The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

In scripture we never read about people preaching the Trinity or insisting that people believe it in order to have true faith in God.

Over the centuries many Christians have diverged and insisted that people believe in the Trinity as the foundation of true faith in God. While this belief indeed is the Roman Catholic Faith, Christians should never make this doctrine a requirement as it only proves to alienate people from the way.

In scripture we are told that stumbling blocks are inevitable, but woe to the them that lay them. Think about it, if you insist on this doctrine and it keeps a person from receiving the son of God, then you have contributed to blocking the way of salvation to that person.

We should be wise and stick to teaching what is written. God sent his son into the world to save men. He died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right-hand of God and interceding for us. This is written.

Keep it simple. Simplicity in Christ. He is the son of the living God, the messiah, and the one whom God made Lord. There is no point in insisting on things that are not written, especially if they become the deal breaker from them receiving the son of God.

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    What was the Jews question to Jesus in Jn 8:57 you are not fifty years old and have you seen Abraham? it’s a simple carnal question. And how does Jesus answer it? in the negative or affirmative? vs58 “Truly,truly I say unto you before Abraham was I am” that seems quite in the affirmative to me and the Jews took it the same way and took up stones to stone him. Jesus didn’t interrupt to say hey you guys are taking me all wrong! Whether he was calling himself God or not,he was saying he saw and preexisted Abraham.

    To say this is no different than saying I am going to breakfast is purely stupid.


    Hi Andrew,

    Did you not know the Spirit spoke through the vessel Jesus?



    “Did you not know the Spirit spoke through the vessel Jesus?”

    Sure I do but did the Spirit speak stupidity through Jesus? perhaps Jesus should’ve just said, see you guys later because “I am going to breakfast”


    Hi Andrew,

    No stupidity ….but plenty of confusion for listeners who do not hear the Spirit.


    Some translations say “before Abraham was I was” and that is definitely the meaning based upon the Jews carnal question. So how is it that you try to “spiritualize”it to say something else? something that fits your carnal doctrines. Perhaps in your translation Jesus really said “I am going to breakfast”?


    Hi Andrew,

    The Spirit was before Abraham.



    Jesus is not answering the Jews but rather continuing with his own teaching. He is going off at an angel using there words to continue. He also did it with the Samaritan woman at the well and probably other places. He could be speaking as he was with her but I favor the idea of his being in prophesy since he states that Abraham “saw” his day and Scripture states the prophets foresaw Jesus’ Time.


    Hi Andrew,

    The Spirit was before Abraham.

    Nick you do not appear to have much trust in Jesus. You give him no credit.

    Is he to you but a mere vessel?


    Hi t8,

    If your faith not in the anointing of God? Christ is your hope.

    Without that anointing what ability does any son of man have?


    Hi t8,

    Jesus said the Son can do nothing of himself.


    Why do you not believe him?

    Why do you panic and froth at the mouth when others do?


    Dear Nick,

    I understand that you are such a spiritual man and trust only in the Spirit.So is the Spirit of Christ actually God? And Jesus was an animate vessel who was only actuated by God? If that be the case then why not call him God since the real Jesus or his inner being was actually God?

    You seem to say Jesus was just a man as you or I,but Christ or Spirit of Christ is God.

    And just who is the real Nick? is it that jar of clay the world sees or that hidden man of the heart that only God and the spiritual can see?


    Hi Andrew,

    God is Spirit.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    We have this great treasure in earthen vessels.

    In any great house there are vessels, some of Gold , some of Silver and some of earth.



    Well you and Jesus must be pure gold then!


    Hi Andrew,

    Sons of Adam are earthen vessels.



    In a way of speech God is his Spirit and so is Jesus but then that is a manner of speaking and should not be understood literal just God is Love should not be taken literally as some do. In addition context is important when those words are written.


    Hi all, why all these strange doctrines concerning the Holy Spirit?

    The Father sends:

    • his Holy Spirit
    • through Jesus Christ
    • to the apostles.

    The Holy Spirit in Jesus:

    • is the father’s Holy Spirit
    • The Promised Gift Of (from) The Father
    • Is NOT another spirit (and certainly not a person)
    • Is that ‘other comforter’.

    Jesus is not Ominpresent of himself on earth (despite the fallacy expressed by trinitarians who refer to Jesus speaking of being ‘with them for ever’ AFTER he is risen to heaven) and so Jesus leaves an omnipresent force to be their advocate: namely the Holy Spirit that was promised FROM the Father… Trinitarians more often neglect to connect the rightful scriptures pertaining to this so as to create a fallacy that the advocate BELONGED to Jesus as well as the Father. It is, of course, the very same Holy Spirit that God anointed Jesus with and would anoint the apostles with also…thus, if indeed it was a possession of Jesus (making him God…as trinitarians falsely claim) then, ipso facto, it would also be a possession of all the believing apostles (all then God??? Believable?)

    Strangely, the usual trinitarian comeback to this is that Jesus was ‘God’ so only he could contain the holy spirit. Now please be not ignorant of the awful silliness of this idea. In fact I even hesitate to respond to such nonsesnse. But, if Jesus was God why would he need to be ‘given’ the Holy Spirit? Given, as Revelation shows, ‘the revelation to give to John via an angel’ – surely he would BE that revelation – but no: GOD [the fsther] gave it to Jesus… The fathers revelation given to Jesus. How is ‘God’ given such important knowledge  when ‘God’ is all knowledgeable…?


    Jael……..ANOTHER good post brother. It is the same spirit that was in Jesus making him the christo’s of GOD the father by his anointing OF THE SPIRIT, that SAME SPIRIT is also in the true Saint’s of God. You have it right.

    peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Hi Jael,

    Now the Lord is the Spirit. We will come to you.

    He who remains in the teachings has both the Father and the Son.

    Our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

    Those who do not have the Spirit of Christ are nothing of his.





    I am not following what you are referring to by “strange teachings”. Is it the teachings you listed?


    Good post Jael.

    Some here think it is their mission to derail you no matter what you say. But is that a surprise. The god of this age is against us and he has no shortage of disciples willing to do his bidding. Even of those who are called, there are those under his influence.

    My advice to is keep doing what you have been doing so far, but expect opposition. Jesus wasn’t worthy enough for the Pharisees, remember that.

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