The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God.

Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith, Christians should never make this doctrine a requirement as it only proves to alienate people from the way.

In scripture we are told that stumbling blocks are inevitable, but woe to the them that lay them. Think about it, if you insist on this doctrine and it keeps a person from receiving the son of God, then you have contributed to blocking the way of salvation to that person.

We should be wise and stick to teaching what is written. God sent his son into the world to save men. He died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right-hand of God and interceding for us. This is written.

Keep it simple. Simplicity in Christ. He is the son of the living God, the messiah, and the one whom God made Lord. There is no point in insisting on things that are not written, especially if they become the deal breaker from them receiving the son of God.

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  • #820595

    Jael…..I also believe Jesus was born sinless just like all other humans are. He was kept from sin by GOD .Therefore His body did not see coruption in the grave because he never commited a sin, so the judgment of God (the soul of him that sinneth it shall perish) could not be applied to him , so his body did not “parish” as ours will because we have all sinned , he did not need to have a new body created for him as we do. His soul (body) did die, but it did not “parish ” because he did no sin.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    Hi Nick, you are closer to the truth of John 1:1 than you imagine.

    Indeed, the ‘word’ in John 1:1 was NOT Jesus. It was exactly as you just said, the Holy Spirit, God’s spoken word, but do you also know that the second ‘God’ in that verse (‘It was God’) means, ‘It was ALL POWERFUL’?

    The scripture writers knew this but, being Trinitarians, used every opportunity to forge trinity where trinity didn’t exist.

    Look further down in john’s discourse and you will see that it says that the word brought the light of life to men (‘created mankind’: Adam).

    Now ask any trinitarian if Jesus created Adam … they will CHOKE!!! Yet it is clear that John says that the word created mankind… that is: Mankind was created by the word of God…

    Nick, look closer now… the next verses tells you that John the Baptist was to be a witness to the LIGHT… not the word.

    Now I know John 1:14 says the word became flesh… it’s not what Trinitarians have written the scriptures to say. To become flesh means ‘to to fruition’.

    God’s word that he would send a Saviour came to fruition.

    ’And we beheld the glory of that which was the fruition, the only begotten of God’… remember that John wrote this AFTER Jesus lived a reverend life, died for our sins in Adam, was redirected, and raised up to heaven. God ‘begot’ him for being a perfect Son (Oneceho does the works of the Father): ‘This day I have become to you a father, and you to me a Son’.. Trinitarians never refer to this verse because it speaks of the ADOPTION  of Jesus, a man, as ‘Son of God’.

    ’No one,’ John says, ‘has seen God’ (so when Trinitarians say Jesus is God!!!!!??). John says that the son ‘Has REVEALED HIM’. Who of these has not been seen: The Father, The Son, the Holy Spirit?


    Nick… came to be when the Gnostic’s, created it by the “LIE” THEY preached about Jesus being a God. God plainly said we were not to make “ANY IMAGE” of him in heaven above or earth beneath. An Image is a preception of something in the minds of people, it does not have to be the real thing. This false “image” of Jesus (who is a man) was not created by Jesus but by those who fell away from the truth they created it.

    There is NO REAL MAN OF SIN IN THIS PROPHECY OF 2THS2 IT IS A “LIE” A FICTIOUS IMAGE OF JESUS, which Jesus himself will abolish or destory at his return by his very own words just as it says he will.

    It just simply amazes me why you of all people here can’t understand this. If anyone here could get this it should be you.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Gene, yes, jesus’ body did not see corruption, did not perish. None the less he was given a new body that was incorruptible.

    Now ask a trinitarian why, if Jesus is God, he needs to be given an incorruptible body?


    Hi Gene,

    So the imaginary Jesus did not SEEK worship or sit in the temple of God.

    Your justifications are useless.


    Hi Jael,

    Thank you.

    It is all about God working by His Spirit.

    Vain men cannot see or hear God because they are not of the Spirit.



    Please tell us how Any other man could have taken his seat in the true temple of GOD. THE only man I know of who took his seat in the temple of God was the man Jesus, do you know of any other who has? Please in form us.

    Peace and love to you and your…….gene


    Jael….If Jesus’ body never saw coruption then that body still exists correct, even though it now has been regenerated by the spirit.
    Scripture tells us that Adam and Eve could have lived forever with the the bodies they had even after they sinned had they eaten of the tree of life . According to the words of God.

    The tree of life could keep our bodies alive even now, if we were allowed to eat of it. Imo

    peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Gene, the tree of life is not a physical thing. It is a metaphor….!


