The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God.

Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith, Christians should never make this doctrine a requirement as it only proves to alienate people from the way.

In scripture we are told that stumbling blocks are inevitable, but woe to the them that lay them. Think about it, if you insist on this doctrine and it keeps a person from receiving the son of God, then you have contributed to blocking the way of salvation to that person.

We should be wise and stick to teaching what is written. God sent his son into the world to save men. He died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right-hand of God and interceding for us. This is written.

Keep it simple. Simplicity in Christ. He is the son of the living God, the messiah, and the one whom God made Lord. There is no point in insisting on things that are not written, especially if they become the deal breaker from them receiving the son of God.

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  • #816162

    Hi Nick,

    You bypass my pertinent questions and fall back on evangelicalism to preach to the choir. But I believe it’s you who needs to be saved. And just how will you not be judged according to your works and escape the final judgement? scripture doesn’t tell you that but maybe freewill baptist preachers and the like do. Will you plead the blood,or plead your freewill faith,or be secretly raptured to heaven? I think not.

    What does Jesus say in St Matthew? many Christians will come claiming the works they did in his name and will be rejected,while others will be saved because of their works. And what of that  man of grace called St Paul? what does he say? he also says we’ll be judged according to works.

    Follow Jesus


    Hi Andrew,

    If Jesus is a Son of Adam then what difference would the virgin birth make?

    He was a very ordinary man made extraordinary by his anointing from above at the Jordan.


    Hi Andrew,


    Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes Him Who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come under judgement, but has passed out of death into life.


    Hi Nick,

    So the virgin birth made no difference at all according to you and I was expecting Jn 5:24 as from a good baptist or foolish pentacostal. You can claim you’re saved all you want as can i but you don’t really know till death or judgement or however that may go. Is that right or do you have paradise now? if so then good for you.


    Hi Andrew,

    Abraham , Isaac and Jacob are all alive to the God of the living.

    Lk2o, Mt 22.

    God sees the future as the present.



    Hi Andrew,

    Most find the gospel incredible.





    Hi Nick

    But as far as the present goes they’re dead right? Jesus seemed to think they were alive two thousand years ago. Or maybe he was just speaking by faith even as God does,who calls things which be not as though they were?

    If they’re really alive maybe I can ask them to pray for you.


    Hi Andrew,

    They all died.

    Now they are asleep to God.


    Hi Andrew,

    1 Thess 4

    We do not want you to be uninformed brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.

    1 Cor 15

    We will not all sleep…


    The witch of Endor woke Samuel in 1 Kings 28.

    Saul recognised him and Samuel said

    ‘Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?’


    Moses and Elijah were woken and spoke with Jesus on the mountain.

    That is why Jesus said some of those standing with him would never die.

    They would sleep and not suffer the real death, the second one.


    Hi Andrew,

    And at the death of Jesus

    Mt 27

    The tombs were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised..


    A question I’ve recently come to ask regarding trinity is this:

    • Trinitarians say Jesus is God because a verse from a psalm, <b>originally sung as a song about King David</b>, was also a prophecy about Christ Jesus. The verse has a minstrel singing that ‘God [almighty: Yahweh: the Father] said unto my god [king David], “Thy throne, O God, …will be for everlasting…”. Now, it is clear from the context that King David is not being called Almighty God, Yahweh or the Father. ‘God’ (O God) simply means ‘Great Ruler’ and such was King David. Indeed we know from scriptures that the [spiritual] throne of David will be occupied everlastingly by Jesus Christ. But trinitarians take the reference, ‘O God’, as a positive proof that Jesus Christ is being called ‘God’ (Almighty: Yahweh: The Father) by THE GOD Almighty. Of course, the trinitarian never alludes to the same reference to King David…which, if pushed to check it, they obviously deny that the selfsame reference would then mean that King David was also being called Almighty God. Now the question is this: <b>’Was Peter Satan (the devil, Lucifer…) because Jesus said to him: “Get thee behind me, Satan…!”‘</b>. A …umm, truthful trinitarian…would have to – by trinity logic – say ‘yes – Jesus being called “O God” by God means Jesus is God…therefore Peter, being called Satan by Jesus, means Peter is Satan, the devil’.

    Are there any trinitarians here who would like to put they’d side to this querulous question?


    Hi Jael,

    Of course Jesus was not speaking to Peter but to the satan in him that led to his foolish statement.

    Ed J

    Hi Andrew,

    And at the death of Jesus

    Mt 27

    The tombs were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised..

    No Nick, at the resurrection of Jesus

    “And came out of the graves after his resurrection” (Matt 27:53)

    Hey Nick, you may be right…
    …this may be saying they came out of the graves at the crucifixion as well…

    “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the
    temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
    And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose” (Matt 27:50-52)


    Hi folk, I thought this topic was about ‘Trinity’ and why it is why it’s an unnecessary stumbling block? How does the death of Jesus and the saints pertain to this topic?


    AndrewAD….The confusion may come from the word Judgement , it should read condimnation instead. What Jesus really said was all who believe in him have passed from condimnation to life, because as you said we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ, and Paul does also bring this out. But that judgement has nothing to do with life or death, because all that believed have life evermore. Hope this helped brother.

    peace and love to you and yours……..gene


    Jael…..The trinity is a major stumbling block for many reasons, primarily because it seperates us from our exact indemnity with Jesus as a human being, and cause us not to relate with him properly. It is a very cleaver plan from Satan himself , as 2Ths2 shows, Paul spoke of the infection of the trinity that would cause the church to fall into apostasy , by the rising up of a man being a God and being worshipped as a God, that man is a false IMAGE about Jesus being a God, created by the fallen churches. 2 Ths2 was Pauls warning to the church, and it all finally took place at the council of Necia in 325 AD. That is when Jesus became proclaimed as a God to the fallen churches.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene


    Hi GB,

    There are two resurrections and two judgements.

    Both resurrections are shown in Jn 5

    The first into the millennial age

    jn 5.25

    the second-  resurrection of judgement

    Jn 5.28


    The two judgements

    The first of the servants of the lord-Paul calls it the tribunal of Christ. It is not according to works but grace.

    Matt 25.14f


    The second-the judgement of all who not in the first resurrection. A judgement according to works



    the first option is better.



    Hi Jael ,

    Good point.

    But should we waste time discussing what springs from the imaginations of the deceived

    when there are hidden jewels in what God has given us?


    Nick…..I agree with that. There are two judgements, but one deliverance from the judgement of condemnation of life, thanks be to God, through the offered blood of Jesus Christ our lord.

    peace and love to you and yours……..gene


    Hi Jael,

    The judgements of the talents are a warning to us.

    We who have repented and been baptised are given a portion of the Spirit, a talent.

    It is our job to work on our relationship with our God on His throne of grace, praying in the Spirit for grace.

    Listen to Peter at the start of his second letter encouraging us .

    Trees that do not produce fruit are useless.

    And all fruit comes from grace.

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