The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God.

Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith, Christians should never make this doctrine a requirement as it only proves to alienate people from the way.

In scripture we are told that stumbling blocks are inevitable, but woe to the them that lay them. Think about it, if you insist on this doctrine and it keeps a person from receiving the son of God, then you have contributed to blocking the way of salvation to that person.

We should be wise and stick to teaching what is written. God sent his son into the world to save men. He died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right-hand of God and interceding for us. This is written.

Keep it simple. Simplicity in Christ. He is the son of the living God, the messiah, and the one whom God made Lord. There is no point in insisting on things that are not written, especially if they become the deal breaker from them receiving the son of God.

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  • #831775

    Hi T8,

    Yes the man Jesus became Jesus the Anointed or Jesus Christ when he was anointed by God’s Spirit at the Jordan.

    The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.

    Those who cannot grasp the prophetic word will rely on unspiritual logic and become confused.

    But if you find another anointing we will listen.



    Hi T8,

    Yes it is your doctrine.

    Do we have to agree with your doctrine?

    which version?


    1 He did not need anointing?

    2 He was always anointed?

    3 He was anointed in the womb?

    4 He was anointed twice?



    Hi T8,

    And produce the evidence to back your case and not the prophetic words spoken.

    And be mature and cease from calling us


    because we do not agree with your views.


    Repeat: ‘The Word of God’ is not the person but the FULFILMENT of God’s promise to send a Saviour.

    Understand: To be Anointed means, ‘To set aside for Kingship and/or Priesthood’ (Jesus was both: Kingdhip over mankind and High Priesthood to God: Only the high priest could directly interact with God in the synagogue: the mediator…!)

    t8, are you saying that prior to being born, Jesus was an Spirit Angel? ‘To which of the Angels did God ever say…’!!

    Believe: Before he was ‘Christ’, God TAUGHT Jesus and SHOWED Jesus everything he should say and do: ‘And he grew in knowledge and stature and in obedience to his parents and the law.’ (Paraphrased).

    Learn: ‘Son’ in spiritual terms, means, ‘He who fully carries out the works of the Father’: I can only do what I see the Father doing, and say what the Father has taught me to say’ (Paraphrased). ‘All who follow the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of the Father) are Sons of God’, ‘I only said that I was the SON of God… if I am not doing the works of my Father then at least believe by the works you see me do.’ (Paraphrased).

    ‘Mere’: No, Jesus is not a ‘mere’ man. Jesus is ‘The Last Adam’. And who or what was ‘Adam’.

    No, using the emphatic, ‘Mere’, is a deliberate attempt to belittle the greatest man of all time. It’s a scheme used by trinitarian to deny Jesus was a man. They add with word ‘mere’ despite all the evidence that Jesus was born in the manner of the first Adam: Holy and Sinless: a True Son of God. Where the first Adam failed, the second and last will succeed.

    No, it’s a clear disappointment that anyone who believes as a Christian should disdain his brothers by claiming they are calling Jesus Christ (Jesus THE CHRIST…) a ‘Mere’ man!!


    T8….Jael is right, if you don’t see Jesus as a man who came into his existence at his berth on this earth, a man who came from the loins of king David, just as scripture says, and as Jael said, a second Adam, who also was a man, you simply do not see the real JESUS. Go read what JODI WROTE she clearly showed who and what Jesus was and is. Please pay attention to the words “SHALL BE”, these are “FUTURE TENSE”, words, which clearly means Jesus did not “preexist” his berth on this earth.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene


    What exactly is t8 claiming about Jesus Christ?

    Who is it that the Apostles claim is the mediator between ‘God’ and ‘Man[kind]’?

    Jesus the Christ, a man but certainly not a ‘mere’ man but one who proved himself righteous, sinless and holy before Almighty God.

    More than enough verses testify to this statement of concern:

    Acts 2:22
    “Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.

    Acts 2:23
    This man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.

    Acts 17:31
    For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.”

    1 Timothy 2:5
    For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.

    Romans 5:15
    But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man (Adam) how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!


    And without controversy, Mankind could not be saved without the pure and holy blood sacrifice of a sinless and holy man – quid pro quo – for the sin of Adam (Man, and the First man).

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