Socialism has become cool in America

Socialism has become cool in America, under the name “democratic socialism”.

Socialism has a 100% track record of wrecking economies. Cuba tried it, and tens of thousands fled the island to escape the poverty. After Cuba, the next Latin American country to get totally wrecked was Venezuela. Despite having the largest proven oil reserves in the world, and being the richest country in Latin America, Venezuela has the highest inflation in the world today resulting in over a million refugees fleeing to neighboring Colombia..

Celebrities like Michael Moore and Sean Penn visited Hugo Chavez and praised his socialism even though Chavez confiscated around 30,000 businesses and homes. Once all the wealth was spent, more money was printed to fill the gap leading to a million-percent inflation. Despite the lessons of history, some believe this is not real socialism. Bernie Sanders said:

“when I talk about Socialism I am not looking at Venezuela, I’m not looking at Cuba. I’m looking at countries like Denmark, like Sweden.”

But Denmark’s prime minister corrects this idea saying it is a mistake. He said:

“Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,”

In Scandinavian countries, government regulates business less than America’s government does. Scandinavian countries don’t even have minimum wage.Scandinavia is a free market economy. Of course countries here have generous welfare, but that is only possible because of the wealth created in the free market.

People need to learn that real socialism is not Scandinavia, but looks more like Cuba and Venezuela. Socialism is not cool.

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  • #847671

    Sweden Not a Socialist Success


    T8…..socialism as well as capitalism both have draw backs.  Socialism causes people to depend on Government to supply all your needs, it creates lazy populations and is self destruction and ends in total collapse and gives opertunity for communist froms of government.  It alway ends in disaster. While on the other hand Captilistic types of government can lead to a slavery type of government where the diadvantaged are used to profit a few.  Theses are the main types of governments operating on this earth today, both are a form of Bablyonian type systems of governments which are of Satan, at work in this world today.

    These forms of governments will all be replaced soon , by a different type of government a government of true rightiousness where the disavantaged will have an equal opportunity to secceed in life ,  where if a person choose to be laze he or she will suffer their own doing, but if they want to secceed in life they can, they will have equal opertunity to.

    Our government does favor capitalism but also gives a hand to the poor and disinfrancised,  but has abuses in each direction.  So we have this war going on all the time, and perhaps it’s better that way for now, until the kingdom of God comes, and both forms of governments will be replaced with a  new THORETICAL TYPE OF WORLD RULLING GOVERNMENTS,  UNDER ONE KING “JESUS” AND HIS SERVANTS THE “SAINT’S”  OF GOD. . And the evil influence of Satan will be gone. Thats the government I am looking for.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    You make some good points there Gene.


    70% percent of millennials in a new poll say that they are likely to vote for a socialist candidate.

    “Socialism, in all its forms, always appeals to mankind’s covetousness. Socialism, while it comes cloaked in morality, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing attempting to hide the fact it’s utterly immoral. Covetousness is one of the most difficult sins to detect because it’s hidden in the heart. But covetousness nearly always, finally expresses itself by outward violations of the law such as killing, stealing, lying and adultery. That’s why socialism when it becomes fully realized as Marxism, always turns to crime to fulfill its insatiable lust (ie Covetousness.)”

    – James Taylor


    Hello. I saw this topic and just had to comment. I live in a socialist democratic state in usa. It has given so many free social programs. By doing that it has put first people from other states to come here and draw off of our social programs for the residents of this state who paid into them. The young people are leaving due to no work. The elderly are now 25% aged out, and no new people. In the last 12 years there has been a steady decline of people living here. And they are trying everything to bring people here to live. However… they promote people being a super senior. This means you cannot retire due to the increase of fuel, food, and taxes. We are taxed to death on everything.

    Elderly live alone in their homes cause it is cheaper than to live in a nursing home which is about $10,000 per month. The abuse is horrific in them. And the state turns a blind eye to the system. And the children will not come back to care or live with the parents. The state makes the people sign over all their wealth and land to be cared for by medicare and medicaid in a nursing home. They steal everything. Then out of staters come in here and develope it like Boston or NYC. It is pathetic.

    Socialism is rewarding those who never paid into the system by working 30+ years into social security. Free aide is given to people who feel they are entitled to what others worked for their whole lives. My 81 yr. old sister in law had to go back to work to supplement her social security to pay rent. And she applied for food stamps and was denied. But the state puts kids on it with everything paid for without having ever paid into or worked for those benefits.

    Also socialism steals your wealth. You are not allowed to keep what you own because it can be taken away from you for taxes or violations of some new green laws you did not know was illegal. Now they want to tax people burning fire wood, using fossil fuels to heal their homes. They want to tax the farmers for pollution in the lakes and tributaries when the state admits it releases sewage treatment plant overflows from open treatment plants all year long.. but let us punish the farmer. The farmers go out of business, they sell and out of staters come in and develop and push the taxes up yet again.

    Since i was a kid i have seen taxes go up over 700% total from then to now… The problem is social programs should never replace the family or take away from or destroy the fabric of the family but that is what it does. DCF Dept of Children and Families takes the kids away from the parents. It will arrest the parents and steal their wealth. It is nothing but mob mentality. People in this state are not free. Everywhere you turn you are told what you can and cannot do with your own real estate, your own property. Example one lady kept having yard sales. She was arrested for not having permits. You are allowed only 3 permits by year and it has to be approved by the local police dept in that town. This is not America this is AMERIKKA .



    Yankee……You are right , welcome to California, where 617, 000 people have left this year I heard,  this State is raping it own citizen’s  generating more and more proverty, by taxing it citizens to death. Where people work all their lives to generate some wealth to take care of themselves and  to give to their children, and the State comes along and  steals from them by passing more and more tax laws, stripping them of their  wealth, reducing  family stability, and giving it to strangers that come here having never made any contributions to this State, proverty is growing more and more in this State.  More and more can’t aford to buy houses and are being reduced to renting,  or  government asist housing.

    The Democrat’s  are not only destroying this State, but all America also. We are sinking in national debit over 21 trillion in debt, and our politians treat it as nothing, we have imprisoned our children in debt, all the while allowing more and more people here,  and put on welfare programs.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene




    When I was 12 years old, I visited California on-route to Europe where I lived for a year. I was into skateboarding and California was the home of this sport and the place I most wanted to visit. My mother purchased a new skateboard while we were there (one I could not get at home) and I also got some new skateboard branded clothes. One time at the checkout, I thanked my mom for the new clothes she bought me and the checkout operator said to my mom that your son cannot be from here because he was thankful. She told us that kids in LA were ungrateful. That was a generation ago and it appears now they just expect free stuff and to give free stuff away. A heavy tax burden is the only way to sustain this and it is a heavy burden for those that pay taxes. Way to go California. When enough tax payers have left the state, will they finally wake up?

    California shows the world what globalism will look like.


    Norway, a Socialist Paradise?

    When people promote Socialism they use Norway as an example.

    This is based on delusion about Socialism however. It is not Socialism that makes Norway great. We could argue all day over this, but a video says a million words. Just know that you cannot replicate Noway’s success without the extraordinary circumstances Norway was fortunate to inherit . In other words, you cannot just copy and paste Norway to other countries. That would be naive. Watch now.


    New Zealand, a Socialist Paradise?

    Here is the exposé on New Zealand’s dabble in socialism. Needlessly to say it was a failure. New Zealand became great when Socialism was knocked on the head.


    Jordan Peterson on neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities


    Cultural Marxism Explained


    Neo-Marxism is trending in Australia

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