    Hi Gene,

    The essence of Gnosticism is to claim knowledge of what is not revealed by God.

    To go beyond revelation by other spiritual means.

    You seem to take a similar path.





    Nick….what was the teachings of the Gnostic’s, in the day of PAUL AND JOHN. Their teachings are clearly recorded, why don’t you go look that up and come and see if you think that is who the true Jesus is or was? Go and see for yourself if that is the true JESUS THEY TAUGHT AND SEE IF IT WAS A “LIE” ABOUT THE TRUE JESUS OR NOT. It is their “LIE” about the true Jesus that created the False ” IMAGE” OF HIM.

    WHY DON’T YOU ALSO GO AND READ WHAT GO SAID ABOUT CREATING ANY “IMAGE” OF HIM INHEAVEN ABOVR OR EARTH BELOW. Now if i were to preach Jesus as a God and worship him as such, would i not be making the image of him into a God. Yes or no please.

    Nich you need to look up the word “IMAGE”, YOU MAY FIND IT IS YOU WHO ARE USING YOU OWN HUMAN LOGIC AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO THE REVELATION OF THE SPIRIT IN THIS MATTER. Failing to answer question i put to you only proves my point, go back and answer the question i ask of you, comming and attack my person only proves you are not using the spirit of God or in my opinion you could easly understand this.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    Jael….I agree with you it is a metaphor the term tree means that which produces from self. As God warned Adam and Eve not to “eat’ (take to self from the tree (that which produces fro self) the knowledge of good and evil. Because that would cause to have to experience it (good and evil) themselves, So God was warning them before the actually did it, not to take to themselves to experience good and evil, even it was in God’s perpose that they do it. H even added a catilist (satan) to speed up the reaction that would have happened eventually anyway even without satans influence. It just might have taken many years latter to happen anyway. Why? Remember what it says God did not put within an to direct his own paths, just as it says “for it is not within a man to direct his paths’, so failure was design in man from the beginning, GOD used satan to speed up the predestined reaction in man, to shorten the period of suffering from evil to tach us to hate evil and love the good. All of this was necessary for MAN to become like GOD. JUST AS IT SAYS, “LOOK MAN HAS BECOME LIKE US, “KNOWING” (EXPERIENCING) GOOD AND EVIL.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Hi Gene,

    Asking us to suggest who else COULD HAVE shows the quality of your scripture research.

    You have to dig beyond ideas you fancy.


    Hi Gene,

    1cor 15.50

    Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.

    Behold, I tell you a mystery;we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable.

    For the perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.


    We follow one who was raised to earth in his perishable body but now has put on the imperishable one.


    Nick…if jesus body never pareshed, then where is it? When did he dump it and where did he. You simply don’t understand the body God originally gave us could have lived for ever like it was, and he will restore our bodies to it intend condition. Why did God say it was all good what he created in the first place if somehow he gaves us a corruptable body in the first place. Jesus still has his original body powered by the spirit of life, which is the tree of life, our bodies do not have to change, but simply be changed from mortal to immortal. But still it’s still our bodies that are raised, just as scripture says.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    He is a man just like you-body ,soul and spirit.

    Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power.

    Do you teach he was born without a natural human spirit?

    Funny you should say that. I thought that was what your teaching alluded to. A Jesus who is flesh, then getting a Spirit at Jordan and being possessed by God thus making him God and the flesh being a vessel with no mention of what happened to Jesus. Was he sacrificed, was he alive but not in control, was he alive but kept quiet? Lots of questions. There is a name for that belief, I saw it in a video the other day regarding herecies. Perhaps you could tell me the term if you know it?

    I definitely believe that Jesus was a man like us in that he came in the flesh and has a soul and even spirit like us.

    But, I also do not hold to the Ordinary Jesus Brigade doctrine that says he was as we are before Jordan or was always like us. No, he was so much more than us even before Jordan. Read the following and rejoice at the good news or weep if you so choose.

    We are of the first man Adam, but God sent another a second man who was from Heaven. So the ordinary Jesus doctrine breaks down immediately because we are not from Heaven and Jesus was. Then he was fathered by the Holy Spirit and we were not. He was BORN holy as a baby, while we were not.

    ◄ Luke 1:35 ►
    The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

    ◄ 1 Corinthians 15:47 ►
    The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven.

    And we know from previous discussions that Jesus was definitely born the Lord and the messiah as it is clearly written for us as the truth.

