Where is God exactly?

Scientists believe that space is something. Even between electrons, there is something. They call it dark matter and dark energy because it cannot be seen.

If you took away all that was visible from the universe, except you and you were able to spin around, what would you be spinning around in relation to? Well that would be space itself. It is said that your arms would still fly out if you spun around because of space itself.

I sometimes think of the universe as layers. What would happen if we went down to the smallest layer what would we find? God? If we went the other way and traveled to the edge of the universe and took a peek, what would we find? God? (I understand that God is invisible, so you wouldn’t literally see him). So perhaps the physical realm is but that which sits between the smallest and the biggest. A certain state that God holds with his Word.

Interestingly enough, The Planck Length describes the limits of the physical realm because if you draw a line from A to B and do so in half distance increments, then you would mathematically be able to travel forever in a straight line and never reach the end. How could that be?

And if you divide time or space and keep doing that would it also go forever? Apparently not. There is a length so small it is indivisible. When you drill down to the smallest of things, the laws of the physical universe are no longer what you see, thus why Quantum Physics is so hard to understand. Is this an edge or a boundary to the universe? Perhaps so, if we define the universe as being governed by physical laws.

Because you cannot keep dividing matter and still see matter forever, it stands to reason that there must exist something beyond that and that something could be everywhere.

Perhaps beyond this micro boundary and possibly beyond the macro boundary too, is where God’s Spirit is. He is the beginning and the end. The smallest and the biggest. He is bigger than the universe and can dwell inside the smallest particle. He dwells in the universe by his spirit and is also outside the universe because it is said that not even the universe cannot contain him.

Just ideas, and a possible way to see how creation is sustained by God. So unlike the view that God doesn’t exist because we cannot see him, or that God is the Universe itself, this can explain why we can’t see God and   why he is not the the atom itself. It also explains how God can be in everything and yet not be everything, rather he can reside in all things and beyond the Universe too. Maybe the most extreme macro and micro scales are the same thing, the place where God’s Spirit resides.

So I postulate that his Spirit is inside the smallest things that make up creation. If we were able to drill down far enough, the Physical realm would give way to another realm.

So what is the smallest thing/things in the universe? We know there are subatomic particles, but Physicists think that all these particles could be different waves of the smallest of things they call strings. Hence ‘String Theory’. Physicists have known for 100 years or so that the subatomic world is just weird and the absence of something visible that accounts for all the missing gravity in the Universe is also weird.

One explanation that answers both is that the gravity is coming from another dimension and influencing our dimension. And where is this dimension, well it might actually be the spiritual realm. But where is the Spiritual Realm in relation to the realm that we see?

Have you heard the saying, “follow the money”? That can be one way to solve a crime. So what should we follow in order to know where God’s Spirit exactly resides? I would hazard a guess and say that we follow  energy. And why energy? Because God created all things. He was the first mover. So just as following the money can lead us to the perpetrator of a crime, perhaps following energy leads us to the first cause which we know is God.

It is common knowledge that the smaller you shrink down the more concentrated the energy. A Kiwi by the name of Rutherford was the first to split the atom. And isn’t it weird that when you split the smallest of things, you can release the biggest of energies. This is why the Atom bomb is such a devastating weapon.

So if we follow the energy, we see it is coming from or in concentrated form within the atomic world. But what is beyond the atomic world? It could be the spiritual realm and beyond that, the Spirit of God and hence why HE can reside IN ALL things.

But what other tantalizing clues point to God’s spirit being there? Well for one thing, in the subatomic world, it is said that an electron resides everywhere. Rather than spinning around the nucleus like a planet around the sun, each electron is everywhere you look. Time doesn’t seem to work here. Also, sub-atomic particles can’t be boxed in. When scientists try to do that, these particles always breakthrough because it seems impossible to contain them.

In our realm, if you throw a ball at a wall, it will bounce off the wall, unless you throw it hard enough and the ball is hard enough. A sub-atomic particle always breaks through the wall no matter how much energy or how fast or slow it is travelling. Physicists think that because of the omnipresent nature of these particles, it is possible that these particles can borrow energy from the past and the future in order to always remain free or that the particle was already beyond the wall at the same time you tried to trap it inside the wall. In other words, time, space, and our reality break down. So it seems that subatomic particles and the Quantum realm are one thing, while the physical realm that we observe is another.

But therein lies a paradox. We are made up of these particles, but it seems that the bigger the collection of particles, the more we are subject to the laws of the Universe or dimensions such as time and space. So what happens when we die and we are free of the body of these particles? Are we then in the realm where time and space no longer affect us? And if so, who resides at the deepest level where time and space is no longer affecting us. And if we could travel in time and meet ourselves, would we see another you, a copy of you, or would you be both persons in two bodies? I think the latter, but God doesn’t allow this to happen using his laws to accomplish this.

Is it not God that is beyond time and space. And surely he is beyond his own creation. Perhaps what we think of sinking down to the level of the smallest of things is in actual fact an ascension into the highest of realms?

More questions than answers I know. But I do like this following scripture:

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.


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  • #809092

    No you do not need to prove it to me. Do I need to prove to you that I have never denied this or said anything that denies this? I have just given scripture, if that appears to you to deny it, then you need to find the truth in how all these scriptures paint the truth together. Just pray about it. God is good.

