Terms and Conditions


The term Heaven Net includes the website and forums currently under the domains heavennet.net and heaven.net.nz.

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User Contributed Content (site comments and posts)

Member generated comments and posts will not be removed or edited if requested, unless they are reported as being objectionable and we agree to remove them. Otherwise, comments or posts made on pages in  Heaven Net and the forums will remain on Heaven Net indefinitely. If you wish to retract something you have said, do so by explaining it in a new post or comment.

Comments and posts made in Heaven Net can also be used or quoted in any part of the Heaven Net website, other websites, and by forum members, the web master, and the owners of the website.

All user generated posts in the forums are subject to the above conditions and also include the conditions below.

User contributed forum posts and topics

Posts and topics will not be removed or edited if requested, unless they contain objectional content as listed above. Otherwise, posting in Heaven Net means your post and / or topic will remain on Heaven Net indefinitely. If you wish to retract something you have said, do so by explaining it in a new post or topic.

Posts made in Heaven Net can be used or quoted in any part of the Heaven Net website by other site or forum members, the web master, and owners of the website.

Editing rights cannot be abused. You cannot change the subject in a post. Editing is for fixing grammatical and spelling errors and at most, to make your original point clearer. The editing feature has a time limit. This is to ensure you do not change your post if you lose a debate for example.

We are also not responsible for any topics, posts, images, and messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any content. Forum members express the views, but they may not agree with the views of  the Heaven Net website owners. Any user who feels that a topic, post, message, image, or other content is objectionable should contact the Admin. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make the effort to do so within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.

Forum behavior

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  1. Spamming, flooding, or flaming in the forums or the PM service.
  2. Posting false/inaccurate or defamatory posts in the forums.
  3. Being abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, or threatening to others in the forums or PMs.
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  5. Posting inaccurate statements about a person in the forums.
  6. Posting, starting topics, or PMs that contain obscene or sexual content or links.
  7. Pushing doctrines that are not related to the topic. (Pushing them in an appropriate topic is OK.)
  8. Starting a topic that is not appropriate for the Category. In such cases, a topic can be moved to the appropriate topic and may result in the topic starter being moved to an appropriate member group.
  9. Divulging or sharing the contents of a PM (Private Message) to others unless permission is gained from all who contributed to a PM discussion. PMs are confidential. PMs can only be shared with a Moderator or Admin if any of the above pertaining to PMs takes place.

Members can be banned for engaging in any of the above.

Moderation of the forums

Members can report a post that breaks any of the rules to the Admin.

Repeated offences can lead to being banned.


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