10 Myths About Government Debt and the Rich

10 Myths About Government Debt. Do the rich pay their fair share? Can the debt problem be fixed?

Myth 1 is that the government owes “only” $20 trillion. (In reality, it’s much more.) But luckily, Myth 10 is that there’s no way to fix this problem… Prof. Antony Davies explains.

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  • #864486

    T8……Good video,  we simply have to get our debt under control,  but our present politations are not caring about out national debt, and because of that we are falling further in debt, and I agree with him,  what they will do is start printing more money which will drive up inflation, eroding the  value of our saving accounts.  Inflation is a thief to all who have worked hard and saved for their retirements.  That is why it might be better to own Real property, instead of cash in saving accounts, especially in times of inflation.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene


    Yes, a lot of interesting points brought up in the video. Was quiet shocked to learn that only the top 1% really pay tax when we consider the benefits that lower income brackets get back from those taxes.


    This video argues why the government can keep borrowing


    Proclaimer….but the problem is “inflation”.  When money is not tide to some kid of standard of value. It creates “inflation” , inflation over here is beginning to escalate at an alarming  rate.  Saving accounts are eroding.  Prices of food and other things are on the rise,  everything is moving up and up in prices, home just a year ago are up 20 to 30% , gas is  up 30 %  food prices are soring,  the more the government prints money the faster ‘“inflation” grows, and the the more people become poorer.  Our middle class is steadily shrinking, while those considered in poverty are   Steadily growing.

    peace and love to you and yours………gene


    This is why people buy property. It usually goes up. A place to store your wealth rather than watch it erode.

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