Analysis and clips featuring Logan Paul, Cliffe Knechtle, William Lane Craig, Frank Turek (Cross Examined), the Christian vs Atheist debate (James White & Jeff Durbin vs Clark & Ellis) from Apologia Studios, Greg Bahnsen vs Gordon Stein, and Christopher Hitchens vs Doug Wilson.
Science & God
Are God and science mutually compatible? Some say a big no, but they forget that the modern scientific method came from great scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir Isaac Newton who had deep faith in God. Newton is not only credited for the scientific method, but spent more time studying scripture than being involved in science. His belief was God created all things and science investigated these things that God created.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” Werner Heisenberg
What created the universe? God or nothing? I say God. But if you say nothing, then you are a fool. Learn more >>
The idea that the Big Bang has a beginning is universally accepted. But what happened before that? Could the universe have come from a previous iteration of the universe? It is possible scientifically and even scripturally. The Bible states that God will create a new heavens and a new earth. Who knows, God may have been d...
Is Atheism a Cult?
, , Science & God, Atheism, Video, 0A number of prominent Atheists agree that no amount of evidence for God will ever be enough to convince them that God exists. This backs up the notion that Atheism is a cult. A cult is any group led by charismatic leaders or a leader that control adherents through manipulation, coercion, and often have an exclusive belief...
John Lennox and Richard Dawkins talk about The Origin of The Universe…
Atheism is self-refuting and reductionistic for several different reasons.
This is the concealed history that young earth creationists wish to keep hidden. The actual beliefs of Christianity regarding the age of the earth and creation have been largely forgotten due to the recent surge of young earth creationism. However, there exists substantial evidence indicating that before the 1960s, the ma...
Joe Rogan hosts a discussion with Stephen Meyer, an expert in Intelligent Design, exploring the Big Bang and the James Webb Telescope.
During the early 1900s, the concept of Social Darwinism played a significant role in triggering the initial genocide of the twentieth century. Germany’s attempt to annihilate the Herero people in southern Africa was fueled by this ideology. Discover the disturbing account of this period in recent history, where Darw...
In this video, you can watch a segment from the past debate between Christopher Hitchens and John Lennox on the topic of “Is God Great?” Both individuals are exceptionally knowledgeable and well-versed in their respective stances. Ultimately, the pursuit of truth prevails!
Why are the parameters of the universe fine-tuned for life?
, , Science & God, Atheism, Creation, Video, 1The question of a creator of the universe because the parameters of the universe is fine-tuned for life, is a topic of debate among theists and atheists. The concept of fine-tuning refers to the idea that the fundamental physical constants and laws of nature are set in such a way that if they were even slightly different,...
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