Heaven Net is dedicated to freedom of speech in our forums. While posts are moderated, we do not clamp down on opposing views like many platforms do today. Instead, we moderate the likes of spam, forum flooding, hate speech, and dodgy content. Opposing views will be challenged for sure, but not silenced.
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The Heaven Net website has a no ads policy. For most of its life, Heaven Net has had a no ads policy. We did try ads for a brief time, but decided they were not worth having. Instead Heaven Net is fully funded by the author of the site and by Patreons. If you would like to be part of or just financially support this websi...
The site first came online somewhere in or around 1999. In 2019 some 20 years later, the site has had an estimated million+ visitors with thousands of registered users following or discussing one or more of nearly 5000 topics that contain over 400,000 total replies to date. Twenty years on, the site’s mission is sti...
Awesome Feedback It was after listening to a debate on the Trinity I decided to study it out.I was trinitarian myself but after hearing the debate which was with a modalist,I felt somehow that neither were correct.It was then,at the end of June that I found this article”Testing the Trinity”on the old website after doi...
Hold firmly to the truth, encourage by sound doctrine, & refute those who oppose it. Our Christian writings and topics challenge false doctrines, traditions, and deceptions.
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