The vision for the site is to encourage believers to search all things regarding the faith to see if they are true. It is about sharing the things that God puts in our hearts. The mission is to reveal, expose, and teach the truth in love. It is hoped that many will accept God’s truth in humility and love. We believe that a burning passion for love and truth means God will gladly reveal his truth when we seek him.
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The format to achieve the mission are the writings. These writings often challenge and even offend those who adhere to man-made traditions. They are promoted or highlighted using blog posts on the home and category pages. And all writings and blogs are open to scrutiny via the comment system below each page. The comment section in each page also doubles as our forums.
We offer a platform to discuss subjects that are not often discussed by believers. The forums section section is where you can participate. These are the stats for the forums:
- Registered Users
- 1,528
- Forums
- 28
- Topics
- 5,050
- Replies
- 455,431
- Topic Tags
- 0
Free Speech
Heaven Net is dedicated to freedom of speech. While posts are moderated, we do not clamp down on opposing views like many platforms do today. Instead, we moderate the likes of spam, forum flooding, hate speech, and dodgy content. Opposing views will be challenged for sure, but not silenced. Read more.
Who am I?
I am the author and programmer for this site. I do not belong to any denomination but consider myself free to fellowship with any true Believer regardless of their denomination. God has put on my heart the burden of seeing people serve the one true God and the one whom he sent, that is Jesus Christ. I also have a heart for the Church and desire to see her free from the tyranny of religious bondage, false teaching, traditions, denominational thinking, and luke-warmness. I desire to see the Church reach her potential as being the light of this world and one in unity and truth with God and his son Jesus Christ in order that the world may see a true witness of the love and mercy of God.
To learn about how to use any of the content in this site elsewhere, please see our Copyright page or alternatively contact us, (see below).
Terms and Conditions
By accessing Heaven Net you are agreeing to our terms of use and conditions. Go here to learn about them →
If you want to contact me, you can do so by registering for the site and then sending a personal message to the Admin, from the following page.
Note: If you are not logged in, then you don’t have access to the Private Messenger service on that page.
More info
Read more about Heaven Net here →