobeying the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses then you are walking according to the ways of the flesh (aka world) and not according to the ways of the Spirit.

    never did i say they are not required or obsolete or gone or unemportant. do yuo not read the posts?

    i did not say that they are no more!

    so stop insinuating i said so, or that i do not beleive they exsist.

    We do not walk theough life as in the way of the  10 COMMANDMENTS per say but like CHRIST who had shown the way of god's law they had and taught them how to uphold them and to also teach and preach to use the way to god through spirit works.

    jesus is the ten plus the spirit way too. its the old brought a new to us and with what christ also shown.

    he is the now our guide as the 10 was for them.

    I am sorry that you took my comment as an attack. It is meant more as an attempt to make peace by finding common points in this discussion. I assume that you actually agree with my statement since you took offense. You choice of words may confuse others as theirs may confuse you.

    I believe Constitutionist will agree that those who walk according to the ways of the Spirit keep the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses. The question then is to find how much you really disagree or if it is just words coming between you and him.


    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 11 2009,22:42)

    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 11 2009,18:25)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 11 2009,17:40)
    If you are disobeying the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses then you are walking according to the ways of the flesh (aka world) and not according to the ways of the Spirit.

    never did i say they are not required or obsolete or gone or unemportant. do yuo not read the posts?

    i did not say that they are no more!

    so stop insinuating i said so, or that i do not beleive they exsist.

    We do not walk theough life as in the way of the  10 COMMANDMENTS per say but like CHRIST who had shown the way of god's law they had and taught them how to uphold them and to also teach and preach to use the way to god through spirit works.

    jesus is the ten plus the spirit way too. its the old brought a new to us and with what christ also shown.

    he is the now our guide as the 10 was for them.

    I am sorry that you took my comment as an attack.  It is meant more as an attempt to make peace by finding common points in this discussion.  I assume that you actually agree with my statement since you took offense.  You choice of words may confuse others as theirs may confuse you.  

    I believe Constitutionist will agree that those who walk according to the ways of the Spirit keep the moral requirements of the Law of Mosses.  The question then is to find how much you really disagree or if it is just words coming between you and him.

    I think it is her words. She writes with the blend of the way you and I think, but then she interjects thoughts as if the commandments are a Jewish thing and to be discarded, you saw how I responded to her one post and I did the line by line response.

    I also think she thinks that I look to the law for salvation because I write about the law. We both know I believe my salvation is by and through Grace only, and it is because of that grace I can keep the law as it should be kept.

    What I do not understand is why she thinks we deny Yeshua HaMoshiach.

    Does she believe if I do not accept a trinitarian belief then I cannot believe in Yeshua? That does not make sense to me.



    Constitutionlist wrote:


    Does she believe if I do not accept a trinitarian belief then I cannot believe in Yeshua? That does not make sense to me.

    It is probably unrealistic to expect logical reasoning from someone who has abandoned logic in order to embrace the Trinitarian tenet in the first place at it requires a suspension of logic in order to believe.  After all a Trinitarian must believe God can be tempted by evil even when he has a human body even though God cannot be tempted at all.  They also believe God is all knowing except when he is Jesus who does not know the day and hour of his second coming.  I am sure we can come up with more inconsistencies in that absurd tenet.  If someone holds to believing in it after a few challenges then I pretty much consider them equivalent to a conspiracy nut.


    Kerwin……..What you wrote also applies to the Doctrine of Preexistence to. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    To all!  We are not under the Old Covenant in Exodus 34:27-28
    “Then the LORD said to Moses,”Write these words for according to the tenor of these words I have made a Covenant WITH YOU AND WITH Israel.”

    The key here is that it is Covenant that God made with Israel.  Now we are under the new Covenant in
    Luke 22:20 …”This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you.”

    Then Jesus gives us the Great Commandment in
    Math. 22:37 Jesus said to him” You shall love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
    verse 38
    “This is the first and great commandment.”
    verse 39
    “And the second is like it:” You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
    verse 40 :On these two commandments hang all of the Law and the Prophets.”