    Amen! The truth prevails.



    t8, I see you have no intention to answer my question but instead to post reply evasive responses.

    Let me then put some propositions to you which you will agree to and I will say, ‘Why didn’t you just reply to me like this?’


    The funny thing is I cannot read minds Jael. You asked:

    t8, can you explain what you mean by: ‘Jesus is the unique son of God’?
    In your opinion, what is it that marks Jesus’ as unique, and, what does it mean that he is [a] son?

    So as you can see, I was not trying to avoid the question you had in your mind because I cannot read minds. I just answered the question as you wrote it. True story.


    1) Jesus was born as Human Being, not a pre-existent ‘god-thing’ in a human body?

    2) That this same Jesus was samely Born Holy and Sinless in the manner of the first Human Being in Scriptures, Adam? That this Jesus resisted temptation and sin and thus remained SINLESS and HOLY thoughtout his life and into life as a heavenly Being.

    3) That ‘Son of God’ does not mean a ‘pro-creation’ from a Spirit (We know from scriptures that a spirit cannot pro-create, yes?). That ‘Son of God’ means exactly what Jesus spoke to the Jews:’One who does the works of the Father; the works of God’ ‘I only said I was Son of God… if I am not doing the works of my Father…’ and another verse say,’Everyone who follows the Holy Spirit are children of God’.

    1) The Word became flesh. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. The Lord and messiah was born in Bethlehem.

    2) That Adam was from earth and Jesus from heaven.

    3) The Son of God is the prototype offspring of God. He is the image of the invisible God. All things were created through Him and for Him and he is before all things.


    Gene, it certainly appears that there is some truth in what you just said regarding mankind sinning.

    If Adam had not sinned then it seems most likely that one of his offspring would at some time.

    Yes, God had planned for a Saviour for such a situation: a contingency.

    Remember that God requires a blood sacrifice from a pure sinless man in order to appease the sin of [whomever]… God waited and searched but everyone of mankind sinned after the fashion of his patriarch father, Adam… even though some came close: Noah, even Abraham, even Moses, even David and Solomon… none were found pure and sinless enough to occupy the position of ‘Son of God’.

    When God saw that no one of the bloodline of Adam could fulfil the role, he brought forth one in the same manner AS ADAM… and subjected this one to the same conditions, in fact, WORSE, than that of Adam, and, yes, Jesus endured – despite ALMOST SLIPPING near the end: ‘Father, if this cup could be taken from me: if there was another way…!? But never the less, let it be YOUR WAY!’

    (Ask a trinitarian, if Jesus is God, why was Jesus afraid of dying?)



    1) The Word became flesh. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. The Lord and messiah was born in Bethlehem.

    2) That Adam was from earth and Jesus from heaven.

    3) The Son of God is the prototype offspring of God. He is the image of the invisible God. All things were created through Him and for Him and he is before all things.

    1) ‘Jesus’ is NOT whom scriptures says came in the flesh. It is the WORD that came, God’s Word, God’s PROMISE OF A SAVIOUR (a Christ). John the Baptist did not call Jesus,’The word’ but rather, ‘The Light’:

    John 1: 6-‘There was a man sent from God…,’ (Note that “sent from God does not mean ‘is God’ ”) ‘…whose name was John This man came as a witness of the Light, that all through him (the Light) might believe. He (John) was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light’.

    Whom did John the Baptist bear witness to?

    2) In what was was Jesus [the] Christ born? Was it not in the same manner as Adam… was it not through the breath of God, the Holy Spirit, and not of the seed of sinful man ? In this way BOTH Adam and Jesus were SINLESS AND HOLY: ‘Sons of God’?

    3) t8, your post here is ultra-vague, literally a cut and paste of nonsense. The ‘prototype’ Son is AFTER Jesus completed his task… You cannot call something untested ‘Complete’.

    And, ‘offspring of God’… what does that mean? Did you just throw those words in hoping they would seem impressive… sorry, waste of time!

    The term, ‘image of God’ was ALSO given to Adam, and Adam was ALSO called, ‘Son of God’… so ‘prototype’ cannot refer to BOTH the sinner and the sinless at the same times. Didn’t you read ‘prototype’ as being AFTER Jesus was raised from the dead and taken up to heaven?

    t8, ‘All things were created THROUGH him (meaning Jesus Christ)’? Where do you read those words in scriptures and find them cohesive with scriptures… Does scriptures not say that ‘GOD ALONE’ created all things? Are you turning binitarian now in your old age of hosting?

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