View Forums instead →Viewing 25 topics - 3,726 through 3,750 (of 5,049 total)←123…149150151…200201202→TopicVoicesPostsLast PostMan, all mortal or just his body?123Started by: Jodi Leein: Truth or Tradition05915 years, 6 months agoCindyChristianity before the crucifixion12Started by: bodhithartain: Truth or Tradition03515 years, 6 months agoCindyInfant baptismStarted by: NickHassanin: Truth or Tradition01615 years, 6 months agoNickHassanThorough refutation of jw's attempt to use fathersStarted by: Catholic Apologistin: Truth or Tradition01715 years, 6 months agoCatholic ApologistStump a jwStarted by: Catholic Apologistin: Truth or Tradition0815 years, 6 months agoCatholic ApologistStop prophesying what jesus couldn't know123Started by: bodhithartain: Truth or Tradition05815 years, 6 months agoNickHassanIs trinity belief necessary for salvation?12Started by: glad tidingsin: Scriptural Teachings02815 years, 6 months agoCindyWhat is the church?12Started by: Catholic Apologistin: Truth or Tradition03115 years, 6 months agoNickHassanHistory of science and catholicsStarted by: davidin: Truth or Tradition0615 years, 6 months agodavidWhere is paradise?Started by: evehin: Truth or Tradition0315 years, 6 months agodavidWas it a cross that Jesus died on?1234Started by: davidin: Scriptural Teachings07315 years, 6 months agoRokkaManHitler shakes hands with cardinalStarted by: davidin: Truth or Tradition0515 years, 6 months agoCatholic ApologistMary, mediatrix of all graces….?Started by: davidin: Scriptural Teachings0415 years, 6 months agoCindyChristians who Kill12…1011Started by: ringo111in: Scriptural Teachings021915 years, 6 months agokarmarieBELIEVE IT OR DIE–Started by: davidin: Truth or Tradition01315 years, 6 months agodavidTrinitarian misconceptionStarted by: RokkaManin: Scriptural Teachings0915 years, 6 months agoCindyEnd of the road123Started by: Catholic Apologistin: Truth or Tradition05215 years, 6 months agodavidJesus forgives sins.Started by: KangarooJackin: Scriptural Teachings02015 years, 6 months agoGeneBalthropSalvation not based on name of religionStarted by: bodhithartain: Truth or Tradition0715 years, 6 months agobodhithartaCatholic communionStarted by: NickHassanin: Truth or Tradition0115 years, 6 months agoNickHassanVirgin Mary123Started by: IM4Truthin: Truth or Tradition04915 years, 6 months agoCatholic ApologistGod is our father jesus12…45Started by: Everlasting father Jesusin: Truth or Tradition08615 years, 6 months agoGeneBalthropNew World translation supports Trinitarianism12Started by: KangarooJackin: Truth or Tradition03515 years, 6 months agoCindyTerrified1234Started by: Maranathain: Prayer & Advice07115 years, 6 months agokarmarieWhen did the church get hijacked?Started by: Catholic Apologistin: Truth or Tradition01315 years, 6 months agoGeneBalthrop Viewing 25 topics - 3,726 through 3,750 (of 5,049 total)←123…149150151…200201202→