    The Sabbath was never a commandment that God gave to us Gentiles, it is
    Exodus 31:16 “Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath throughout their generation as a perpetual covenant.”
    verse 17
    “It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever……
    We are first under the new covenant and then in
    Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through Faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift from God.
    verse 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
    verse 10
    For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
    Walk in the Spirit of God and you will not sin, and if we do sin, we have a Mediator Jesus Christ, so we can go to the Throne of God and ask for the forgiveness of our sins.  
    The older we get the easier it becomes to walk in the Spirit of God.  Flesh is still flesh and we can't get away from that and if we think we don't sin, John tells us that the truth is not in us.  Does that sound confusing?  Not to me.


    Quote (banana @ Dec. 13 2009,04:00)
    To all!  We are not under the Old Covenant in Exodus 34:27-28
    “Then the LORD said to Moses,”Write these words for according to the tenor of these words I have made a Covenant WITH YOU AND WITH Israel.”

    The key here is that it is Covenant that God made with Israel.  Now we are under the new Covenant in
    Luke 22:20 …”This cup is the new covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you.”

    Then Jesus gives us the Great Commandment in
    Math. 22:37 Jesus said to him” You shall love the LORD your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
    verse 38
    “This is the first and great commandment.”
    verse 39
    “And the second is like it:” You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
    verse 40 :On these two commandments hang all of the Law and the Prophets.”

    The Sabbath was never a commandment that God gave to us Gentiles, it is
    Exodus 31:16 “Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath throughout their generation as a perpetual covenant.”
    verse 17
    “It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever……
    We are first under the new covenant and then in
    Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through Faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift from God.
    verse 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
    verse 10
    For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
    Walk in the Spirit of God and you will not sin, and if we do sin, we have a Mediator Jesus Christ, so we can go to the Throne of God and ask for the forgiveness of our sins.  
    The older we get the easier it becomes to walk in the Spirit of God.  Flesh is still flesh and we can't get away from that and if we think we don't sin, John tells us that the truth is not in us.  Does that sound confusing?  Not to me.

    banana they don't care what we show them, they don't believe and will add their own view and opinons instead of accepting the bible's message.

    so many answers to questions in hte bible are very clear and easy to understand. also it wil be shown in many verses to make it even more clear that that is what it is. if its a resinant message and it fits all verses and pertains to teh topic in hand , then theres yuor answer. no need to try to come to a different conclusion.

    if you don't accept god's words completely how can you love and serve him by not adhereing to him to the fullest, as what is required.


    why people go out of their way to force another message out of one thats clear is beyond me.

    accept the message of the bible only not of your own interpretation & follow christs example. he was the living commandment of god. he should us in felsh how to do what his father wills.

    his death paved way for our new covenant. in him and through him is the way to god almighty and to our salvation.


    hi p2f
    what are the condition of the new covenant you talk about?????


    See what I mean Kerwin, banana is parroting and peace2all is flipflopping again. It's hard to talk to her cause she keeps talking both sides of the fence.


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 13 2009,09:23)
    See what I mean Kerwin, banana is parroting and peace2all is flipflopping again. It's hard to talk to her cause she keeps talking both sides of the fence.

    what am i flip flopping on

    the ten commandments was there guide

    jesus is our guide.

    tht does not mean go ahead and sin and do those things against god.

    jesus is the new covenant

    thats not flip flopping


    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 13 2009,09:23)
    See what I mean Kerwin, banana is parroting and peace2all is flipflopping again. It's hard to talk to her cause she keeps talking both sides of the fence.

    so banana shows you scriptures that tell you the truth, that makes them a parrot?

    you use your own personal outcomes to scriptures and not god's message. WHAT THAT MAKE YOU????


    Quote (peace2all @ Dec. 14 2009,08:27)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 13 2009,09:23)
    See what I mean Kerwin, banana is parroting and peace2all is flipflopping again. It's hard to talk to her cause she keeps talking both sides of the fence.

    so banana shows you scriptures that tell you the truth, that makes them a parrot?

    you use your own personal outcomes to scriptures and not god's message. WHAT THAT MAKE YOU????

    if you have a guide that shows you a way, then tht guide is replaced with a new one are you under that first guide even though the things told by the first guide is used?

    nope you'd be under the new guide since the old was replaced.


    those things done now of the old law are forgivable. we are to follow christs way now.

    i've said the same thing over.

    you say falsehoods by man;s own deductions and ideas instead of teh message in the bible

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