NickHassan posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
@Jodi Hi Jodi,
The human spirit gives life to a man, as Eccl 12 shows it is like going daily to the well.
As it also shows man has only a limited lifespan and the cord will break and the bucket fall to the bottom of the well.
Man must receive the Spirit of eternal life, the river of life, before he dies so that death loses it’s sting.
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
spirit, ruwach wind, breath, mind, spirit
This is does not prove AT ALL what you believe. When we die are life IS OVER, there is not a part of us that is immortal. God gave us the breath of life so that we could live, and in death He is taking that life back. God is life, He gives it to us and He takes it away, it returns to him. This verse doesn’t even come close to saying that we have a spirit that lives beyond death. Once again you disagree with the bible where there is LIFE and there is DEATH, NOT what you say which is that life is a spirit with a body and death is a spirit without a body.