    Can I ask that we leave this topic on the subject of the opening post? I am trying to get the topic about Jesus being the Christ all into the same topic or at least into topics that relate to that subject.

    I would appreciate that.


    Hi ,

    In the final washup God will be in all.

    Now is the time to join the winning team.


    Yes now is the time Nick. Go for it.


    Hi t8,

    Yes wanting to follow him but getting anointed prior to birth has me stumped.


    Nick, feel free to start up a topic called “Nick is stumped’. This one is called ‘Where is God exactly?’



    Hi t8,

    So have you figured out a way we can follow him in this?

    Sounds a bit like what Nicodemus asked.


    In what? In seeking to know more about God such as this topic? Or do you refer to something else?


    Hi t8,

    He said follow me.

    Either we are all failures or you have read it wrong.


    Nick please stay on topic. Cheers. Do not let anger lead you to break the rules. You can do it.


    Hi t8,


    What is there to be angry about?

    Another dart misses the mark.


    Good. It just looked like you were having a meltdown. So you act like this normally then?

    Go on have a laugh. Lighten up a bit mate.

    Anyway back to the topic.


    I like to think of the universe as the body of God.  God is omnipresent throughout creation, just as I am omnipresent throughout my whole body. I view Gpod as eternally creative, so I don’t think there was some sort of timeless, spaceless before this universe  into being.  I think there was another, different one, and so on, ad infinitum into the past and future. Furthermore, I think that timelessness and spacelessness are meaningless concepts.  We have no such experiences.  All our experiences entail time and space.


    Where is God exactly? He lives in the heart/mind of the believer. For now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.


    I think that is a very telling point, Andrew.  God is omnipresent in the richest and fullest sense of the term. As Meister Eckhart, once said, “God is more in things than they are in themselves.” I think it of vital  important for Christians to remind themselves of this fact.  Too often, God’s radical transcendence has been identified with God’s aloofness from creation.


    Hi AndrewAD:

    You ask:

    Where is God exactly? He lives in the heart/mind of the believer. For now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.

    God is a living person whose throne is in heaven, but He is everywhere in his creation by His Spirit.  He dwells in every born again believer by His Spirit.

    In February 1980, although I was a member of a Southern Baptist church, and although I had been taught about God since my youth, I had become an agnostic, but when my wife was going to leave me and take my eight year old son with her, I  prayed “Lord if you are there, I don’t want to lose my family but nevertheless not my will but yours be done.  God revealed to me through the baptism of the Holy Spirit that He is a reality and that the testimony regarding His Son is true.  Before that time, I did not have a personal relationship with God, and I did not because I had not repented.  I was a sinner.  Since I have received the Holy Spirit, I have repented, and have striven to obey the Word of God.  He has spoken to me in various ways since that time, dreams, visions, through His Word, and even in an audible voice.  As my heavenly Father, He has corrected me many a time, just as any Father who loves his children would do.  When we are practicing sin, we are dead or separated from God.  When we come to God with a repentant heart believing the gospel, we are raised from being dead, and separated from God to a personal relationship with Him.

    I believe that the following scripture describes this process:

    Romans 8:

    But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

    11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

    12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

    13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

    14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

    So, you should see God through His creation, the whole heavens and the earth and its host, and you should see God made manifest through the life Jesus as he obeyed God even unto death on the cross, and  through the life of every born again believer as they learn to obey God’s Word in their daily life.

    I will give one other scripture:

    1 John 5:

    If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.

    10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.

    11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

    I hope this is helpful relative to your question.

    Love in Christ,


    Oh thanks for the testimony Marty for we are saved by the word of God and the word of our testimony. And take note to one of the verses you quote that he that believes has the witness in himself which as I quoted is that evidence of things not seen.


    Hi AndrewAD:

    Oh thanks for the testimony Marty for we are saved by the word of God and the word of our testimony. And take note to one of the verses you quote that he that believes has the witness in himself which as I quoted is that evidence of things not seen.

    As born again believers, the witness in ourselves, that God is a reality and that the testimony regarding His giving His Son is true, is the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.  I am not sure that I understand how you mean this to be evidence of things unseen.  I guess that it can be that to us who are born again, but in addition, we walk by faith and not by sight awaiting the promises that God has made to us as His children,

    Love in Christ,


    In teh Christian mystical tradition, Marty, “things unseen” refers to the fact that  God is encountered on a level of awareness  or consciousness deep beneath   thought, sense, or the more specialized forms of conscious knowing.



    You say God is a living person who lives in heaven and everywhere in his creation and in every born again believer. Of course i understand this is what our faith teaches us. But why is it our faith ? is it not because we believe it-walk by faith and not by sight. Is there evidence/ proof God has a throne in heaven or that Jesus was his special son? that’s why faith is our evidence and the witness is within ourselves.Even if you say you’ve had visions and heard voices it’s personal to you for not everyone has had these things,so it’s still by faith and that is your evidence.

    If God  and Jesus were to come down and show themselves to the whole world then there would be no need to have faith in things not seen.


    And btw Marty I wasn’t asking the question as to where is God but answering it since that is the title of this post and my answer was from our bible.

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